2023 Best Solar Panel Comparison. REC vs Panasonic vs QCELLS vs SunPower vs Tesla vs Silfab

2023 Best Solar Panel Comparison. REC vs Panasonic vs QCELLS vs SunPower vs Tesla vs Silfab

Julian Solar Consulting

1 год назад

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Hugh Clarke
Hugh Clarke - 21.09.2023 02:47

Julian, how can I reach out to you? I’ve got a quote from 2 companies, one is Tesla and ADT is coming out.

Jesse Bailon
Jesse Bailon - 19.09.2023 21:17

Do you know much of axitec 400w panels fair to ?

Mary - 15.09.2023 04:58

Juliana run there a huge spider 🕷 on the wall by picture frame. Not by wine rack, the otherside. I have to start video over bcz it took my attention

Michael J. Catallo
Michael J. Catallo - 11.09.2023 05:59

Hi Julian. Great information. I live in Henderson, Nevada. Which panel(s) would you suggest for the extreme heat and dry conditions?

Mike Remillard
Mike Remillard - 09.09.2023 04:34

Hey Julian ... Great videos ... Qcells look to be what Im after, performance and durability what your thought on the Q.PEAK 485 DUO XL-G10.3/BFG the cost hovers about $480 thru a few venders
I new to this and want to set up about 15kv system with the eg4 18 kpv your thoughts ?

Time Surfer
Time Surfer - 05.09.2023 22:25

"Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency..." Efficiency is relative to the Eye of the Beholder.
For me, the single biggest factors that I consider "Efficient" are:
Cost per Watt, and

Mike Remillard
Mike Remillard - 04.09.2023 05:43

Hey Julian, Im new to solar setups and wanting to DYI an 18k system here in South Mississippi, I'm looking to build an easy no bull system and leaning towards the EG4 18KPV from solarsignature whats your opinion

Mike Remillard
Mike Remillard - 02.09.2023 04:16

Hey Julian, enjoying your video;s what your thoughts on half cell panels newbie here and I am planning on building a solar setup here in South Mississippi just in the learning phase now

jim h
jim h - 31.08.2023 04:37

The one you can afford and can/are using

wally - 23.08.2023 00:59

none of them they all pollute, they pollute in their making and in their recycling.

Tom Griffith
Tom Griffith - 19.08.2023 09:57

Hey Julian - (The Solar King). Just taking time to personally thank a fellow Independent Powur Energy, Consultant for another awesome presentation. I have your contact info saved. *If you ever sell in Dallas, Texas area, I'm your ODSS. Have a good one. Tom Griffith - The Solar Man

Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 19.08.2023 00:33

What about United Renewable Energy Panels?

Pilot Pilot
Pilot Pilot - 16.08.2023 20:39

Hi , very nice video. I cant understand the efficiency and the Power. a 300 panel with 20% efficiency produce less energy than an 20% panel with 22% efficiency? What PV panels you suggest for the maximum energy outpout (no matter the cost).

Jeff Leonhardt
Jeff Leonhardt - 14.08.2023 21:59

Everything you could possibly want to know except prices...

pat lafont
pat lafont - 04.08.2023 00:05

Thank you for that great podcast. I have a travel trailer that just is parked. Does it go anywhere and I need the best solar panel to feed my Eco flow, pro solar generator which of these panels would you suggest to give me the most bang for the buck of this list that would be able to handle, the temperatures in the Midwest Missouri gets very cold and gets very hot. Thank you for your time.

H. H.
H. H. - 02.08.2023 06:33

You live in Australia or what? Those bugs are supersized. 😮

Donnie M.
Donnie M. - 22.07.2023 07:22

Julian: Is there a solar option that won't require me to have my system "report telemetry" back to the company? I like Tesla but I don't like that you have to have their telemetry enabled for them to work. I don't really feel like I own a system if it only works hooked up to a telemetry monitoring service.

Robert - 20.07.2023 21:40

Hi Julian…

Thank you for all the great information. What do you think about the GAF Solar roof system?

paull dven
paull dven - 18.07.2023 10:40

What do you think of the canadian solar 540w?

Ding Choon Hoong
Ding Choon Hoong - 16.07.2023 02:02

Thanks! This really helps

Francine Golbeck
Francine Golbeck - 12.07.2023 22:02

A difference of around 2% eff. can only be measured in a Lab with calibrated instruments, it has no practical value in a practical environment.

Matthew Knight
Matthew Knight - 04.07.2023 18:56

Not sure if you still see the comments but if you do please tell what you know about sharp solar panels. I bought 8 that are 235 watts each. They have some kinda frosted look to the glass that's supposed to be some kinda light diffuser stuff. I'm not sure if they are decent or not but so far they seem to work great. I'm going to buy another 10 or 12 newer panels hopefully atleast 4 or 500 watt panels for my second off grid system I'm building. Yes any information on the sharp 235s would be appreciated

Jean-Yves Ferry
Jean-Yves Ferry - 30.06.2023 00:42

STC (Standard Test Conditions) panel watt output ratings are based on ideal lab conditions. STC panel rating is calculated at 25°C cell temperature (and not 44°C as you said in your video).
For each additional °C degree above 25°C, the temp coeff will indicate the wattage loss percentage. In real world conditions, here in the Texas, for example, with cell temp easily reaching 50°C in the Summer, a 400W rated panel with .26% temp coeff will lose 6.5% output capacity [ 50°C - 25°C = 25° difference. 25 degree diff x .26% temp coeff = 6.5% wattage output loss ].
To this panel loss percentage, add another 4 to 5% microinverter current conversion loss, 2% cable loss, panel tilt & azimuth loss, etc... In other words, you must figure out a 12-14% generation loss from the panel STC rated output whenever you are designing your system total production. This often translate in the purchase of more panels/microinverters.

Art Dog
Art Dog - 28.06.2023 23:20

I seen that image CRAWLING I WAS LIKE DANG!!!👀😮👀😮 I will watch the video now after reading that it has great information and I’ll be looking for that thing at the end of the video 👀😮😂👀😮😂

S B - 28.06.2023 17:17

Great info! Im learnin..

David R
David R - 24.06.2023 06:54


Steve Nemshick
Steve Nemshick - 23.06.2023 00:15

First I want you to know that I liked your explanation of all of the differences between solar panels. Great job. I have a question: I have an infrared temperature sensor. A number of years ago I took measurements of the cement, roof tiles, Solar panels. Here is what I found. The outside temperature was around 100 F (I live in Southern California), the cement was app 130 F, The roof tiles in the sun was app 170 F, the Panels were also app 170 F, the roof tile under the panels were app 112 F. Here is my question, I can't control the Sun/ outside temperature but I might be able to do something about cooling the panels. 1) I can put a water jacket underneath the panels( Kinda of a pain) or 2) I can run active fanswhich would blow are under the panels (Since I'm generating lots of power, don't really care about the energy the fans use). Has anyone done a study of the Temperature effect (Panel efficient) by doing something like I described above?

Mike Stewart
Mike Stewart - 19.06.2023 07:12

Country of origin is missing... Otherwise this is fantastic!

NYCZ - 16.06.2023 03:37

Thank you for your video! Very informative. Where do the Meyer Burger Blacks fit into this mix? Do you still think the Panasonics are better?

Optunity - 12.06.2023 03:49

Thank you excellent video.

James G
James G - 11.06.2023 17:21

What would be the ideal 16 panel off-grid setup? No grid-tie.

Steve Antson
Steve Antson - 11.06.2023 04:54

Good video. Saving your number

Dan Mortenson
Dan Mortenson - 05.06.2023 23:32

Thanks for the reviews. I'm inclined toward the Panasonics, but I've got a severe size constraint. I have space for one panel only, on top of my suv, and it can be 58" tops, by maybe 32" (31.5"). Anything like that in the catalog? Eff: 22 or so? Wattage negotiable...

Oh yeah: Alaska, Ketchikan, cloudy weather half the year... will have a 100 ah LifePo4...

Roberto Delatorre
Roberto Delatorre - 31.05.2023 01:06

What about the REC 410??

James G
James G - 29.05.2023 21:10

I don't see the point in paying double $ for a slightly more efficient panel.

Alex M
Alex M - 27.05.2023 19:50

I love your videos, they've helped me so much to understand the solar industry

LTVoyager - 18.05.2023 15:59

Anyone use URE panels? I haven’t seen much about them, but they are what one of the largest installers in my area uses.

Frank Scammell
Frank Scammell - 11.05.2023 01:30

Hey Julian. Loved the info here. Now .. which panel is the best considering wattage and cost per square foot. I have a hip roof house and so I'm limited on how many I can install.

cheesypoof poofs
cheesypoof poofs - 02.05.2023 05:55

I just started in Solar and your videos are helpful to understand things. They don’t cover enough in training. I hope you make more videos explaining things!

Ravi Chowdhary
Ravi Chowdhary - 28.04.2023 23:15

Hey Julian - do you work for Massachusetts /Boston Area, looking for 17 Panel ~400W Solar system, options available are Sun Power M Series425W or REC AA Black 405W or Panasonic EVPV HK Black 400w. Panasonic would give All Guard Bumper to Bumper Warranty for 25 yrs not sure how reliable they are compared to Sun Power who also give same warranty for full system. REC Warranty only Panel, any recommendations?

Ace Fire
Ace Fire - 10.04.2023 21:13

I got a 405 watt solar panel that is 44 inches wide and I actually got four of them.

Sal Rodriguez
Sal Rodriguez - 10.04.2023 08:41

Looks like a tarantula ?

Dzeledon Zeledon
Dzeledon Zeledon - 09.04.2023 18:13

Thanks for this info I live in Tampa FL. What would you recommend for my climate out of these panels ? I have quotes coming next two weeks

TippyLosOjos - 06.04.2023 02:27

Easy choice, REC. They are the most reliable, we also do service for Sunpower and its a nightmare.

skippyjl1 - 05.04.2023 21:31

Absolutely awesome information, thank you👍🏻 we are trying to find a good sewer company. You’re in Florida.
I do not want to. I’m going for a standalone some companies don’t want to bother with that. ??

Gale utesch
Gale utesch - 05.04.2023 07:01

Thank you for this information. We were about to go with a PPA, yikes! Would you possibly know a reliable company in Las Vegas, NV. I appreciate any help you are able to give to help direct me in the right direction. Thank you, Gale
