What Christians Don't Get About LGBT Folks

What Christians Don't Get About LGBT Folks

The Gospel Coalition

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@ChesneyDigital - 12.02.2024 06:34

Pride is their real sin, the worst ever. Good luck recovering from that as the satanic elite pet you like a slave. Gays suffer from evil pride. They need deliverance at the hand of an army of straight up Christian soldiers for real

@witness4Him - 10.02.2024 02:21

At the end of the day, we all have fallen short of the glory of God - we wouldn't make good judges so we leave that to God. We accept people but not the sin, just like God.

@timothybrown7779 - 06.02.2024 05:07

So many Christian’s want to condemn homosexuality. Pride is a sin and so many of them love to stand on their soapbox casting judgement of hell and brimstone on that community. Gods word says all have sinned! And that our righteousness is like filthy rags before Him… Do not judge least thee be judged.. No one in himself can make it to heaven. Only through Gods perfect sacrifice {His own son} can a way be made. We are called to Love one another. So why don’t you try and Love someone to Christ. Because it is only through him, the one who has the power to save who can transform a human heart. He extends that same love to all mankind..Read John 3:16 God invited all!

@hope4all69 - 27.01.2024 14:42

"THE SOUL THAT SINS, IT SHALL DIE. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be on him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be on him. BUT IF THE WICKED WILL TURN FROM ALL HIS SINS THAT HE HAS COMMITTED, AND KEEP ALL MY STATUTES, and do that which is lawful and right, HE SHALL SURELY LIVE, HE SHALL NOT DIE."

Ezekiel 18, 20 + 21

@happy777abc - 16.01.2024 15:54

Most Christians came to Christ because of their own wicked sin. We get sin. We get it!

@Crawlingdreams418 - 27.12.2023 23:05

I'm sorry, but we should just leave Christians alone. The whole idea with celibacy and marrying someone of the opposite sex is nothing but an contradictory couple of loopholes that do not work. The Bible is pretty straightforward about my attractions being against God's design and I'm fully aware of that. I wouldn't go to a Physics university if I didn't have the brains for it (I don't, btw, I have a degree in a language related field), so the same applies here. Even if I were to choose either of the two options, me still experiencing that still implies a complete lack of repentance.

@InspirationLabs-ff8vf - 07.12.2023 22:29

well-thought out answer!

@SPECTREA-vm7fy - 02.12.2023 10:59

Comical. Stuttering. Repeating words. Over complication of sentances and words. Manipulation of God's word. 😅

@johannagrace7768 - 30.11.2023 01:14

The problem is not that the lesbian has sin in her life (we all do) but when she claims that sex with another woman is not sin. If we accept this view in the church, we deny the directions given in Acts 15:29. How many compromises can the church make and still be called the church? I think we are finding out.

@londonderrry - 14.11.2023 12:04

Mankind lost the image of God at the all, which is why we are not naturally children of God, but only become God's children through sovereign adoption. It is written: "That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed" (Romans 9:8.)

@roberttrout1352 - 30.10.2023 00:08

God plainly states its a sin.He didnt say. Its a sin unless you are nice to your dogs and have kids .
So you can be as nice as you want and still go to hell.Sin is Sin and it wont be allowed in Heven.

@SolasChristusMinistry - 17.10.2023 22:59

The best thing is, if you don’t want to accept God’s gift by simply recognizing your sinful nature, repenting and believing in Jesus as your risen savior, you don’t need to worry about what is clearly spelled out as sin. If you don’t want to accept homosexual acts as sin, let’s talk about fornication seeing as the ONLY biblical marriage is between a man and a woman and therefore sex, ANY SEX, outside of marriage is sin.

@moshegoldberg9685 - 09.10.2023 06:45

How many times will you make the same video trying to validate the sin of the sinners

@intentionally-blank - 23.09.2023 23:59

Speaker of 'smooth words'.

@georgelogan677 - 12.09.2023 08:10

In United States courts all of this is illegal. Law enforcement does not care about what is written in the Holy Bible.😮

@user-vm5yk2js6w - 02.09.2023 07:39

I was 20 years long heterosexual, but god helped mt to leave that lifestyle.
I left my wife and became gay.
Thank you so much god for your help. ❤❤

@Kamren384 - 19.08.2023 02:00

EVERYONE falls short of Gods glory so dont judge. Dont act like your God

@Kamren384 - 19.08.2023 01:59

Those who condem gays arent gay so its easy for them to condem

@Kamren384 - 19.08.2023 01:59

I always been lesbian and i love God. He made me and hes the only one who matters. The hate of others will be punished.

@supermanfan5587 - 19.08.2023 01:24

For once I’d like one person on their high horse using Romans or 1 Corinthians to condemn LGBTQ to not do any of the sins in the list. That means no strife, no malice, no boosting, no envy, no greed, no gossiping and most importantly using the courts appropriately— no frivolous suits without standing. Either that or admit you have two levels of sin.

@Ron4T1 - 17.08.2023 01:39

She’s 100% on point. We don’t refer to people who’ve come to Christ and struggle with drug addiction as druggies or struggle with any other sin by referring to that sin. We point people to God and let God do the work because once you point to a person to God, the rest is between that person and God.

@VincentEllis-John8-12 - 08.08.2023 04:51

Christians dont need to "get" anything about the abc mafia. Just like they dont need to "get" anything about us. Love them, sure...but supporting them is 100% unbiblical.

@FlatironBetty - 05.08.2023 16:10

I would love to see a video called, "What LGBT doesn't get with Christians." No one treats you as a separate species. Stop calling yourself and wrapping yourself up in your sexual identity. It's very culty. Stop asking for special victimhood privileges. Just show up to church as everyone else does. Get in line like everyone else and kneel like everyone else. It's not about YOU! It's about serving GOD. Stop trying to replace him with your nonsense.

@andybray9791 - 29.07.2023 03:51

Radical feminism, lgb… ideology, womanising etc isn’t compatible with Christianity but Muslims seem to be left alone more on it.

@timothyparker4896 - 24.07.2023 07:40

What the? I’ve never met anyone, myself included that thinks anyone is a seperate species.
Jesus came to save sinners.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

@gregschermuly - 10.07.2023 07:07

Here are some additional ideas that I think might help:
1. Learn how to recognize the human dignity of LGBT persons. Not only does this have to be done, but it needs to be done first. This comes before a moral assessment of gay sex (or dressing as the gender which was not assigned to you at birth,) not after. This includes all the resources of any given tradition: the entirety of Scripture, and any authoritative pronouncements (such as, for Catholics, the century of papal teaching on human dignity that Catholics are so proud of...except when the persons under discussion are LGBT.)
2. If you absolutely must have your special restrictions on LGBT persons, then you owe us a full explanation of them. Simply saying, "Gay sex is wrong." is not an explanation. You need to explain what you're doing, why, what the parameters are, and how you expect LGBT persons to be able to live with them. This applies to the gay panic defense, the trans panic defense, and positions on equality in matters of housing and employment. Oh...and if the answer is to be that LGBT persons are expected not to survive (...or that you don't care if we do...) then you have only yourself to blame if your politics are condemned as evil and bigoted, and wholly to be rejected. This also comes before a moral assessment of gay sex, or whatever.

@darrenkupfer4406 - 07.07.2023 06:40

Unless a person is gifted grace by God and indwelled by the Holy Spirit making them truly reborn again they will not see the kingdom of heaven.
All of this, those who are actually children of God was preordained before the foundations of the world in eternities past.
If a person is regenerated, reborn they will turn away from sin, their depravity. This will be a process over time, they will not continue to live in that state of sinfulness.
People are either children of God or they are children of wrath.
None of the changes in and of a truly reborn person are of themselves, it is all God, the Holy Spirit that causes this to happen.
I have witnessed homosexuals that are living with their partners, in that lifestyle, suddenly change, wake up one morning and realize that where they are was totally wrong. This particular person completely turned, moved, left that lifestyle that they had been in for decades. This person was truly reborn, the same, not necessarily this identical action will take place but there must be a drastic change, evidence, there will be “fruits”.
Revolutions 21:8, The Lord Jesus Christ name many different kinds of sinners that will be dammed to the lake of fire, but He says all liars will spend eternity burning if they do not repent, turn from their sins, liars.
The Lord God is Holy,Holy,Holy, beyond our comprehension.
The best thing anyone can do is to get on their knees and cry out to God, to Jesus for forgiveness and plead to be saved.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the only hope for sinful humanity, He is the way, the truth, and the Life, no one goes to the Father but be faith alone in Him. Which is the gift of God to all those that will be saved.
God bless everyone!

@AAAA-tn2ul - 23.06.2023 12:10

"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." Do not believe in the Bible, it’s homophobic

@DIBBY40 - 19.06.2023 19:26

It seems very strange that someone can commit a sin by NOT believing something; especially a religious ideology.

@PunkDogCreations - 19.06.2023 18:12

Homosexual behavior won’t damn a person any more quickly than pride or greed or adultery. Without Christ, we are lost, whether gay, straight, or asexual. But, when we surrender our lives to the lordship of Jesus, He gives us a new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). He destroys the power that sin once held over us (Romans 6:1–7). The old nature that once dictated our actions has been conquered in a born-again child of God (John 3:3). Temptation still rages. Weaknesses still torment. But the power of the Holy Spirit helps us to resist Satan and overcome the sins that once held us captive (Colossians 2:14; James 4:7). We can choose new life in Jesus or the old life of sin. But we cannot have both (Matthew 6:24).

@Juiceka69 - 18.06.2023 14:24

There truly is so much hatred towards homosexuals. The rainbow cult/political movement hasn’t helped.

@mishasumi6827 - 18.06.2023 05:37

"A man shall not lie with s man. For this is an abomination before The Lord." -God

To identify as LGBTQ is to identify with the devil

@animemangaluv13 - 16.06.2023 09:21

@davethinkingsystems - 13.06.2023 18:27

That is really well said. Thanks for this

@NJTotire - 13.06.2023 05:59

Very well put! I also made mention to a number of other believers, there really is no such thing as a "straight" person. We are all guilty of sexual sin in one shape or another as Jesus said even a married person looking at another person with lust is guilty of committing adultery. We are all equally in need of Jesus as our Savior whether we fit into the LGBTQ box or not.

@CheMatTokJanggut - 12.06.2023 17:33

abomination and blasphemy

@spoopyradicalsnake - 11.06.2023 22:20

we need to stop judging others; i can't stand it when pastors call out LGBT people. EVERYONE belongs to the Lord PSALM 24:1.

we have to love our neighbors, we are BREAKING the 2nd commandment of Jesus (LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR) if we single people out.

@VargasandLaRueChannel - 07.06.2023 16:33

We all sin. Its really that we are supposed to try our best to not sin. Premeditated and consisted sin is the worst because we know what we are doing and stay in that sin.

@35mayocynthia - 03.06.2023 23:11

LGBT community are sinners who need help getting away from sin

@alexguerra1668 - 03.06.2023 03:44

Don’t think she’s referring to every single Christian out there. I definitely get where she’s coming from ❤

@doncunningham3124 - 02.06.2023 06:42

They say MONEY is the root of all evil and perhaps it is. What about JUDGEMENT? Anyone who judges other people in a negative way is actually portraying themselves in a negative way. Perhaps, if they want to live life in a peaceful and spiritual way, they should try minding their own damn business?! Just saying.

@merrilsamshiju9233 - 25.05.2023 11:08

Sister you are wrong
You cannot be a believer while being a lesbian. LGBTQ is against the Bible

@AllSven - 21.05.2023 00:53

Always a critique of whatever side is against the lgbt. Always. They never EVER defend true Christians. Understand this - these are the people that will persecute you in the end.

@garybryson1900 - 09.05.2023 00:04

I'm not interested in being helpful or kind to lgbtq.

@padraigpearse - 27.04.2023 09:28

Adolph Hitler had a German Shepherd dog who he loved and I am sure he took care of his garden too. Heinrich Himmler was a chicken farmed , with ten wonderful children. A family man.

The idea because people are, 'Normal' in some ways should be treated as normal in all is illogical. Sexual perversion is not normal. Never was, never is , never can be. Rationalise it as you will.

@touretteslifeforteenst-l.f1024 - 19.04.2023 19:03

Think of it like this: All of us are liars. If you choose to be LGBTQ, it may be a sin, but its one sin (regarding that it doesnt involve sex outside of marriage). We lie ALL the time, and you and I know it! Do you think sining over and over again is worse than one sin, that was to be homosexual?
Did you also know that Jesus CLEARLY states that there is only ONE unforgivable sin, To reject the Gift of eternal life (the Holy Spirit).

Anything extreme, Murder, cheating, adultery, stealing, and swearing can be forgiven by The Grace and Mercy of God.
It isnt the works that save us but our belief that Jesus is the Savior. Everything else is from the Grace and Mercy of our God.

Obviously, that does not mean you can do anything you want. There are many reasons in the Bible that tell you that you have to be as Christlike as you can. God can see what our hearts truly desire, and if its set on Him, You dont have to worry!

@paolamunoz1833 - 19.04.2023 04:28

The title of this video is actually contradicting what she said. ....What christians... Actually generalizing that ALL CHRIsTIANS... say or treat or think of lgbt people.

Do not generalize lgbt people neither christians, we are all God's creation ( not all are God's children) but we are all His creation at His imagen, from mud and the breath of life.

@jaydawg1721 - 15.04.2023 15:48

I think what she's saying here is not to just go beating someone over the head about their sin and talking about judgement for it. While I know the sin needs to be addressed, what I took from this was there should be an approach that sin in general has tarnished and warped the views of the world as a whole and we need to give Jesus ALL of us, not just one part. Most people focus on one aspect of sin in their life neglecting the plethora of other sins that will eternally separate them from God but we have to give God ALL of our heart. As long as you start, He will work out the rest.

@gingerty9628 - 11.04.2023 23:05

When the disciples asked Jesus what are the signs of the end, the very first thing he said to them is "Take heed that no man deceive you." Sadly, today sooo many are being deceived. People are turning away from sound doctrine and following what they want to hear. It grieves me to see so many blindly following their hearts, the flesh.
Matthew 7: 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
