Why did Gun Goddess Miss Fortune disappoint?

Why did Gun Goddess Miss Fortune disappoint?

T B Skyen

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@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 - 09.05.2023 22:28

Idk, i kinda like "gundam heavy arms" mf.

And not gonna lie, she needed a better champ rework with this skin launch, her attack animations dont fit with her character at all, she just slaps her pistols together to shoot, she should have ranged sett auto's, with each weapon having their own attack. So like for this skin, her guns could do mini bursts, because shes basically got two gatling guns...

@kazunori3934 - 05.12.2022 02:56

She followed Lux's Elementalist skin

@Gabriel-of-YouTube - 06.06.2022 01:04

The particle effects are quite poor, looks a bit low res, just like they colored the basic skin.

@kertosyt - 31.12.2021 04:20

i disaggre , they stil lcome up with insane ideas on lux skins every day

@altarofshadows - 14.12.2021 02:47

Gun goddess is a better skin than seraphine KDA

@mosho64 - 22.11.2021 09:30

ahh this aged well, seeing how people reacted on Seraphine skin, people were to harsh on GGMF, it was actually a decent skin, better than Udyr's at least.

@butterfreedom5357 - 25.08.2021 14:16

I don't see any technology problem. I don't care about pushing boundaries or that kind of stuff. I would conform with Elementalist Lux/Pulsefire Ezreal level of visual effects and etc but the thing is that this MF is thematically below both. She has 4 forms that are just chromas. If Ezreal has a theme of evolving and Lux a theme of dominating very different elements, MF just changes the color of her weapons and that's it. It also doesn't embody the fantasy of a space pirate. It's just futuristic pirate at best.
I see a lot of issues. Pushing boundaries is completely irrelevant to me.

@Jayceh2 - 24.08.2021 10:56

Battle Queen Katarina seems on par with this one now.

@Duskstone89 - 14.08.2021 12:36

I know this video is 3 years old, but I just wanna say I absolutely love this skin. I adore the massive exo-suit guns and the ability to change chroma in-game.

Imo, they should make more skins like this, like an Ultimate Lite (Or maybe Legendary+) variant that cost 2775rp and have significant model changes and some interesting little gimmick that elevates them above Legendary skins, but still plants them firmly below such skins as Elementalist Lux.

Some ideas for such skins could be an Aphelios skin where his appearance changes more drastically depending on which weapon he uses, a Kindred skin where they change appearance based on who they're hunting, maybe a Kha'Zix skin that makes him even more monstrous based on various factors, such as stats and kill count. Stuff like that.

@murphygay7606 - 13.06.2021 07:47

She's boring bc they didn't take base concept of bounty hunting gunslinger further like they did with other champs... Sure she's a galactic bounty Hunter with robot ai guns... But all the same the base concept simply isn't interesting enough to be pushed far either. They picked a boring champ to give an ult skin 2. It's less about visual vfx tech, it's more about expanding a cool theme/fantasy, there's better fantasies to chase

@ReflinWulf - 02.04.2021 15:53

imagine calling gun goddes mf bad, now we have KDA seraphine which LITERALLY a skin bundle

(I didn't liked much mf at time of her release btw)

@batmabel - 31.03.2021 11:16

Compared to Seraphine's, Gun Godess might as well be Elementalist.

@yatakarasu98 - 25.03.2021 05:00

Still better than the Seraphine one

@JollibeenosHasYourCoordinates - 09.02.2021 11:34

lol... "GGMF"...

@Jan_Iedema - 14.01.2021 02:24

And then ultimate seraphine was released and it’s just 3 epic skins with some voice lines.


@arthurchen6464 - 29.11.2020 05:47

The fact that PF EZ costs more than this skin negates all criticism of this skin not being good enough to be an ultimate.

@rizzimonleon2676 - 22.10.2020 04:27

Well now we have KDA ALL OUT Seraphine and the thing that makes her unique is her in game music when near allies cough*DJ Sona*cough

@dehydratedsoda2206 - 15.10.2020 10:17

ngl that walking animation looks T H I C C

@mr.rottweiler5582 - 22.07.2020 19:31

Worst ultimate skin is udyr no forms literally

@priminhos1000 - 18.07.2020 15:52

I mean , it’s been 2 years and she was the last ultimate skin we’ve seen

@stubbythumb9424 - 26.06.2020 19:33

Fans have been spoiled with league's new stuff, the only move RIOT has is to make them topless.

@outoflightandoutmind - 06.06.2020 00:27

I grüess ezreal ans Udyr is was uglier and wors ultimate skins

@Methoswicca - 19.04.2020 14:17

Funny how 2 years later it's considered the best skin in the game

@michaelscott5025 - 09.04.2020 01:03

I thought she was pretty cool

@nathanchemise7260 - 22.12.2019 21:46

got it for free so I'm not complaining

@gogo6159 - 13.09.2019 21:39

Imagine if it was just a space ship above the map and for example her E would rain from the ship. For her ult the exo suit would drop down from the ship attach to her and help her do her ult and then go back up.

@shxwnhx - 14.06.2019 08:46

GGMF is still my favourite skin. It’s just great in my book.

@Belbecat - 09.06.2019 05:20

I think it was just the wrong theme wrong champion. I guess her gimmick is the choice of guns, but MF is not known as the "gun crazy" champ. I think Jinx would have worked well with that idea, choosing what kind of crazy giant rocket you want to fire and load out etc.

@louc.6735 - 16.05.2019 19:42

Yeah I hate the model on this one. I'll stick with star guardian/arcade.

@NiraSader - 29.04.2019 04:43

Features you say? She’s got two big features right there in the front kappa

@myriadofcolours9861 - 06.02.2019 19:27

Definitely could have been fine if it weren't for Elementalist Lux or even DJ Sona

I think if Gun Goddess Miss Fortune was released after or before DJ Sona people would have loved it.

@darkspectar8169 - 01.02.2019 00:37

Unpopular opinion. I love this skin and main MF now that I have it.

@tenome4314 - 19.01.2019 19:43

I want a skin that changes the characters appearance based on the items they buy. Like wielding infinity Edge when buying it or wearing Liandrys Torment or Warmogs aor ect.
I think that would become my favorite ultimate skin no mater which champion gets it.

@dashanebrown9564 - 30.12.2018 20:56

there are many creative minds...riot just needs to branch out..there is no wall

@LeviAckerman-dl3fk - 21.10.2018 05:46

Nah she's hella good, THE THEME IS WORTH IT I'm just saying lol

@vojinvmilojkovic7622 - 09.10.2018 07:04

Here cleavage is good tho hehe
but otherwise its overpriced :P

@aclock2 - 02.10.2018 19:12

It's basically 1 bad legendary skin + 3 Chromas.

@maricchichie3987 - 29.06.2018 06:47

Im quite contended with GGMF

@pink_fishin_the_pink_ocean7123 - 02.06.2018 18:50

i think something innovating they could do is to change her splash art as you change the chromas that would be something we havent seen before :/ the same one just with other colors

@pengu7553 - 07.05.2018 14:08

I got it free so i'm fine with it

@Isa-zv5ob - 05.05.2018 17:08

I think its because the concept behind it wasn't really that cool or innovative according with her character.

@cfgxfdh1 - 01.05.2018 15:43

This would have been a cool skin after Ezreal and before Udyr. Or around udyr.

@marcosfernandesdesousajuni9576 - 26.04.2018 21:28

I agree with you wholeheartedly it was somewhat uninspired and certainly not as original/unique as the other ultimates, still cool though, could've been more though...
For example, she could "get more gear" as her gold acquired rose, she could start as a semi-normal skin and get progressively more advanced, or, as a variant, she could get different gear depending of items bought, both of those would be cool, unique and would fit her "bounty hunter" persona quite well! Oh, just noticed someone else, michel antoun, the top ranked comment already said something quite similar, which only reinforce this idea!
One thing though, i think if they(Riot) can't really make something unique or worthy of the Ultimate status, they shouldn't do it, had they released it as a Legendary and it would've been fine.

@Dianafreaken - 23.04.2018 16:39

I think the new skin is amazing! And I love all the new vocie lines! But I can see what you talking about, and yeah, call it ultimate skin is a littel over the top :/

@benja9029 - 21.04.2018 13:08

mecha was ok but with mf I think it would have been cooler if they exploited her lore... make her guns evolve or something... make her avatar change from a variety of bounty hunter/pirate(generic to luxurious) based on gold earned or any creative mini game

@frejohncisgacusana2023 - 21.04.2018 05:52

She always talks about vengeance, why not give her skin a quest ?

@Takanuva2244 - 17.04.2018 20:11

I'm just disappointed that they didn't complete the "Ultimate skin team" thing they were having: Pulsfire Ezreal (ADC), Spirit guardian Udyr (Jungler), DJ Sona (Support), Elementalist Lux (Mid lane), Gun goddess Miss Fortune (NOT Top laner). Other than that I'm ok with this skin.

@BloodthirstyPikachu - 14.04.2018 11:18

Hey loving your character analysis videos.
I’m a Jhin one trick and I was absolutely in love with his character before he was even released.

Was just wondering if you could talk about the visuals and art of his splash arts and his trailer plus maybe take a minute to share the pros and cons of Jhins identity and artist design.

I love the content man and keep up the good work!

@gustav5359 - 13.04.2018 09:22

I personally think DJ Sona is the best ultimate skin
