The Boy With Barbies! My Doll Collecting Story

The Boy With Barbies! My Doll Collecting Story

Beauty Inside A Box

2 года назад

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Juan Hernandez
Juan Hernandez - 06.10.2023 02:35

You’re awesome Joey! ❤

Trinidad Chapa
Trinidad Chapa - 05.10.2023 06:00

Is it free to subscribe, to your channel... Or is there a fee?

Julie Royce
Julie Royce - 04.10.2023 17:51

Stay strong ❤ - as a female I grew up in the 60’s and as our home was not near other friends to play with daily my brother and I often played together. It was only slightly frowned on that I played army, climbed trees, and played ball games with my brother by outsiders (mainly due to concern I’d get injured) but it was another matter entirely if they would have found him reciprocating by playing dolls, etc with me (which he often did to appease me).

David - 03.10.2023 16:54

Kids will be kids. They should be taught acceptance but ... bullying will always exist. I always had girl friends and played with dolls. I too was lucky to have parents who didnt care. I dont collect barbies but I have quite a few She-Ra dolls from Mattel and a couple custom dolls ive had made. Its great to feed your inner child every now and again.

Jai jayanti Banerjee
Jai jayanti Banerjee - 30.09.2023 12:48

can you show a video about barbie
kinder joy

fallfallfaaallll - 29.09.2023 14:38

your story made me tear up❤ i got into doll collecting & remodeling because of the barbie movie, it kinda rekindled my love for dolls:) weirdly enough i only had one barbie as a child, it was a princess from the 12 dancing barbies, & i didn't know how to "properly" play with her lol.... legitimate barbies were so expensive when i was a kid (in china), even though most of them were made there. i remember looking at the barbies displayed at the mall and wanting them desperately!! now i can finally treat myself with some barbies and other dolls i didn't get to own, and repaint them the way i want❤

728IAMCUPCAKE - 28.09.2023 20:00

OMG You are sooo lucky to have like that parents like you sayd at 11.50 ok so like im a boy and i loved dolls your lucky to have that kind of supporting parents so like im not hating my parents i love them but like you i playid with the girls when i was young some boys bullyd me that i play with girl and at that time i loved alot of dolls and i would ware my sisters girl clotings but as i sayd my parents didn't like my buying dolls bc its like a waist of money so yeh

Robin Grant
Robin Grant - 27.09.2023 10:36

Joey you are wonderful! I love your video on the Black Barbie! Growing up in the US during the 1960’s as a little black girl I never had an opportunity to own a black barbie! All my dolls were white! Of course there was no diversity! I made sure my daughter had a different experience with dolls of all races!
It important for boys and girls to feel good about themselves! I glad that you had support from your family!
I just wanted you to ❤let you know that your joy of Barbie dolls inspired me to purchase my first black Barbie at age 65!!!😂🤣

J J - 26.09.2023 21:00

Your channel is amazing, and I have so much fun and learning. This is inspiring and I am sure helping other people, educating many. Love and respect is very important, and this is all about it!

Tara Hosseini
Tara Hosseini - 24.09.2023 20:37

Maychi - 21.09.2023 22:13

I really quite respect you for holding on and turning out to be a great person from all the hate early on. I personally was also bullied for my looks and escaping into fairytales, but quite frankly it turned me sour through time from feeling like everyone hates how I am. So I'm still solving my mental wall to being more open again. I really respect you for it.

Karine S
Karine S - 20.09.2023 23:24

Thanks for sharing this with us. Sending much love from Costa Rica.

Brandon Duarte
Brandon Duarte - 20.09.2023 06:25

I can relate to this story on so many levels. My dad always bought me them when I earned or deserved or was gifted them. I’d bring them to school for show and tell and think nothing of it bc my sisters never made me insecure. It was always my classmates. Mostly boys. I’d come home crying not understanding. My older sister said she always admired how I wasn’t afraid to be me even as a kid. Having my dad ask for a girl toy or anyone for that matter at McDonald’s. Seeing dolls at the flea market and just looking at them without saying anything bc I was embarrassed my dad would ask for me

Jacqueline Mayfield
Jacqueline Mayfield - 19.09.2023 20:07

You are a such a sweet and wonderful person for sharing your story. My son loves Frozen and has his own Elsa doll. He loves her and I’m happy that he isn’t scared to voice his love of a doll! I’m a doll collector and it’s true that many people look down at doll collecting as weird, but I’m so happy people like you are out there to show it’s not weird but just another hobby like anything else. Thank you for sharing!

Helen Amirian
Helen Amirian - 19.09.2023 18:23

Big love and support to you! ❤ I'll probably be single forever because I am a butch lesbian who is also a puppeteer. 😂 And I am ok with that. (The Magical Genderqueer Croatian Unicorn 🦄)

Mica - 17.09.2023 05:13

Your father bringing home Pocahontas for you made me cry. Thank you for sharing your story. Best of wishes from Argentina!

Maria Magana
Maria Magana - 15.09.2023 04:05

I started collecting rainbow high dolls I still do but I also started collecting omg and lol dolls it all started when I was six. joey you can read this if you want?

Isabel Vidal Mariscal
Isabel Vidal Mariscal - 14.09.2023 16:44

Thanks for sharing, Joey.

Chunny does stuff
Chunny does stuff - 14.09.2023 14:12

Hey there, your story is quite a beautiful one... In some degree I know what it feel to be different. I'm a male asian, living in Italy. Being a "foreigner" gives you a target on your back, even after 37 years. I was always being fascinated by the female body and had many moments in my life where I asked myself about my sexuality. Always played with boy toys, always had male interests, always had romantic relatioships with girls, but from time to time I craved for some femminine type of... something in my life. To this day I don't know who I am, but I have a wonderful understanding girlfriend who support all my quirky hobbies, including my new found love for tailoring little clothes to my new found hobby of Barbie collecting... I'm weird. Weird is good, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. Thank you for telling us that we are not alone.

Adrienne Mullen
Adrienne Mullen - 13.09.2023 16:12

You are such a lovely soul. You really explain the doll collecting mystique very well.

Nicole Taab
Nicole Taab - 11.09.2023 04:09

Hey Joey, im very sorry How some people treated you … this makes me so angry! Why can’t people just accept each other..
And be nice to each other.
My brother also played with Barbie’s and he owned some Barbie doll, so what?!!! My mom was so lovely she always said that we can play with what ever we want and we can love who ever we want!!!!
You are so strong! And I’m more than happy that you started collecting dolls again and that you always tried to stay yourself no matter how hard it was, you did everything right! Look wehre you are now, you made it! And I’m proud to be one of your subscribers!!! 🎉❤

Annie Sapp
Annie Sapp - 10.09.2023 07:48

As an only child I craved dolls, especially fashion dolls. I hated school. Soo many bad kid. I felt isolated.

Elin-Esteem - 10.09.2023 04:40

This video made me cry. We should be at a point were we r all excepting of each other. I got made fun of for being overweight in grade school n i lived on a farm, as i walked up the isle to get off the bus kids would call me cow ass n moo at me, it was horrible. I love ur channel! Ty for sharing ur story! This one was deep n inspiring!

Kyla W
Kyla W - 08.09.2023 20:44

It is still that way in the boys section sadly muted blues, greens and browns. I have often lamented the lack of colors as i think most kids regardless of gender gravitate to color when young. Also my mom was the same about model horses as your mom was about dolls. She didn't understand that as I was no longer a kid why I wanted to collect them still.

Angie Baby
Angie Baby - 07.09.2023 17:31

You are great! And I follow your channel because of holiday barbie! Your doll fans from Taiwan which is really far away😂

Sarah Jensen
Sarah Jensen - 06.09.2023 16:52

This made me cryyyyyy, I’m SO HAPPY you are living as your genuine self and spreading positivity, love & acceptance by your doll collection. I LOVEE Barbie dolls, as a neurodivergent child, Barbies were my escape. Thank you for being you and sharing this story ❤️

Adrian Zen Miller
Adrian Zen Miller - 06.09.2023 00:37

Thank you for sharing your story! ❤ Here is mine (and yes, you can use it).
As a trangender man who was growing up as a "girl" I had the priviledge to get dolls as gifts. I was born in 1984 and up until early 90ties there were only baby dolls which I didn't like at all (I couldn't imagine myself as mom). Then there were the beautiful sophisticated Barbies and I instantly fell in love. I played with them, made them clothes and accesories, furniture etc. I was doing it up until I was 16 or smth. Dolls made me cope with my mom dying from cancer when I was 12. And with being a very akward teen.
Now everytime I get a doll, it makes me happy. Yes, that's escapism. But that's def better way than most adults are dealing with their depressed moods.
I used to be ashamed of bying myself dolls as an adult, I was hiding them at first, from my sister who was mocking me. But now I realise that I have some really awesome stuff. And I want to put them in display. Some dolls were traveling with me from foreign countries since they're not being sold in my homeland (Latvia).
My closest friends know about my passion and they're ok with this. My girlfriend, who didn't play with dolls as a kid herself, is very accepting and proud of my collection.
So I don't think its odd to love dolls or sparkles as a boy. :)

Romina Bisio
Romina Bisio - 05.09.2023 17:31

I think it's not a problem if you like Barbies in general.... It's a passion as collecting some other symbolic objects

Sasha Flip
Sasha Flip - 03.09.2023 01:43

Sending you lots of love ❤️ found your channel recently and I have binged your videos. I’m glad you’re on here telling your story and sharing the doll love with us.

Haus of Helena Designs
Haus of Helena Designs - 01.09.2023 00:36

that was beautiful Joey!! thank you so much for sharing your story...I very much identified with parts of your story. Im so glad you continue to share your beautiful and bubbly self with us!! 💖🌹🌹

cyrodilicbrandy - 31.08.2023 08:41

Made me smile to hear that your grandma was happy to buy you dolls. My grandda was a heavily tattooed, retired coal miner and was the same with my siblings and I. I hope that age gives a lot of people the realisation that gender really is a construct, whether they have the language to recognise that or not.

alwaysyouramanda - 29.08.2023 19:59

I want to say I wasn’t in to dolls as a kid, but I feel a bit more like it was one less thing for my sister and me to fight over- I gave her any doll that was gifted to me. I had one from when I was 3- this huge cowgirl that came with a matching outfit for me. I still remember that birthday at my great grandma and grandpa’s house. We were dirt poor and my sister was 2 years my jr. Idk why we ever got left alone if my single mom had no job but it happened and we fought like cats and dogs. She also had a tendency to break or destroy my things on purpose.. even killing animals and bugs I would catch. We were hungry a lot early on too, and I remember us even fighting over the last ravioli.. so being the oldest I think I was just too stressed to care for having things. Having things still means potentially losing things, and I don’t like it. My bf just bought me my first MH doll. I wanted one ever since I saw one at 19. (I’m 32 lol) The experience of picking her out.. not wanting any other doll in the slightest either- the joy- I kept thinking about how this is what kids must feel like, “I get it now.” How nice it must have been. I didn’t feel at the time that anything was wrong with my childhood because I could always find a way to make my own fun. It was more along the lines of catching frogs, lizards, tad-poles.. trespassing in the fields, to climb the school roof- abandoned structures- I was very much living the life of a small boy. I even referred to myself as the man of the house, having dragged the gallon of milk for my mom and sister since i was 2. I didn’t actually ever think I was a boy, but I was sad for a long time that I wasn’t.

Nia Belizaire
Nia Belizaire - 28.08.2023 03:49

What a touching story! 🩷

Bunny flowers 506
Bunny flowers 506 - 27.08.2023 20:25

I was born in the 2000s so I haven't got money good Barbies I've only got two real Barbies and I've just got a ton of knockoffs, but I love them and I just think you're amazing and I only watched a few videos and I've already fallen in love with you. You're just amazing and if I was one of your friends when you were a kid, I would've stands out for you I would've never just let you be bullied because you're amazing and nobody should've followed you because you're amazing shame on those kids who bullied you because I don't want you to be bullied and I think you're amazing (btw i'm a girl, but no shame on boys for having Barbies)

The Fabulous Wonder Mama
The Fabulous Wonder Mama - 27.08.2023 14:49

Joey I love your story and its a horrible thing to go through and made out to be a bad thing when its totally innocent! I grew up in the 70s (yes im older) and i loved Barbie and Wonder Woman as a little boy i had a little school case with a variety of dolls and outfits in it that i would play with all the time! My parents and family never made an issue of it, it was just people out of my family circle that made an issue of it like my sister's fiancé at the time. I did get teased at school so i didnt bring dolls to school but i did get teased for having a Wonder Woman pencil case! Like you i also tried to hide who i was. Sorry you went through all that! xx

BluejeanMermaid - 25.08.2023 08:32

Meh. What's the difference between barbie/ken dolls and G.I. Joe action figures? Marketing linguistics.

MandVersusNature - 25.08.2023 08:15

Thank you so much for sharing your story, and for the pep talk. I noticed how you light up about Disney dolls, and I think this helps explain why you love them so much!

I just started collecting Barbies. I was more into stuffed animals growing up, but after the movie I decided to start collecting again, starting with the one I remembered most from childhood, Pet Pal Courtney. She’s so beautiful and the one I found has the hair texture of the one I’d played with. I even have her cat. I actually still had her cat dress all these years, but this new one had one of her own.

The dolls I’ve been loving and caring for, including eBay and thrift finds and dolls of other kinds like the American doll looks-like-me doll my mom just unearthed have brought me so much comfort. My body has been very tired between things like a bone spur and an abdominal injury and it’s very relaxing to have a small and cute hobby to look forward to.


Jed Perez
Jed Perez - 24.08.2023 21:20

thank you for sharing your story. Sending you tons of love from Toronto!

Judy P.
Judy P. - 24.08.2023 01:02

Thank you for sharing your journey. People can be mean but you seem to have had great support from your Grandmother. What a special woman! I’m a 59 yo straight woman who finds joy and comfort in collecting Barbie and vintage Fisher Price Little People and I get judged very harshly and called weirdo because I’m NOT doing it for money! I had a lot of trauma growing up and my toys created a world to make life bearable. I spent many school lunches alone in the bathroom stall. My life is good now though I keep my circle of friends small. I’m so glad to have found your channel! You are awesome!

brightphoebus - 23.08.2023 01:09

Really moved by your story. ❤🌸 And thank you for your words of support.

Nastia Ri
Nastia Ri - 23.08.2023 01:08

Thank you for this video, you are amazing! I am so happy that you were able to find people who really accept, support and love you as you are. You deserve them

Sarcasticron - 22.08.2023 14:27

The bit where you almost cried, I lost it! I'm starting to cry again just thinking about it. I'd like to think that, if we had gone to the same school, I would have played with you even if I wasn't into Barbies (they could rescue my Transformers from danger Transformers could guard the Barbie Boutique!). I hope I would have stood up for you against bullies. But for sure now I would.

Alexius - 22.08.2023 09:59

I've been watching your videos so much and your story really touched my heart I relate with the bullying in school and feeling so lonely I had no friends it was awful and it still seems to bother me till this day and lately especially right now I’ve been feeling that same loneliness but your videos bring me so much happiness I feel less alone thank you for sharing ❤

G H - 21.08.2023 05:48

I love this video; it’s so relatable. The way I had to FIGHT just to get the “girl toy” at McDonald’s back in the day was crazy; no child should have to deal with shame like that.

Sakura Shy
Sakura Shy - 19.08.2023 17:49

What was that Barbie doll you were holding in the preview image?

ANNLAND - 19.08.2023 02:19

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm so happy about your dad buying Pocahontas for you. ❤

Christopher Katz
Christopher Katz - 16.08.2023 17:41

I really relate to you. You are an inspiration and an icon. sending love!

Veronica Ezzy
Veronica Ezzy - 16.08.2023 10:10

Beautiful story Joey. I have always enjoyed your Barbie doll videos but this was such an important story to tell. Bullying not only is physically and emotionally intimidating but it leaves you feeling so ashamed of who and what you are and this can last a lifetime if you haven't got the support of friends and family. So grateful you are thriving with these amazing videos.

Arnix Noelle
Arnix Noelle - 14.08.2023 11:02

That video at the beginning is just precious.
What a sweet little child.
Your parents are examples of just...decent human beings and wonderful loving parents. Should be the standard.

Fanny Caron
Fanny Caron - 14.08.2023 10:41

Omg i just want to hug you... i was so lonely either in high school... not for the same ressons but... i was more sick because of my hydrocephalus.. I srarted to have more headaches/migraines.. even one of my teacher was sure i was farine it.. but no... i had the most big and
dangerous surgery of my life... because i was losing my visual fields of both eyes.. when i start new year of school... but in same grade.. when all my teachers saw that i wasn't faking because my hair was shaved and it shoerd my big + scar on my head 15cm by 10 cm maybe... i had no friends i was shaved and almost 200 pounds because of my heslth.. even a guy asked me if i iŕ i was a man... but after my physical health was finally good my phsychological health was sh!t as hell.. but after 4 years of therapy it was better.. i struggle sometimes with it again.. but the causes are always the same... my multiples chronic pains and my multiple disabilities... but hey no more surgeries by surprises so.... :) love you añd your videos... even im not dolls at all... but i love figures and actions figures. But now i want s😮ome because of you!
