Michio Kaku on God

Michio Kaku on God

This Week in Science (TWIS)

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JON RAW - 13.09.2023 17:24

looking for GOD with a conceptualization magnifying glass, lol. You and Einstein both, how can you conceptualize what is beyond the mind? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Stephen Watts
Stephen Watts - 09.09.2023 13:43

2 Esdras 16
New Revised Standard Version
Further Denunciations

16 Woe to you, Babylon and Asia! Woe to you, Egypt and Syria! 2 Bind on sackcloth and cloth of goats’ hair, and wail for your children, and lament for them, for your destruction is at hand. 3 The sword has been sent upon you, and who is there to turn it back? 4 A fire has been sent upon you, and who is there to quench it? 5 Calamities have been sent upon you, and who is there to drive them away? 6 Can one drive off a hungry lion in the forest or quench a fire in the stubble once it has started to burn? 7 Can one turn back an arrow shot by a strong archer? 8 The Lord God sends calamities, and who will drive them away? 9 Fire will go forth from his wrath, and who is there to quench it? 10 He will flash lightning, and who will not be afraid? He will thunder, and who will not be terrified? 11 The Lord will threaten, and who will not be utterly shattered at his presence? 12 The earth and its foundations quake, the sea is churned up from the depths, and its waves and the fish with them shall be troubled at the presence of the Lord and the glory of his power. 13 For his right hand that bends the bow is strong, and his arrows that he shoots are sharp, and when they are shot to the ends of the world they will not miss once. 14 Calamities are sent forth and shall not return until they come over the earth. 15 The fire is kindled and shall not be put out until it consumes the foundations of the earth. 16 Just as an arrow shot by a mighty archer does not return, so the calamities that are sent upon the earth shall not return. 17 Alas for me! Alas for me! Who will deliver me in those days?

The Horror of the Last Days

18 The beginning of sorrows, when there shall be much lamentation; the beginning of famine, when many shall perish; the beginning of wars, when the powers shall be terrified; the beginning of calamities, when all shall tremble. 19 What shall they do when the calamities come? 20 Famine and plague, tribulation and anguish are sent as scourges for the correction of humankind. 21 Yet for all this they will not turn from their iniquities or ever be mindful of the scourges. 22 Indeed, provisions will be so cheap upon earth that people will imagine that peace is assured for them, and then calamities shall spring up on the earth—the sword, famine, and great confusion. 23 For many of those who live on the earth shall perish by famine, and those who survive the famine shall die by the sword. 24 And the dead shall be thrown out like dung, and there shall be no one to console them, for the earth shall be left desolate, and its cities shall be demolished. 25 No one shall be left to cultivate the earth or to sow it. 26 The trees shall bear fruit, but who will gather it? 27 The grapes shall ripen, but who will tread them? For in all places there shall be great solitude; 28 a person will long to see another human or even to hear a human voice. 29 For ten shall be left out of a city, and two out of the field, those who have hidden themselves in thick groves and clefts in the rocks. 30 Just as in an olive orchard three or four olives may be left on every tree, 31 or just as, when a vineyard is gathered, some clusters may be left by those who search carefully through the vineyard, 32 so in those days three or four shall be left by those who search their houses with the sword. 33 The earth shall be left desolate, and its fields shall be plowed up, and its roads and all its paths shall bring forth thorns, because no sheep will go along them. 34 Virgins shall mourn because they have no bridegrooms; women shall mourn because they have no husbands; their daughters shall mourn because they have no help. 35 Their bridegrooms shall be killed in war, and their husbands shall perish of famine.

Stephen Watts
Stephen Watts - 09.09.2023 13:37

The soul consciousness can say … “I and my Father[Spirit] are one.” The deluded ego consciousness says, “I am the body; this is my family and name; these are my possessions.”
~ P. Yogananda

“Soul is the essential radiance of God, the Divine Mind; and individualized souls partake of that same reality, though by their connection to body, they are confined to time and space. These souls, enamored of the material world, become disoriented, bound by their own attachment to matter; but by a deliberate reversal of its intention, an individualized soul is able to look within, examine itself, and ‘see’ its Origin, its higher Self, thereby regaining awareness of its true, eternal identity. …… And he is capable of directly experiencing that Divine Identity within himself.” ~ Swami Abhayananda

“When in inner union he is beyond the world of the body, then the world of the Spirit is found where man possesses all - for he is one with the One.” ~ Svetasvatara Upanishad

“I am nothing else but that supreme Self which is eternal, pure, liberated, one, unbroken Bliss, undivided Existence, and unlimited Knowledge.” ~ Shankaracharya

“A drunken man does not notice whether he is wearing his shawl or whether it has fallen off, so the Realised Man is hardly aware of his body and it makes no difference to him whether it remains or drops off.” ~ Ramana Maharshi

“Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. However, Being is not only beyond but also deep within every form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence. This means that is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don't seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to understand it. You can know it only when the mind is still.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

“Insofar as the genuine mystic is totally emptied of “self” and becomes a pure instrument of God, he or she may honestly and truly declare “I am awake,” as did the Buddha, or “I and the Father are One” as did Jesus, where the “I” refers not to the human instrument, but to God.” ~ Thomas J. McFarlane

“Thou art He, without one of these limitations.” ~ Ibn Arabi

“Is this living Splendor, this beaming Sun of Life, beyond the slightest touch of earthly sorrow, suffering or pain, my real Self? O wonder of wonders, am I this immortal Being, happy beyond measure.” ~ Gopi Krishna

“Before the world was, you were, and when the world is no longer, you remain” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“You yourself are God, the Supreme Reality.” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“We are not only permeated by God’s Consciousness, we are made of His essence; we are projections of His light. And our consciousness is essentially identical with the Consciousness of God.” ~ Swami Abhayananda

“A visiting Irish journalist asked her, “Am I right to believe that you are God?” to which Sri Ma replied, “There is nothing save He alone; everyone and everything is a form of God. In your person also He has come.” ~ Anandamoyi Ma

“Right knowledge, destroying ignorance, dissolves the ego-sense consciousness of oneness with the immortal Atman, seated in your heart, and pervading all life and form in the universe.” ~ Papa Ramdas

“Forget not that you are the immortal and blissful Spirit.”
~ Papa Ramdas

“Consider not that you are merely a perishable and changing being; you are the absolute, immortal, changeless, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Truth.”~ Papa Ramdas

“Throw off the mask that enshrouds your real Divine nature and reveal yourself in all your magnificence.” ~ Papa Ramdas

“Since most of us exist on a lower level of consciousness, we do not experience ourselves as the divine Self; instead, we experience ourselves as individual souls with distinctly unique attributes, and we deal with others as individuals with unique attributes - though in fact, there is only the one Divinity living and acting in the world as individual souls.” ~ Swami Abhayananda

“At the highest, or deepest, spiritual level, there are no souls; there is only the divine Self ... it is realized by enlightened sages as the highest truth, the sole source and origin of all the manifest planes of existence, and everyone’s ultimate identity.” ~ Swami Abhayananda

Quotations on Comparison of ego-consciousness and god-consciousness

“You see yourself in the world, while I see the world in myself. To you, you get born and die, while to me the world appears and disappears.” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.” ~ Ramana Maharshi

“We are the Divine Self of the universe. But, through Maya, we have become deluded into believing that we are poor, limited, finite forms whose only satisfaction is in the pitiable pleasures of the flesh.” ~ Prajapati

“Throughout history, it has been the contention of the mystics of all cultural traditions that the “vision of God” reveals man's essential oneness with Absolute Being, awakening him to his true, eternal Identity. Prior to such divine illumination, say these mystics, man suffers under the mistaken illusion that he is a limited and finite being.” ~ Swami Abhayananda

“Our essence, the one Divine Consciousness, is the only true ‘I’ in all the universe and beyond; It is everyone’s eternal Identity. But, by His mysterious power of illusion (maya), the Spirit born into this world as soul takes on a limited set of characteristics … which constitutes one’s limited temporal identity, otherwise known as the jiva, or individualized soul.” ~ Swami Abhayananda

Stephen Watts
Stephen Watts - 09.09.2023 13:36

Albert Einstein �
“I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.”
“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.”
"Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think.
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, determined by the external world."
“Time does not exist – we invented it. Time is what the clock says. The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me."
"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.”
"A human being experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
"Our separation from each other is an optical illusion."
“When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected. The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness.”
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
“We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”
“When you examine the lives of the most influential people who have ever walked among us, you discover one thread that winds through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only then with their physical selves.”
“The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self.”
“The ancients knew something, which we seem to have forgotten.”
“The more I learn of physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.”
“One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike. We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.”
“I’m not an atheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books.”
"The common idea that I am an atheist is based on a big mistake. Anyone who interprets my scientific theories this way, did not understand them."
"Everything is determined, every beginning and ending, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."
“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend a personal God and avoid dogma and theology.”
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
"I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care about money. Decorations, titles or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. I claim credit for nothing. A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future."

The first law of thermodynamics "energy can not be destroyed or created, it can be converted only from one form to another, ultimate energy is constant" proved the correctness of the spiritualistic concept of the immateriality of the soul as energy. Actually, everything of the universe is made of light [29], even heart and soul, which would be a new direction towards the modern world to understand the whole universe. ...

Which means that everything that exists contains the information of everything else that exists.
The information of the entire universe is contained holographically and energetically in every
single cell.
It’s hard to grasp when we’re sitting in traffic or waiting in the doctor’s office to get a flu shot, but
science is revealing that our world is more of an energetic idea than anything else.
As the famous Austrian theoretical physicist Erwin Schrödinger put it, “What we observe as
material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space.
Particles are just schaumkommen (appearances).” That essentially everything is energy.
I used to lie in bed at night for hours wondering how my hand and my pillow, the parquet tiles on
the floor in my bedroom, and the sultry night air wafting over my body could all be nothing but
intangible, energetic information.
How was it possible? It was crazy! I mean, come on. This stuff is real!
But what is real? How do we define it? As physical beings—oops—as apparentlyphysical beings
of course we would define reality in physical terms. But given the inescapable scientific proof we
have now gathered that everything is energy at the most fundamental levels, it seems this world
(and everybody in it) isn’t physical at all.
Whether we call it the unfolding implicate/explicate order, “irregularities in the fabric of space,”
Planck scale information, or Platonic ideals doesn’t matter. Invisible, intangible and unfathomably
powerful energies lie at the foundation of the universe, interconnecting and interpenetrating all
life—unfolding as life.
And these energies are best understood as information/intelligence/consciousness itself.
As Swami Muktananda puts it, “The Self, Shiva, is supremely pure and independent, and you can
experience it constantly sparkling within your mind. It cannot be perceived by the senses,
because it makes the senses function. It cannot be perceived by the mind, because it makes the
mind think. Still, the Self can be known, and to know it we do not need the help of the mind or the
Bottom line, matter and energy, information and consciousness are just different ways of looking
at the same thing. And if we include the experience of mystics who have directly grasped and
taught that everything is energy and about the unified consciousness of creation for millennia, we
can add the word “self” to this interchangeable mix as well.
SELF = Intelligence = Information = Energy = Mass = Life = God = Spirit = Consciousness
It’s all the same thing. It’s all ONE thing. And everything is energy.

Stephen Watts
Stephen Watts - 09.09.2023 13:36

The first law of thermodynamics "energy can not be destroyed or created, it can be converted only from one form to another, ultimate energy is constant" proved the correctness of the spiritualistic concept of the immateriality of the soul as energy. Actually, everything of the universe is made of light [29], even heart and soul, which would be a new direction towards the modern world to understand the whole universe. ...

Which means that everything that exists contains the information of everything else that exists.
The information of the entire universe is contained holographically and energetically in every
single cell.
It’s hard to grasp when we’re sitting in traffic or waiting in the doctor’s office to get a flu shot, but
science is revealing that our world is more of an energetic idea than anything else.
As the famous Austrian theoretical physicist Erwin Schrödinger put it, “What we observe as
material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space.
Particles are just schaumkommen (appearances).” That essentially everything is energy.
I used to lie in bed at night for hours wondering how my hand and my pillow, the parquet tiles on
the floor in my bedroom, and the sultry night air wafting over my body could all be nothing but
intangible, energetic information.
How was it possible? It was crazy! I mean, come on. This stuff is real!
But what is real? How do we define it? As physical beings—oops—as apparentlyphysical beings
of course we would define reality in physical terms. But given the inescapable scientific proof we
have now gathered that everything is energy at the most fundamental levels, it seems this world
(and everybody in it) isn’t physical at all.
Whether we call it the unfolding implicate/explicate order, “irregularities in the fabric of space,”
Planck scale information, or Platonic ideals doesn’t matter. Invisible, intangible and unfathomably
powerful energies lie at the foundation of the universe, interconnecting and interpenetrating all
life—unfolding as life.
And these energies are best understood as information/intelligence/consciousness itself.
As Swami Muktananda puts it, “The Self, Shiva, is supremely pure and independent, and you can
experience it constantly sparkling within your mind. It cannot be perceived by the senses,
because it makes the senses function. It cannot be perceived by the mind, because it makes the
mind think. Still, the Self can be known, and to know it we do not need the help of the mind or the
Bottom line, matter and energy, information and consciousness are just different ways of looking
at the same thing. And if we include the experience of mystics who have directly grasped and
taught that everything is energy and about the unified consciousness of creation for millennia, we
can add the word “self” to this interchangeable mix as well.
SELF = Intelligence = Information = Energy = Mass = Life = God = Spirit = Consciousness
It’s all the same thing. It’s all ONE thing. And everything is energy.

Stephen Watts
Stephen Watts - 09.09.2023 13:35

Did you know that there is no inherent illumination or luminosity in photons? “Light,” as such, cannot be found there. Photons are, perhaps, ‘packets’ of energy which have the properties of both spread-out waves and localized particles. Photons only take on the appearance of being luminous as they arise within consciousness, in our mind’s eye. It may be that photons are spread-out energy potentials that fill the immensity of space, and only take on the appearance of being a localized discrete particle of “light” when we become aware of them in consciousness, in this actualized awareness we call mind. Thus, you are the light of the kosmos. This “light” is only arising in us. The world outside of a mind is perfectly ‘dark,’ or empty, unactualized in any way. Of course, what else could it be? What would perceive it as illuminated, or as any “thing”?
All of our thoughts are the activity of consciousness, modulations of that consciousness, incarnations within that pure consciousness, rays shining from inside that consciousness. We are agents of that consciousness, emerging from within that consciousness. All there is to experience is the knowing of it, and that knowing is God’s own Self in us, living in us, the source of our life, the energy of consciousness itself.
We could say that God lives in us, since consciousness seems to have become localized in this particular body-mind. Or we could say that we live in God, since all that we perceive arises in that consciousness, including our body-mind. Thus, Jesus was right to say, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10-11, 20). Both are true, and they are true of us as well. We are arising within God, and God is arising within us as well. Sometimes this is called “mutual indwelling,” the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father, also called perichoresis or co-inherence in Christian terminology.
God is the field of consciousness in which all knowing occurs, in which all thoughts and perceptions and feelings and sensations arise, like waves in the ocean. Our body-mind and its thoughts are like localizations within that consciousness, temporary manifestations of that Ultimate Reality, expressions of that consciousness, that being, that One.
God becomes veiled and hidden from our awareness when the thoughts that arise in and from consciousness believe they are something separate and discrete from the consciousness in which they are arising. The thoughts form a separate entity, a dualistic subjective ego, a separate self identity, an independent being, an “Adam/Eve,” which thinks it is apart from infinite nondual divine consciousness and Ultimate Reality. This seems to be the “Fall,” the beginning of duality and separateness and alienation from God’s Presence.
But how could thoughts be separate from the consciousness in which they have arisen? They can’t, but that is exactly what our thoughts and our self-identification with them think they are. It is a kind of psychological illusion. The thoughts take on their own separate identity apart from pure nondual consciousness, forming a self, a person, an entity, seemingly cut off from its own source and essence.
Once we look at it like this, it seems impossible, and that is because it is. Our ‘self’ is never actually separate from the source in which it arises, thoughts are never separate from the consciousness in which they emerge, the wave is not separate from the ocean. The thoughts that make up our ‘self’ are just finite actualizations or relative localizations of the infinite potential of absolute consciousness, or Divine Being, or Ultimate Reality. In Christian symbolism we call this the incarnation of God. In Buddhism it is the Dharmakaya that incarnates as the Nirmanakaya Buddha. In Hinduism it is Brahman that manifests itself as each Atman. God becomes incarnate in reality, in the flesh, embodied, in us and all things.
There is no time, no space, nowhere we can go, nowhere we can be, that will be outside of this Presence of God, outside of this consciousness, beyond the borders of God, or the Ultimate Reality. God is always present, and is Presence itself, awareness itself, consciousness itself, the “spirit of life” within us, from which we derive all being, all knowing, all our substance, every thought, every sensation. It all arises in God. This is perhaps why, in order to pierce the veil and know God directly, contemplative practices such as meditation help train us to transcend thought, to go back to the source of thought itself, beyond all thoughts of self, to recognize that from which it all arises, this pure open vastness of nondual unitive at-one consciousness.
Do you see why we cannot “think” God? Nothing that arises in consciousness as a thought will be that consciousness in which it is arising. No relative finite manifestation in consciousness can be the absolute pure infinite consciousness, even though every manifestation or relativization or actualization of that consciousness is made up of nothing other than that consciousness. God is Present even while we are trying to comprehend God, even in the midst of that very comprehension. God is what makes that attempt at comprehension even possible. God is the very field in which we are trying to know God. When we let go of the trying, the conceptualization, surrendering the thoughts that are trying to know themselves, and rest in the pure still silent open awareness of being, that is when the realization of God may dawn on us, as us.

John Revelation
John Revelation - 01.09.2023 18:48

For millennia, connotations of the word "God" have become so deteriorated. The terms Consciousness / Mind / Intelligence seem more relevant for these types of discussions. It seems that the concept of God is not experimentally testable. However, evidence for the effects of Consciousness / Mind / Intelligence are scientifically demonstrable.

The illogical, irrational, and unreasonable position of claiming that there is No Universal Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence (i.e. Atheism): The fallacy is the assumption that something is true (i.e. Universal Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence does not exist) unless proven otherwise. The Claimant making a negative claim (i.e. Universal Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence does not exist) cannot logically, rationally, and reasonably prove nonexistence. Because, for a Claimant to know that X does not exist would require the Claimant to possess 100% knowledge of all things with 100% certainty and 100% accuracy (i.e. omniscience).

Even mainstream secular scientists claim that approx. 95% of the Universe is still unknown (i.e. Dark Energy and Dark Matter). Of the remaining 5% of the Universe, only 0.0035% exists within the visible light spectrum which the human eye is capable of observing. Moreover, of all that is made of atoms and capable of being observed in this "Material" universe, 99.999999999% is actually empty space (Note: Scientists now believe that empty space is actually filled with Quantum or Vacuum Fluctuations. "Vacuum fluctuations appear as virtual (i.e. non-material) particles, which are always created in particle–antiparticle pairs. Since they are created spontaneously without a source of energy, vacuum fluctuations and virtual particles are said to violate the conservation of energy. This is theoretically allowable because the particles annihilate each other within a time limit determined by the uncertainty principle so they are not directly observable. " (Wikipedia) The point being, despite its name, Virtual fluctuations or “Particles" are unobserved non-material theoretical entities. Therefore, there is much, much more that humanity does not know about the Universe and Reality than it does know. Based on just this information, the position of claiming to be Atheist is shown to be illogical, irrational and unreasonable.

“… Everyone who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.” Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), founder of modern physics (Theory of Relativity inter alia) and 1921 Nobel prize winner

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind (i.e. Observer). This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Plank (the Father of Quantum Physics)

Modern scientific discoveries in Genetics / biology have shown that functional / coded / digital Information (i.e. DNA code) is at the core of All Biological Systems. Without functional / coded / digital information, there is No biology. The only known source (i.e. cause) in the universe that has been Observed (i.e. Scientific Method) in nature to be capable of producing functional / coded / digital information, such as that found even in the most primitive biological systems, is mind / consciousness / intelligence.

The fact that DNA / genes (biological coded information) exists at all shows that a Consciousness / Intelligence / Mind is involved in the initial introduction and subsequent propagation of living systems. Undirected random material natural processes have never been observed in nature or experimentally demonstrated to be capable of producing Functional / Coded / Digital information such as that required for biological systems, even at the most primitive levels of biological life.

"Language: All Digital communications require a formal language, which in this context consists of all the information that the sender and receiver of the digital communication must both possess, in advance, in order for the communication to be successful." (Wikipedia: Digital Data) Inherent in DNA is language. Language is scientifically demonstrated to be the product of only Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence.

Laws of the Universe exist Independent of anyone's personal beliefs in the existence of the Laws of the Universe. Just as man-made laws govern society globally, Universal Laws govern the entire Universe. Undirected random material natural processes have never been observed in nature or experimentally demonstrated to be capable of producing any form of laws. As scientifically confirmed, non-material laws are the product of only Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence.

The “World’s Most Notorious Atheist” and World’s Icon and Champion Advocate for Atheism for over 50 years, Antony Flew, finally concluded, “I now believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that this universe’s intricate laws manifest what scientists have called the Mind of God. I believe that life and reproduction originate in a divine Source. Why do I believe this, given that I expounded and defended atheism for more than a half century? The short answer is this: this is the world picture, as I see it, that has emerged from MODERN SCIENCE.”

J o l l y G r a p e f r u i t
J o l l y G r a p e f r u i t - 30.08.2023 18:22

It's so reassuring to me as a former devout Lutheran and current agnostic adult that the debate of God is not settled even amongst the smartest humans on the planet.

Cerph - 29.08.2023 14:01

Regardless of how smart you are, understanding God isn't a mental experience- (it's spiritual).

John Weiss
John Weiss - 20.08.2023 21:39

"This is my equation. And we ask, where did this equation come from?" -- It came from Michio Kaku.

Fred Pierce
Fred Pierce - 13.08.2023 23:23

We are partway there with this Spinoza assessment of the nature of God but what is not correct is the impersonal God who does not intervene, express love and emotions or answer prayers…… this blind spot in human and scientific understanding emanates from not having familiarity with Holy Scripture which is entirely revealing throughout that God is a Relational Being who, in actuality requires our being in relationship with Him as a condition of Salvation. Christ died for our Sin on a cross because God “ so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that we might believe upon Him and be saved”. You cannot find this Truth in a textbook or a laboratory. Neither is it a thing which mankind can easily comprehend. It is by the Grace Of God that His Elect are chosen. That’s tough love for most Scientists to swallow. “Narrow is the gate and few are those passing through it.”

George James Ducas
George James Ducas - 06.08.2023 19:01

Olinto de preto, not Einstein equation

Brukujin Brokujin
Brukujin Brokujin - 26.07.2023 19:04

You are proof that God exist. We are created. DNA is "coding language of the Gods". Its like 01 in computer, but with ACTG proteins. From this only 4 protein, you can create anything. From trees to human. Bacteria, virus. Everything comes only from ACTG. Now tell me that is not a coding language. And believing it comes by coincidence requires more faith than believing God that can walk on water

James Tiburon
James Tiburon - 13.07.2023 03:10

What a great question ? What an intellect asking ?

R Mohd
R Mohd - 02.07.2023 03:25


Max a Mahnken
Max a Mahnken - 27.06.2023 22:33

God is a personal, prayer answering God.

lotus champ
lotus champ - 28.05.2023 12:01

Pantheism is the only religion that actually makes sense

Xerneas 23
Xerneas 23 - 13.05.2023 01:35


Mad Max
Mad Max - 08.05.2023 05:37

All Gods are the results of the human mind.

Lord Menace
Lord Menace - 03.05.2023 09:26

Btw all I can give you is what iv got...and this poor god has nothing but a stick and stone to work with lol
But I can give you sooo much more 😊🙏

Lord Menace
Lord Menace - 03.05.2023 09:24

Hehehe if you want his true birth given name. Its Hayden Tuhakaraina 😂

Seef alonazi
Seef alonazi - 01.05.2023 00:56

لماذا يتجاهلون السوال المهم جدا هو كيف وجد الكون ؟ من خلق الكون ولماذا وجد الكون وكيف ؟ وبعدها كيف اتت حيه من لا حياه !؟ هذه الاسئله المهمه

anturangga Tantra
anturangga Tantra - 30.04.2023 14:21

There may be a god, there may not be a god.
But if it truly exists, it won't be the one that any religion ever imagined. All I know is that god care about us as much as we care about a grain of sands in the middle of Sahara.

Tsukasa666 - 29.04.2023 21:56

Kaku doesn't look like he's aged at all😮

Layse Teles
Layse Teles - 27.04.2023 02:00

O Michio kaku sempre fala do deus Eisteiniano, mas da física (a ciência).

Mr DIM - 19.04.2023 17:53

n your dreams. More garbage. Who are you kidding.

Adonis Top of Men
Adonis Top of Men - 07.04.2023 16:12

Great scientist ...

Endrin - 06.04.2023 01:28

Different interpretations of Spinosa's god are available here 😁

habibullah mohammadi
habibullah mohammadi - 01.04.2023 23:31

Where did the point come from?

Kiram - 29.03.2023 00:56

While criticizing quantum mechanics, Einstein once said, "I do not believe that God plays dice with the universe." He meant that God is not a being who plays uncertain gambles with humans and the universe. It is also evident from his statement that Einstein believed in a rational God. He was even once asked, 'What do you believe about God?', he said, 'What I believe is that the universe is so wonderful that only God could have created it.' Another of his famous quotes about God is, 'God is subtle but He is not malicious.'

Fa Ali
Fa Ali - 26.03.2023 23:43

She looks up to him, as if he is her boyfriend or a father, so much passion in someone’s eyes is a sight to see

DioLieve CBD Products
DioLieve CBD Products - 24.03.2023 10:53

That was a short video. I

Fadi Zakzouk
Fadi Zakzouk - 22.03.2023 12:57

I like Michio kaku but why does he never mention the studies that have been made on reincartion

yCOPYYY¥RIGHT - 20.03.2023 00:20

... if you have been Educated to be weak and to believe that someone else will help you to live out your life, than God is an option, but then you shouldn't complain about God's service quality ... . (Interpreting Michio K)

Abdulla Zoobi
Abdulla Zoobi - 05.03.2023 08:32

Quran says something about this

Maria Augustyniak
Maria Augustyniak - 17.02.2023 23:19

God n all we kn

Question Everything
Question Everything - 13.02.2023 16:08

Dr. Mitchell Kaku has been searching for the God Equation, but what he should be searching for, is the “Expression of Internal Energy,” which creates momentum, represented by the physics formula Ep. The “God Expression” can be defined as Ep equaling everything. ~Guadalupe Guerra

Ismail K
Ismail K - 05.02.2023 05:19

God is a necessary existence, without existence of God, there will be no existence whatsoever. Something must have always existed or you need to explain how the universe is here

C W - 05.02.2023 04:04

Science proves the existence of God. The beauty of life and everything is absolutely mind boggling and beautiful!! Stars, trees, water, planets, and humans and how complex we are!

Cesar Miguel Pimentel
Cesar Miguel Pimentel - 03.02.2023 23:13

Einstein, obviously, didn't understand the Word of God. Maybe he never read it.

Phillip Hsieh
Phillip Hsieh - 13.11.2022 08:54

God is a German translation.

Yahweh is the Hebrew translation.

Arthur Kuntz
Arthur Kuntz - 12.11.2022 19:23


Ryu - 04.11.2022 02:19

God is a paradoxon. Both Everything and nothing. Both life and death. Both the Devil and God. Universe and the nothingness of space. The super soul and at the same time the Single Entity that gives life to us all and takes our life into his heart when we die. Both man and female. Yin and Yang. The Possible and the impossible. God is even atheist because his nothingness is the state of no God at the same time the light and all forms that enlightens everyone

Sreenath Johnson  🏳️‍🌈⃠
Sreenath Johnson 🏳️‍🌈⃠ - 24.09.2022 19:49


misty cloud
misty cloud - 14.09.2022 02:32

A.G.I Will be man's last invention

Chemistry from zero
Chemistry from zero - 12.09.2022 12:11

GOD is the Creator of the universe

John St Fleur
John St Fleur - 03.09.2022 12:51

5:50 A.M.
