Oxidean Marine Rigger Passes 99mph!

Oxidean Marine Rigger Passes 99mph!

Bill Oxidean

5 лет назад

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@bobbiehighsmith4780 - 19.01.2020 01:20

I just love your boats man👍👍👍

@johnsneen424 - 19.01.2020 01:53

I 2 love ur boats!! Is this rigger hull going 2 be available? If so? What kind of $? Thank you for any info ??

@doc4017 - 21.01.2020 15:15

What’s the setup Bill?

@russsmith9042 - 14.11.2022 07:50

Fast rigger . Yeah Bill build some nice boats still could lose that music though. You know Bill make a couple passes check your temps make a couple passes check your temps
