How Geek Culture Became Pop Culture: Full Documentary

How Geek Culture Became Pop Culture: Full Documentary

3 года назад

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Dark Garden Records
Dark Garden Records - 18.05.2023 20:30

Nerds started making that paper and capitalism took note

My Youtube
My Youtube - 17.03.2023 09:15

How did you leave out daredevil

Saz Fretz
Saz Fretz - 08.03.2023 06:37

Tolkien wouldn't have despised the Christian allegory of Narnia because he was a Christian who led and mentored Lewis to Christianity.

Saz Fretz
Saz Fretz - 08.03.2023 06:31

Without Tolkien, there would be no Chronicles of Narnia. Tolkien was a spiritual mentor and close friend of Lewis. Both were part of The Inklings, as well. They would critique each other's work and go on to write two classic epic series.

Lloyd Mills
Lloyd Mills - 15.02.2023 10:04

I don't know how I missed this when it first dropped, but I'm glad you mentioned it in your recent channel retrospective.

Blue - 09.02.2023 22:01

you heard it here folks the big Three are one piece, naruto and bleach.

Dark Garden Records
Dark Garden Records - 14.01.2023 07:52

Still nerds

Gio Stevens
Gio Stevens - 13.10.2022 10:15

Tbh I never new I’ll be a nerd cause where I came from and how I live and I wasn’t introduced to all this.. I realized that dudes from the hood where really geeks n nerds too all this time!!!!

Infinity War
Infinity War - 08.10.2022 23:58

I am marvel nerd

Jason Compian
Jason Compian - 06.10.2022 23:30

Does anyone know what that cartidge behind the Sega Saturn does to the system?

Quintin Gaum
Quintin Gaum - 20.09.2022 00:19

U forgot to mention the classic : Willow which is getting a sequel soon , lets all pray to our respective Gods that disney+ doesnt ruin it....

Even Best
Even Best - 16.09.2022 15:21

I’m a fan of Sci Fi . My Stars Wars ended at Revenge of the Sith, Lord of the Rings after Return of the King, Game of Thrones ended after season 8 and Marvel after it was sold to Disney. Say what you will but they were the best.

supermovieninja - 15.09.2022 03:29

Im a geek/nerd forever and im proud of it whos with me

Daniel Westleigh
Daniel Westleigh - 06.09.2022 00:03

Thumbs up for Rebecca. :)

Daniel Westleigh
Daniel Westleigh - 06.09.2022 00:02

Major turn off did not want to or see staffers sorry.

SMG5 // fleetway productions
SMG5 // fleetway productions - 04.09.2022 21:56

Their names is everywhere but who is the pop cultures born in 1900s and got produce stuff by American cultures the good companion of these cultures produce stuff from other franchises by written stuff in the page sending them in the televisions and all of them are real right here from television to Tv and other devices the pop culture gives everything for us for centuries and now the pop culture grew a lot for now the arts movies video games foods clothes consoles and others got released everything based on the true ancient legend’s

Boston Towny4life
Boston Towny4life - 17.08.2022 19:20

I was born in the 80’s, grew up in the 90’s and was a teenager in the early 00’s. Geeks culture was still taboo back then, but everyone was secretly into it. If you were in a big group and someone brought it up everyone would pretend like they didn’t know what you were talking about, and then they’d call you the f-a word.

But then if you were 1 on 1 with someone and brought it up, it’s like they’d give you suspicious eyes to make sure you’re not a narc and then go on to carefully talk about it.

Yea, it was miserable… kids today don’t know how good they have it.

Jeremy Pickett
Jeremy Pickett - 16.08.2022 19:14

I read LotR in grade school, then after several tries the Silmarilion. I got into Wheel of Time in middle school. The last book, it didn't have the same voice (though quite good on its merits), was quite a tidy bow to the story. The third is still my favorite. Get that callandor!!Callander!!!

Wonderful, wonderful (looooong) books.

Jericho Jericho
Jericho Jericho - 12.08.2022 19:55


Roberta Mi
Roberta Mi - 11.08.2022 11:15

What irks me is the way they casually leave out that it was actually the influence of Japanese culture that made comics mainstream and adult centered. In Japan comics and anime were not solely aimed at children, in fact they have different genres that cover a wide variety of target audiences such as Shonen (young boys), Shoujo (young girls), Sienen (older men). Once manga and Anime gained popularity in the 90's it was that influence that helped comics move past being considered a children's media.

Shinya - 08.08.2022 10:24

When Pokémon came out, everyone at my elementary school picked on me, beat me pretty bad, and destroyed all my school supplies several times because I love this "stupid baby crap no one's heard of." This happened for about 6 years straight. Then it hit more mainstream in that area and all of a sudden those brats were "fans from the begining". Pieces of $#!t.
Edit: my school had about 500 students. Not a small town school by any means.

Ramona R
Ramona R - 03.08.2022 12:39

I'm a 74 year old woman & I love all these fantasy films especially Harry Potter. I love video games, but not the ones who kill people. Zelda was my first game & my son rented the console & the game. I have played & completed all the Zelda games. I made detailed maps for Zelda II because there weren't any yet. I've made maps for other games, too. You had to play Zelda then you could play Zelda II. I loved Atari, too. I wish you could play the old games on iPad. I let my kids play video games. I thought it was good for hand/ eye co-ordination. I was playing video games as I was listening to this video. lol

Joshua Rizal Foreman
Joshua Rizal Foreman - 02.08.2022 22:25

What is the difference between a Geek and a Nerd? A Nerd is a Geek with no social skills. I was introduced to Lewis and Tolkien as a child and wholly embraced the worlds they created, while simultaneously being 'accused' of escapism. Upon returning to these worlds as an adult I recognised that they reflected our existence and the essence of the Human Condition as opposed to seeking to flee from it. Roland Barthes' essay, The Death of the Author perfectly encapsulates one's appreciation of such texts in that the intention of the creator is irrelevant since it is the perception of the reader/audience is what contains relevance. Still proud to be a Geek.

Preston Mitchell
Preston Mitchell - 23.07.2022 10:26

Everything becomes pop culture when the masses say it's cool the problem is the people who say how you must enjoy said culture weather it be the purest or the nub or those in between classification definitely rules the nation and it's sad when so many people could come together on things that they enjoy instead of turning into a Battal someone always wants to be right instead of listening to one another and learning different things and agreeing to disagree sometimes like I said SAD

Preston Mitchell
Preston Mitchell - 23.07.2022 10:16

Didn't do Manga culture ether 😡😡😡 BUT I forgive you pretty good piece on geek culture 👍👍

Preston Mitchell
Preston Mitchell - 23.07.2022 08:40

You left out Sci fi channels anima Saturday that showed gems like Vampire hunter D Venus Wars 8 Man after Armitage 3 and more and Showtime which showed Fist of the north star bubble gum crisis and lots more BUT your forgive

Bartholomew Films
Bartholomew Films - 13.07.2022 10:02

Greatest Sifi: Star Wars
Greatest Fantasy: Lord Of The Rings
Greatest Novel: The Hobbit
Greatest Comic: Kingdom Come
Your welcome

KvishM - 11.07.2022 02:19

Seriously..gonna skip the new genre ,'The boys'...which will gradually turn every heroes into villains which are afterall just humans with inflated ego and greed, and replace them with science and technology..

Alcoholic Nerd
Alcoholic Nerd - 07.07.2022 12:42

The kids who liked the stuff grew up, question answered....

Sheila Evans
Sheila Evans - 03.07.2022 22:52

Cause cool culture is boring while geek culture is full of amazing stuff.

ingie and Socks
ingie and Socks - 06.06.2022 03:25

Nice 👍.
Growing as a kid in the Philippines in elementary back in the mid 70s , I remember a friend had a console with the game Pong in it. I never forgot that . Then at a store , there were those games we all got hooked.
Then in early HS equivalent to 8 grade, in TV , there were 3 “ cartoon” with a robots with relationships and love story . But those disappear since it got banned along with games .
I also was fascinated with sci-fi shows back then . Then I moved to the US , rediscovered sci fi shows and then anime in the late 90s.

I remember how fansubbers was trending because some of us discovered anime in the World Wide Web. Everyone was sharing . It was faster to download then watch the shows . Until someone figured out , we can make this into a business lol. 😝
But I got into Harry Potter back and the Lord of the Ring. Bought all the books , I was there at their special gathering during the Oscar night and met the casts . Fun times 😊

I never thought myself “ geeky” , I rode a motorcycle, i enjoy skiing, swimming, aikido , martial arts.
Now after 3 decades, I still watch anime, love to dress up as my favorite character 😉

Henry Bandola
Henry Bandola - 05.06.2022 12:42

The pop culture begins during the cold war

karl steele
karl steele - 28.05.2022 17:48

I'm kind of bummed out you didn't mention anything 2000AD related. My first comic was a 2000AD annual from 1980 something my uncle gave me as soon as I could read properly.

Roger Stalder
Roger Stalder - 27.05.2022 19:47

Its funny how all the real big deal classics. mostly was made with way less money then other movies back then. happend at Star Wars, Terminator and several other movies like this.

Maynard Nicholl
Maynard Nicholl - 16.05.2022 06:47

The original gun that came with the NES was all grey. That orange one didn't come out until well into the 90s when Super Nintendo came out.

Rachel Thompson
Rachel Thompson - 10.05.2022 14:00

I saw Astro boy and Speed Racer in the 60s but after that never saw anima again--waste of time. After the coin game space invaders, I never played a video game again--waste of time. Real geeks read books, a lot of books--time well spent. Gamers and cosplay minions aren't real geeks.

Rachel Thompson
Rachel Thompson - 08.05.2022 14:41

want to blow your mind, read my novels. R C Thom

Mad hoe
Mad hoe - 06.05.2022 14:35


mazokuchan - 30.04.2022 19:06

As a geek/nerd/otaku ever since before it was big, I'm now happy that it's become such a huge thing that I can easily find my favorite merch and clothing to wear at decent prices too now!

Lync Price
Lync Price - 13.04.2022 05:37

A bunch of grown men not letting things for kids be for kids is how this happened.

Quany2Hottyy - 09.04.2022 04:30

Pull this up on my phone to say I only know the name JRR Tolkien because of South Park

RottieShep CALIBRE
RottieShep CALIBRE - 08.04.2022 18:28

I never knew I was a geek 🤓 😅

Gonzalo Lee
Gonzalo Lee - 06.04.2022 17:45

absolutely thank you for this fantastic documentary!

Gemma Low
Gemma Low - 06.04.2022 09:51

I would consider the Pokemon anime to be another show set in a fantasy world, as a female Pokemon fan I was bullied for it and couldn't connect or speak with other girls my age about my love for Pokemon. Pokemon fans suffered by bullying for years until Pokemon Go came out, and was very mainstream. All of a sudden Pokemon was cool and everyone was playing it and I went from being bullied for loving Pokemon to teaching regular people the basics. (For context I am 23 and my first mainline game I had was Diamond) I was too young to be around the hype that happened when it came out, I was too young.

John Beam
John Beam - 05.04.2022 05:02

As for anime, my first three, in order, were Speed Racer, FLCL, and Guyver: The Bio-Boosted Armor, video omnibuses. 4 was Ronin Warriors, because, that show is always worth mentioning in my opinion. I feel that I got a wonderful intro, but I have so much more to catch up on. Lots of great anime and manga properties out there that could teach Hollywood a huge amount. Edit: The Invincible Iron Man was first written before Elon Musk was born, so you can probably guess the inspiration.

Zig Man
Zig Man - 04.04.2022 13:19

4 billion. Thats cheap. The probably made that back nine time over

Zig Man
Zig Man - 04.04.2022 13:15

Uh oh. I don't want to be a geek anymore

James Goss
James Goss - 01.04.2022 20:00

If you are telling me with inflation that rubbish Avengers movie took more than E.T., STARWARS,INDIANA JONES at the box office I would call you a liar.
A liar, ill-informed or DIRTY DISNEY have control of everything movie-wise including movie receipts.🤣🤣🤣🤣Bull💩.
