L.A. Confidential Analyzed and Explained

L.A. Confidential Analyzed and Explained

Bryan Lomax

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@roc7880 - 13.01.2024 21:55

the great thing about the movie and the stroke of a genial director is the patience with the audience, the movie was not shortened to a minimum bare to fit a big screen schedule. the characters are given time to think and react, now characters already know what they think and speak without a moment of prior cogitation.

@beckyleonardis6331 - 11.12.2023 01:03

This is one of the best crime dramas, I've ever seen! A lot happens in this movie. You definitely gotta pay attention. It also put Russell Crowe on the map. He had my attention.

@mphrdldn - 19.09.2023 19:00

Of course, the viewers cared about the three main characters. But, the story showed how vulnerable the brown and black population was at the hands of the lapd.

@mphrdldn - 19.09.2023 18:58

The character of Exley stayed with me long after I left the theater. I imagined his future, marrying a sweet homemaker, having children and family photos appearing in the local press. Of course, he rose high in the force.

@nsayer - 19.09.2023 05:08

The unresolved question for me is, why did Exley screw Lynn Bracken? I'm not being flippant. Why did he do it? Clearly it needed to happen to advance the plot - Sid Hutchens needed to take the pictures so he and Dudley Smith could get them in front of Bud White ("I wouldn't trade places with Ed Exley for all the whiskey in Ireland."), but why did Exley actually do it? It seems like a deux ex machina to advance the plot more than an act truly motivated by his character. Is the implication that Bracken seduced him? If so, then Kim Basinger just didn't pull it off. The scene where he interrogates her and suddenly lusts after her is the one moment in the film that I just can't get past.

@GuitarLessonsBobbyCrispy - 03.09.2023 19:06

Great movie, just watched it yesterday for the first time, but I found that they were mentioning too many names, this person and that person. Hard to keep track of who these characters were, and made the plot kind of confusing.

@renatab8293 - 20.08.2023 01:17

??? I am confused. This is an analysis of the story, not the movie. You could have written exactly this about the book, many years before the movie was even conceived.

@spacemanbose - 18.08.2023 09:38

About Night Owl massacre, don't you think killing 5 innocent people (three women) + mal lunceford was an exaggerated thing to protect the pornography racket? I mean, i don t think its realistic for two cops like bruening and Carlyle cold blood killing 6 people only to create a false flag for the 3 black guys and protect a pornography racket (i think the porn potos was not a big money business, even for the '50s)

@Spanky1 - 01.08.2023 06:13

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I must have watched it 5 times in the theater when it came out. Good times.

@boombapmasterclass - 07.07.2023 05:26

yo thats torretto's

@delanorrosey4730 - 09.05.2023 16:28

The exterior of the premise is: which came first - corrupt cops or a corrupt city?

Sgt. Jack Vincennes was killed. Lt. Ed Exley was forced to accept the coverup in exchange for a higher position of power in a corrupt system, hoping to end the cycle of corruption one day. And Officer Bud White exiled to Arizona with a pimp-less prostitute, a muscle man no more.

@notesandlettersbillcushing7741 - 04.05.2023 03:39

Spacey should have at least been nominated for a Best Supporting for his bit in this film. Everyone was great though.

@adverseinperpetuity - 06.04.2023 05:54

Just watched this gem for the first time last night. How did I overlook it for so long? I’ve been thinking about it all day.

@timothygallagher4663 - 05.04.2023 07:24

Hush hush! Great video

@dennisoleary2838 - 05.04.2023 00:02

How fk did this film not win the Oscar for best picture one of the best pictures ever made😊

@virocska - 04.04.2023 12:07

LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie

@KremsonKhan - 11.03.2023 05:37

Hands down one of the most unrated crime movies n movies in general! also amazing review!

@kifacorea - 25.02.2023 06:53

To be fair exley never gets any consequences for killing the "nightowl negroes" in cold blood

@Gradysmokestoomuch - 11.01.2023 14:44

I think Jack Vincennes has a change of heart when he is confronted with the fact that he will be ruining someone's career. He goes to the hotel to stop the kid from getting set up and only then discovers the death. This definitely further strengthens his move to change.

@colinswain6945 - 30.12.2022 02:00

An unsung hero of L.A. Confidential, and so many other movies, is Jerry Goldsmith, music composer extraordinaire. His score is a vital piece of the film, pushing the story along, in it's own unobtrusive way.

@thomahammer9581 - 08.12.2022 07:04

Titanic was all special effects. LA Confidential was a great screenplay, plot, and superb acting. We all knew Titanic was going to sink and people would die. in LA Confidential it took watching it a few times to really understand what was happening before your eyes. Much like Chinatown, you did not know in advance the outcome. Both. were outstanding films. LA CONFIDENTIAL should have won the Oscar that year over a boring and predictable Titanic.

@pwallace5359 - 22.11.2022 22:14

I just watched this last night. I enjoyed your video very much!

@louisdegrois8740 - 31.10.2022 22:26

The subject of LA Confidential made me theavily think about the story of Mike Erhmantraut and his son in Better Call Saul

@BaldingSasquatch - 28.09.2022 14:35

One thing that bugged me is at the end of the movie the characters are mentioning everyone who was killed and they threw in Pierce Patchette's name. When the hell did he die?

@bobmarrotti2094 - 04.09.2022 14:18

L A Confidential definitely should have won best picture in 1997. Then again I'm very biased, it is my all time favorite movie

@ArthurVega303 - 07.06.2022 10:51

Thanks! Brian Hope all is well love your other channel too(The Movie Evangelist) God Bless You👍🙏

@RUARI-mi1yt - 25.05.2022 16:10

L.A. Confidential

@laapache1 - 28.04.2022 03:32

What is great about this movie , You had a mike Hammer cop, Phillip Marlowe Cop and a Sam Spade Cop

@artathearta - 03.04.2022 19:29

What about the fact that in the end, Ed took a promotion over exposing the corruption and wrong-doings of the police department? To me it was more the story of idealist choosing careerism guised in reforming a corrupt institution. His promotion was still a corrupt wheeling and dealing

@thomasmurray4351 - 21.02.2022 04:40

The books are amazing, the dudley smith trio ,the big nowhere, L.A confidential & white jazz an absolute powerhouse of writing cannot recommend these books enough.

@viktormuerte - 01.02.2022 04:57

This was one of those years that style won over substance at the Oscars.

@pdgf - 21.01.2022 13:12

One of my favorite movies of all time! The best movie of 1997, sorry Titanic.

@josekimjairo - 14.01.2022 04:39

I have to say as a movie fanatic/Hollywood researcher..This movie is a Masterpiece 👊🙏

@jamesdrynan - 05.11.2021 23:55

This film is superb in many ways! It had the misfortune to be up against "Titanic " at the Oscars. I think it's Spacey's best work. He has two memorable lines: " She IS Lana Turner, " and " I don't remember. " Interesting that two imaginary hoodlums are both voiced by Spacey; Rollo Tomasi and Keyser Söze from The Usual Suspects. Excellent all around!

@johnmccaughey2722 - 04.11.2021 13:28

The Xmas brawl wasn't that bad imo, the police officers were angry and pissed off at their comrades being badly beaten by the guys they had in custody. They were obviously in the wrong but the code amongst men back then was you back up your fellow man in a fight. Exley was very dishonorable in ratting out his comrades imo. Fights happen, especially back in those days.

@johnmccaughey2722 - 04.11.2021 13:11

Not sure Exley was that honorable, he was willing to shit on his comrades to get ahead. Bud white was much more honorable. Exleys had the kind of honor that an idealist without life experience has. He learns that dirty tactics have to be used when he shoots dudley in the back near the end if the film. Exley has honor to a certain degree but bud white is the real honorable man in the story and what makes Exley and white a great team in the end is Exley has the smarts and political brain to bring down dudley and also ensure the clean up of the police force.

@TubeDupe - 21.10.2021 06:12

What's the function of the Mexican girl?

@CSM100MK2 - 02.09.2021 08:53

deciding not to subscribe because ALL of your new videos have cringey sell-out clickbait images with you doing a stupid face. sorry, not interested in BS filler and daily uploads.

@CSM100MK2 - 02.09.2021 08:21

Great job opening with a clear thesis: That these 3 are the main focus and they all represent different facets of "honor". I just wish you took it further and explored the analysis. very short/ half done feel.

@Giluville - 12.07.2021 22:29

good movie, but I think the Bud White character was kind of corny and cringe

@WildwoodClaire1 - 09.06.2021 05:47

LA Confidential SHOULD have received the Oscar for best picture instead of that cheesy, bloated schlockbuster "Titanic."

@bratosin1 - 06.06.2021 11:09

The only problem with this movie is guy ritchie, maybe the worst actor i know

@nomiddlenamenmn427 - 03.06.2021 16:32

The real crime is Spacey, Pearce and Crowe did not share Academy Awards. LA Confidential was the Best Picture of the Year. Compelling and engrossing. A deep, complex study of human behavior in multiple precarious situations.

@codename617 - 22.04.2021 19:59

I've read only one James Ellroy novel, Blood On The Moon and sadly I was not impressed. But I like Dark Blue, which was co-written by Ellroy. And I liked this movie.

Three cops all with their ideas on justice and police work blinded by selfish ambitions.

@taomahNEGEV - 21.03.2021 10:06

''Honour must be about justice''. Still who slashed that poor gay actor's throat? Was it Dudley who killed Ed Exley's father?

@londonpickering8675 - 09.03.2021 01:58

Great movie! Thanks for posting.

@kidstlme8230 - 26.01.2021 07:17

16 votes down must be Biden supporters

@Handstyles - 24.01.2021 12:59

Watched this yesterday for the first time and loved the basically opposite going character arcs of Wight and Exley.
I really liked it even it is a tad long but thats minor criticism for such a brilliant movie.

@acdragonrider - 08.01.2021 10:08

I feel some people these days might consider this film not very politically correct at least not the character of Bud.

A Sob story doesn’t give you a right to be a loose cannon. Bud deserved to be stripped and inprjsoned for what he did during the Christmas incident. Latino lives matter.
