40 years later: Spirit Lake's looming threat

40 years later: Spirit Lake's looming threat


4 года назад

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Louis EVAD
Louis EVAD - 26.09.2023 14:34

A magnitude 9 earthquake and there will be massive devastation state wide.

Curtis Sea
Curtis Sea - 23.09.2023 21:49

Blocked liez😅

Curtis Sea
Curtis Sea - 23.09.2023 21:49

I call bullshit..u journalists suck badly 😊

MrOramato - 18.06.2023 00:41

WTF !!! If a magnitude 9 earthquake hits the west coast wouldn’t Spirit Lake be the least of the problems. How many miles high will the Tsunamis be ? Mt St Helens will be the coastline 🤣

Sith Lord
Sith Lord - 16.06.2023 16:31

I control my "Tool" with oranges once a day.

Shane C Hostetler
Shane C Hostetler - 08.06.2023 00:49

If there is a magnitude 9 earthquake, we have much larger problems! This is just a scare tactic for more money.

habitant71 - 01.06.2023 06:50


Kim Cavagna
Kim Cavagna - 29.05.2023 07:00

Thats why its “spirit” lake

Ayayron Balakay
Ayayron Balakay - 26.05.2023 06:15

My Dad used to go to summer camp there he said he saw a UFO there one summer lol

Joe Nazaro
Joe Nazaro - 22.05.2023 17:40

there is no scientific evidence to back up a magnitude 9 other than...."it may happen someday"

Brandon - 18.05.2023 10:16

If a 9.0+ quake hits the area, a little flooding affecting a few thousand people will be the least of the area's worries.

Oscarkoop - 04.05.2023 22:43

I often wonder where old Harrys final resting place is amongst all that. Is he hundreds of feet under dirt or under the lake. Sadly we will never know. I really don't think he expected it to even get to his home.

FooBar Maximus
FooBar Maximus - 27.04.2023 07:14

Anyone who chooses to live near that area should accept the risk. No need to spend public money protecting a handful of fools.

Matthew Settle
Matthew Settle - 23.02.2023 23:24

Why don’t someone come in remove all those logs out of the lake?

David Huber
David Huber - 14.02.2023 04:47

Let's the Chips fall and stop messing with Mother Nature please.

William McGuire
William McGuire - 12.02.2023 23:15

Pure BS won't work this time Democrats.

Diontae Daughtry
Diontae Daughtry - 09.02.2023 16:46

I just found out about this lake while reading a comment in the Mount St Helens video on the Fascinating Horror channel. Very insightful, Great video.

BadPiggies 9
BadPiggies 9 - 24.01.2023 20:22

Apparently in addition to Harry’s home it also had boating, a tourist lodge he owned, a gorgeous scout summer camp that probably used its once-pristine water for the swim-tests and aquatic merit badges, and it had landlocked trout and salmon. And to think that it’s now a charcoal-covered pit of ruin filled with toxic gases from the lava, and that all of these lovely things are now gone. Reduced to atoms.

Robert Moir
Robert Moir - 26.12.2022 19:46

Thanks for the information I do remember May 18th 2020 Mt. Saint Helen s really was a beautiful mountain Such a pity it was destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption in February 1980 I was visiting The Pacific Northwest I saw Mt. Saint Helen s in it s full shape for the last time By the way you folks up there Have a happy 2023

Debra Miller
Debra Miller - 23.12.2022 01:31

Unfortunately man can not fight against the absolute powers of Mother Earth….

Karen Harris
Karen Harris - 17.11.2022 18:49

you mean they never could use those logs? That a lot of lost lumber

Juan Ito
Juan Ito - 14.10.2022 10:12

Won’t ever forget that day and seeing these strange looking clouds at 14 years old from a couple hundred miles to the east. Ole Harry went down with the ship... 🤭

Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 12.10.2022 02:53

Truman said it was his life but also his death

Graham Cracker
Graham Cracker - 14.09.2022 04:32

were all gonna die

Travis Walsh
Travis Walsh - 30.07.2022 09:06

RIP Harry Truman

Ester Baque
Ester Baque - 30.07.2022 00:23

I am old, and remember the entire explotion.

Graydon Jones
Graydon Jones - 07.07.2022 20:03

Fucking delusional bullshit if it happens it happens what are you going to do about it??? Nothing because you can't .

ZeRTO - 20.05.2022 06:15

Mount St Helens 2: Truman’s Revenge.

Del - 10.01.2022 23:59

I remember our car being covered in volcanic ash a day or so after the eruption.

Gus Carlson
Gus Carlson - 25.12.2021 01:30

Someone someday is going to make a fortune off all that fallen timber. Wish it was me.
That whole area needs to be reclaimed for public recreation instead of leaving it to rot like some half assed experiment in environmental science.

nwyoda87 - 24.11.2021 09:31

LOL this is so stupid! Don't have any real news?

Captain Junayd Riyadh-Al-Hasnayn Al-Rabbani
Captain Junayd Riyadh-Al-Hasnayn Al-Rabbani - 07.11.2021 16:55

So true.
40 Years Ago ::
40 years ago, children were gentle with their parents. Today parents have to be gentle with their children.
40 years ago, everyone wanted to have children. Today many people are afraid of having children.
40 years ago, children respected their parents.
Now parents have to respect their children.
40 years ago, marriage was easy but divorce was difficult.
Nowadays it is difficult to get married but divorce is so easy.
40 years ago, we got to know all the neighbours.
Now we are strangers to our neighbors.
40 years ago, people had to eat a lot because they needed the energy to work hard.
Now we are afraid to eat fatty foods for fear of the cholesterol.
40 years ago, villagers were flocking to the city to find jobs.
Now the town people are fleeing from the stress to find peace.
40 years ago, everyone wanted to be fat to look happy ...
Nowadays everyone diets to look healthy.
40 years ago, rich people pretended to be poor.
Now the poor are pretending to be rich.
40 years ago, only one person worked to support the whole family.
Now all have to work to support one child.
40 years ago, people loved to study and read books ...
now people love to update Facebook etc and read their whatsapp messages.
I received this realistic message from one friend and on realizing that it's hard fact for today's life,
Forwarded to all my friends
Education Valueless
Government Useless
Parliament Clueless
Everything is becoming LESS but still our hope in God is - Endless.
In fact I am Speechless Because friendship remains Priceless!!
*If u don't share this, the message is worthless!*k

Bran Mcg
Bran Mcg - 12.10.2021 02:22

Screw your stream libs

Russell Sawyer
Russell Sawyer - 26.09.2021 06:54

As former logger in alaska in worlds largest logging sord yard our bay died killed all the crabs from methane gas from rotting timber in the bay.that timber In That lake will kill

Pat Kelley
Pat Kelley - 18.08.2021 19:02

Fake news

Trag3dyInV3nus - 11.08.2021 08:26

Everyone says ooh people need to relocate. Do you know the geography of PNW ? No ,otherwise you’d know that the west part is blocked off by the cascade mountains . It’s hard to relocate. Y’all are dumb. Like asking people to relocate from Kansas cause it’s flat and you get tornados. Yet still people build their homes to try to withstand those things. Natural disasters happen everywhere.

Jf Mc
Jf Mc - 06.08.2021 21:19

Big Corrupt government money Grab, Nothing more!!

Nicky Matthews
Nicky Matthews - 30.07.2021 00:18

Why build a tunnel not strong enough to withstand a 100% volume of water in it?

James Eddleman
James Eddleman - 11.07.2021 01:55

Live next to a volcano, this shit happens. Stop trying to manipulate something more powerful than you, and move the fuck else where or accept death for you and your kids. When it happens the whole country will pay more taxes for people who live on a volcano or on a shoreline that is under the sea lvl where hurricanes happen yearly. What a waste of money.

Rough And Wretched R.A.W.
Rough And Wretched R.A.W. - 09.07.2021 12:07

So how is a tunnel OK but a creek isn't? Serious question folks! Why are people yet again funding a huge project to preserve a lake that is enjoyed by no one. It's a science experiment and nothing more. The idiots that are trying to stop nature are the reason the original tunnel wont do in the first place. Fact is that if a channel was opened years ago it would have naturally eroded all the loose shit away and that riverbed would be solid as hell right now. The experiment is BS anyway. How do you determine "natural" recovery when you are purposely setting and changing all the parameters for that recovery.

Stephen McCloud
Stephen McCloud - 10.06.2021 17:23

Here's an idea. Move.

When Mountains Move
When Mountains Move - 24.05.2021 21:54

Well shit. I live in Yacolt, about 20 air miles from the mountain. We'd be doomed.

Patrick Cooper
Patrick Cooper - 20.05.2021 15:04

When will we learn. "Don't fuck with Mother Nature"... Every man made thing on earth could be wiped out in seconds, by many different natural disasters...

kjadfhgioaudbfvilaeu - 06.05.2021 22:27

Hopefully this initiative passed and hopefully law makers/coin purse owners have learned from the slide in Oso, WA. You don't fuck with preventable geological situations.

Rick Murphy
Rick Murphy - 22.04.2021 00:53

why wouldn,t they move the logs out of the lake and use it

Jenny Cooper
Jenny Cooper - 14.04.2021 11:48

Mt. Saint Helens is not dead yet. With 40+ volcanos just recently starting to erupt all around the world. We easily se Mt Saint Helens and even Mt. Ranier blow their tops as well. As well as those in California. Never say never.

Dave T.
Dave T. - 13.04.2021 01:33

Don't live under a volcano. Pretty simple. Wasted money, again.

Woody615 - 12.04.2021 23:42

If a 9.0+ quake hits the area, almost all of the first responder/FEMA/emergency response resources will be directed to dealing with the 650,000 people in Portland. This will be the least of their concerns.

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson - 07.04.2021 15:18

It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature ! 😬 remember that one ?
