Do I Need to Go to Confession?

Do I Need to Go to Confession?

Ascension Presents

1 год назад

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@pauldelaney5990 - 22.01.2024 02:27

God forgives my sins. Nothing to do with a priest.

@user-te4ij4ex2i - 22.01.2024 01:46

Father Mike you inject faith, hope and belief in our Church in such a beautiful and common sense way thank you for your Ministry 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

@ericschilling9757 - 21.01.2024 09:39

Jesus didn't debate endlessly about unimportant details in theology. Why are you? Please contribute something useful to the world.

@gerardpatti - 20.01.2024 09:13

I just can’t believe all these comments people are making on their doubt of God.Jesus died for our sins.He paid our penalty, He who knew no sin became our sin that we be Made the Righteousness of God.
You want to know what will keep you from sinning . Jesus love for you.
I used to be Catholic, most Catholics don’t even know where they are going when they die,
Most all pray to saints or Mary and don’t have personal relationship with Jesus.
And they get such a comfort from a man.
I can understand now why Jesus stated .
I never knew you ,depart from Me. Worker’s of evil,
Read the Bible for your self. God is Not a respecter of person,
The Jewish people had priests the early church does not mention them but the Jewish believers who loved the Law.
The gentiles did not have priests until about 400 A D. Then here comes the Catholic Church and with it the darkness.
I have been there all of you better call out too Jesus and get a personal relationship and when you do slip you come before Him and not a man. The Word States, if you confess your sins He is faithful to Forgive you.
Now you can fool a man but the Holy Spirit is God . The Word says be you Holy as God is Holy.
Also be you Perfect as God is perfect.
I am, Jesus lives in me ,I have His Spirit in me.
Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ in him, he is none of him,
Know you not that you are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you.
When you repent of your sins and ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and to come and live in you, He does, He honors His Word.
All I can say is Trust Jesus. There no name above His Name,

@wildcard4552 - 18.01.2024 14:37

Father Mike, I feel inspired to share this experience I had today. It has been a rough month/s for me spiritually and God had reconciled me again back to Himself

Reflection and experience:

"In God I trust, I shall not fear." Psalm 56

The LORD has saved me today, He has led me to come back to and He sent His Mother after me and She brought me to Him. She did not relent praying for me. And I think God helped me remember that one article that said "say that 'Our Lady has sent me' before you go to confession." It gave me courage. And She heard my prayers and petitions even though I was afraid to go confession. I didn't even notice that the devil's gaping maw is wrapped around my neck trying o drag me away from being reconciled with God. Only through God's grace I had the courage to go. God gave me, a sinner, the grace of holy tears during the confession. But that was only the icing on the cake of utter hope and reconciliation.

And God reminded me and consoled me in the mass,

"In God I trust, I shall not fear."

@sue9151 - 17.01.2024 07:11

The fact thst priests have more sins than you Pedofiles running churches.Also the pope no longer working for Gods scriptures.Pray direct to Jesus Christ he died for all your sins .Not priests

@redsaint2022 - 16.01.2024 09:08

I definitely feel relieved after confession, until I confess I feel my life is being held back and I fall into a sort of depression and I feel less patient and more angry.

@rebeltorossian7440 - 13.01.2024 23:51

Father, you need to slow your speech. You're talking to fast.

@ruthortega5822 - 12.01.2024 17:22

Lord Jesus thank you for your gift of reconciliation and the mercy that we receive from it.

@HexCatholic - 11.01.2024 01:47

If you offend somebody and then go to him and say "I am sorry, can you forgive me?" and the person you offended repplys "Yes, but, you have to do me a favour: Do this this this and this" and after we say "Oh insteed of all that can i do what i want to do for you to forgive me?" 😆😆

I think this is a good explanation of "Why confession makes sence". I also strugle with accepting this dogma but after i heard this video and i came up with this other way of explaining then it became more clear why the Church preach this way! Great video @FrMike!

@OverYou-tr5ok - 10.01.2024 06:29

I go to confession on my knees.
Mainly when I'm home

@catherinetimmerman9107 - 10.01.2024 02:57

When I went to Confession the first time, almost 50 years ago, as 7 year old getting ready for my First Holy Communion, I was terrified and made up lies because I was SEVEN!!! What sins had I committed as a SEVEN YEAR OLD??? Therefore as an adult, I don’t like Confession. I know what I’ve done, God knows what I’ve done and if I am truly sorry and ask for forgiveness, it’s all good!

@cdmcintyre1854 - 10.01.2024 02:28

Been to Catholic Services 3 times, once with a HS Buddy at the Catholic Church in Pomeroy, OH. 2nd time in the AF on base chapel with. Buddy that asked me to go to church with him after he got a Dear John letter from his fiancé, the third time when I was confused and went to Mass because I got chapel hours wrong so after I got inside I didn’t want to walk out. I don’t regret the experience but definitely don’t believe that denomination. In my opinion they changed the true Sabbath without Godly authority.

@timnavarrette3274 - 09.01.2024 15:34

Why can't ii. Confess my sins directly to God,?? Nothing against a priest.

@johnpro2847 - 08.01.2024 15:21

very few folk go to confession...not necessary...our natives were here for 60 000 years in Australia..only had medicine men..not sure these guys heard any confession..amen

@johnpro2847 - 08.01.2024 15:19

confession is voyeuristic in my option..amen

@thomasprice1320 - 06.01.2024 12:50

Can ppl be forgiven without a Priest? Ask the High Priest Yeshua who hears your prayers directly. Psalms 110:4.

@marymorris6329 - 04.01.2024 23:38

It says in the gospel, that people also repented, from john baptist - water baptism

@DigitallySaved - 04.01.2024 22:37

For those of us who are not able to make it to confession/Mass. Due to medical issues. Asking for forgiveness at home is our only option.

@jgrillo638 - 02.01.2024 18:26

Too many protestants who ask me about confession always hit me with "I can just go to God", "why do I have to go to man", etc, etc. I always try to explain this is what Jesus wanted. It's his rules, he gave us the sacraments...So are you saying God is wrong and that you know better? I pray for them they put their pride aside and see the truth.

@loradurling2358 - 01.01.2024 20:57

You have to go to a priest, to confess mortal sin to be absolved

@CarolynSevigny - 31.12.2023 16:40

I am having extreme difficulty with Priests abuse being cover up for so long and Pope Frances rulings especially woke values it should be resolved and have Pope resign removed immediately to much damages to Christian communities 😢🙏🙏🙏

@rooster555555 - 31.12.2023 11:42

We're told to repent and not just confess our sins

@jeanniedelahunt3610 - 31.12.2023 01:36

Fr. Mike, I do enjoy your lessons, however, I don't believe a priest is necessary in the process.
I just don't.

@RockOfGod - 31.12.2023 00:57

Roman’s 10:9
Profess by mouth Jesus is Lord, Believe God raised Jesus from the dead and you will be saved

@Tony_ATP - 30.12.2023 23:41

There is one mediator between God and man: Jesus Christ. Confessing to others is good, but only Jesus Christ can forgive us.

@SalveRegina8 - 30.12.2023 01:58

I love how the thumbnail of Father’s expression always indicates the answer to the video’s title questions.

@alberreif5520 - 29.12.2023 00:43

I feel priests are not sinless when they close the doors in 2020 and were paid by the government to keep the doors closed

@rogermireles - 28.12.2023 07:11

Thank you so much ❤

@JimFrye-ub3kq - 28.12.2023 06:55

My bible sure doesn't say that I need a priest, or a lawyer for that matter to repent of my sins, but maybe yours does. You do have one don't you?

@jrcll7856 - 28.12.2023 05:49

why in the world would i confess my sins to someone that is a sinner just like me and everybody else, sometimes their sins are far worse.... a priest has no power to forgive you of your sins, just pray to GOD and ask for forgiveness

@melissareilly3927 - 27.12.2023 18:24

A priest is not necessary. We are restored through salvation, accepting Jesus as our personal Savior, believing He died for us to redeem us from our sins. The Bible says the there is ONE mediator between man and God, our Lord Jesus Christ, not a priest. The Bible also states that we should call no man Father except God the Father, not the pope or a priest. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, the Word of God says—that includes priests and the pope. Former Catholic saved many years ago after I realized that Catholic doctrines are not biblical. My trust is in Jesus alone, faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9) and the Word of God alone, not in any man or church doctrines that don’t line up with scripture.

@mikel7467 - 27.12.2023 07:38

Question - many abusive priests performed many confessions and handed out hundreds of communion wafers while being moved and protected by the bishops. Was all of that even "legal"?

@shannonbaker5685 - 27.12.2023 01:16

I actually never thought of it that way, Christianity introduced mercy and forgiveness, I love that, thanks Father Mike

@Gearhead2008Yeehaw - 25.12.2023 21:22

Priests can’t forgive anyone’s sins. Jesus died for ALL sins, all you have to do is accept Him as your Savior, like Mary did, and accept His free gift. Not even the Pope can forgive anyone’s sin nor get them out of the fictional purgatory. What ever happened to Limbo ? Apparently you couldn’t cash in on indulgences that way.

@time4grace8 - 24.12.2023 00:57

Maybe if the sin is venial, they could make fasting, charity/reconciliation with enemies, indulgence prayer. JAMES 5;16. /But if the sin is Mortal, one should go to a Priest because all Priests are given the KEYS to Heaven. MATTHEW 16;19. REV 3;10. or attend Urbi et Orbi Holy Mass of the Pope held twice a year: every Christmas season (Check on the dates from the VATICAN), and every Lenten season. But we still need CONFESSION because LORD GOD COMMANDED to do it this way. NUMBERS 5;7. LEVITICUS 5;7. Humility is not being above the Decisions of LORD GOD.

@guypilotte225 - 23.12.2023 19:49

Christ Jesus alone cam forgive sin

@joshuanicholson2965 - 23.12.2023 08:54

What happens when you've prayed for a love, and that night, you fell in love at first sight, and have been happily married for 35yrs, I've done everything and loved everything! I find myself waiting? Am I alone in this feeling?

@EIonMusk1 - 23.12.2023 07:54

Only Jesus can forgive sin, good news is he hears our prayers no need for mortal sinner priests who touch little boys.. Jesus is our ONKY mediator and intercessor

@benmoi3390 - 23.12.2023 02:07

the eucharist is by itself a sacrament of forgiveness....

@josephhlavin7131 - 22.12.2023 15:50

Went after 35+ years. Incredible experience. The sins I confessed, I cannot even force myself to think about - they are GONE! As such, I go every 3-4 weeks. Most of the time I don’t even know what I will confess but sitting in the pew, asking for the Holy Spirit to show me what I must confess, it comes to me. It works every time. Just go and feel the freedom in saying the sin and performing the reconciliation. It works!

@BlancheLeCompte-fr5eq - 22.12.2023 12:58

We actually call priest father. I still use Last name even though I know his first name.

@BlancheLeCompte-fr5eq - 22.12.2023 12:56

If it is a metal sin you need to go asap. If it is a venal sin you can wait a little while.

@BlancheLeCompte-fr5eq - 22.12.2023 10:06

We are only talking to Roman Catholics. We anyone else believes is there business nor ours.

@BlancheLeCompte-fr5eq - 22.12.2023 10:03

I was always told that you go to to confession because when you sin you sin against God, yourself, and man; and all three are present in Confession

@BlancheLeCompte-fr5eq - 22.12.2023 09:59

I live in a little town in Louisiana. We have a get priest in town; but I can't even find a time for confession.
It actually says none available. I checked the nearest City and don't see any there either. I guess I will just confess to God, Jesus, and Mary until see one available?????

@jeromehope5823 - 22.12.2023 05:36

AMEN ! gift(s) of mercy ,,,,,,,,,,

@dvaud - 22.12.2023 02:19

I love Father Mike and the Bible in a year podcast. But, I must have missed something - where in the bible does it point to confessing our sins to someone inbetween us and Jesus?

@itlupe - 21.12.2023 16:37

No. Priesthoods are dead. Our sins are forgiven by Jesus' death and resurrection. God has not BOUND Himself to anything man-made. Silly priest.
