Details on the trial that Will talks about -
"Participants in the trial take several capsules twice daily for 6 months. There is a 50%
chance (much like flipping a coin) that these will contain metformin and clemastine. The
other half of participants will receive “dummy drugs” called placebos. Neither the
participant, nor the trial doctor, knows which treatment they are taking. Remyelination
is assessed by an eye test and an MRI scan at the beginning of this six-month period
and again at the end.
The trial is being conducted in Cambridge. Participants will need to attend fairly
frequently: at least 7 visits over a 38-week period are required. Participants should
have relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, be aged between 25 and 50 years, able to
walk for 100m (with no more than one walking aid). They should also be stable and have been taking a disease-modifying drug for their MS for at least one year (beta-interferon, Copaxone, Tecfidera, Gilenya, Mavenclad) or two years (Ocrelizumab, Ofatumumab, Tysabri, Alemtuzumab)."
MStranslate social media details are all at the end of the video. This is their website: is nothing without your help. Please get in touch and let me know what you need to know. I'll reach out and do my level best to get the best answers for you.
After 29y of #MS I have accumulated a wide network of contacts, so I am sure we can work together to answer any questions you have about MS. I look forward to hearing from you.
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