Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression to My Mother

Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression to My Mother

Button Poetry

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Octavia 62728
Octavia 62728 - 25.11.2023 04:40

You would think parents would be the one of the ppl in your life that would believe you.

Kenna steinman
Kenna steinman - 21.11.2023 08:18

this poem evokes some sort of emotion in me that i will never be able to explain. i cant help but come back.

2TsuKuku - 19.11.2023 10:00

came here from a really good fred again song lol

Seraph1nia - 18.11.2023 19:21

Wow, I wasn;t prepared for this one and that makes it even better. Thanks Sabrina

Wumbo - 16.11.2023 05:39

shut up

e l s i e
e l s i e - 08.11.2023 17:18

Actual. Frickin. Goosebumps. She is amazing.

Dan Mendoza
Dan Mendoza - 07.11.2023 00:33

I can’t fathom the amount of people who feel understood after she released this poem.

Tim Tom
Tim Tom - 06.11.2023 23:32

Wow.... that hits so hard😢

Suman Thapa
Suman Thapa - 05.11.2023 21:23


Samyak Sonone
Samyak Sonone - 28.10.2023 17:46

Fred again made something beautiful out of it ❤

John Schwartz
John Schwartz - 28.10.2023 14:49


Gabrielly - 26.10.2023 09:26

Still coming back here for years now, when my depression takes the best of me and I feel like I can't put into words the storm of pain and sadness in me, but this woman makes me feel less alone and understood.

I really hope that one day I'll be able to come to this video and comment that i could overcome this and I'm better. Untill then, to anyone who comes here and feel what she felt, know that you are not alone, and u can get better, we can get better. One day we are not going to be afraid of living.

Dylan Castle
Dylan Castle - 23.10.2023 04:15

This poem explains how I felt when I was going through a bad depression. This is important and needs to be shared because I could never explain my feelings to my family. If people who struggle with depression showed this to their family, maybe their families' would get a glimpse into what they are struggling with.

Candace Chentel
Candace Chentel - 15.10.2023 19:18

I remember sending this to my mom 8-10 years ago when I first saw it because I was unable to get her to understand what my depression does to me. I’m 35 now and because she wrote this I’m still alive; because when the one person I needed to understand what their words kept doing to me was able to finally understand what I couldn’t say they changed. My mom changed. She still has a long way to go and so do I but she changed in all the ways I needed her too before I found a permanent solution to what still feels like a permanent problem.

daniel breedlove
daniel breedlove - 05.10.2023 17:47

First off don't tell me what to do in comments. If you don't want comments turn them off. Secondly you should move out of your mom's house because it's obvious that it's her fault.
Third great speech. Stop giving speeches it gets you worked up.
And finally coming from someone who has had depression. It's not easy but you're doing great, being able to give such a speech in front of a crowd your just cooking along at about 20% depression in my opinion. When you get to 80% you will just sit in a corner and cry. Best advice I can give is get away from mom. It's your life to live.

Joshua Hall
Joshua Hall - 05.10.2023 08:38

I'm not sure if anyone without depression can truly understand . we just need some mercy and compassion and at the same time we have to accept the fact that some people you love and people that truly love you might have to leave you and fully know that they don't want to but they don't don't want to.thats life and only lucky children have the bliss of ignorance that life certainly is not fair as the way humans define it

Danial Eddie
Danial Eddie - 04.10.2023 09:51

Fred again!

Sven - 24.09.2023 20:06

Imagine Fred Again remixing this

LogicLabProd - 22.09.2023 16:30

perfect. explanation. period.

Anuradha Kumari
Anuradha Kumari - 16.09.2023 17:40

Her voice is still echoing in my head, this was so intense, freaking moving

veggiet2009 - 14.09.2023 08:22

"it's not very fun, having fun when you don't really want to have fun!"

Gourav Joshi
Gourav Joshi - 13.09.2023 04:08

This is so relatable. Thank you.

I came here tho after listening to a song of Fred again - A party

Mesocool - 09.09.2023 22:20

Y she shaking so much?

Jack's Travel's
Jack's Travel's - 03.09.2023 19:20

fred again brought me here

T J - 29.08.2023 18:11

I can relate to this

T J - 29.08.2023 18:11

Wow this was amazing

instantchopshopobservation - 26.08.2023 16:49

amazing performance!

brown guy
brown guy - 18.08.2023 07:02

Fred again has made this even more powerful than I thought possible

Reckedian - 17.08.2023 00:08

I truly have never felt more understood

Dan ODonnell
Dan ODonnell - 16.08.2023 20:25

That's one of the greatest performances of our lifetimes. Wow.

Emily Thompson
Emily Thompson - 08.08.2023 13:04


Cale Reacts
Cale Reacts - 03.08.2023 05:35

I have to thank this poem for sparking my interest in writing and poetry years ago, and I often find myself coming back to this same video when I feel I have lost myself, the replay button is my best friend with this video, because it reminds me that there is still me inside of me somewhere, even when the world has begged me to change.

Lalablahblah - 01.08.2023 16:09

This poem still rips me to shreds.

Basil - 29.07.2023 17:06

Bro was having a Spazzum while doing this :0

Christian Lopez
Christian Lopez - 29.07.2023 09:45

Beautiful ❤ what a writer.

Jolene - 28.07.2023 06:08

I'm furious with the people who were whistling and clapping. It's the most inappropriate time ever, to cheer and clap.
I can't get over it.
Feel so much like her, she just wants to be heard, let her speak. Listen.

Shawn Monroe
Shawn Monroe - 28.07.2023 05:08

God love you. You are so brave and eloquent with how you speak. Thank you for this!

xX_GodNotReal_Xx - 27.07.2023 14:56

She's high on MDMA, look at her pupils.

NKA23 - 22.07.2023 13:52

Her description what major depressions and anxiety feel like reminds me of myself, but her looks, her mimics, her gestures and even her clothing style remind me of my friend Jule back from the late 90s, early 2000s. Even her voice sounds similiar. The resemblance is almost scary in some moments of this video. The fact that she doesn't resamble that friend of mine that much in other footage or in photos makes it even stranger.

Dinglshingle - 21.07.2023 06:37

holy fuck! the sheer talent of her mixed with all those emotions was unique and extremely moving.

Naan_bread - 14.07.2023 20:48

I found this after the fred again song, so the entire time she was talking I was waiting for the beat to drop.

Mirko - 14.07.2023 18:33

why the F they keep clapppiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng?!?!?!?!??!

Qaamm - 12.07.2023 01:05

here after the Fred again set at glasto which I thought was deep. This made me tear up way more :(

Fabián Valdez
Fabián Valdez - 10.07.2023 09:15

What a disrespectful audience, can't they just listen an appreciate the girl exposure?.. they have to clap and make noises of aprovation?... That's just feel overreacted.

Feras Khalil
Feras Khalil - 07.07.2023 03:15

I went to a rave once. I have social anxiety, depression, dissociative personality trait. I kept searching and trying to find anything that makes me feel alive. Nothing. For 24 years, nothing. I started abusing drugs and alcohol on a daily basis. After years drugs and alcohol stopped working. I have lots of loyal social friends that didnt leave me alone even in my weirdest days. I tried partying but that only made my anxiety and self hatred increase. Until I went to a rave. That’s the only time I feel alive, everybody is dancing and everybody seems to be in their own world. I felt invisible I can move how ever I want nobody seemed to care. I went to a rave and it was the best decision I ever made.

Anthony Collis
Anthony Collis - 03.07.2023 21:25

Who’s here because of Fred again?

Наташечка - 03.07.2023 17:25

Сабрина Бенаим - " Объяснение маме моей депрессии".
Окленд . Новая Зеландия. 2014г.
Мам, моя депрессия, как оборотень.
Иногда она словно маленький светлячок на лапе медведя,
Потом она сама становится медведем.
В этот момент я притворяюсь мертвецом,
Пока медведь меня не оставит.
Я называю недобрые дни "темным временем".
Мама подсказывает: "зажги свечи".
Когда я вижу горящую свечу, то представляю церковь,
Мерцание пламени.
Искры возвращают апогей моей юности.
Я стою рядом с ее открытым гробом;
В этот момент понимаю, что люди смертны.
Мам, я не боюсь темноты, и это тревожит.
Мама шепчет: " думаю, проблема в том,
Что тебе трудно вставать по утрам."
Я не могу, тоска держит меня в заложницах,
Она пробралась в мой дом, в мою душу.
Мама спрашивает: "Откуда взялась твоя печаль?"
Видимо, депрессия пригласила тревогу на вечеринку.

Они между собой кузины, приехавшие из разных городов.
Мам, я и есть вечеринка, только не хочу ею быть.
Мама в ответ: " Почему ты не хочешь сходить на настоящую вечеринку
И просто повидать друзей?"
Конечно, такие мысли появляются,
Но я не хочу никуда идти;
Я все-таки планирую, потому что идти куда-то нужно.
Иногда хочу пойти,
Но нельзя веселиться, когда не весело.
Видишь ли, мам, каждую ночь
Бессонница душит меня в своих объятиях,
Бросает тело в жар, словно в раскаленную кухонную печь.
Бессонница заключила романтический союз с луной.
Мама предлагает: "Попробуй посчитать овец".
Однако мой разум умеет лишь считать причины,
Почему я не должна спать.
Когда иду гулять, мои коленки заикаются и дрожат,
Подобно серебреным ложкам в сильных руках
С ослабевшими запястьями.
Звон этих ложек раздается в голове,
Словно неуклюжие колокола в церкви,
Напоминая мне, что я- лунатик
В океане счастья, где нельзя креститься.
" Счастье- это решение"- утверждает мама.
Но мое счастье дырявое, как проколотое булавкой яйцо.
Мое счастье, как высокая температура при гриппе.
Болезнь уйдет, и градусы понизятся.
Мама замечает, что я очень ловко умею раздувать муху в слона
И вдруг резко спрашивает, боюсь ли я смерти?
Нет, мам, я боюсь жизни.
Мам, я одинока.
Когда ушел отец, я научилась превращать злость в одиночество,
А одиночество в занятость.
Когда говорю, что очень занята,
Это означает, я засыпаю на диване перед теликом,
Транслирующим спортканал.
Так не хочется столкнуться с пустотой в собственной кровати.
Там ждет только депрессия,
Что превращает кости моего скелета в окаменелости затонувшего города.
Мой рот- кладбище сломанных зубов, которые я стискиваю от отчаяния.
Пустая грудь отдает эхом сердцебиения.
Но я всего лишь беспечная туристка, которая не знает своего маршрута.
Мам, ты меня не понимаешь.
Мам, ты меня не видишь.
Не знаю, почему так.


Isabel Vargas
Isabel Vargas - 02.07.2023 20:11

Explaining my depression to my mom: Her response "I go to work, come home and pay my bills, I don't have your problems or deal with your depression or whatever. At least there's nothing wrong with me. You're crazy."
Also in the same conversation
"Well at least your dad married me, even though he used to beat me. But you? Nobody wants to marry you, everyone leaves you. Maybe He did Love you, but probably not. You think you're so beautiful and pretty, but it doesn't mean anything. Because you lost your job and can't pay your bills. Oh well. Guess you're going to end up homeless again."
The reason at 30 years old, I have cut my mother off for good 💀
But as a mother I hope my daughter will NEVER have to explain her depression to me. Because I will make goddamn sure she NEVER HAS IT ❤

Jennifer Carr
Jennifer Carr - 01.07.2023 03:38

Wow I am speechless. That was amazing 😮❤

Adam Mills
Adam Mills - 30.06.2023 21:30

Fred Again’s performance sampling this at Glasto last week was so powerful. It was amazingly executed and he included the first minute of the poem. It’s a truly powerful poem and thanks to Fred Gibson it’s now a crazy powerful moment in music 😁👍
