Building around Eternal Youth to get insane HP recharge - Path of Exile (3.10 Delirium)

Building around Eternal Youth to get insane HP recharge - Path of Exile (3.10 Delirium)


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CroshTym - 21.01.2023 03:34


Cassius - 06.06.2021 05:37

Scion juggernaut would help probably which will free up the interruption nodes

i know this is a much older skill tree but with glancing blows and stun immunity from scion juggernaut and grabbing phase acro/acro could be good

also wicked ward works differently now it seems as recharge is always going w/ eternal youth permanently. Because you do not need to worry about the recharge starting again you can just go full forehead on recharge rate with blightwell and you can get some pretty big numbers it seems

RoaringLaughter - 16.12.2020 15:19

Why is

melanclock - 19.06.2020 22:19

in a normal es recharge build I really like high avoidance like I toss up enfeeble stack evasion with es + dodge/block and stibnite flask. When I get mobbed I just gotta dodge enough for es recharge to start and I will refill

sober667 - 05.04.2020 15:54

I know you can block self dmg from hiltless- is there any other insignificant dmg wich you can self inflickt and block?

veritaseru - 05.04.2020 00:32

Use cast when stunned!! You don't need to the damage. "69% chance to trigger spells when you are stunned OR BLOCK A STUNNING HIT" it's wonderful. I'm currently running max block on a Wild strike scion. 80/75% went in gladiator ascendancy, but cluster jewels and regular jewels make up for damage. Need to be tanky in delirium!

Chad Fernin
Chad Fernin - 04.04.2020 14:16

how does diadem interact with this?

Rasmus - 04.04.2020 12:05

+1 or +2 6 linked bow with +1 support gems and soul strike could be good.
Easy way to get level 4 empower with only level 3 empower too.

That's what people use for Blade vortex.
But you would probably have to buy one with colors, i used 1000 chromes to color mine 4 blue 1 red 1 green last league.
Good luck.

ukord - 04.04.2020 10:14

hi wolf, i think the doge variant is the better solution. you could use the shield "Mistwall" and build around doge, spelldoge.

Xeridanus - 03.04.2020 22:06

Those gloves would only turn your life into es when you start channeling.
Why don't you have a bated breath? Or brittle barrier for that matter, though that one might not be worth it.

Struyk - 03.04.2020 18:59

Blightwell + Vaal Discipline + Soul Catcher + Soul Ripper ( Maybe self curse temporal chains ) = Easy Regen

ryan - 03.04.2020 11:16

there is also the keystone that doubles your block chance and you take 50% damage from when you block. with a shield build you can get % life gain on block or something. i am pretty sure its more effective way of survival than the one you are using. i dont like the eternal youth node really

FJaypewpew - 03.04.2020 10:05

I was just thinking I wanted to do a regen build, way more basic than this lmaoo

Jack Fury
Jack Fury - 03.04.2020 09:25


targetthyself - 03.04.2020 03:13

I think you should try Soul Strike Quiver with Scourge Arrow, or Lightning Arrow with Voltaxic, plus getting 20% recharge rate on jewels, to get it down to just a couple of seconds. Then you can go hybrid and use the 120 es regen per second craft to turn into a regen monster.

Dreschau - 03.04.2020 03:06

Don't get hit, don't take damage.

granitecrab1 - 03.04.2020 00:15

The Devouring Diadem use a actual skill that hits and you can cast fast boom there is your build.

GiantMrTHX - 02.04.2020 22:41

good april first The Devouring Diadem :-P

ItsxEriic - 02.04.2020 22:05

if your plan to go into block doesnt work out, you should try the mistwall + kintsugi interaction with wind dancer. you would have an increadibly high dodge chance and dmg reduction, while also having high regen

TheThreeDGrasshopper - 02.04.2020 21:51

I want to say WARLORD helms , I think , got that cast stun protection roll. That and or the same in nodes could help w the stuns.

NotCaringNow - 02.04.2020 21:38

Uh wicked ward doesn't reduce es recharge rate just leech rate and regen

Kevin Octa
Kevin Octa - 02.04.2020 21:29

This is very interesting!

There's a build I'm trying- that keystone that replaces freeze chill ingite and shock with brittle sapped and scorched. So I'm doing pathfinder crit voidforge to proc all of the new ailments then using yoke of suffering and skitterbots to make it so single targets take 25% more damage (So they have all the new ailments as well as shock and chill from skitterbots). If I had the mana unreserved I'd also do poison linked to herald of purity for one more ailment. I know there are many things I have not thought to do with this new keystone, I would love it if you made a build based around these ailments. You'll probably come up with something way better than me!

Pyromancer - 02.04.2020 19:46

You can use a boot enchant to have 80% chance to avoid being stunned. Then you just need to get 20% on the tree or on gloves with essence. Look at the node "Arcane swiftness" it gives block and 20% chance to avoid stun.

Jainil Gosalia
Jainil Gosalia - 02.04.2020 19:19

can you use that quiver with es recharge

Leobie Custodio
Leobie Custodio - 02.04.2020 18:53

Just play chieftain and use 2 kaom's way if u really want the huge regen :) u dont need block or dodge and u can scale with armour and u r near unwavering stance. No, dont use righteous fire so u can allocate some damage instead of extra max resistances

W Jiewi
W Jiewi - 02.04.2020 18:52

Nice job. many thanks for trying Eternal Youth out.

But still, I would say Eternal Youth is mostly useless cuz all you do to scale HP recharge can work for the original ES recharge, and usually ES pool can be scaled to a much higher level, 【which is even better in every aspect】.

i still keep my first impression about Eternal Youth: 【it may find its place in the builds that do not directly face the mobs and have high HP】 (chieftain totem, summoner etc.). The SR is just on the opposite. Yes u can scale block but it has turned out that the block and forced recharge is quite unreliable.

Colruth - 02.04.2020 18:24

You could use 1 or 2 Vaal Discipline, for a way to manually force recharge.

Corpus Armatae
Corpus Armatae - 02.04.2020 18:16

Scion trickster/chieftain, using a +lvl bow for your SR setup with the soul strike quiver and two hunter influenced rings for the faster start of energy shield recharge. I'm not sure how effective it actually is tho. You can put some dodge on top of it.
But then you're left with the too little life pool issue for which I have no solution except better gear and some life nodes.

Rii Kuu
Rii Kuu - 02.04.2020 17:55

If you would've one this as a Trickster, you could have used the Mistwall shield, Acro + phase acro and the 1% inc. damage for every 1% chance to block attacks -cluster jewel notables. It's 75% inc damage per jewel if you haven't blocked recently 👌

seichiro772 - 02.04.2020 16:59

Devouring diadem can also start recharge but its often overlooked. I had the same idea way back in legion but gave up on it because my build had a low life pool and dodge felt so much better.

Shawn Ramirez
Shawn Ramirez - 02.04.2020 16:59

Why not soul strike quiver and get faster start everywhere?

Fyredragonz - 02.04.2020 16:42

Devouring diadem gives 10% chance to start recharge on using a skill. this might be better wicked ward trigger than xurgils crank

Juha Auvinen
Juha Auvinen - 02.04.2020 16:40

Go raider to get high dodge, use Leash of Oblation belt to get the offering buffs.

Harkonn3n - 02.04.2020 16:33

Use an item to take damage when you make an action that can be blocked, this way you can always proc recharge.

Lucas Bortoluzzi
Lucas Bortoluzzi - 02.04.2020 16:11

occultist with dual defensive aura so that you don't have issues trying to get a safe place.

Distant Bliss
Distant Bliss - 02.04.2020 15:52

You could always go raider when you're playing an elemental spellcaster. Grab Quartz Infusion and Avatar of the Veil for extra dodge, ele ailment immunity, free aoe ele exposure, etc. And then chose if you want an easy way to stack frenzy on your caster or rather spec into onslaught for a free 40% cast and movespeed and a more multiplier to evasion.

Un Om
Un Om - 02.04.2020 15:46

Looks like you really wanna use Vaal Grace not to get hit...

Emilgod - 02.04.2020 15:45

maybe spam faster start of energy shield recharge instead? if u have 0 es maybe you can use couple of brittle barrier jewels with no downside and have your es recharge start in .5 seconds or something :D

kuro neko
kuro neko - 02.04.2020 15:09

Why dont u try low life build?..

Jonas Schreier
Jonas Schreier - 02.04.2020 15:00

and iff needed just spamm tempest shield to proc that

Patrik Březina
Patrik Březina - 02.04.2020 14:59

I think the best way to make this keystone work is to stack up dodge and possibly some evasion as a defensive layer and use The Devouring Diadem for the 10% chance to force the energy shield recharge with stacked attack speed or cast speed (depending on the skill you are using) to proc the Devouring Diadem reliably when you get hit. Of course, you can't use a channeling skill with the diadem and a different ascendancy such as Trickster or Raider would probably be more appropriate for this because of the AS/CS stacking.

Jonas Schreier
Jonas Schreier - 02.04.2020 14:58

devouring diadam gives a chacne tos tart es recharge on usign a skill

Serdoa - 02.04.2020 14:57

What about Soul Tether Belt? You will have to equip some form of life leech as well and your maximum recovery is also only half of normal but maybe it is enough?

Dr. Behrends
Dr. Behrends - 02.04.2020 14:51

>Standing still gets you killed in delirium, only use mobile builds!
>Woolfio builds a scorching ray character

Severinus3 - 02.04.2020 14:49

For RF can use RF -> dousing flask -> small break and RF again and repeat after 4 sec, but that would be clunky as hell :D

TheSilentCartographer - 02.04.2020 14:42

Devouring Diadem also has a chance to force es recharge

Hubert De La Fonk
Hubert De La Fonk - 02.04.2020 14:38

Hi Woolfio! I have always liked your ideas, research and off-meta original builds :)
Have you considered using Soul Strike? It gives 80% faster start of ES recharge (with a downside of 40% recharge), would allow you you use a cheap 6L you could craft with +2 levels of fire gem and a Kaom's heart maybe.

willloo - 02.04.2020 14:37

is vaal discipline a possible solution for starting es recharge on single target maybe?
