(Un)Welcome: Sweden's rise of the right | CBS Reports

(Un)Welcome: Sweden's rise of the right | CBS Reports

CBS News

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nikkenik Nick
nikkenik Nick - 26.10.2023 01:54

This isn't a rise of the right. This is people realizing that their country is being destroyed and wish to protect it.

Bruno Wolf
Bruno Wolf - 25.10.2023 21:48

This was just CBS Propaganda machine working!

vl vl
vl vl - 25.10.2023 19:31

Pro immigrants media always shows the good examples of immigrants. Never the ones commiting the crimes, abusing the system, threatening the local people and not contributing to the society. Why don't you select some of those immigrants and then make a documentary. Nobody has issues with the immigrants you're showing in your documentary. The problems are with the bad people. There is no point to show only the good people without adressing the issue that between 100 good ones there are 10 bad ones. With millions of immigrants that means hundreds of thousands of bad people. That is why Europe needs to protect itself.

Paul - 25.10.2023 18:22

Men det klart det blev så här när man var så rädd för att kallas "rasist"?

MR2 Spyder Chronicles
MR2 Spyder Chronicles - 25.10.2023 16:14

One big problem is making no distinction between refugee and economic migrant. Most of these people come from countries that are not at war so they are not refugees in that sense.

sh1zooo - 25.10.2023 01:33

To all the people that desire multicultural countries, please move to the USA.
No need to make a whole continent (europe) your dystopia.

Colette Ghassan
Colette Ghassan - 24.10.2023 19:04

what you saw you will reap.

SUBBIN' BACK TO ALL SUBBS - 24.10.2023 18:43

They wanted to put far right in the title so bad

FG Gamesoft
FG Gamesoft - 24.10.2023 17:23

More safety and fair too.

FG Gamesoft
FG Gamesoft - 24.10.2023 17:13

They are right.

Rock McDwayne
Rock McDwayne - 24.10.2023 13:32

Problem is that everyone important just ignores the voices coming out of the right wing of the political spectrum. Like their voices doesnt matter. They are the radicals, right? Side-effect of this behaviour is that, they create radicals because only way to make your voice being heard is to do or say something radical and these days being ''radical'' is just disagreeing with the left-wing politics!
Also, wheather you like to admit it or not, culture that Islam brings is vastly different to the swedish that is rooted in christianity, protestantism to be more precise, which has also lead it to be VERY secular. Now comes the islamic population who have no experience what so ever living in a secular society where religious laws do not rule. Many of the muslims cant seem to get over the fact. Most outrageous behaviour in my oppinion is to lean on this so called ''freedom of religion''. If your wife doesnt want to wear hijab but you force her to do so, is that freedom of religion now? Same with many other aspects that come along with Islam and nobody wants to talk about it!

Are you upset?
Are you upset? - 24.10.2023 11:25

Our "rightwingers" make Bernie Sanders look like Mussolini.

When I was a kid in Sweden, everyone k ew about Hagamannen (the Haga-man). He was an infamous and feared criminal here who kids would tell horrorstories about.

His crime? He had attacked six women and raped three. It was horrendous.

I was 10 years old before I experienced someone being shot in my city. It made national news.

Now I am 26, and in my city alone we have monthly bombings, weekly shootings, daily robberies and rape.

This country has changed so much so fast that it is hard to even believe.

Di D
Di D - 24.10.2023 11:15

I back the far-right movement in Sweden, as they believe in safeguarding their culture, religious traditions, and women. I also endorse the Australian approach to screening immigrants, prioritizing those who bring valuable contributions.

Adam McConnoran
Adam McConnoran - 24.10.2023 05:23


Srikant Rao
Srikant Rao - 24.10.2023 00:55

I was there in 2015 and saw how Muslim refugees took over n spoiled beautiful sweden.

Adwoa Mk
Adwoa Mk - 24.10.2023 00:49

What a load of nonsense.

theburners32141 - 23.10.2023 22:50

I wonder how the Swedes forefathers feel about this?

chicken and ksi video reviewer
chicken and ksi video reviewer - 23.10.2023 18:18

The rape capital of Europe decides maybe they ought to do something about it. Sounds like fascism to me

L. Palacio
L. Palacio - 23.10.2023 16:37

You know you live in a leftist world order when you see things like this from mainstream outlets "Evil right wing ideology on the rise". Have you ever saw any kind of news, documentary, article from mainstream saying the opposite? "Evil left wing ideology on the rise". All of the so called West is dominated by leftists and the entire political spectrum is shifted to the left, which means "center-right" is actually center-left and any kind of normal behaviour is branded as "far-right"

Incurable Romantic
Incurable Romantic - 23.10.2023 11:06

"All cultures are not equal"

This is so obvious it's astounding that it even needs to be stated. And yet the elites want you prosecuted for saying it.

GnoClaude - 22.10.2023 18:33

Why should a civilised country take in millions of people with vastly different values? People who will not assimilate but instead seek to subjugate? They should put their country and people's first.

Obrenovic - 22.10.2023 17:15

Lets pray that it will stop, before brown torches get litted and White Hoodies get worn from the old grandads attics.

No. - 22.10.2023 16:49

Some of you commenting clearly haven't watched the video past 10 mins at most. Y'all just come here to reinforce your prejudice and feel smart.

Alexandr Zhukov
Alexandr Zhukov - 22.10.2023 16:31

Sweden was supposed to be part of the Russian Empire, but thanks to the communists it remained an English puppet. England has always imported migrants into its colonies. It's the foundation of the divide and conquer strategy.

Mike Sedam
Mike Sedam - 22.10.2023 14:11

I immediately doubt any statement made by the media of hightest ever.

crazy edo
crazy edo - 22.10.2023 12:02

Fly them in and give them a house, a luxury car and Bürgergeld!!!😁

kornel obajdin
kornel obajdin - 22.10.2023 11:28

Im not a sweede, but their program seems fair enough. If you want to live there you better accept the ways of the people there and actually prove you can contribute to society. When I seen that construction worker and his family I had respect for that. Im all for it If the family just wants to live and contribute. He is a hard working man Im sure. Hoping he gets a residence and live with his family peacefully. But I also agree that other immigrants that bring crime should be deported. This should be a norm in every country.

SpaceSpectrum - 22.10.2023 06:51

Bon appetit Sweden...you made your own problem by taking them.

Kevin Fox
Kevin Fox - 22.10.2023 04:32

What a dishonest report. No mention of the fact that NO Muslim countries take in refugees.

Remy - 22.10.2023 01:54

This is such fake news.

rafa go.al.
rafa go.al. - 21.10.2023 21:50

After left destroyed de country. Now gangs rule and woke needs military at the streets...

Addie baddie
Addie baddie - 21.10.2023 21:17

You wonder why the right is one the rise everywhere, not only in Sweden? Left-leaning political parties have imported migrants from 3rd world countries in the past few years and it is narrowly possible to integrate some into the host country and its society. They live by their own ways. They do terrorism, shootings, intimidation and what not. In the U.S. we have Ilhan Omar who is pandering her islamic narrative while being elected to the congress. See how that works. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why I might probably vote for the GOP next year. You know it’s over when even I’ve had enough of this

AK - 21.10.2023 03:09

Our continent is being destroyed, when will it stop, when will it be enough.....

nach sn
nach sn - 20.10.2023 13:38

Why did Sweden take in so many migrants in the first place to dilute their own people's identity, history and culture?

FÜNKY - 20.10.2023 12:59

Dude if u want to migrate in any country illegally or legally u have to respect their law and their culture and let me be very clear I'm from different continent I've nothing to do what's going on there but what i think is that this refugees and countries/continents of baby making machines such as middle East,Central Asia countries with Muslim population have to change their mindset of getting pregnant for 7,8 times or more than that this needs to be stopped which i think is hardly possible or else refugees, violent,terrorism will not stop .

IShowNose - 20.10.2023 06:48

I like Pizza

Paul Worgan
Paul Worgan - 20.10.2023 04:35

If this was happening in an Islamic country bombs would be going off everywhere.

Tage Karlsson
Tage Karlsson - 19.10.2023 23:42

That training scene was not in Ronneby it was in Karlskrona

J CL - 19.10.2023 15:15

Islam is violent read up Quran 8:12

Scott Hardy
Scott Hardy - 19.10.2023 14:38

I have visited over thirty countries, and the most important thing about any country is its people. A country's identity and culture come less from its geography than from its people and any country that allows immigrants is changed by the influx of different people. It doesn't matter if the immigrants are good or bad, educated or uneducated, whether they speak the language or pay the taxes, they still change the culture, and that is an irreparable loss. From the other side, countries that lose people to emigration are also harmed. The people who flee a country are often the ones who could have done the most to fix the problems they are fleeing from. Just taking Syria as an example, more than 5 million people have left. That has not improved Syria, it has weakened and destabilized the country. I think the world would benefit if immigration was not so easy.

Kawi - 19.10.2023 13:53

My parents are immigrant's who fled from war to this country so they could raise me and my sister in a peaceful and safe environment. I know many others who are in the same situation as us and i cant understand WHY after your family has done everything they've could for you to have a better future and then just decide to throw it away?! Im going to show my appreciation by going to college and becoming a productive member of Society
(Btw; why is the criminal behavior so popular among boys?!)

Samuel Nikolskiy
Samuel Nikolskiy - 18.10.2023 23:50

The right is right

JoinForACoffee - 18.10.2023 17:22

Libya had Africa's highest standard of living, until NATO, led by Norway, bombed the country to pieces. The Libyan welfare state could offer free education, healthcare, generous subsidies for marriages and births – and free electricity.

fht71 ole
fht71 ole - 18.10.2023 16:55

We are obliged to protect our heritage and cultures.

I stopped Caring
I stopped Caring - 18.10.2023 16:47

it's easy to be progressive if you don't get confronted
free immigration works cause look at this admirable example is even worse than saying the borders should be completely closed because look at this terrible example. One is a neutral good, the other is chaotic evil, as in that the positive of one guy integrating perfectly is not equal to another guy being a fundamentalist refusing to addapt and it certainly doesn't compare to a guy killing cause it's what his backwards hadid supports, Islam is not a danger but salafism is the domminant hadid within Islam in the west and that is a danger to us all.

I stopped Caring
I stopped Caring - 18.10.2023 15:40

I get along with anyone, but migration ONLY works if there is benefit for the host nation, as in the local population has to feel like they are beneficiaries, by defenition the immigrant does so because he or she benefits by doing so as well.

and the standard isn't set that high either, we want you to embrace the host culture where it clashes with your own and we want you to be a net benefit to the society you chose to join.

what many predicted and what ended up happening was ghettoisation and worse yet a demo-political crisis, migrants isolated themselves and formed islamic schools and actually became more fundamentalist than most in the countries they or their parents or grandparents had come from.

and they became aware of this, despite never having been a top down conspiracy th reallity of "a great replacement" was and is felt by native swedes (and in other countries as well)

on the side of the (islamic) migrants a notion of a demographic jihad has grown. They are aware that in democratic countries high reproductive rates (especially compared to the especially low reproductive rates of europeans nowadays) gives them the power to eventually outnumber and outvote natives.

it is a terrible existential treath and simply getting more strict on migration is simply not enough anymore.

Santiago Peraza
Santiago Peraza - 18.10.2023 15:00

Diversity for Israel !!! Right CBS ? 😊

David Narcissus
David Narcissus - 18.10.2023 14:38

Sweden is a failed state... thanks to WEF .

Redjacc - 18.10.2023 12:12

it's welcome CBS so stick your liberal/woke views where the sun doesnt shine.
