Discomfort - Kashmir 2019 | a film by Umar Naqshbandi (4K)

Discomfort - Kashmir 2019 | a film by Umar Naqshbandi (4K)

Umar Naqshbandi

4 года назад

4,156 Просмотров

Came back from Kashmir with a very heavy heart this time.

I've always wanted to make a travel video about home, the way I do with the coutires that I visit.

It's very unfortunate that this is what I had to make instead.

The purpose of this video is just to give you a little glimpse of what we as Kashmiris feel. Surrounded by beauty, but with an underlying sense of discomfort and anxiety.

This won't even come close to how it really is, but awarness is all we can do at this point.

Spread the word. Let people know.

PS. This was entirely shot on my phone because I wasn't able to carry my camera equipment into the country.

Watch in 4K

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