My pet got 93 heal and I'm still scared of o3
ОтветитьThis is the worst take I have ever seen on the wizard.
ОтветитьI’m so use to using the same characters that I only have 10 classes unlocked I only just got dark blue star on my new account I made a year ago I’ve been playing since like end of 2011 early 2012 I completely agree with this video
Ответитьgood video, must've taken a lot of effort. i would personally put trickster lower for new players just because they're definitely gonna get themselves killed with the prism tp at least a couple times
ОтветитьThat stasis pause got me good 😂
ОтветитьYou should make one for end game classes!
Ответитьi knew the edits were too good, its afro
ОтветитьGreat vid, love seeing what there is to appreciate about each class before they’ve got maxed out stats and powerful rare gear, as well as the good advice to leave nuanced utility characters like trickster and mystic for when you are more experienced with the game.
I think you missed the good things about samurai and huntress. I’d put them right under warrior in low A tier.
- Huntresses mixture of a spread of piercing bullets + aoe slow is great for groups of enemies in early dungeons. In abyss of demons a mob of demons charging at you can be slowed then absolutely shredded with the bow. Like when you said the necromancer does well at getting aoe healing from large groups of enemies in early dungeons, the huntress does good dps on those same groups.
- The samurai waki damage + exposed damage is insane early game as well as his range being slightly higher than sword range. Heavy armor + dps ability + range makes him like a safer and slower warrior.
worst video ever!!!!!! i hate you!!!!!!!! how dare you rank samurai on the lowest tier possible!!!!!!!!!!! you ruined my life and now i die becuz u!!!!!
ОтветитьI miss old pally. With the heal on use but it's still great now
Ответитьtbh, slow ain't that bad in early game and the huntress aoe can help clearing groups of lesser enemies, i don't think huntress is as bad as you potray it in early game
Ответитьwhat is soulbound?
ОтветитьLooking forward to an updated endgame class tierlist!
ОтветитьWhen I was new knight was always my go to so I feel it got to be S and huntress that low hurts me because I feel the ability makes it a worse assassin but it has good range to so it can leech
Ответитьis it worth playing this game again lmao. hows the playerbase as of 2024.
ОтветитьIsnt kensie just a better ninja?
ОтветитьMan o man do i wish i was a new player. Played this game for 10.000 hours over 12 years, wish i could go back.
ОтветитьI haven't played in almost 6 years, and boy, the game has CHANGED. It's nice seeing the community still alive.
ОтветитьMystic is pretty good early. You have good dmg, and great survivability due to your range and stasis.
ОтветитьI’m 8/8 on my samurai I’m crying it’s good and bad
Ответитьlate game tier list pls
ОтветитьI don’t know why, but I literally an assassin main and I don’t die with it. It doesn’t add up but I never die with it and I always get soulbound. It’s by far the greatest class in the game.
I die immediately on other classes. And I’m not even hiding with it, I’m literally in the same location when I’m a knight 😅
I hate you now because of our differing opinions
ОтветитьI would rather have huntress ability over the archers just saying lol
Ответитьwizard is the best beginning character no questions, maxing is the easiest with wizard hands down. everything farmable in early game can be nuked with spellbombs, plus the long range is crucial for new players. it also has very high base stats.
necro/priest has healing but the lack of dps just makes it harder and more tedious overall, since you have to stay in the fight for longer.
Thank you for making this list! I want to point out that ive never gotten past early mid-game since i was practically in middleschool when playing this game on and off- and I have the disadvantage of having the game be unplayable on US servers because im asia centric, which means soloing for 90% of the time. Not only do i commend mentioning that new players do not and will not have maxxed stats or unique items if any, but i also really do appreciate that this list is built in mind for solo players too!
Note though, you have to remember that beginner players are SCARED, from my experience anyway. I would be usually too intimidated by large closeup barrages of bullets, and that makes you unable to utilize amazing abilities that benefit from charging into the fray just from being too anxious to properly dodge alone. Trust me, if you told me to jump into a ring of bullets, telling me that id not only survive- but THRIVE, id still be too instinctually avoidant to.
this makes Melee and close range classes, despite their high def and survivability, unapproachable! Newcomers enjoy having to play it safe and as you said- do not have the best items or barely any pets at all, they WILL want to stay alive to keep anything they have intact, and that means taking the easy option- not touching bullets. BUT, this video is still really good with mentioning their insane potential, and I think itll make new players consider these options if they ever feel more confident.
That being said, great video! It already wants to make me play rotmg again and to see if i get lucky this time
my playstyle cant handle the melee classes, i do pretty good with archer and wizard based classes tho
ОтветитьAs a huntress fanboi I was very sad to see her at the bottom though I totally understand lmao..
ОтветитьHuntress is my favorite class, but I would never recommend it to a new player. It's just kinda bad lol
ОтветитьI mained knight when I started
ОтветитьI love the emphasis on new players who barely get maybe 3/8 if they are lucky. this used to be me but now i've been consistently being able to get like a 6/8 even 7/8s (esp. in the realm rework). I still struggle with a load of the melee classes and rely on ranged to consistently be able to dodge. I'm not sure what classes would help me learn the endgame content like o3, moonlight, shatts, halls, etc. I like to avoid playing on discords as I usually just duo w/ a friend.
I guess, where's the midgame player content sebby!!
Range seems to be king but when I die in 2 hits I realize it doesn't matter.
ОтветитьIf you aren't rushing a 6/8 or 8/8 knight just to go to O2 and fly headfirst through O2's entire shotgun and dying while screaming "IM GOING MAFIA DEEP" for that 50/50 coinflip on a stun, then youre just not playing RotMG right
ОтветитьI play necromancer mostly, lets see how high it's here
ОтветитьPriest got buffed attack and dexterity, would you move it up on the tier list? If so where
Ответитьwhat about rogue after rework? what would u rank in this tierlist?
ОтветитьNerco is so fucking powerful on my second ever run I got lvl 20 and managed to do most end game content till I stupidly tried to solo a overworld boss
ОтветитьAlso you forgot mention that necro abilty ups it hp
ОтветитьThis is the funniest take on the wizard🤧. Man i was syoned watching this. Havent played realm in like 6 or 7 yearr need to het back into it
ОтветитьHuntress is insane with engraved leaf bow and lotus trap (not for beginners though sadly)
ОтветитьTDR: New player class picks should be in order; Mystic > necro > ninja.
My take is very different from this.
I agree priest and necro is good for new players.
But, I think many class abilities are more powerful on new players than most know using spider ring to regenerate your mana. You can also mp regen through 3 others items: coral ring, resu, and mad lab robe.
If I startest a fresh account, I would star with mystic and ONLY use it as a 0/8. I'll get the honey orb and a spider ring to protect me from mobs. Then, I would get a t6 skull, a slotted gsorc, and if I'm lucky a tezcoatl's tail and maybe a steam pipe.... and 8/8 the necro.
Woth necro, I'll farm a spider star, a t6 star, and a doku/ray katana or their blueprints.
I will use my necro for pot farming but build 8/8 ninja to fight the nest and oryx 3. The t6 star ninja will do nest and the spider ring/spider star ninja will do 03 (I will gather holy water for 03 incase I am sickened).
Lastly, I will use puri priest to do cult, rogue with several holy waters to do void, archer to do fungal caverns, and oreo pally to do spectral penetentiary.
I will randomly farm until I get a maxed legendary pet, and once I get that I will ONLY play and exalt my favorite class (for me sword classes).
Once I fully exalt sword classed, I will use abyss sheath kensei to learn the shatters and a random priest to learn moonlight village, advanced best, and advanced kogbold. Umi and hm 03 is just to be yolo, idk what class to use for those 2.....
I think staff is a great weapon because of the 10 degree rule. It is easier to hit an enemy with a 10 degree protectile over 1 shot. The amplitude of the staff creates 'pseudo' 10 arc that makes it easier to aim. An example of 10 arc is- try out cbow or warmonger at 1 less range than it's max range and you can see it's very brainless to aim.
The cool thing about stave's 'pseudo' 10 arc is: it does not have a true range limit but true 10 arc.
i feel like you just dont know how to play this game correctly as the priest is by far the best overall character to play.
ОтветитьHuntress is my favorite
Ответитьany updates in the tier list?