Creating a Total Conversion Mod in CK3 Based on Your Ideas!

Creating a Total Conversion Mod in CK3 Based on Your Ideas!


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@andrewirrvent337 - 21.11.2023 21:50

could anyone(or the OP..) explain to me in detail how to create a custom/new clothing_gfx.

so far, the only info i have, is you create a script_trigger, and script_modifier... but have no idea how that ties into choosing clothes for that trigger.... or anything else, and i'm not even getting into the nonsense syntax.

another question on that note. how do you create custom portrait_modifiers that pop up in ruler designer?? as above, in detail. from files, to syntax.. because I can't seem to get that working either.. (that 1 actually has 1 tutorial I was able to find... but was not able to replicate. the 1 on clothing pattern modding).

learning to mod this game is an absolute nightmare, and I am really, really struggling to figure out where to get any information.
probably 1 of the worst modding game experiences I've had. up there with darksouls, and sands of salzaar, which I completely gave up on within about 3 hrs after figuring out nobody in the english modding community cared enough to even share what they learned about the syntax, variables, names, etc(which is ALL in CHINESE), let alone file structure, and understanding.. which isn't THAT different to this game, where you can get vague bits and pieces, from 10 different sites, and MIGHT be able to piece it together.... sadly, i'm not smart, so I cannot do so.

i've probably spent a total of 7+ hrs over the past 2 weeks... googling culture_gfx, culture modding, etc, among many other things, with no answers to be found....

i watched your culture modding tutorial, as an example, and it completely skips over it....... even though i'm pretty sure in the video in question, you had a custom clothing_gfx... for your culture............

@jonasmollghin9719 - 03.11.2023 19:27

how long did it take?

@alseyhopkins3368 - 03.09.2023 01:29

Could you go over how to make the province template I would be super grateful

@neonz2712 - 23.08.2023 07:06

Please do a video on government modding! <3

@musculusmaximus6937 - 08.08.2023 13:24

Hey flinger, denke du verstehst deutsch :) Ich habe noch Probleme die Gebäude zu setzten, irgendwie funktioniert das nicht mit dem Auto-nudge nicht, kannst du das eventuell noch etwas näher erklären und wo die Fehlerquellen sein könnten?! Habe deine anderen Tut´s auch gesehen, super Arbeit , Daumen hoch :)

@lemnajcavite - 16.07.2023 09:34

An idea to make a CK3 TotCon would be the Grishaverse but Medieval or earlier eras of it.

@itsflyde - 14.07.2023 04:10

Any tips on how a man like myself could go about creating a custom heightmap? Made a fantasy map for a D&D game a while ago and would love to port it into CK3, but not sure how to get a heightmap for it :0

@user-op9hy7jc8e - 09.07.2023 13:37

The mythonian empire a fairly large empire in the center of the map founded by mythonian the great currently ruled by mythonian the fifth a intelligent but sick man with phenomena his reign is marked by many challenges mainly the rebels in the east who wish to gain independence and also the many claimants to the empire most notably his younger half-brother noro high lord of the east
the culture is mythonian of the mythonian heritage in the west and the eathirian culture of the same heritage in the east the mythonian culture a warlike and strong whilst the eathirian culture is peaceful more developed and richer the titles are king(empire)high lord(kingdom)lord(duchy)and governor(count)the empire is split into 4 high lordships northeast(ethiria) northwest(mythonia)southeast(eniria) and southwest(mythnoria) high lordships the capital of the empire mythia is located in the northwestern high lordship it is a coastal city the capital of the high lord noro of the southeast is estiria the nobles of the empire preferer to have intimate relationships with close family to keep the bloodlines pure.

The mythonian culture has reverence for veterans only the strong horse lord and warriors by merit the ethos is Bellicose.
the eitherian culture has Maritime Mercantilism Metalworkers and Parochialism the ethos is Bureaucratic.

The mythian faith is a warlike faith which is centered around the first temple (see special buildings)
it is a faith in which male dominate society only male clergy and rulers are allowed nobility can have more than one wife and everything is criminal except kinslaying which is accepted the tenants are warmonger ancestor worship and sun worship the virtues are ambitious pure blooded just brave and diligent the sins are gluttonous drunkard craven content and lazy the head of faith is spiritual the clergy are lay and temporal revokable the religion is Fundamentalist divorce is always allowed consanguinity unrestricted bastardry no Bastards.

special buildings
there are three special building 1 a holy site the first temple built by the prophet naka the blessed
it is a holy site and where the kantie(religious head) rules from.
the second special building is the crimson keep a castle built by the great king mythacos when he landed on the continent it is a almost impenetrable fortress built with secret passages to help the king and his family escape if need be.
the third special building located not in mythia like the last two but instead located in estiria the golden tower a tower made of pure gold a testament to the richness of the east.

the terrain is mostly plains with some mountains and hills most notably the two mountains on the north and south of the capital so the only way to enter or leave is through the east or through a naval invasion of the west although the eastern most provinces have many deserts and oasis.

extra notes
the king has a 1yro genius child.
the kingdom has many threats such as the king's brother the nobles who hate the king and the ethirians in the east who want independence but if they manage to keep the empire afloat and be cured of his sickness then the empire will prosper but if not, the empire may fall to internal problems.

PS if you're reading this i just stumbled across your channel and I love what I've watched so far keep it up.

@OddZealot - 08.07.2023 11:10

Great video! I never really thought about creating own mods for CK3 but I might just give it a try, this looks like fun. 😄 I'll certainly take a look into your tutorial videos. Thank you!

@SomeJaw - 03.07.2023 17:08

Just a relgion here: Selism.
Selism is a faith that believes in Sel as the creator. Sel is an extremely sadistic and lustful god. If he didn't have control of his lust, he would most likely take all human women who die as concubines; however, he can control himself enough to only take women who had not been married on earth. In order for Sel to become the creator, he had to kill all of his brothers, as well as both of his parents. After killing the rest of his family, he took his sisters as concubines to create the first humans. Although he took his sisters as concubines, he did not allow his children(humans on the earth) to take their close family as wives or concubines, that privilege is reserved for him alone.

Now on to doctrines.
View on gender: Male-dominated
Religious Attitude: Fundamentalist
Clerical Tradition: Theocratic
Head of Faith: None
Pilgrimage Attitude: Forbidden
Marriage Type: Consorts and Concubines
Divorce: Disallowed
Bastardry: No Bastards
Consanguinity: Close-Kin Taboo
Same-Sex Relations: Crime
Male Adultery: Allowed
Female Adultery: Allowed
Deviancy: Crime
Witchcraft: Virtuous
Kinslaying: Allowed
Clerical Function: Control
Clerical Gender: Only Men
Clerical Marriage: Allowed
Clerical Appointment: Spiritual, For Life

Tenets: Carnal Exaltation, Pursuit of Power, Unrelenting Faith

@DominicJGomez - 03.07.2023 06:02

Are you still taking submissions?

@MarkChilcote - 02.07.2023 20:10

The Grand Veche of Amerus’ is a kingdom-teir realm on the northern subcontinent of Amerus’. Alike to the Novgorodian Republic of today’s timeline. (Part 1)

@thisoneforanhour4529 - 27.06.2023 03:36

Sorry for the long one. This idea have been stuck on my mind a while ago and I will probably pacrually edit this comment to add a bit about religions. I hope you'll enjoy this one.

Rigiria: the kingdom born from the flames of conquest.


Kingdom of Rigiria is named after it's founder: Droger Rigiran. It's located at thenorth-western part of the continent, in the region rich with plains and farmlands, but with close to no woods and few hills. Southern border of the kingdom is the Shaldaari river. The kingdom streches itself along it's shores from eastern mountains, to the hills to swamps where river takes it's origins, to steppes from where the Conquest had begun in the pastto plains, to farmlands and to the forests and floodplanes of the Shaaldari delta on the west. The kingdom itself located in mostlty temperate climate zone and experiences same four seasons as our world's europe. If you want temperatural comparison France's midland will be a close match.

The kingdom's lands cross the river only in three places, where the bridges across the river and noticable forthresses to shelter these bridges from the southerners. The Fossamurian lands in the west, Shuldanruu in the middle of the kingdom and Lurander in the east are three crossing-fortreses, thet one needs to siege first, before getting a chance to move into the kingdom's heartlands. In the past Shaldaari was the main trading arteria of the land, but now this vast (and I mean Danube size vast) river. Now it is one of the kingdoms main protections from the hostile sourthern kingdoms wich are shelter for many noble families who thied resist Droger the conquerers army and lost everything exept their lives. Almoust all of the land by the northern coast are fertile farmlands, while sourthern coast is much stepper and therefore farmlands are not as common, but floodplains almost nonexistant with the exeption of Shaldaari delta region. Southern coast also hosts many forests.

The northern part of the realm are bordering mountainess area at the north-westernest point of the continent. The current extend of the kingdom ends where the shallow mountain valleys and large forests begins. There are some independent dukes, who, due to their natural isolation from the rest of the continent, wasn't affectd by the events of the Droger's Conquest. They are neutral towards the new kingdom... for now. Maybie some of the future mountainess rulers could bring all of them under one kingdom and chalange the Drogers descendants? Future will show.

The western point of the kingdom, where the Shaldaari river falls into an ocean, creating vast floodplains and farmlands, north of the river is the location of Grand City of Fossamur - ruled by two brothers - sons of the only ruller who volontaraluy accepted the overlordship of Droger over it's lands and created an alliance by marrying his daughter to Droger. Now this land in a state very close to revolt. Two brothers hate their king and envy their sister. Will there be a civil war? Will the region filled with farmlands and floodplains and forests... burn? Counties here are usually small and well developed. The main city of Fossamur is one duchy-one county title, with largest developement in the area. around the city are the farmlands, south of it - floodplains, west of it - farmlands and plains, north of it - few forests and hills.

The eastern part of the kingdom we can see the transition from from plains to steppes and then to mixture of hills and wetlands with many small rivers making the easternest part of the kingdom very stagnant in terms of development. Counties here are huge, with 7-9 baronties in them, but the developement here is... lacking, for an abscence of better words. The local rulers still living in clans, with fortress and a city of Lurander, both sharing the same name, being single exeption with a single truly feudal lord. At the easternmost part of the realm there is a uncrossable mountain range with several mountain tribes regularly raiding this part of the kingdom. The lords here are growing to hate their king because of the failed expectations of getting more land for their cattle after the Droger's Conquest. The Brothers of Fossamur, however, hate horselords of the east, so at least this two threats to the new kingdom will not fire at the same time... right?

The central part of the kingdom consists from the mixture of the farmlands, some hills, on wich the rare castles stand. This land is now recovering from the recent war and Droger's controll it these lands are almost nonexistent. This, however, are acompanied with the fact, that all of this land, which makes about 50% of the kingdom, belongs to the king. However owning and ruling are not the same thing, so king's first task to finaly aquire dominion over this land is to grant most of it to his vassals. But, loyal vassals are in short supply now, so king might as well decide to create new noble families, not raise power of the existing ones. The the counties


This region, as diverse as it may be, hosts to main cultures: Shuldaneese and Horesriders. Both were existing here since long before the conquest and have develped huge cultural acceptance. With the emergance of new kingdom two will most likely merge into the new Rigirian culture, however will that acually happen is still a question of time and luck.

Shuldaneese people live along the banks of the Shaldaari river and the shores of the continent. They are occupied most of the Shaldaari delta region, but also in the years before the conquest became common in the farmlands and plains of nowdays central Rigiria. In fact many of the pre-Droger Horseriders of the central and western planes who started to embrace feudal practises also embraced Shuldaneese culture with it. Almost every Shuldaneese ruler of Rigiria, with the exeption of Fossamur and it's vassals, are now either de ad or exiled, but results of this excange still present. Cultural acceptance is nearing it's peak, and central Rigirian plains being the wild mix of Shuldaneese and Horseriders cultures.

Shuldaneese culture are idustrious and agrarial people, who has a strong sense of kinship and usually tend to stick together by collectivelly owning the land they. They are also known as ctly keepers with long lasting republican legacy, even thou the Great City of Fossamur is no republic for centuries already.

The Horseriders culture, one native to Droger the Conqueror are known for valuing hospitality towards their guests, centering their lives around war, but when the fighting is done they are generaly malleable invaders. They are also one of the best horse and cattle breeders due to their geografical positions. Lords of this culture sometimes use "te" to mark their noble decent.

@TheRealKiRBEY - 25.06.2023 09:33


@baochau3259 - 25.06.2023 08:40

I have an idea : the kingdom of Nam-Binh ( the kingdom of southern harmony ) and is an analog of Vietnam , Cambodia and it can have the religion of Coconut Butism which have a legends of a homeless monk managed to studying different religions and creating a new religion and managed to unlock true happiness after only consuming coconut , fruits and able to forget all humanity’s sins and greed and offer to teach other his teachin

@busterampleforth9806 - 25.06.2023 08:07

Perhaps in the far west, on the mainland beyond the archipelago, you could have The Wujao Empire, an empire founded on the coasts of a major river flowing through the arid steppes. The landscape would also have some nice defensively advantagious mountains to give them an edge in defending against the militarily superior archipelegel raiders.
They’d not have maritime traditions and mostly stay on their mainland and serve as a place that the archipelegel raiding factions could target to try to plunder.
I think a lot of their culture could be isolationist, defensive, nationalist kind of stuff to get that idea of defending their lands, and they would have poor relations with basically every other faction.

@Thatchycar516 - 25.06.2023 02:14


@vincenzosorrentino5300 - 24.06.2023 20:11

This is so really cool. You should expand it adding small and big decision to spice up the gamr

@samwinkless9163 - 24.06.2023 14:59

Do you think you could make a mod representative of the book series; Malazan, book of the fallen. ?

@jd21000 - 24.06.2023 07:47

Followers of the Vadriki faith worship the Vadrikian Idols, a select group of the Old Gods. This old gods faith also believes in the sanctity of nature, and followers of this faith have a strong communal identity. Followers of this faith often go on inner journey's believing that meditation is the truest form of prayer. They are pluralist in belief, embracing the differences between themselves and others. Adherents of this faith do not go on pilgrimages, viewing them as useless and possibly heretical.

@user-qz5nk3zx5v - 24.06.2023 02:17

A Small Island named Kenz, with a Powerfull Warlord named Tin which has Event Units, with a New Languege Like Huskar and a New Culture who Rades the World.
Would be awesome 👌

@anprimpushka - 23.06.2023 22:56

Here's my idea, add it if you can. Yushgera is a duchy located somewhere in the taiga, on the banks of a wide river. Its population is unlike the population of the surrounding countries, because the people of this duchy have been living there since ancient times. The culture of Yushgera is egalitarian, Yushgera's culture traditions: Forest Folk, Culture Blending, Malleable Invaders and Xenophilic. They are ruled by Duke Uzhan of the Geruyt dynasty. He is calm, has a second-level military education, he is Patient and comely. The goal of the game for this duchy is to revive this ancient and endangered people. When you make counties, you can base them on the names of the peoples of Siberia.

@inspector_beyond - 23.06.2023 21:12

I dunno if it's gonna be a challenge for you or, but here's an idea:

A Theocratic (yes, I know it's unplayable, but I just like the idea) Empire tier realm, located in nothern very thick forests of the mainland, with archers are no match to anyone. Their technological level is of early Medieval era. (So, a culture bonus to forest terrain, bonus to archers, philosophers and a tradition that has equal gender rights. The culture is called Mikšofla. )

Their religion is thinking of nature as a sacred thing, but thinks that everyone else that dont follow their ways. And treats women as the sacred beings. (So, it's an organized religion, Sanctity of Nature, a tennet that will definitely make AI to be agressive to anyone of not their religion and religious figures can be only women, witchcraft is allowed, incest, intersex relations are not allowed and the ruler is a religious figurehead and religious figures can marry. I hope I didnt forgot something. The name of the religion is Mikšotvake). And because the realm was unified under this religion, this realm has only one culture.

For the culture, use names of Lithuanian culture, as well as ethnicity. But idk about the fashion though. But either Byzantine or Asian clothes are both fitting. Coat of Arms designs definitely should be Asian, or whatever graphics the game uses for Siberian cultures.

Now, the leader. She is a Religious figurehead, her name is Afelana, she's 35, decietfull, patient and fickle. She has at least 10 Diplomacy, 5 Martial, 13 Stewardship, 25 intrigue and 25 Learning. Education is level 4 Learning, she's Theologian and Scholar. She has a husband, Alenas, age 35 (their birth year is the same, dates themselves could be different), who is her love of her entire life since they were kids, but he's also a bit slow in intellect and has no idea that his wife likes to play dirty and can't notice the obvious, but his sweet speeches flatter not only the people, but also hi own wife (At least Level 3 Diplomacy education, 15 diplomacy, 0 intrigue and 5 learning). They have a son, Kenaflas, 17 years old, prefers to send time in army than at court (at least 15 martial and Level 3 martial Education). And they also have a daughter, Kefala, 16, who was raised by her mother as nothing but a straight copy of her, suppressing her own will and emotions in order to make Kefala as the replacement for Afelana (at least level 3 Learning and a Theologian trait. Whatever if Afelana succeeded on suppressing Kefala's own will and personality, you can decide for yourself).

I dont expect the THeocratic government to work as I imagine it would, so if that THeocratic empire will be as passive as Pope in Italy, then switch government to Monarchy. It is better to have them agressie than a passive blob on the map.

@thesmilyguyguy9799 - 23.06.2023 18:56


@hristinalazarova6871 - 23.06.2023 18:29

this is such a cool idea and im gonna love seeing the progrssion of this mod, keep up the amazing work

@barbariancataphract5103 - 23.06.2023 17:17

My suggestion is: Hegemony of Synoros. It's ruled by Hegemon Akhetos, who's court is situated in the city of Hacenae. His dukes, or Archons, help him rule the mediterranean-styled domain - there are Archonates such as Tyflos, Psefti, Hakannon and Hatevae, some of them loyal to their Synorian ways, but some remember how their forefathers were enslaved, so the cultural acceptance between Synorians and Hatevaeans is quite low. They are highly militarized, known for being quarrelsome. They are also recognized by their unremarkable seafaring skills, which help them raid overseas. Even though they are a warlike nation, they elevate the sanctity of marriage and childbearing, because they see it as the best way to serve their patron god - Aphoibos, the Lord of the Sun. Some Hatevaeans serve Aphoibos, some prefer to stick to their culture - they are people who value health, philosophy, knowledge and loyality over anything else. These were the gifts given to them by Naema, the Goddess of Souls and Crops.

Akhetos is a cynical, chaste and brave leader. Will he keep the appearances and elevate Aphoibos over the pagans, or will he stray from the religious ways of his Hegemony?
His wife, Firari, a stubborn, brave and vengeful woman was hunted and almost killed by priests of a foreign religion. She will support his husband in every way she can, though it's obvious - she hates priests, no matter their origin.

@mindful-madness - 23.06.2023 15:36

This idea is brilliant!

@Mthis - 23.06.2023 15:01

Trying to post it all gave me "Returned Error" so i will have to do it in snippets instead, my apologies:

The Empire-titled civilization of Anshavar, an Ancient and Highly Developed Civilization situated on a Great Peninsula which the Kingdom and its people are named after is protected by a great Mountain chain to the its North and East.
The Empire is organized into a system of Aristocratic magistrates and Principalities beneath the Emperor.
Count/Province = Magistrate
Duchy/Principality = Prince/Princess
Kingdom/Grand-Principality = Grand-Prince/Grand-Princess
Empire = Emperor/Empress

@gogollephilosophe8013 - 23.06.2023 14:10

I just discover your channel with this video. I will gladly look at your other videos and finally try to make a mod for fun. I guess I will have to add a "Flinker city" on this map.

@yes5989 - 23.06.2023 13:51

The Kingdom of Fyndor is ruled by a powerful and respected royal family known as House Darian. The Kingdom of Fyndor is located in a strategic place, in an area with many hills. The history of the kingdom of Fyndor is shrouded in mystery, but the founder of House Darian is Darian I. He took the throne after his father died in battle with the neighboring army. King Darian I was a skilled ruler and managed to unite his people under his leadership. He invested in the development of cities and promoted trade and cultural exchange with other surrounding kingdoms. His son, Prince Tarek, a great military commander, inherits the throne. He is ambitious, wanting to expand the territory of the kingdom. The second most important noble house in Fyndor is House Knoffar - the rival of House Darian, led by Myrthen "The Bastard". The members of House Knoffar are true masters of manipulation, wanting the throne of Fyndor ever since they sworn fealty. Some important houses are: House Meryos - a noble family specialized in the cultivation and processing of agricultural land, which brought them a high level of wealth and power. House Halden - a noble family known for hunting and animal sports, with many members excellent in horsemanship and archery. House Rendall - a noble family known for their war skills and loyal service in the royal army. House Valtair - a noble family with diplomatic skills and an impressive portfolio of commercial affairs in Fyndor and abroad.

@mariusmuhle4679 - 23.06.2023 11:53

Really Like your energy!

@poonaford9788 - 23.06.2023 09:42

The Dutchy of corlograd is located in the central western peninsula it is in a strategic position due to the fact it is in a mountainous to the south and ocean to the west east and north it has two major rivers one flows north and one flows south out of the mountains the northern river has farmland around it and the mouth is the capital. follows the corlorian culture which encourages playing tall and sacrifices levy’s for men at arms and knights, they speak corlorian and have islander heritage due to them being colonized from the northern islands. Corlograd follows the faith of its southern neighbors. The Duke is a widow with no kids, he is content and cowardly. The Duke has cancer at the age of 46 and is close to death, he has two possible heirs his brother who is 28 but is a great martial but is prone to anger and seeks to expand the realm. And a bastard son who is a decent steward but is reknown for his intelligence, yet he’s only 16. Leading to a succession chrisis

Rest is up to you

@maximdrager3639 - 23.06.2023 08:50

Do you have a discord server?
Imma still type a kingdom though

@AA-bz7zt - 23.06.2023 08:12

The Dictatorship of Uxaqalia- a single county island very far from mainland and Ruled by a deceitful, shadowy people that has no regard to Diplomacy or relationships, their culture is “ Zak’n” which (others believe) it derives from the devil himself. They have very high intrigue however they have little to no knowledge in the warfare and killing close family or friends is a common thing in their culture. Ambitious kings is always on the seek to find a Zak’n character to join their court and help them with schemes, as it’s also believed ( in a different story ) they practiced dark magic and caused the destruction of their old world before the remaining of them moves to this realm on the back of a cursed whale.

Their religion, Ancheè, allows incest, witchery, and every wrongdoing that is seen as negative in the mainland. Their realm holds 9 castles all was built on a dark mystical mountains which is believed that it was built by their god in a ritual known “ The Last Migration” where he died while building their last resort and rules between them no longer existed after that.

I don’t want to provide any longer details as this is only a county realm and it’s like fairytales in mainland which most people don’t believe, and their presence in mainland is very rare to almost non existent, as everyone is terrified of them.

@rioto6162 - 23.06.2023 07:53

The peninsula of Azarbad, very wide and stubby peninsula that is sparsely cluttered with large patches of oases. The land surrounded by mountains in the north with large oceans down south, except for the few paths that are in between the mountains themselves. These paths are narrow and have mountain cities of their own.

In the South-West part of the peninsula is a large faction of a traders kingdom with a large but sparse population. They are know as the Kingdom of Kusmal. They follow a religion of multiple deities that each represent the diffrent phases of the moon

In the far East their is a small circular shaped cluster of cities that is blocked off by the rest of the peninsula by large stretches of desert. However they are followed by a selfish, devilish ruler who is cruel and follows a satanist like religion but has the same culture as the people of Kusmal.
They are know as the People of Gundor

In the north is the pockets of mountain folk who are nomadic people of different culture from the other two groups but follow the same religion as the people of Kusmal. They tend to be involved heavily with mountain building and are week anywhere but hill sides and mountains.

@AlexThe18709 - 23.06.2023 07:28

The Kingdom of Aoru is an isolated kingdom that consists of a handful of citystate-like duchies. It's land is very fertile, and so most of it is used for farming, while the population stays near the various cities. The city of Aoru is the capital, with the cities of Alekar and Rokarra holding the 2nd and 3rd place respectively. The Aoruan people, while tending to keep to themselves, maintain a very well trained standing army, in order to dissuade other nations from getting too close. The borders of Aoru haven't changed in hundreds of years, with the kingdom maintaining relatively peaceful times due to the close ties between the ruling families. House Jadinike was the original founder of Aoru, their ancestors carving the land out of the barbarians that resides there before. To this day House Jadinike still rules over Aoru, thanks to the loyalty of their vassal houses. House Carbinei has held the title of Duke of Alekar since it's inception, granted to them from House Jadinike for loyalty and assistance in the management of Aoru during it's founding years. House Holdike, the current Duke or Rokarra, is the newest of the Dukes, and a cadet branch of House Jadinike. Aldenon Jadinike, the current king of Aoru, is a military man through and through. Well respected, he prides himself on his diligent promotion of his military and the peace he holds over. His best friend and Cousin, Sueuy Holdike, is his loyal vassal in Rokarra, happy to manage his own section of the kingdom he has loved his whole life. The Duke of Alekar, Ranett Carbinei, however, is not as content. His father was killed by bandits while patrolling, leaving Ranett, still an only child, to take the throne alone, with his mother as his regent. His mother blamed Aldenon, and in time, so did Ranett. While none can prove it, some say he intends to break his house's generational line of loyalty.
Culture: Aoruan
Eastern Roman Legacy (or similar)
Stalwart Defenders
Loyal Subjects
Religion: The Faithful
While not adhering to any one belief of deity, The Faithful believe that being the best version of themselves is in worship to any god worth worshipping.
Communal Identity
Inner Journey
Sanctioned False Conversions

I hope this interests you. If it does and I've forgotten something or you need more information, feel free to ask and I'd be happy to provide more information. Love the concept, can't wait to see where it goes 👍

@Zamtrios245 - 23.06.2023 06:39

A largely desert Island-continent similar in size to Australia, dotted with volcano ranges. Nearby is a smaller but still sizeable island (think Greenland size).

The east of the main landmass is dominated by The Kingdom of Buru, a group of Aztec-like Volcano worshippers, who practice Human sacrifice and raid other more distant lands.

These Volcano worshippers are isolationists who value the might of the sword and bow, and as such will allow women to fight in wars as long as they are strong enough. (By the Sword would be great for this)

Their religion speaks of a great and wrathful god, who placed the volcanoes to punish those who were weak of will, and demanded the weak be culled into the volcanoes for appeasement. (Herculean & Sadism are virtues, Weakness traits & Compassionate are sins)

The west of the continent is greatly fractured, due to the aftermath of the Buruan raiding parties and internal strife. The north-west is mostly dominated by various non-fuedalized tribes, and two cultures. One is a group of traders who facilitate trade (greedy is a virtue, content a sin) with the southern groups (like Mali and Mansa Musa), as a result there is a small group of counties that more developed.
The other group is an agrarian group of desert gardeners, who are pacifists that value knowledge and kindness. (Compassionate is a virtue, Sadism a sin)

Both these groups worship a group of Star-gods (but are in a schism) and are very into astronomy. The main two gods responsible for the schism is a god of plenty, and a god of kindness. (Ghensa and Yrtel respectively).

The south is mostly non-feudal, but is dominated by the remains of the old Kindom of Confederated Tribes (which is on the decline like the Roman empire in real life)
This group is the culture and religion the rest diverged from, with the culture being a mix of militancy and agrarian traits. This "Kuan-til" culture is stuck in its old ways, however, being the only one that punishes women for crimes much more harshly than men.
Their religion is of three gods. A nameless destruction god, a god of plenty, and a knowledge spirit. (Honesty is a virtue, vengeful a sin) They are all the ones of above.

The final culture is the smaller island, an entire kingdom of three duchies. This Island kingdom is isolationist, but much more peaceful than the Volcano worshippers. They worship their ancestors, and believe that if someone harms your family, they are to be harmed themselves (vengeful being a virtue, forgiving is a sin)

If all three kingdoms are united via a decision that all cultures of the continent have (like when you unite the Mediterranean or Italy in base game), you can create the Empire of The Three.
The main way to do this is to play as a western culture, and destroy the Volcano worshippers and unite the kingdoms.

The Volcano worshippers, however, must eradicate all the others to take this decision.

@lpubbyl7384 - 23.06.2023 06:29

absolutely love this idea btw, here's my entry though.

in the south of the known world is a rocky continent which the size I'll let you determine. the coast is cut with fjords and large cliffs. silver birch forests meet with peat bogs in the north and the continent gets significantly drier in the south-east. the oceans current has created several barrier islands like that of the frisian coast in our world.

The continent called Zohetl has a kingdom (or empire depending on size) title that covers the continent, though it has yet to be formed, at the start date. Prince (the title for duke in this culture) Anthes II "Whitenail" Redhrik of Grozne has taken control of half the nation. leading the smaller lords in the north to all ally against him. leading to a large war on even odds. Though most of the world expect the Prince of Grozne to win while he weild his greatsword "Lady Lonely". he is an impatient, ambitious, and wrathful man. hale and rakish, he often gives out beatings to his son and heir 15 year old Reave Redhrik, which has left him cowardly and shy, though he does seem to have a humble and diligent side to him. he didn't seem to inherit his father's average intelligence, being a marvel with mathematics, the council steward has taken to teaching him, saying Reave is quite the intelligent boy. though we'll see how long he lasts, as his mother died recently, and Anthes needs to remarry.

The Culture of Zohetl is called Zoheti, with chivalry being a central core to the culture. their is no sex based inheritance, and primogeniture. they are fighters to the end, but don't wish to brutalize their enemies. sparing and dueling is commonplace, for practice, fun, or honor. they adopt a mix of spanish and german armor. morion helms matched with gothic plate. swords are common place, houses own a family sword to pass from heir to heir. House Redhrik has 2, Lady Lonely (Greatsword) for the ruler, and Lord Favored (Longsword) for the rulers closest of age sibling, of whom i will talk about at the end. horses are where the Zoheti military strives, having their own regiment called "Virtue Riders" (just renamed Caballeros)

The Religion of Zohetl is Aestaristicism, a dualist religion with the 2 gods the Lover and the Loved, they two represent the righteous, charitable, and selfless nature of the Lover and the humble, compassionate, reciprocal nature of the Loved. Virtue Riders symbolize all these traits and are considers the most capable to bring a just realm. giving one's self for others is a large theme, compassionate is definitely a virtue. Gnosticism, Pursuit of Power, and Ritual Hospitality. the clerical sex is female. kinslaying is imprisonable, incest is just looked down upon. (you can totally change that if you don't like that idea)

Prince Anthes II "Whitenail" Redhrik. 37 years old. Impatient, Ambitious, Wrathful. with the traits Skilled Tactician, Famous Champion, Rakish, strong, scarred, and Hale. Not very good at anything except martial and prowess. has a Illustrious Sword called Lady Lonely that boosts Vassal Limit by 2-4 or more. He has short black hair, and trimmed beard. Green eyes and strong chin. And not one for the weight of crowns, he wears a circlet. though the weight of pelt cape suits him

Reave Redhrik, 15 years old. Shy, Cowardly, Humble, and Diligent. Intelligent or Quick. Spindly, and shrewd. with a stewardship livestyle. clean shaven, pale, with blue eyes, and long pulled back black hair. with thin fabrics

Anthes' brother: Andre "The Iron Maiden" Redhrik. Brave, Lustful, and Calm. with the traits blademaster, hunter, Robust, and disinherited. always in full plate and a helmet. bodyguard to Anthes. not much of a commander but very much a warrior.

if you want to add her, Anthes dead wife is Tytha, originally from house Chayce. a minor house with ties to the Nori Archipelago. she was blonde, and a genius.

The House Redhrik is a bleeding red sun with a diagonal split background of tan and black with the motto "Of Blood and Paper"

The Redhrik barony is called Maylperdeu, it's along the Lyonian Tributary where the river splits.

The language is called Zohet Vulgar

i hope this wasn't too much info, feel free to ask anything if you wind up using this :) ALSO, i would absolutely love to help with this project anyway i can, whether it be custom castle models or art as I'm a graphic design major with a middling experience with 3d modeling.

@shrimp202 - 23.06.2023 04:08

This Republic nation is called The Republic of Venise. This Republic is located in the South of unnamed continent. This country is one of the largest and wealthiest cities in the "previous era", this city is home to some of the finest merchants. Some of the features of this city include that there are canals that are used for transport. There are also many rich merchants who live here and this city is well known for its fine architecture. This city has many important buildings like St. Judah's Basilica, the Doge's Palace, the Curiculum Bridge, the Ethersium Church.

Some of these details are AI-generated, some is my image, if there are any grammar error please note that to me. ;)

@PeteSismico - 23.06.2023 04:06

Duchy of Argos (Feudal Realm)
5 County Duchy.
You can make it DeJure part of any kingdom you want.
Location and Terrain:
Anywhere with a bay area.
Duchy capital is coastal.
All wetland except duchy capital (Farmlands).
Highly developed around the capital.
If possible to make your own special building, give it one similar to the Doges Palace in the Duchy Capital, or just give it that building without the republican government type restrictions if you cant create your own, if removing the restrictions is also not possible, just give it a University or the Walls of Genoa.
4 counties controlled by a Duke (including Duchy capital),1 county controlled by a Baron who is a vassal to said Duke
Culture extends a little bit past the duchy itself but is mainly concentrated around it
Name (Cistanian)
Use italian-like or hispanic-like naming conventions or just straight up use latin or iberian heritage.
Polders,Wetlanders,Maritime Mercantilism and Republican Legacy.
If possible make them able to get the Condottieri and Pike Colum Innovations.
Name (Helanism)
Literalism, Esoterism and one of the Holy Wars ones like Struggle and Submission or Armed Pilgrimages.
Spiritual and unlanded Head of Faith
Monogamous and make Witchcraft a virtue otherwise dont really care.
Mediterranean or Arabic
Duke: Male Unmarried 22 year old Fortune Builder who is Quick, Ambitious, Diligent, Deceitful, a Journalier and Scarred with high stewardship and intrigue and overall good learning.
Baron: Male Married 31 year old Brilliant Strategist who is Hale, Strong, Ambitious, Stubborn, Brave, DIsloyal, Reckless and Aggressive Attacker with high martial and prowess but incredibly low intrigue, He has a Daughter
At game start these two characters start at war (war for independence)
I feel like this should make for a pretty interesting campaign with the two characters I have created, but once again you can just change it if you want.

@majestic8054 - 23.06.2023 03:45

Trumoi(Trevni Culture Group) - peoples who live in Hilly but lush regions with mountains to their east,(area is pretty large) the Mountains are used for mining which supplies these peoples with gold & iron ores which are supplied to strengthen the small states making them fairly wealthy. They are a martial and beurecratic culture, among the traditions are, Ruling Caste, Hill Dwellers, Legalistic, and Ancient Miners. However there is another culture known as the Hledan Culture which instead of Legalistic, they are more tribal and traditionalist.
The Religion of the Trumoi peoples (Izarism) focuses around Astrology/worship of the Sun(Illuk) Moon(Balu) & Sky Gods(Hazi, Heru, and Atratti) in what they refer to as the "Trabaissi".
For religious Features they believe Divination of the stars is the best way to discover that the gods desire. They also believe that attaining glory, both in war & amongst society is the best way to attain the favor of the gods.
The main leaders amongst Izarism are the priests who sometimes may call "Great Councils" to determine the target of holy wars against infidel nations or Heretics on the continent. Male & Female Adultery are Accepted amongst the people, due to the worship of the Sky Goddess, Atratti who also serves as Goddess of Love.
Same Sex Relationships are Shunned. Deviancy is shunned, as honor comes before desire. Witchcraft is shunned amongst the people as is considered the work of Evil. Close-kin Kinslaying is Criminal, as one should not kill their brother or sister, family comes before before power.
Chastity, Sadism, Gluttony and being Arbitrary are Sins amongst the Trumoi peoples.
While being Just, Ambitious, Lustful, and Diligent are virtues.
Factions -
There a a few notables amongst the Trumoi people.
First one being, Petty King Kalan of Siamra. At age 34, He is a Patient, Cynical and Fickle ruler, a Dwarf but is shrewd. His father was Petty King Kash Alhatsu(The Mighty). Kash was a major figure in the history of the Trumoi peoples. He defeated the Nation of Szallos & the Kingdom of Gajeev in the 3rd Citadel War. (The Citadel Wars are several conflicts between the Trevnian states.) Kash became the first king of Siamra as a result.
Next Significant ruler is Lord Marshall Gorlon Kalitas of Szallos(Also Largest Nation/Kingdom level title), he is a Just, Lustful, and Craven man, along with being a Kinslayer, for killing his older half Brother Urien. He is 29 but is unpopular amongst the common people and is in a rivalry with Duke Avrahan of Ithaca(within his realm).
High Chief Gahamor of Llunn. He is the current head of the Hledan Culture and a Wrathful, Impatient, and Paranoid man. Though being quite a Herculean warrior and having skill with the sword(Blademaster level 3) he is an Uncharismatic person and is generally cruel to his subjects.
There are also 3 other Petty Warlords amongst this land and 3 formable Kingdom titles. There is an Empire Level Title called the Trevnian Empire, along with an Event Formable Title called the Empire of Kujara(only formable for Hledan Culture).

@stemom - 23.06.2023 03:45

In the southern jungle lies Drogan, a once powerfull kingdom splintered into factions and engulfed by civil wars. The few cities that still stand are more akin to ruins then places to live. Even the once mighty fortifications of the Palace of Muzibu have crumbled as people fled into the jungle. The only access traders have to the area are the three large rivers, (Freemo, Hakmat, Hork) that run trough the Hiberon Mountains which isolate the area from the rest of the world. The prize of the region is the Dragaron Rock, the remnant of the meteor that created the crater the former capital city was build in and whos rich iron deposits helped the kingdom in the past to unite the lands.

The fall of the kingdom saw the rise of two major groups;
On one side there are the Sakvan warriors, who partake in cannibalism, to which end they frequently raid nearby tribes and cities.
The other group, which hold up the pacifist isolationist values of the old kingdom are the Dorkvan
Both groups have had to learn to move trough the junlge fast, either to hunt or escape being hunted.

Tough the people of the land venerate different gods, they all worship the same pantheon. The worship of seperate cults has become more hostile since the fall of the kingdom and a schism has happened where one side claims the seperate worship was the cause of the fall and only worshipping all the gods will return the glory of the kingdom, while the other side claims the worship of all deities caused the kingdom to break apart and that only certain gods must be worshipped.

The current king of the last few scattered duchies loyal to the palace, Diva Khonachhas, been trying for decades to reclaim the old imperial lands from the roaming Sakvan, but with the collapse of the economy few find the will to work for him. within the court there is talk that Shi Ha-namku, the queen of the Gelt tribes has been building up an army as she claims to her ancestors be the true successor to the throne.
Meanwhile Nahk Sihgneg, is building up his own Sakvan army to raid the former capital as devouring the flesh of royalty would legitimize him as the ruler of Drogan.

@kongesnok - 23.06.2023 03:32

Neat stuff, but the rivers are backwards. Other than deltas, rivers basically never split. They merge together as they get closer to the ocean.

@sbeve797 - 23.06.2023 02:58

Solaria is a militaristic kingdom tiered title (the title for King is High Paladin, Duke is Lord Paladin, Count is Paladin) based on a strict and puritan religion called Solanism that belives in the sun as the only true god, which is known as Sol. its title has the scandinavian elecion law (or a custom named law that has similar functionality). The crest for Solaria is a golden Sun on a white background. this nation is kinda based on the Teutonic Order.

Solanism is a very ancient popular religion. it was widespread among the common folk and lower classes around 1000 years ago. but as it was spreading more and more, many ancient rulers recognized this popular veneration of the sun as heretic and dangerous and thus it was persecuted. this lead to a large group of Solanists who migrated in search of a safe home, while the ones who didn't were either forcefully converted, killed or segregated in small communities. The migrators then unified and settled a river basin, almost completely surrounded by a mountain chain who kept them safe. There, they lived in a communal fashion. they also believed that every man and woman should be ready to fight to protect the community. this slowly lead to them becoming more militaristic and righteous and to the creation of one unified Holy Order, the order of Sol, which became a very important power in the community, until it acquired governing powers and became Solaria.

The people of Solaria, also known as Solarians, are very religious and thus they are very xenophobic and hostile to every other religion. they are also warmongering, calling themselves paladins, as they desire to convert the infidels to the only true religion. the knights in this society are called Paladins and wear crusader-like armor. they are a feudal society that live in a western european-like region with a western european inspired culture. their looks are based on nordic/baltic people. they often wear their armor. i think that their culture/language would be derived from the same cultures of the region they live in, as they are basically a religious group that slowly carved it's own culture out of an existing one (so giving them a shared origin/language with other custom culture other viewers may suggest), but i imagined the language and names to be baltic inspired.

The current High Paladin, Dainis from the huse of Dainadels (which he founded and of which he is the sole member), who also serves as the religious leader of Solanism, is a diligent, arbitrary, and zealous paladin in his 30s. He possesses exceptional strength and extensive martial education, holding a prominent position within the kingdom. he has no wife or children. He was elected as High Paladin by the other Paladins after a series of High Paladins all belonging to different alternating houses, but rumors say that he plans to secure the title for his Dynasty for generations to come, dealingwith diplomacy and intrigue with his paladin vassals to maintain the most control and authority and ensure that Solaria will be ruled by one continuous house, contributing to the slow process that is transforming the once community with no government into an actual unified and centered monarchical state.

some of the provinces names derived from latvian can be for example
Counties: Kodzirnia - Navas - Liemaia - Samnieba - Zalazle - Tornis - Saulepils - Akmenia - Kalparia - ...
Duchies: Upeia - Vienkia - Kalbaz - Atversania - ...

Upeia in solarian means river and it is the central duchy of the big river basin. it's the most developed one with farmlands and plains and revolves around the big river of the basin, the river Upe. it's also where the capital sits and its title belongs to Dainis. all the other duchies/counties are split between many vassal paladins.

Vienkia means plain and is a plain/hills duchy with some forests.
Kalbaz means mountain base and it's mainly hills/mountains.
Atversania means opening and is the duchy on the side of which there are no mountains as the chain and the basin open up.

@biornr.4031 - 23.06.2023 02:25

Kingdom idea: Rennend
Rennend is a small, mountainous kingdom of three duchies. The largest and main duchy is Rennend (capital Renn-Soron, meaning "mountain hearth"), which lies wholly in the Renn mountains, and it's wealth stems from the rich mineral veins (gold mine in capital) and wooded mountain slopes. These resources have been extracted and shipped down the river Rahn for trade for centuries. The second duchy is Molenn (capital Molenn), which lies to the east by the coast at the foot of the mountains and the mouth of the Rahn. It has amassed vast riches in trade and has a more lively culture than their mountainous brethren. The last duchy is Arrel (capital Serre), and it lies in the mountains and highlands to the north of the duchy of Rennend, and the river Allion flows north from there, serving as a smaller but still important trade route.

The kingdom has two related cultures: Rennender and Molennic (sharing Renn-Irsenn language, heritage, and aesthetics). The former spans Rennend and Arrel, while Molennic is only in the duchy after which it is named. The Rennender culture has _mountain homes_, _sorcerous metallurgy_, and _mystical ancestors_. It is spiritual. Molennic has _maritime mercantalism_, _seafarers_, _metal workers_, and _astute diplomats_. It is bureaucratic.

All duchies share the faith "the Cult of Rihna" with the _carnal exaltation_, _ritual celebrations_, and _auspicious birthright_. Doctrines are: gender equal (Rennend and Arrel have male preference succession, and Molenn is equal), righteous, lay clergy, spiritual faith head, encouraged pilgramage, polygamous marriage, divorce must be approved, legitimised bastards, avunculate marriage, same-sex is shunned, all adultary is shunned, deviancy is criminal, witchcraft is virtue, dynastic kinslaying is criminal, clergy control, female priests, marriage allowed, spiritual revocable

Characters: King Armel II (lustful, patient, just, and great diplomat. House Eronn, crest: tower on a mountain), Duchess Eri I of Molenn (ambitious, brave, disloyal, great at intrigue, wants independence. House Rahn-Telinn, crest: ship beneath a sun)

Female names: Eri, Emi, Ara, Renna, Milinn, Harva, Vill, Tenna, Vesa, Terei, Sirsa, Verna, Silla, Nenna, Laenn,
Male names: Armel, Arren, Terne, Tenge, Orron, Renno, Telinn, Ersott, Erlonn, Koronn, Lisel, Sermonn, Enne, Rahne, Semmel

some lore:
The kingdom was formed by a marriage between the son and daughter of the chiefs of Rennend and Arrel in ages past. For most of history, the people stayed in their high homes, with trade being done almost exclusively by foreign traders that would risk a trip into the mountains. But some 300 years ago, a mysterious plague killed many of the animals that the people would hunt, and the population was at risk of dwindling drastically. Seing the looming crisis, King Telinn I decided to proactively reach out to secure trade routes. To the north, a new river port called Serre was established, and to the east Telinn conquered a small tribe (the Morli, localised as Molenn by the Rennenders) inhabiting the delta of the Rahn to secure maritime access. The conquered land was soon the target of migration, and a hybrid culture formed based heavily on exploitation of the sea and river rather than the mountains. With these trade centres growing rapidly (and royal sponsorship to ensure this), vital resources were secured for the people, but it also created an economic boom, as the kingdom now had much easier access (and willingess) to engage in trade with their wood, minerals, and artisan smithing second to none. The growth of economy and food security also led to a population and development boom over the next century that allowed the tribal society to settle into more organised feudalism. While changes and reforms to society have taken place, the people in the mountains are more conservative and slow to change, while the coast-dwellers were more fluid and adaptive (such as focusing largely on the water and having a more open-minded approach to both women, as the prophet Rihna was a woman, and foreign traders, since they are a source of prosperity). This has also led to some tension (and instability) between Molenn and Renn-Seron, as the people of the former sometimes see themselves as being held back by their stubborn lieges

The details of the faith of the Rennenders is hard to come by, but the origin is known for certain: It is said that once upon a time, evil spirits were running rampant and were causing great destruction and distress. The chief had tried all manner of things to chase them away, but nothing would stop them until one of his wives Rihna received a revelation. She said that all the chief's plans had involved elements of pain or misery, and that maybe joy would scare the spirits. The chief and all the subjects in his hall proclaimed that they would try anything, but they inquired how on earth they could be joyful with this onslought around them. And so they continued their despair without listening further. In an act of frustration she hatched a plan. She would find the home of the spirits and feast there to anger them and draw them to her as they would attempt to stop her "defiling" of their home. Before she left, she wrote a letter and told the chief's son and daughter to read it carefully, if she was not back by the third dawn. She stole a few bottles of wine from the chief's cellar and went to the mountains and caves to celebrate with a volunteering maidservant. They didn't come back on the third dawn, but somehow there were fewer raging spirits. The son and daughter opened the letter, and read Rihna's plea for them to hold a feast in memory of her, but to only mention their good memories. They brought this to their father, who could not say no to celebrate his disappeared wife. As they feasted and held speeches celebrating her charm and cheerful personality, and as they spoke of their fondness for this and drank, the spirits outside fled. And they all saw she was right. Henceforth, the chief decreed, it was the sacred duty of all his people to enjoy life to the fullest, as that joy would protect them, and the many pieces of advice the young Rihna had given in her all too short life were gathered and written down. Since then, feasts and celebrations were the way the people would stay safe. Their priests are women in memory of Rihna and her maid, and the greatest holy people are the ones that are legendary revelers

@vexuria - 23.06.2023 02:17

Amazing stuff

@lordproxima2164 - 23.06.2023 02:09

The Lord-Stewardship of Ki'Duran (Kingdom-Tier Title) is a shattered shell of its former self, with the migration-invasions of the Kwithlani, Inuini, and Prestani peoples shattering the once powerful realm into several squabbling fragment states seeking to unite the volcanic "Island", (In reality a former peninsula that has lost its land-bridge to the mainland, similar to the loss of Sri Lanka's landbridge due to tropical storms in the middle ages). The Lord-Stewardship was once entirely populated by the Durani peoples, who had migrated from the mainland in a semi-mythical exodus from the neighboring Ratani Confederation (Tribal Kingdom) due to extreme famine and loss of lands to competing tribes. After their arrival, the rich volcanic soils of the Briteshard Caldera,(Named after the brilliantly white quartz and marble found in the mountains of the island), allowed them to truly prosper once more and become an independent petty kingdom. However, soon they would undergo great crisis when one of their petty kings died without any heirs to succeed the throne, however instead of an all out civil war between the most powerful families of the Durani, they established a permanent "Regency" known formally as the "Lord-Steward" of the Isle. This essentially created a form of Elective Monarchy, with differing noble houses being elected after the death of the current Lord-Steward. This allowed for a somewhat civil transition of power, if somewhat clouded with intrigue and bribery for whenever a Lord-Steward passes on.

After several centuries of prosperity, the Durani people were struck by tragedy, the Briteshard Caldera had suddenly erupted in one of the most violent eruptions in the worlds history, decimating the southern half of the island and leaving the northern half in a famine. After the short volcanic winter had passed, several tribes from the Ratani Confederation opted to migrate into the newly de-populated lands of the southern half of Briteshard Island. The Kwithlani tribe would come to dominate the Banerun River floodlands on the southeastern quarter of the island, while the Inuini Tribe would dominate the hill-dominated southwest of the island. The Kwithlani would go on to form the Duchy of Baneland from their acquired holdings, and the Inuini Tribe would form the Archcounty of Cragland. A third tribe, the Prestani, would opt to invade the northern half of the island, with the Durani only able to hold onto the heartlands of their kingdom on the eastern portion of the Island. The Prestani would split into two different independent groups, the Republic of Erkchani (Republic Duchy Title) within the Northwestern Fjords of the island, and the High Chiefdom of Snowyn (Tribal Duchy Title).

The Island of Briteshard is split between four distinct biomes, two major mountain ranges, two major rivers, four fjords, and a slim valley separating the two mountain ranges of the Island. The south of the island is dominated by fertile hills and plains, along with the floodplains of the River Banerun. The east of the Island, (With the much less fertile river of Crimson Falls acting as a border), is dominated by Taiga and hills, extending from the East of the Island to the northern tip. on the northwestern section of the Island, Taiga and mountains dominate the lands around the Northern "Four Scars" Fjords, (Ratgani Fjord, Erkchani Fjord, Peros Fjord, and Whitefall Fjord). Finally, the western section of the island is dominated by the "Briteshard Crags", where the Caldera's eruption collapsed part of the island and mountain range into infertile "cold" desert hills and flats, only bandit-lords and warlords occupy this section of the Island, with the most powerful ruling from the Caldera's crater, which hosts a volcanic lake that provides fresh water to the various warlords that occupy the area. The two mountain ranges are the Briteshard Range, (Which dominates the southern half of the Island and surrounds the Caldera Crater on all but the west side), and the Prestanos Range which dominates the northern half of the Island, (Which is separated from the Briteshard Range by the Whitefall Pass, a large River Valley that feeds into the Whitefall Fjord on the northwestern half of the Island)

The culture of the Durani peoples is that of an Isolationist people that prosper in the hills and Taiga of their adopted homeland, being the only culture on the island to fully harness the fertile hills and Taiga of the Island, and part of the reason why they have been able to hold onto the Eastern Heartlands for so long against the tribal migrations. They are courtly with their cultural pillar, valuing the courtly politics between the various noble houses within the Lord-Stewardship, (To which there are only 3 dynasties remaining within Durani lands).
The culture of the Kwithlani is that of a xenophilic peoples, who value the scars of their strongest warriors to teach the next generation of the tribe how to do better. They are focused primarily on holding onto their lands with a stoic strength, as they wish to escape the troubles of the chaotic Ratani Confederation and find a new home on Briteshard.
The culture of the Inuini is that of Traditionalist Miners, able to find the bounty of the deep earth in any hill or mountain they inhabit. Although they are quite resistant to change, and would rather worship their splinter sect of The Old Gods religion.
The Prestani Culture is that of Coastal Warriors valuing their semi-independent city-states, always attempting to either raid or trade more gold than their rival clans within the culture, they are infamous for their cunning deals and ferocious coastal raids as ways of acquiring funding for their clans.

The Ratani Confederation is an loose tribal hegemony consisting of dozens of different tribes from around the mainland, with these different tribes and cultures constantly bickering and fighting over land/water in the often famine-struck steppe and hills. The Ratani Confederation is not a De-Jure Title, similar to that of the Khirgiz Khaganate in the 867 start, so the Confederation can easily be splintered and result in a region filled with warring tribes, however if the region manages to unique themselves underneath kingdom/Empire titles, they can become a powerful force to reckon with.

The religions of Briteshard are that of the Inuini "Cult of Arboreas" (A splinter sect of The Old Gods that focuses on human sacrifice to reveal the fertility of both soil and stone), and the Duranos Faith, (A monotheistic faith focusing on the worship of Duranos, savior of the Durani and adoptive guardian of humanity as a whole. This faith treats men and women equal, but only women may serve within the Clergy as the "Chosen Daughters of Duranos". The Tenets are Astrology, Communal Identity, and Legalism). The Ratanos Confederation follow a combination of the Cult of Arboreas and The Old Gods, as well as other faiths from neighboring regions.

The current ruler of the Lord-Stewardship is Lord-Stewardess Reymona, who is faced with attempting to re-unite the island under Durani rule. Whats left of the nobility have little faith in her, and there are talks of the nobles attempting to declare independence and joining underneath the neighboring invader realms. Reymona will need to utilize her outstanding skills in Stewardship to keep the Lord-Stewardship from collapsing, and potentially prove to her vassals that she has the ability to guide their collapsing state back into the grace of Duranos.
The Archcount of Cragland, a former Inuini general named Rtzigi (rit-zig-e) from the initial invasions two decades ago, wishes to expand the realm into the neighboring Duchy of Baneland, hoping to secure the fertile floodlands of the Banerun river and hopefully gain an opportunity to finally push the Lord-Stewardship off Briteshard for good.
The Duke of Baneland, Duke Yara of Clan Renos, simply wishes to hold onto his newly acquired lands from the previous decade and perhaps even negotiate a deal to bend the knee to the Lord-Stewardess in exchange for permanent recognition of the Kwithlani peoples dominion over Baneland.
The various Lord-Mayors of the Prestani city-states in the Fjords are always seeking ways to make coin, especially to build up the many ruins and small outposts that occpuy the Fjordlands to the north of the island. They may even offer their military services to those who offer the highest payment.
The High Chiefdom of Snowyn, ruled by High Chief Torpelli, are the most recent arrivals onto Briteshard, and have only recently finished conquering the formerly Durani bastion of Port Snowyn, from where the High Chiefdom has taken its name. They seek to expand into the heartlands for raids and food to establish their own proper cities in the north of the Island, as of now they only occupy camps in the ruins of the cities and towns they ransacked during their initial invasion. (Tribal Holdings).

Even if you don't consider this for an addition to the map, it was a fun little world-building exercise to do, and you've earned yourself a subscriber as well! Can't wait to see more from you!

@Drankus - 23.06.2023 00:53

Add Western european like country positioned on the middle. Xilian Kingdom which will be Expandable to Xilian Clique through decision - Empire tier title which will be powerfull but full of different cultures. The Cultures of Xilian Kingdom is Dominant Noble blooded High Xil Culture with heritage of white plains, other two is peasant and labor focused Lower Xil with same heritage, and settled nomadic Illor culture with heritage of Golden steppes. In greater region which is Xilian Clique will be 2 other high white plains cultures which will run other two kingdoms and 7 cultures with black plains and golden steppe heritage. Religion of Kingdom will be Nevergardian Light - A good faith focused around being out of sin and help eachother, pillars of faith will be that one from byzantium granting fervor for holy sites, that one where head of the faith will gain gold from sinners and last one is for your choice. The capital of Xilian Kingdom will be Nevergard which will be mouintanous developed castle but from decision you can make it nevergarden and this will destroy all upgrades of castle. In Xilian Kingdom are several duchies such as: Nevergard (Nevergarden) where is four counties Nevergard, Brin, Fragnau and Kuruw; Balmia where are great towns: Balmia, Gontroff and Castles: Porland, Vinx and Bolwer. Gont where are counties of Ruq Holia Lemevent and north gogi(south gogi will be first souther province from this and will be outside xilian kingdom and xilian empire claims). Tunerv where resides family of Brans which is holding counties of Eryven, Jahla, Vitca, onem and cintia.

Ruling family of Xilian Kingdom is Kishke dynasty with two houses: Royal one Kishke, and Kekish. King of this kingdom is Gralant Kishke, Great warrior which counquested all of todays xilia and intellectual person. His wife Anasta Brans (sister of Brans Dynasty head) has given birth to Paul, dromery and Palia. Paul is oldest son which will incorporate all of his father domain because of Primogeniture but he is a secret witch which will have decisions to spread withchery amongst the kingdom and future empire because he want his sect Chycorian Light to become new dominant faith. This sect is all bad thinghs that can be in the religion, everything is allowed and bloodsheed is something their god Chycor wants the most. He is warlike warrior type with most of skill points in martial stewardship and intrigue. Dromery is his counter part, Pure light brings joy to everyone because of his kindness and selfdevelopment, He is slow but with education that his parents have given to him he has taken opportunity and becomes most intellectual person of kingdom. Palia is youngest sibling and no one knows who will she be.

And this is the end for now because im going to sleep. I know its pain in the eyes for you when you read this but English is my second language and most of it i learned in paradox games (xD)

@ijon-y4549 - 23.06.2023 00:15

Hear me out: A clusterfuck empire in the eastern region of the map, which is in the process of disintegrating because of a 3-way civil war.

Here is the lore:
The Chabarati people were once a group of nomads, who inhabited a large expanse of grassy highlands in the middle of the central continent. 250 years ago, climate change forced the bickering tribes to unite and migrate into the low-lands, where chiefs cut out territories, variying in size. Under these turmultious conditions, a dynasty of especially shrewd diplomats, known for their inhuman beauty, rose to power.

The first grand chief Hozipin Kiliri, united his vassals, high and low, by creating a common cultural identity (Neo-Chabarati Egalitarian, with the Traditions: Culture Blending, Warrior Culture, Ruling Caste and Horse Lords) which spread like wildfire cross the landed nobles, while his son Mechimin brought the culture to the peasents, who blended it with their own traditions. His son, Sephin expanded the empire's borders to the great eastern sea, subjugating many wealthy feudal city states, among which, many worship The Old Gods.

The Kilrian Strategy, aka, giving your vassals good reasons for infighting, while also keeping them united enough to fight off foreign incursions, was a roaring success for many generations, until Grand Chief Chichin pulled the throne out from under his dying father. He was a man, obsessed with beauty and the otherworldly, while being deeply disgusted by all things physical. He ordered a custom made suit of gold encrusted full body armor, which he reportedly never took off, not even during his 6 daily herbal baths.

Chichin directed a lot of his time towards the study of theological texts, with the goal of reforming the old Chabarati Religion (A belief in 9 main gods, who require a constant supply of souls to keep the world from ending: Tenents: Warmonger, Ancestor Worship and Human Sacrifice), which, unlike the Chabarati culture, had not spread far beyond the highlands. This culminated in the founding of the Heavenly Tempel, with him as the temporal head, which denounces the gods of Travel, Fermentation, Lifestock, Wisdom, Birth and the Hunt as demons, while mashing the gods of Wealth/Craftsmanship, War and the Underworld into a singe Deity. A manifestation of etherial beauty and a salvation from the physical world named Yagan (Tenents: Gnosticism, Warmonger, Tax Nonbelievers). His delusion took on a new dimension, when he had his wife, the daughter of his most powerful vassal, executed, after producing an heir that was "too ugly". So he did the rational thing and married his half-sister, with whom he had another boy, beautiful like no other, but horribly intellectually challenged. This caused the formerly loyal father, Nihichi, to plot a rebellion against Chichin, who would die by drowning when his heir, the inbred Chichin II, was only a child, prompting his mother to entrench herself as his regent.
Shortly after, the elderly Nihichi proclaimed his grandson as the true heir to the Empire, rising up against Chichin II along with other vassals. Deep in the highlands another rebellion had been brewing ever since the reign of Grand Chief Mechimin, who had, in their minds, mongrelized their culture. Smelling weakness, the traditional people of the highlands had taken up arms too, attempting to proclaim a distant cousin of Chichin II as Great Chief. Many religious dissidents also took their chance and started fighting for their independence, among those are the worshippers of The Old Gods.

All in all, everything is going to shit, but in an entertaining manner. Let me know what you think, if you need other aspects more fleshed out, just tell me.

@talbot9255 - 23.06.2023 00:15

The primeaval kingdom of Fornríki. A norse inspired kingdom.

It is situated on a six sided island in a great lake. Each of sides holds one of the low kings. All of them (except one) are decended from Sameinari I first high king of Fornríki.

The current high king is Lákon I. He is the son of Lákon the Smith a lowborn blacksmith who svindle his way to the throne of Suðurland. Lákon was elected with only two votes his on and that of Friðríkur af Höfnland. This election happened a year before the start date and was highly contested with three low kings voting for themself and the last voting for Arnór the good’s (last high king) maternal grandson and current low king of Norðurland Óþekktur. But the high king (and his heir) can not vote in a election. Due to Óþekktur not being part of the house of Sameinari made him unpopular. This resulted in every low king voting for himself until Lákon I convinced Friðríkur to vote for him.

The people of suðurland are a diplomatic and crafty folk. They dislike war choosing to fight thru mercenaries. They are lead by Lákon I (the high king).

The people of Höfnland are mercantile by nature they enjoy venturing to far off lands and returning with great treasures. Their king is Friðríkur Kaupmaður.

The northmen are warlike and expansionist they make up the bolk of mercenaries on the island and often venture to the mainland. They have a culture of dueling and sacred knighthood.
Their leader is Óþekktur Kvensson

The winefjords are the most fertile part of the island with nearly a quarter of the people living their. The people theur are agrian abd often considered weak particularly by the northerners. Their leader Jón Bóndi.

Is situated on the oppisite of Höfnland abd has a similar trading culture. They often quirrel with the Höfnlanders ironic considering their king is a Höfnlander being of the house of Kaupmapur.
Their leader is Ríkur Kaupmaður.

Stormland used to be the heart of Fornríki but it has now fallen quite far with the king Mikil Stormlander being a puppet of his dukes. The terrain is mountainous and the wheather bad. The stormlanders are a warlike folk but they consider mercenaries to be distasteful.

Miðland sits at the heart of Fornríki between the six realms. Unlike the other six realms it is not governernd by a king but the high virgin who is also the head of faith of the island. The current virgin is Guðrún the dutiful a young, beutiful and ambitious women. Unuseually for Fornríkers the Miðlanders are mattiarchal with women leading the household.

The first king of Fornríki was Sameinari the Towering. His burial in the northernmost part of the island is now a holysite rivaled only by the great tower were the high virgin resides. Sameinari split his kongdom into seven. They were split between his six sons who became the lowkings and his daughter who became the first high virgin.

P.S. great video I really enjoyed it and look forward to playing the mod when it comes out.
