The BEST Advice for New Tarkov Players to Get Better FAST | EFT Guide

The BEST Advice for New Tarkov Players to Get Better FAST | EFT Guide


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Ding Ding Ding
Ding Ding Ding - 01.10.2023 00:24

Personally, I judge my success by my wallet..

I am level 10 and up to 17 million so far.. I figure by the time I have flea market unlocked, I will have around 20 million..

My stash is full of future items I need for unlocks in stash making my life easier in the end..

That's how I play..I don't play for the now, I play for weeks coming.

Toxinomic371 - 27.09.2023 15:36

be me:
absolutely horrible at pvp and scared. die to ai a lot.
every time i go to pmc i die.
hardstuck low level.
struggling to find interest in tarkov since any fight is a death wish.
not the best graphics card, internet issues but tarkov doesn't look terrible.

gets rich from being scav. start playing scav every time. get lots of modifications, food, medical, from scav, have lots of money left over.

the only question in my head is why on earth play pmc when you have friendly scav? scav make me rich, scav make friends, scav is better, pmc is a waste of time and money.

ufcfan1985 - 27.09.2023 11:57

Dude, this is a totally new take on Tarkovsky for me! Thank you! Awesome advice!

Johnny Faught
Johnny Faught - 26.09.2023 18:02

Fantastic advice. Great episode. I am heading to factory now. I am level 10 and struggled to get to that point. Just when I think I can help my son and son-in-law, I can't kill before I get killed. I lose all the good loot I just spent 20 minutes running around Woods to collect. I made it an easy shopping day for the person who killed me. UGH. Thank you for the great training process.

Laurie Clark
Laurie Clark - 23.09.2023 18:21

Ive got 1400 hours recorded, your wife is better than me. The End.

50CalSwag - 22.09.2023 18:33

This is the BEST beginner Tarkov video I've seen. And I've watched hundreds... Bravo friend!

CurruptedCoffee - 21.09.2023 18:35

Simple if ur new become the rat waiting at an exfil just to scoop up Ez cheese till u have gear and money now ur a rat with a gun and lvl 4 armour if ur still poor listen to this man here, but u will never be as rich as the ratta attack cheese munching frenzy killing player just learn stealth and preserve ur food for bad times if ur gonna die run away put expencive shit in ur gamma case and poof u might die but they dnt get ur cheessssseeeeee

TMD2 - 19.09.2023 15:34

As a starter to escape from tarkov, one tip I will give for every new player is going to factory, getting used to the controls and combat, and occasionally going to customs to test those combat, looting, and memorization skills, and one small trick I learned from playing in factory, if someone is camping/ratting simply rush them really hard because they are like rats and they will have a rat mentality to shoot and run.

good luck, and welcome to hell

Markus Kalmi
Markus Kalmi - 17.09.2023 16:44

i think there should be 1-7lvl timmy servers.

Noneya Bidness
Noneya Bidness - 16.09.2023 04:28

Play Factory: if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball

Jessco - 15.09.2023 15:22

To level my skills I start every raid just a tiny bit over weight. I sprint one full stamina bar and then drink a hot rod so I am now not over weight and I sprint another full stamina bar. Then depending where I am and what’s going on if I am safe I will slow walk for 1 min. Once those 3 are done I then begin the raid.

Cameron Conwell
Cameron Conwell - 15.09.2023 02:03

holy fuck dude your so long winded this video could have been 10 mins

Colton Myers
Colton Myers - 14.09.2023 17:42

"How to Get Better at Everything in Life (Applied to Escape From Tarkov)"

tmtigd - 14.09.2023 09:24

Wow. I knew this wasn't going to be exactly for me. But you have a really good grasp of what new players struggle with and this is a great video for them. I didn't really need this but I still felt like I was learning something. Specifically how to learn the maps and how you learn them (You learn parts of them and it isn't all connected)

Great video would have been great when I was new or struggling.

It's been four raids and I still only know half then maps. Woods. Reserve. Lighthouse. Factory. And Factory.

I learned factory first. Best choice I made personally. You learn how the mechanics work but you ALSO LEARN the guns.

I still spend so much time doing the "shift w" and realizing I'm in the completely different part of woods.

One thing I really recomend for new players. Use cover. Bushes. Trees. Hills. Night raids are nice when you're new to get used to moving. But you have to be willing to work past it. This game is a lot of work. A lot. Of work. Have the wiki with the 3D map open in another tap. Work to getting the compas from prapor. Listen to everything else he said.

What helps me the most? Going slow, making sure I have the advantage. If you go slow (for me) it works out. You can hear people moving around if you just go slow and wait here and there and listen. Take cover. But you know. He said you have to adapt you're play style to you. maybe you're more agressive or a complete rat. I consider myself inbetween.

PS: full auto is over rated for rifles. VPO 206 is my go to.

Nathaniel Iwata
Nathaniel Iwata - 13.09.2023 13:22

What was the track that played during the start of the “prepare to lose segment”?

cbrngr z
cbrngr z - 08.09.2023 11:02

Gear fear aside, if we're hitting factory online and constantly losing gear, what can we do about actually maintaining funds to keep practicing online? Are there any low cost loadouts you would recommend for low experience players during their earlier runs?

Jack Eldritch
Jack Eldritch - 06.09.2023 10:12

Can you make a video on how to get better at finding emyl croutons, its been the hardest part of the game so far 😅

Adam AAA
Adam AAA - 06.09.2023 00:57

just dont play until they deal with hackers

Jason - 04.09.2023 21:10

“Bring your shit in with you and die with it” yep. That’s the best advice I can give new players too. Agreed 100%

A Shady Trap
A Shady Trap - 04.09.2023 12:13

Channel the inner cheeki breeki and you will see yourself dropping 30kills per game and extracting with 2mil in backpack

Spillredet - 04.09.2023 01:46

I hate factory though... Depends on the type of player you are, I don't want to be good at pvp necessarily, I want to learn the maps well enough to travel the less traveled routes and loot. I avoid pvp.

EmberJaxx - 03.09.2023 10:55

I definitely agree that factory will help PVP immensely, and that gear fear is a big issue. The one thing I think is important before playing a new map is to play at least one private match, to understand the map layout, and to accurately be able to read your map on your other display. Additionally your survivability will sky rocket if you play that map one more time to get an idea as to where scavs spawn.

GoingRampant07 - 03.09.2023 06:07

"Map genie" it has detailed maps of every area(some are unfinished, and are paywalled until complete) I fortunately have dual monitors so I have whatever zone I'm running up on my second.

youtubeviewer#12 - 01.09.2023 16:11

There are different times of your wipe progression to push fights. If you go factory to PvP all the time your more than likely a broke Chad. The quest lines give more than enough incentive to go PvP in many different scenarios. I think it’s better to focus on quests as a new player. Map knowledge is #2 then PvP skills #3. It takes so long to master tarkov.

Josuke Higashikata
Josuke Higashikata - 01.09.2023 09:40

i completely agree with the factory take. i am a new player. i got the game two days ago. and even without playing the game i knew it was going to be the map i played. easy access to gunfights and helps practice movement and tactics. plus very good for some easy loot

Playback - 01.09.2023 07:57

I play other maps to get some tasks done but I mainly scav and raid factory back to back to back. Thanks

Luie.V - 29.08.2023 03:09

She is really calm is it because it’s not her gear? 😅

mnu - 29.08.2023 01:43

Squirrels Usually Nap, Seeking Great Spots, Occasionally Digging, Sometimes Hiding Every Acorn Really Thoughtfully

Rob Parfrey
Rob Parfrey - 28.08.2023 18:15

honestly, my one aim in tarkov is a little niche. start of wipe, grind quests till level 15. get the flea market and peacekeeper level 2 and then buy and kit out as many different version of the german h&k g36 because i love it. past that i dont care much for the rest of the game besides keeping enough money to fund my g36 addiction. even if its not too good currently.

Alfred Hutchinson
Alfred Hutchinson - 27.08.2023 21:20

Nearly 1k hours in and I feel like I need this ahah

Robert Neuman
Robert Neuman - 27.08.2023 04:45

Hey brother, thanks for the great tips and tricks. I'm an ex Xbox player turned pc and I've always wanted a pc build just for Tarlov. I'm currently in day two of sheer frustration with the game and your vid just gave me high hopes. I'll check back with you in a few weeks to let you know how its working for me and maybe, just maybe loot some of your gear along the way.

Don Stage
Don Stage - 24.08.2023 23:19

loved your video,,made me better

Don Stage
Don Stage - 24.08.2023 23:18

im a controller player but learning with u mouse and keyboard

MrHoneyBadger - 24.08.2023 13:04

sptarkov is the way. mod the shit outta the shit game and makes it much more fun

Elio Onorio
Elio Onorio - 24.08.2023 01:08

Whats your computer specs
Looks amazing

Smyte infection
Smyte infection - 21.08.2023 22:44

bro your vids are so on point , thanks for your awesome guide man , your way of explaning is so good.

BoogeyManW - 21.08.2023 14:31

I just found your channel and honestly, you are the closest, nah cross that, the only channel actually dissecting the problem with new players, is that you can’t learn by just keep on dying. Hat off you to and I’m now a subscriber.

When ever I spawned, I just don’t know where the heck I’m at, maps online doesn’t exactly have a name for a the location so you go on and just name it, the spawn at Old Gas station I just call it “death trap” for my very first raid because I can’t get out of that area and there is no exactly guidance. I literally lost 6 hours of going in, die under 3 minutes while exploring till’ I know there is literally 1 gate to get through which there likely a scavs check point or a sniper waiting for you on the other side so you die and again because it’s so open and i don’t know how to trace the voice line until I get a bullet in my head and yep, back again.

Also, I just wish that there is some short of match making in this game so new players can learn together as there will be new players around your skills.

safety first
safety first - 19.08.2023 02:12

dont play if u bad its simple lmfao bro is garb

fearingalma1550 - 18.08.2023 20:42

Is Factory still your practice recommendation for someone starting later in the wipe? Tarkov’s current patch has made LL1 less and less useful because you can’t even get basic bitch PST ammo and you’re forced to use softpoints, which will plink off tier 4 and up armor like bugs on a windshield.

feline - 17.08.2023 19:44

I'm on my 2nd wipe now, id recommend new players start on customs honestly. And thats only because when someone competent explains it (one big road, the landmarks such as power lines, big red, dorms, the warehouse area) it is extremely easy to know where to go with a guide map. I took someone in on 2 raids and took them all over the map, they could navigate on their own after those 2 raids. I even told them where the heat might be. Where you may get spawn rushed. Where scavs tend to spawn. The high loot areas. Quest areas. This is stuff you don't generally get from a map.

Austin Schuster
Austin Schuster - 17.08.2023 13:02

Playing factory almost exclusively for my first few days alone on this wipe has made me so much more confident this time around. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. This is my second wipe and I kind of just did this by default because it’s usually where I scav raid and I figured it would be a good way to get my pmc scav kills as well. It went so well the first time (5 scav kills and 4 pmc kills) that I just kept going back. 😂

mango. - 15.08.2023 07:35

Hey! First time viewer, congrats on 200k !!

Nelson Chavez
Nelson Chavez - 15.08.2023 07:24

what about when you run out of meds to heal the player or weapons?

LocatingGoku - 15.08.2023 01:17

I think this is entirely right, once I got to the prapor quest that asks you to kill 15 scavs on woods I decided to enter raids with the mindset that it didn't matter much if I made it alive as long as I got the kills, ended up improving a lot and becoming more confident (and came out of it with loot from all the dead scavs anyway.)

Battle Boats with Captain Spud
Battle Boats with Captain Spud - 14.08.2023 17:42

I learned in factory also lol I couldn’t learn the larger maps to start … still only know factory and customs and some streets but my 1st wipe I only played factory… 2nd wipe did customs … 3rd wipe customs and factory so far .. offline streets still learning

King BaCCy
King BaCCy - 14.08.2023 16:22

As a Tarkov ultra-noob I 100% agree that Factory is the best map to learn the majority of the game's mechanics as quickly as possible.

AF - 13.08.2023 23:17

Sit and camp like everyone else!
