PRAYER PLANT CARE | Maranta Tips & Tricks

PRAYER PLANT CARE | Maranta Tips & Tricks

Good Growing

3 года назад

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Veronica Macias
Veronica Macias - 07.11.2023 07:15

Great information. Very detailed. Provided all the information I was looking for!

Erin T
Erin T - 23.09.2023 15:52

Oh my goodness you gave me such a wonderful lesson on my new plant, thank you!!

Martha DeHorney
Martha DeHorney - 01.08.2023 21:23

I just bought a small one that needs to be reported but not sure when.

Baia Bakhtadze
Baia Bakhtadze - 23.06.2023 18:30

This video was very informative & straight to the point! Enjoyed it a lot, hope my red Maranta gets its health back soon :D ^^

Nancy D
Nancy D - 20.06.2023 04:29

What does it mean when some of the lower leaves are going down instead of up?

Gstark88 - 13.06.2023 13:32

Meth is bad, mmmmkay

Maggie Ma
Maggie Ma - 15.05.2023 06:53

Hi! Thanks for you video! I just got a new prayer plant. Do I need to repot it with fresh soil if the roots do not look crowded?

The Fern King
The Fern King - 18.04.2023 19:29

My maranta always grows tiny leaves when I move it from one place to the other or if I’ve overwatered -_-

Arun - 14.04.2023 19:02

'Leuconeura' as in 'leukos' = White, 'neura' = Nerves 😃

Lynn Grillo
Lynn Grillo - 05.02.2023 18:26

Another tip: I stumbled upon this tidbit when I found the little plastic tag that came with the plant… On the back it stated that this type of plant is extremely sensitive to fluoride and chlorine, both of which are in our tap water. My plant had really been struggling, with the leaves browning and getting crispy. I removed the dead/dying leaves and began watering with distilled water, and she came back to life!

Jamal Yusuf Ali Bey
Jamal Yusuf Ali Bey - 27.01.2023 13:38

I'm on my second go around, with prayer plant's and hope your info pays off. In California we obviously have tons of sunshine but dry weather definitely hot during the summer. Wish me luck 🤞 😊

MJ Rocca
MJ Rocca - 25.01.2023 20:37

Got one for my leopard geckos terrarium, I was already going to use a drainage layer and a lighter soil, but I’ll be moving it to the humid side. Thanks!

Mk.16th - 13.01.2023 13:13

Brilliant video I think u covered just about everything I wanted to know. I have just got a lemon & lime maranta so really appreciate all this info. Thank you xxx 🌱🪴

Loïc - 11.01.2023 00:52

Hi. Thank you for this video. Mine is just getting smaller and smaller leaves. It is placed at 50cm of a south window, could it be too much light for it ?

Joshua Drummer
Joshua Drummer - 04.01.2023 17:49

Great video and you are too cute

QuantumSpin - 02.01.2023 21:49

In a small village nestled in the mountains of ancient Mesopotamia, there was a healer who was renowned for her ability to cure the sick and bring life back to wilting plants. The villagers called her the "plant witch," as it seemed that she had a special bond with the natural world and could command the plants to grow and thrive.

One day, a young boy brought her a small, delicate plant with bright green leaves that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. The boy had found the plant growing on the side of a rocky cliff, and he believed that it had special powers.

The healer took the plant and examined it closely. She had never seen anything like it before, and she was immediately struck by its beauty. She placed the plant in a special pot and tended to it carefully, watering it and tending to its every need.

As the days passed, the healer noticed that the plant seemed to have a special energy about it. It seemed to thrive even in the most difficult of circumstances, and it seemed to bring life and vitality to the other plants around it.

The healer began to experiment with using the plant to heal her patients. She brewed teas from its leaves and applied its extract to cuts and wounds, and she found that it had a miraculous ability to speed up the healing process and reduce pain.

Word of the plant's medicinal properties spread far and wide, and soon people came from all over the region to seek out the healer and her miraculous plant. And so, the prayer plant became known as the "healer's plant," and it was used to bring health and vitality to all those who used it.

D.R. Mcmanus
D.R. Mcmanus - 16.12.2022 22:34

I bought one and it has a "vine" (for lack of the correct word) that is growing to the side complete with leaves? Is there a way to make this start to grow upright like a normal plant lol?

SARAH BUZBY - 24.11.2022 13:55

Hi. Great Vidio. I just would like to say my maranta grew like crazy, blooms as well during the heatwave we had the summer gone by here in the UK. Temp was around 90° average I think and humidity also very high, like 75- 85 average. Was about three feet in an east facing window. The previous winter, which was the first winter I had it, I lost one half of the side bush which I think was due to the cold and draught from the window. Ive now put it in a clear greenhouse thingy, temp is average of 18° atm. Looks like it's doing ok and has no more yellowing leaves which had started to happen when it got colder and I might have overwatered. Your Vidios are so much help and I love your personality. Thanks so much for making these and sorry for long comment.

Bee Lynn NYC
Bee Lynn NYC - 24.10.2022 22:38

This was such a detailed video! Thank you so much!

Patti Vanderluit
Patti Vanderluit - 19.10.2022 15:39

Very informative and helpful thanks 🙏

Just Megs
Just Megs - 04.10.2022 09:26

I just found your channel. Excellent! I love my Maranta plant. It was a surprise gift and I really enjoy it.

Wize Wizard
Wize Wizard - 28.09.2022 21:25

how did you get rid of the thrips though?

Kim Sanders
Kim Sanders - 20.09.2022 23:06

Love your video oh my God you are awesome I already knew a lot what you have said but as I'm getting older and I live in a jungle LOL I think you know what I mean can't wait to see your other videos thank you so very much God bless you and please be safe Kim

iamgoregeous - 12.09.2022 01:26

What about crispy leaves?

Ashraf Awan
Ashraf Awan - 25.08.2022 18:46

I want to know about lecca. Please make a video.

Ashraf Awan
Ashraf Awan - 25.08.2022 18:46


Chunkychicken - 02.08.2022 19:31

Thank you! :)

Nova:::::::🌬SevenOneEight♏️ - 26.07.2022 05:48

Such a fussy plant . Killed one. And bought another one.
My house is superhot in the summer and very cold in the winter. I may give it to my aunt lol. Her house climate has better control. A lovely plant...Just too finikey for me

Angie C
Angie C - 17.07.2022 10:07

which fertilizer do you recommend for a maranta? also how do i get rid of the yellow spots on my stems of my maranta?

Cheryl Penn
Cheryl Penn - 15.06.2022 01:54

Yep, you answered my problem, thanks a mil. Great video

Extreme Chimpout
Extreme Chimpout - 04.06.2022 15:28

I just got one of these from my mom thanks for the tips!

Leen-Yoongi - 22.04.2022 12:13

Hi, are we able to use heat pads to keep them warm ?

BETH DAMS - 18.04.2022 15:24

My red maranta does go up at night but in the day it droops so far it’s practically vertical. It sits about 2 metres back from a south facing window with no direct light and its on a pebble tray for humidity, not sure what I’m doing wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️

Rebecca Emmanuel
Rebecca Emmanuel - 12.04.2022 21:07

this was very helpful

Renee - 03.04.2022 18:57

Thank you so much, inherited my mom's and transpoted between provinces has not been doing well it has been progressively dying, don't want to loose it

Iceman cometh
Iceman cometh - 26.03.2022 19:58

I wonder about the soil because maybe that's where I made the my mistake maybe you can do a video on that.

Lady Skywalker
Lady Skywalker - 10.03.2022 16:11

Do you know why my prayer plant doesn't raise his leaves at all? And it doesn't stand up like yours. It just droops over.

ClothPadLand - 27.02.2022 18:30

Your prayer plants are beautiful 🪴

ruggies - 24.02.2022 10:01

thank you for this video! :)

John Carbis
John Carbis - 20.02.2022 05:09

My red maranta opens up in the evening and stays up all night. Is this a problem? Just curious. Thanks for making these videos!

Madeline - 17.02.2022 10:13

Hi Emma! I have a question about propagating this beautiful plant! My maranta is getting so full that one node is holding about five leaves and I see that it is weighing that branch down. Should I propagate this node or is it a watering issue?

Aida F.
Aida F. - 10.02.2022 00:37

Your Maranta is GORGEOUS!! I've finally learned to care for my Maranta and it's been getting these long, thin stalks with the tiniest and daintiest, light lilac flowers that remind me of Orchids, have yours done that? I was shocked because I never knew they produced flowers!!❤️🥰

Joolz Gritt
Joolz Gritt - 18.11.2021 06:01

Great info honey-thank you!

Megan Morris
Megan Morris - 01.09.2021 22:47

My relationship with this plant is tumultuous. I got it because it looked beautiful and I’m slowly coming to hate it. 😅 thanks for the relationship counseling I’ll work on some of your suggestions. 😂

Jordan Nikita
Jordan Nikita - 22.08.2021 01:36

I just bought one of these from Facebook market and the seller had loads of plants and I over bought and now I’m panic researching😅😭

judy anderson
judy anderson - 20.08.2021 03:50

You talk more about the red one and not the other I have the other one …..

A N - 01.07.2021 23:01

I thought you were Emma chamberlain 😳

DeAndre Greene
DeAndre Greene - 13.06.2021 18:33

This was perfect, thank you for the information.

Husky DarkWolf
Husky DarkWolf - 07.06.2021 12:15

Thank you🙂 This video was very helpful ^^

Angela Pugh
Angela Pugh - 31.05.2021 06:49

I have just acquired a red veined prayer plant from my grandfather and it had some pothos that grew into it because they were put close together and my grandfather didn’t think to keep them from growing together. Sooo... I have pothos vines/roots in the same pot with my prayer plant. After watching this video I have a few questions.
1) should I try to separate the maranta from the pothos plants that have taken over in its pot?.
2) if the answer to question 1 is yes.... then what is the safest way to go about it without harming either of the plants?
3) Or should I just leave it and hope for the best?
