GAPS Diet Detox: What's it Like, Dealing with Die Off | Bumblebee Apothecary

GAPS Diet Detox: What's it Like, Dealing with Die Off | Bumblebee Apothecary

Bumblebee Apothecary

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GAPS Coach ME Natural & Holistic Healing
GAPS Coach ME Natural & Holistic Healing - 27.10.2023 16:14


D rosas
D rosas - 24.08.2023 00:22

Still don’t know what gaps is…………..???????

alice ford
alice ford - 24.07.2023 14:38

What is GAPS?

scouteefje - 24.07.2023 00:17

I am not sure what my body is doing at the moment. I am not sure if everything is ok in there, or if there is something seriously wrong.
I am currently in stage 4 (day 52), almost ready for stage 5.
This weekend i did GAPS fasting. (2 days) Everything was explained perfectly in the Blue Book. Also used the enema's, also perfectly explained. But the tummy isn't really happy inside. I dont know if i better keep moving to the next stage, or go back to stage 3 and stay there for a while. Its mainly my stools and their color that i am worried about. Even after the enemas, the system doesn't seem to want to get going.
When will Everything be back to a little bit of normal? 🤭🙈

Ana - 30.06.2023 21:24

Can you answer to these questions?
How many days have to pass in between each stage?
May we pass to the next stage the next day?
Are there people who could not stand this diet and why?
Are there side effects?
Thank you!

TheBumbleBeeMovie - 08.06.2023 23:41

How long does a die-off typically last? I’ve been looking on the internet and in the book but I can’t find anything.

Luis Bedolla
Luis Bedolla - 08.06.2023 10:35

Does making my legs feel numb at night part of die off?

Tamia Nicole  Doing me!
Tamia Nicole Doing me! - 16.04.2023 15:09

Hello indigestion and feel like water is in your chest is that a die of symptom.?

jennifer swanson
jennifer swanson - 04.04.2023 03:57

Slow and one at a time is sooo hard. Have the mind set of deep healing. Food is medicine.

AM Solutions
AM Solutions - 24.03.2023 23:47

Thank you so much for this video. I’m on my fourth day and struggling so much. I am doing the enemas which help. Today I managed to get out of bed at 4pm as I am so achy after each night

From The Rough
From The Rough - 20.03.2023 07:12

Can a woman do this protocol while pregnant?

Possum Holler Homestead
Possum Holler Homestead - 15.01.2023 20:11

I am beyond grateful to have found your channel. This clears up so much of the confusion I was left with after reading the book. THANK YOU!

Carina Galvin
Carina Galvin - 05.01.2023 00:21

And im currently not on any drugs that are supposed to constipate me. So im curious if this diet is the best for me. doctors have said in the past that i had " leaky gut" ..... from what youve said "leaky gut' causes shitting problems. To much of it, thats not been my issue, its the opposite. Any ideas on this? I can imagine not being able to shit normally is causing me to feel like shit.

Carina Galvin
Carina Galvin - 05.01.2023 00:16

I can only poop if im super sick. So I poop probably 4x a week.

ShannonG - 04.01.2023 18:05

Are night sweats a die off reaction? Thanks

Cristian Aldea
Cristian Aldea - 20.11.2022 04:34

For how long while on gaps do u do detox baths every day? A few weeks, months, do u decrease the frequency after a while? Thank you.

Haley Fink
Haley Fink - 18.11.2022 07:01

Hey! For the past week or so I have switched my family to a WAP type of diet..before my kids would have a mixture of foods, but definitely had some processed sugar and grains, etc. Now we have been off and also consuming raw milk daily as well as other fermented foods. My 5 year old son this morning was complaining of an upset stomach right when he woke up and ended up vomiting (a very little amount)- but once he ate (I made sprouted pumpkin oatmeal) he felt fine. Do you think the vomiting is related to the switch in diet? Thanks in advance🙏🏼💜🥰

Lana V.
Lana V. - 07.10.2022 18:58

Guys, I am desperate for an advice!! Also could you please 🙏 share your symptoms and how is your progress on this diet? My strory in short: For me raw plant based helped a lot, i revearsed terrible symptoms i had, but it is the toughest diet. I ate only fruits and veggies. Did a lot of cleanses. But of course i malnourished myself. But i didn't care at the time , as the symptoms where debilitating.. Now, when I'm trying to add other foods, like meat, ( i digest meats nicely and easily, and it gives me muscle strength after 2.5 of raw vegan) , I am starting to have terrible body pains, migrains, brain burning, inflammations, and constant herpes on the lips, and some minor stuff like tonsillitis, acne.. I am in Bed again ... i feel trapped 😞😔😕

Roon Books
Roon Books - 22.09.2022 21:19

Great youhappen to know if cannabis can heal the gut?

Jessica C
Jessica C - 22.09.2022 06:10

Thank you so much for all this information! I'm learning so much and am just starting my journey to heal my gut. I am currently breastfeeding my 6 month old, but my GI symptoms are so miserable, I want to start my healing now. Is it ok to do the introduction diet while breastfeeding a baby? Is it a concern that I may detox through my breast milk to my baby?? I'm starting her on solids the Nourishing Traditions way too! I have your GAPS to Go course and I'm excited to get this started. I just don't know whether to start with the intro phases or with the full GAPS to perhaps do the intro down the road when my baby is older. Thank you and God bless!
