Exclusive - Intel XeSS ML Upscaling - The Digital Foundry Tech Review - XeSS vs DLSS vs Native!

Exclusive - Intel XeSS ML Upscaling - The Digital Foundry Tech Review - XeSS vs DLSS vs Native!

Digital Foundry

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@KoPT01 - 22.10.2023 21:44

Awesome that XeSS ultra quality looks even better than Native+TAA despite having better performance!

@carloscervantes836 - 17.10.2023 00:44

1080p to 4K is great! This tech in general is really cool.

@superchargedgamer1992 - 12.09.2023 08:44

In all my games I’m using Intel XeSS on my AMD GPU

@baldeagle1171 - 11.05.2023 00:03

I am using it from. A cpu gpu with my 1070 super. And the combo of a i9 13900k and it preformed great to increase performance without compromising much on visual quality

@user_GE - 26.03.2023 13:59

how it enable?

@steveionjoker5319 - 04.03.2023 23:20

The upscaling software makes game developers lazy 😴

@svartholstjornuson6215 - 03.11.2022 19:25

I love the 90s soap opera music.

@MrManDiller - 26.10.2022 17:07

Could you compare all those to Dynamic super resolution?

@budczus - 22.10.2022 16:56

I think i'll pull the trigger on 750Arc.

@goshtic9565 - 19.10.2022 02:56

I'm very surprise we're still talking about TR in 2022 for a game that doesn't have much replay value. It's also very amazing how it still get updates to support the latest technologies moving forward. Wish other game companies would do this for their games, that actually have replay value get this level of treatment.

@f4z0 - 09.10.2022 01:39

I wonder how long will it be until we have a dedicated processor for all this.

@cosmoscepanovic1129 - 06.10.2022 03:49

I'm very excited for ai upscaling! It along with ultra hd resolutions and oled makes it seem like flatscreens will finally have an answer to crts!

@ph08nyx - 05.10.2022 13:26

Меня из года в год удивляет неверный подход производителей видеокарт к решению вопроса о производительности.. К чему эти проценты прироста FPS? Если частота смены кадров, которую обеспечивает видеокарта меньше базовой частоты монитора, то производительность НЕ достаточна. Если же видеокарта успевает сделать больше кадров чем монитор - то это уже не имеет значение. Вот все эти технологии DLSS, FSR, XeSS должны обеспечивать не какой-то абстрактный прирост FPS, а совершенно конкретную частоту кадров. Поэтому не должно быть идиотских тупых настроек как "сбалансированный, быстрый, качественный и т.д". Это вносит искажения в восприятие пользователем взаимодействия с программой! Вместо этого в настройках должен быть регулятор требуемой пользователем частоты кадров. По умолчанию он должен быть выставлен на частоту кадров монитора. Тогда, если видеокарта не успевает отрендерить кадр за отведенное для этого время, должна включиться технология оптимизации в той степени, которая обеспечит ЗАДАННЫЙ пользователем FPS! Потому что снижение частоты кадров ниже определенного предела гораздо сильнее портит восприятие игры чем какое-то снижение разрешения текстур! Так же это более правильно, т.к. во всех играх всегда нагрузка не постоянна и частота кадров плавает. Если бы оптимизация подстраивалась автоматически, то в более простых сценах мы могли бы видеть более детальные объекты в нативном разрешении, а в более сложных сценах со множеством деталей было бы менее детализованное изображение, но динамичность игры не пострадала бы!

@jamesbissick1825 - 03.10.2022 18:26

Intel knew that Xess does sell indeed 😅

@ROR5CH4CH - 03.10.2022 01:49

Great job from Intel. Can't wait for future updates and their next cards.

@SloboTV - 02.10.2022 05:49

And then DLSS 3 comes out :D

@rattyredemption - 01.10.2022 21:17

the background music is very distracting for me.

@muneeb-khan - 30.09.2022 03:24

I do wish MSAA or SSAA was compared instead. TAA has always been a compromised method of antialiasing. Even though it's made incredible strides in improvements, it's never been my favorite method.

@Corvus5Pl - 29.09.2022 12:43

Amazing comparison!

@thegloriouspotato6223 - 29.09.2022 03:51

TAA is total junk. This is the future!!!

@kozmizm - 29.09.2022 03:08

Just an idea, and I understand it might not be appropriate in every instance, but maybe you should have put Native in the middle, or maybe even shown 5 slices. Native in the middle, DLSS on one side, and farther on that side XeSS, and then on the other side of Native, XeSS and then DLSS, so we see every technology next to every other technology. There are moments where I think comparing DLSS next to XeSS is pointless. Like the vortectional jitter of the water. It's obviously bad, but then the two best slices have a jerky middle man in the way, making it hard to compare DLSS to Native in that case

@DmytroBogdan - 29.09.2022 00:58

Tech is moving in the right direction but it was 3-4 years and it still needs multiple improvements.
I don't know why would you compare with TAA instead of SMAA which gives a crisper image and less blur of background objects?
Overall light shimmering and blurry wet textures makes XeSS unacceptable for me, though couple extra frames would be nice for my old GTX1060. Until then SMAA is the way to go.

@Ryusennin - 28.09.2022 22:04

Of all upscalers, this is easily the worst. Blurry as hell and slower than native resolution, what is there to love?

@andredantas9922 - 28.09.2022 20:15

It would be great if these technologies came to consoles😔

@yobson - 28.09.2022 11:29

jesust TAA looks terrible in this game

@AchwaqKhalid - 20.09.2022 23:07

666th comment...

Hail Satan 😈🤘

@AudioPhile - 20.09.2022 13:36

Such exciting tech, love what companies are doing with upscaling and efficiency.

@xBINARYGODx - 20.09.2022 09:55

I am sorry, but the ghosting was very much there behind that waitress in DLSS - you just happen to freeze the frame when it was not showing, which is not that hard to do by accident (or on purpose) since the effect was less consistent on DLSS vs XeSS.

@zexxonije - 20.09.2022 01:17

All good but I don't see this available for sale. Means nothing unless we can buy it

@gabriellakotainegabor1902 - 19.09.2022 20:00

Good job, INTEL !

@cakeisamadeupdrug6134 - 19.09.2022 17:42

I wish native didn't include the sickening vaseline filter of TAA that is usually one of the first things I turn off. The entire reason I bought a 4K monitor was that I didn't have to run with AA enabled.

@rainiergruber9022 - 19.09.2022 14:50

Very well explained, but I have to say, at least on half of the comparisons I couldn't identify a difference between the three and especiall, between DLSS and XeSS. Must be getting old.

@AuroraLex - 19.09.2022 12:55

No sharpening?
Praise the lord.

@alistairblaire6001 - 18.09.2022 18:38

In my head I'm imagining that it's the same like 10 engineers working on all this tech moving between AMD, Nvidia, and Intel lol

@timmyp6297 - 18.09.2022 18:03

Should be mentioned that both DLSS and XeSS came from the same guy. Intel poached him from Nvidia.

@wiLdchiLd2k - 18.09.2022 17:12

What is the point of fake 4K? Just get a 1440p 1080p monitor if your GPU cant handle 4K?

@lemoncake8377 - 18.09.2022 03:24

XeSS with sharpening will look SOO GOOD! :O

@Blackkatt - 17.09.2022 23:55

WOW, not exactly thought through. You want to show the difference between 1080p, 4k upscaled, etc. but you upload a 1080p video 😆

@kazansky22 - 17.09.2022 21:01

So when is Intel going to launch?
Nvidia's stupid prices and AMD ignoring the gpu market is getting old.

@Hopkins955 - 17.09.2022 19:05

Awesome technology! XeSS is the new open source reconstruction technic we were waiting for!

@mariuspuiu9555 - 17.09.2022 15:56

Would love to see a short FSR 2.1 video to see what AMD is doing to improve it (or not).

@kamilmakowski3827 - 17.09.2022 15:48

Looks preety impressive to me. I still haven't seen image and performance of this upscaler when using gpus of other vendors. Let's be real here If image or performance isn't better than fsr 2.1 offers for non intel gpus and XeSS is only "similar to nvidia's tech (it's not better, we can all see), then It won't get adopted. They dont have the market share to go with the same path as nvidia, and if performance of compatibility layer or quality sucks then FSR 2.X takes the cake here. So I'm not overhyping anything yet.

@adriantrusca1245 - 17.09.2022 11:43

Do you guys actually enjoy playing the games or do you constantly analize shit in every frame? Tomb Raider looks great in all damn modes. Relax. Just enjoy. Who cares about all this crap? Feet shadow. Shadow of the shadow of the frame of the shadow. Whatever.

@eli.k9190 - 17.09.2022 08:53

why does it get stuck at 90 fps?

@CrypticalCypher - 16.09.2022 23:21

such a gr8 test and analyzing !

meantime : PS5/XSX what r u still waiting for 👀
