Meps Doctors be like

Meps Doctors be like

Yusha Thomas

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Javaun King
Javaun King - 29.08.2023 06:31

This was the “moment of truth” all over again 🤦🏾‍♂️

Velenoro - 25.08.2023 02:36

MEPS for ocs applicants:😁

MEPS for people who enlist: ☠️

Christopher - 23.08.2023 14:58

Golden seal lmfao

William Wallace
William Wallace - 17.08.2023 07:56

I had exactly the opposite experience. He let me through with 3 hernias, severe Pectus E, 5'10" and 120lbs (at the time).

170 and picked up e5 last year.

gallo de muerte
gallo de muerte - 29.07.2023 04:32

Im goin to meps next week i just quit smoking weed a month and a half ago do i still say i never smoked a day in my life ?!? Even tho they see my blood work

Primegrind - 23.07.2023 03:23

Man I denied everything and STILL got sent home for “suspicious scratches” on my leg.

Carnivore83 - 13.07.2023 07:30

My recruiter put down that my religious preference was Conservative Jew. I about died laughing when the lady going over my info said that.

Carnivore83 - 13.07.2023 07:28

Meps doctors be like: "lemme see that butthole"

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe - 04.07.2023 08:18

Wake up petty officer. You’re still at meps

Mike Van Roy
Mike Van Roy - 02.07.2023 09:12

"Well if I did have a pap smear you can bet it would be unusual."

Nathan Gallegos
Nathan Gallegos - 23.06.2023 03:38

I remember telling my Meps Dr when he wanted questions answered I said F*** You! If you gonna fail me and waste our time and not serve in what your daddy served and fight for our country get the F*** out of my way. Otherwise I’m out and expediting this convo
He passed me and I swore in
I don’t waste time and make excuses

Johnny Boone
Johnny Boone - 01.06.2023 05:59

They made me go back to my family doctor and have ear wax removed from around my eardrums. They said they had to clearly see that my eardrums were not perforated.

CombatMonkey - 28.05.2023 17:18

I never understood the whole “say no, no matter what” thing. I rolled into MEPS in 97, told them I smoked a few times back in middle school, they were just like “ok, that was quite a while ago.” I was on a plane to Fort Benning 11 days later.😂

devil-dawg05 - 04.05.2023 23:18

Pretty accurate except this guy isn’t an ancient artifact

USMCArchAngel03 - 22.04.2023 18:18

I had never smoked weed when I went in and this is pretty close to what actually happened.

The Weezman
The Weezman - 15.04.2023 14:47

Am I the only person who's had a smooth recruitment process? My recruiter has been great, even said some things that would jeopardize some recruits. MEPS was the easy with no harassment (except i couldnt pee for almost 20 minutes).

David Reed
David Reed - 23.03.2023 21:40

Those of us who went through MEPS in Montgomery between 82 to 90. We a doctor named Dr Screws, real name.

RedJupiter223 - 18.03.2023 07:15

I just went to MEPS and the doc came out, looked at someone, and said "Tell me you have AIDS." The guy was so shocked and didn't know how to respond, I'm just sitting there laughing my ass off.

Still a name
Still a name - 21.02.2023 22:57

My MEPS doctor got me jumping hurdles rn 😂

Eddie G
Eddie G - 13.02.2023 05:57

Ok serious question... anyone ever said yes to smoking weed? I wrote down that I have on my enlistment papers because it's fuckin legal EVERYWHERE and everyone I've seen said to say no... but it was too late. My recruiter didn't say a thing about it and if they ask at MEPS ( which it sounds like they will) I HAVE to say yes again. Am I doomed or?

Digital Apex
Digital Apex - 25.01.2023 03:07

"Ever heard of Gitmo? Alcatraz?" Always gets me lmao

Justin Cuozzo
Justin Cuozzo - 21.01.2023 06:39

Hardest thing at Meps was trying to pee in a cup and screw the lid on while holding all my papers

Ghost Lead
Ghost Lead - 08.01.2023 18:36

My paper work had a HTC excuse lmao when he asked me if I was using drugs I said no I’m clean 😂 he said “you sure”👀 I said yeah 😊
He said “what kind” I said “ohh THC”!🤣🤣🤣🤣 they waiting for you to slip

NDD FILMS - 03.01.2023 22:32

This is soo funny!

Asgardians3t - 17.12.2022 22:13

i remember, 2 months before i went to bootcamp i had to go to a meeting w the recruiters for a drug test but i told my recruiter i smoked weed the day before so he made an excuse for me not to go, and he said just make sure u clean for meps before u go to bootcamp so 3 weeks before bootcamp i stopped smoking and was clean for the piss test lol and when the pple at meps hit me with that BS i was like "nope, i never smoked in my whole life" lmao little did they kno i smoked 2 blunts 3 weeks prior MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Ackbar - 16.12.2022 05:02

I find it stunning how in Russia the exact opposite happens. The conscripts try their best to falsify their health issues and the medical examiner always ignores any legitimate concern to get them into service. In Russia men often break their legs to avoid army, and in U.S. young men lie and pretend to be healthy to get into it. It's amazing.

Mr Oblige
Mr Oblige - 06.12.2022 08:50

I'm trying to get into the airforce... Watching these videos about meps got me like.... I'll never get in

Isaac Damm
Isaac Damm - 13.11.2022 05:29

like the blues brothers shirt (7 yrs late wow)

Austin Phifer
Austin Phifer - 09.11.2022 19:55

My meps doctor wouldn't leave my prostate alone. 3 times he checked it with both of his hands firmly grasped around my shoulders

Frist Last
Frist Last - 19.10.2022 04:04

Of course not you got a 31 on the asvab 💀

MCV 90
MCV 90 - 12.10.2022 20:32

But Sarge…😢😢

Phinehas Jacob
Phinehas Jacob - 17.09.2022 19:09

I almost got dqed for being overweight the navy guy taped me and was disappointed that he couldn’t dq me and sighed and said “it’s up to the army now” and handed me my papers and 30 minutes later swore in

Matt Lovett
Matt Lovett - 30.07.2022 08:01

"Of course not you got a 31 on the ASVAB." That shit had me dead.

J Carey
J Carey - 20.07.2022 19:22

My meps doctors didnt pressure me about past drug use, but I legit have never smoked weed, so when I was getting pressured to "confess" by Petty Officers the night before MEPS I was getting mad af lol

YOSOYYO - 16.07.2022 19:36

This might be funny skits to some of you. But is the sad reality I already experience it. And believe me the civilian workers in you basic training or OSUT base they are far more worst then the ones in MEPS atleast that was my experience.

FINALLYOUT6 - 16.07.2022 18:43


He’s not Asian.

Mike - 05.07.2022 18:57

MEPS 1990. They had about 20 of us in a room and did mass buttcrack inspections. One at a time, the doctor went to each guy and said 'Drop your shorts, bend over, and pull your butt cheeks apart with you hands'. I wanted to laugh so hard, but the room was so quiet and serious you could hear a pin drop.

Do they still do that?

Otherwise, back then they really didn't grill you hard on drugs, play tricks, or threaten jail like in this video. It was only after you signed the dotted line, then they threatened to come after you if you didn't get on the plane to basic.

Mike - 05.07.2022 18:49

Doc: You ever smoke pot?
Recruit: No.
Doc: Sounds like something a pothead would say.

William Lemcke
William Lemcke - 26.06.2022 02:55

I had this hyper-arrogant dr who said, "even a 4 star General have to pass their physical"
Me: you fail that 4 star, your ass is fired..

Perseus Love
Perseus Love - 01.06.2022 19:09

My MEPS doctor had my records already in front of her when I walked in lol. I assume she found it a little suspicious that I’d marked no on EVERYTHING on the paperwork. Lol suffice to say, it’s waiver o clock.

Perseus Love
Perseus Love - 14.05.2022 01:52

Im headed to MEPS this coming week. 🥲 I’m aiming for a linguist MOS.

Stuff&Things - 11.05.2022 04:40

As a dumb dumb civilian I dont get this????? Isnt the military lacking recruits????? I thought the whole goal of the recruitment process was to poach as many fools as possible????

KageRule360 - 06.05.2022 08:38

Looking at my 40 on the ASVAB 😅

Bamboozled Noodle
Bamboozled Noodle - 10.04.2022 00:20

6 years later and this is still true lmao

Tom Lehr
Tom Lehr - 21.03.2022 21:53

They did same to me,they all knew we smoked

hefeibao - 14.03.2022 06:07

That t-shirt is dope - gotta lmk where to get one. Sweet home Chicago :)

Kiorrr - 23.02.2022 04:30

This is so true 😂

NickaPlayer - 16.02.2022 10:59

What Happens If You don’t Have Insurance While going through Meps

Frank White
Frank White - 07.02.2022 15:37

On God this how they were😂😂😂

Patsrock5 - 28.01.2022 08:08

The MEPS I went too the doctors are mad chill. Literally if anything they honestly try to get you in, that’s how nice the doctors I had we’re ☺️ I went to my recruiter after and asked why he made the MEPS doctors sound so bad he goes “oh I just gotta make sure u don’t slip” 😂.
