5 Really Weird History Stories That Sound Fake but Are Real!

5 Really Weird History Stories That Sound Fake but Are Real!

Top 5 Unknowns

2 года назад

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Fall of Rock
Fall of Rock - 01.08.2023 02:21


Gary Francis
Gary Francis - 20.06.2023 14:30

I guess this guy would pronounce Socrates as / so- craits/

J S - 13.06.2023 09:50

History is written by the victor and the only sources we have on Mithridates VI Eupator is from Roman sources, so it all has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Jenna Le Roux
Jenna Le Roux - 04.06.2023 21:45

Violets story should really be turned into a movie

ArmyVet82ndABN - 17.05.2023 09:01

On the morning of 21 November 1916 during WWI, the HMS Brittanic was shaken by an explosion caused by a naval mine of the Imperial German Navy near the Greek island of Kea and sank 55 minutes later, killing 30 people. There were 1,066 people on board; the 1,036 survivors were rescued from the water and in lifeboats.

Ryan Way
Ryan Way - 21.03.2023 07:59

This Video felt so weird with no music. Almost like it was less impactful.

K. Kachlein
K. Kachlein - 03.01.2023 01:07

Ty - you’re an excellent storyteller, creating some of the most entertaining & interesting videos that are out there.

As the majority of your videos are presented as factual, I hope that you might consider having a 2nd party who has a stronger knowledge of history review their accuracy as this isn’t always your strong point. I believe that you’d garner more respect & consequently more “Likes” if there were less errors in your presentations; especially, when the mistakes are quite obvious such as those that appear in ½ of your topics on this video
(Re: mentioning the wrong World War in the “Unsinkable” Violet Jessup bio & indicating that Mithridates the Great rules for 510 yrs when you meant to indicate that he ruled for 57 yrs).

Sean Peterson
Sean Peterson - 12.12.2022 09:17

Though your pronunciation of Mithridates is correct as far as modern standards are concerned, in antiquity it would have been pronouced Mith-rih-dah-tes. Love the history vids!

Linda NWFirefighter
Linda NWFirefighter - 20.11.2022 07:37

The Titanic WAS the Olympic! The names were switched so the owner could sink it because the keel was so badly damaged and the insurance wouldn’t pay it out!

Robert Mosher
Robert Mosher - 17.10.2022 12:00

Do you mean to say that she was on a hospital ship in WWII way back in 1916?

scorpman300 - 28.08.2022 14:20

HMHS Britannic was sunk by a german U-boat either by torpedo or by mines that the sub laid down days earlier, most think from the look of the damage it points to the mines by there was a german U-boat in the area and logs from a few german subs confirm that they were laying mines at that time. attacking a hospital ship or any ship displaying the red cross was a big no-no and they think because of this the captain of the sub that laid the mine did not go in to help or record this in his log .

Mike Long
Mike Long - 26.08.2022 09:41

Mithradates: 120 BC to 63 BC, not 630 BC--that would be going back centuries in time. With WW2 blooper as well, you show sloppiness in dating your topics. Buck up!

bobby james
bobby james - 10.08.2022 15:00

Violet should have been arrested prosecuted and put in prison for the rest of her life she was an employee on that ship she should not have left until every single passenger was safely offloaded

Lonneke - 14.05.2022 23:51

Lots of cudo's and love for using only pictures of BLACK cats in your last story <3 <3 <3

Dumbass on the road
Dumbass on the road - 01.05.2022 13:10

Actually the titanic was the Olympia, their owner planned it so that his biggest rivals would go on the ship and the rest i forgot lmao

nofrackingzone - 13.04.2022 02:02

So if the Britannic was converted into a hospital ship in WWII how was it sunk in 1916? Maybe it was raised and the crust whipped off and put back into service??

Sal ty
Sal ty - 10.04.2022 13:33

i been tie knots?

Tam Ayres
Tam Ayres - 29.03.2022 15:28

They really need to make a movie about Mrs Violet

Lady S.
Lady S. - 21.02.2022 08:26

A bit disgusting, cats are seen as demonic until they are found as a good use to serve humans... whose really the evil one here. 🤦‍♀️

Sam Vue
Sam Vue - 09.02.2022 21:03

No not luck she probably have something to do with all the ship shit lol 😆😆😆

Peter Nolan
Peter Nolan - 08.02.2022 06:14

How many times are you going to mispronounce Mithradates? And 1916 was during World War I, not II.
So much on the Internet sounds interesting. Then it turns out the presenter is very misinformed.

Leather Rebel Justice
Leather Rebel Justice - 03.02.2022 15:46

Violet caused the sinking of all these boats. She’s probably the worst serial killer of American history.

Robert Korsberg
Robert Korsberg - 01.02.2022 03:22

So, the same people who hated the kitties ...got the plague ...... Seems quite just to me

Lesley Anne
Lesley Anne - 31.01.2022 11:04

The hospital ship sank in WW1 not WW11

Bijan Niknam
Bijan Niknam - 29.01.2022 22:10

I like your videos but at the point you left off, not even one the top 5 coolest things Yi Soon Shin did had happened yet

Bijan Niknam
Bijan Niknam - 29.01.2022 22:03

Mithri-dates using Tinder

TheBelman - 26.01.2022 22:57

It's amazing that they came to the correct conclusion about cat owners not getting the plague because cats catch rats. They could have easily gone off with the theory that it's further evidence of witchcraft by cats and their owners.

TheBelman - 26.01.2022 22:44

Hurrah Violet. You can't die before your time.

Window Licker_420
Window Licker_420 - 25.01.2022 16:15

Correction: cats actually were smart enough to domesticate themselves. Humans domesticated every other animal on the planet; except cats. Cats have absolutely zero purpose. They dont hunt for us. They arent food. We just cuddle them and baby them and they hate us for it but put up with it. That's it! Lol cats are evil little geniuses. Watch out cuz they're planning something! You can tell just by looking at that cute little evil face of theirs. I hate cats!! They arent as stupid as everyone thinks they are. My cat trained me, ffs! Little fuzzy jerks!

Vypr - 25.01.2022 13:14

I'm thinking Violet was cursed.

Nicolle Herr
Nicolle Herr - 08.01.2022 07:51

I'm always dodging close calls too. Most recent being covid.

Lisa-Azra Broad
Lisa-Azra Broad - 28.12.2021 14:34

Violet sounds a bad omen, every ship she works on sinks or is involved in accidents

Roger Sledz
Roger Sledz - 04.12.2021 23:28


Roger Sledz
Roger Sledz - 04.12.2021 23:27

Masks PROTECT YOU and people around you!

Roger Sledz
Roger Sledz - 04.12.2021 23:27

Thank you so much for uploading this video. It is helping me get through the pandemic!

IQTech61 - 30.11.2021 02:21

Good follow up on how the anti-cat movement helped bring on the plague.

SoullessFun - 29.11.2021 09:36

I’m sure a thousand people have already pointed this out, but for number 5…it was WW1 and not WW2.

Haphazard - 28.11.2021 14:13

Or... maybe people should have avoided going on boats with Violet on board.

Natt Gray
Natt Gray - 28.11.2021 12:45

We all know about Violet her ability to stay alive. Britainic, Titanic and Olympic.

Diary of a Creative
Diary of a Creative - 28.11.2021 06:15

I highly doubt that pope Gregory wasn’t educated enough to be aware of the fact that eliminating cats would help the plague spread. That Vatican has a lot to answer for.

L A - 27.11.2021 04:59


Sheri King
Sheri King - 26.11.2021 13:12

The HS Britainic sank while in survive during WW ONE NOT TWO

Jacqueline K
Jacqueline K - 25.11.2021 16:49

If the ship sank in 1916 it could not have been a hospital ship in WWII.

Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Rush - 24.11.2021 20:49

Such a Cat's Meow. Thanks.

Loveoldies50 - 21.11.2021 23:02

Her job went swimmingly? A little too on the nose! LOL

Zoey Rochelle Zhombie
Zoey Rochelle Zhombie - 21.11.2021 23:00

Your constant, unnecessary number focus is annoying.

Christopher Lewis
Christopher Lewis - 21.11.2021 15:30

One correction I must make is that the Brittanic was sunk during World War 1 not World War 2
