Ace Tonk Commander Achievement Guide

Ace Tonk Commander Achievement Guide


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@lonkor1 - 02.03.2015 22:45


@Asdosie - 02.03.2015 23:36

been trying this for over an hour, Literally impossible to do.. Most I got was 40 and that was pure luck.. Ugh.

@ech0six - 03.03.2015 00:07

This is a good strategy. Before I stopped and just shot at clusters of targets, which really hurts your time. Also, if someone else is playing at the same time, it makes it very difficult to get enough targets to spawn. This strategy is really the only effective method unless you're playing at, like 2 a.m.

@Hoss_Delgado977 - 03.03.2015 00:12

Pretty sure this only works if there are at least like 2 other people doing it too.

@WillTheeTaurus - 03.03.2015 00:44

Took me 46 tries... had to buy tokens twice lol ;_;

@Pennstate123686 - 03.03.2015 00:45

Got It!

@jacobgustavsson5418 - 03.03.2015 04:04

6.1 fury/arms guide! Make it happen

@sandrsofias - 03.03.2015 04:23

This worked perfectly for me. I was in a party at the time so I wonder if that was a factor but either way, I SPAMMED 1 and got the achiev.

@inoyamanaka767 - 03.03.2015 04:31

BULL SHIT This does not work

@Koroar - 03.03.2015 04:51

This achievement has more to do with the other players in the minigame than it does with what you do

@Maxim_Espada - 03.03.2015 08:11

This achieve is bullshit. My favorite part is when I watch my tank just sit there and not fire a single thing for a solid 5 seconds.

@wowmoments1365 - 03.03.2015 17:46

hey Asmongold. can you make a video about the new thing in world of warcraft WOW Tokens=buy for gold and get game time and buy them for real money and sell them at get gold. i wanna see what you think about this..... see the full news on ofc... :).

@TheTorridestCheese - 03.03.2015 19:51

Thanks for all the achievement videos. I was able to get it fairly easily with your strategies!

@eXeqtrGaming - 03.03.2015 19:57

Can you make a solo guide for Sha of Fear? (aka Tranquil Master achivement) 

@Devilyaki - 05.03.2015 06:39

Took 45 runs to do, it is not as easy as spammy one, there is a lot of luck you need to have, at lest when I did it.

@LottabulletsHS - 05.03.2015 18:23

The problem with this strategy is that if you're the only one doing it, good fucking luck getting there. The best I got was 44, getting the 45 means that 3/4 of your GCDs need to hit a target. Really hard to do if no one else is because there are no extra targets. Best of luck, but its probably not gonna happen unless you get a massive stroke of luck

@Mikebazowski - 05.03.2015 23:33

U simply have the best guides by far around wow/achievs.Thanx bro keep up the good work.

@primmly5282 - 06.03.2015 01:03

They fixed it so you can't hit other people's targets anymore :/ What now?

@fionnbegley4382 - 06.03.2015 06:39

3 times have i hit 44 im fcking furious

@youaremopped - 07.03.2015 04:59

It's pretty easy to be a "Boss" when the game is broken and giving you credit for everyone elses hits. lol

@NinjaCrafter8 - 22.03.2015 11:21

Wish i knew this before i got this achieve .-.

@yeh3amwantpizza - 05.04.2015 16:56

Got it on my 3rd try woohoo :D

@represintctc - 07.04.2015 20:24

u r awesome man keep up the good work:)

@MrSexySticky - 02.05.2016 00:54

Its impossible, I kept trying and trying there's like 5 enemy tonks, and the zeplin always around the targets. I kept pressing the button, and every time I got near targets I would get targeted by the enemy tonks, and or the zepplin would show up, and target me. I don't know how anyone is supposed to do this anymore, my fingers are tired from repeatedly pressing 1, and trying to target, the most I got was 30 I think, I haven't even seen 40. There aren't even 40 targets available to hit, so I will probably send in a ticket, because its complete utter garbage to do this now.

@baseballfan4877 - 04.07.2016 21:09

took me three tries... not anywhere close to "impossible"

@CrazyCatBaby - 05.07.2016 15:44

Fucking aids achiv.. got 43..

@lucaslucas191202 - 08.09.2016 18:48

I did it! You have almost spam the shoot button and hit everytime. But you can have a little pause, just a little one but you can have one.

@alfamari7675 - 11.12.2016 08:50

The fucking buildings need to go, and the ability to hit the mob tanks.

@richh8672 - 08.01.2017 03:03

Nice video and I am sure it was awesome at the time, but the trick doesn't work now January 2017.

I can get 40 on a pretty regular basis even with blowing up a blimp, yet my best was a 43 with a decent target layout.
As others have stated, there is a lot of luck involved mainly due to if there are any targets and if they are in a cluster.

They screwed up and allowed those of you who got this done early to get away with the trick spam "1", which even a blind person could then be boss on this event, but now with such a slow (in my opinion) firing and no glitch you are left with needing a near perfect layout along with actual skill. Another issue is the missiles can sometimes fire off on angle instead of straight or back. Maybe because it is still firing at another player's target yet not registering the hit for the achievement? Heck, if that is the case, maybe that is why there are not enough targets?

Other than some of those racing games, this one is the most difficult if not impossible.
I have tried multiple tactics from playing conservative (stopping and making sure I hit the cluster of targets) to all guns out never stopping and firing like a lunatic... even some types of both styles in the same game.

I wish I could offer a helping solution other than the trick in this video does not work.

@otaibi3084 - 10.04.2020 23:25

impossible to do 10/4/2020

@Old299dfk - 05.01.2021 16:18


@Old299dfk - 05.01.2021 16:31

many many tries but I got there eventually, the trick is to use your thumb to press one while your mouse controls movement, i kept getting cramp in my fingers.

Ideally you want to be looking 3 targets ahead, so that if there's a gap, you can smash 2, and get that boost to cross the gap without delay.
