Belgian Tourist in Australia Disappears After Bar Ejection | Theo Hayez Case Analysis

Belgian Tourist in Australia Disappears After Bar Ejection | Theo Hayez Case Analysis

Dr. Todd Grande

1 год назад

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@holdencawffle626 - 04.07.2024 01:20

I solo travel and have stayed in hos-tells

I'm very good at it

@ralphrekowski7415 - 19.06.2024 04:37

The CCTV footage from cheeky monkeys shows a security guard hand Theo drugs and he puts the bag of crack in his left pocket and walks off and dissapered. The cops are covering it up to protect their drug dealer mates.

@user-rc8tp6si7j - 31.05.2024 23:32

I don’t know if he is still alive. I think he left his hat on purpose or was a sign that he was at that point being forced - kidnapped. I believe that he was either monitored to send those texts or someone else sent them. Human trafficking in Byron Bay he was only 18.

@Occult_Gibbet - 28.05.2024 20:23

How come all these young backpackers always go missing in Byron? I think there must be a serial killer out there.

@Dare_2_Dance - 25.05.2024 13:39

My theory and this is only me completely guessing is that he met someone at the time he was there for 7 mins ish and he was told about a party up at that clearing so they hurriedly got to the party through the bush, something happened when they got there but dont know what cos obv he looked like he was texting ppl in his usual way, not being out of character then who knows what happened. Breaks my heart this story poor lad 💔

@jlc2978 - 03.05.2024 07:10

Purpl Hayez

@annelyceyawingu6678 - 18.04.2024 02:34

The fact that his mate just left him and went back on the bar😓

@rohp1283 - 15.04.2024 23:19

If the bar was nice to him????

@mrhominoid4312 - 30.03.2024 00:14


@JimmiAlli - 11.03.2024 09:36

He may have left his cap as a way to let people know he’d been there.

@markprendy7291 - 04.03.2024 22:18

Papa smurf took him away after they had bongs

@mariawestman9026 - 14.02.2024 15:40

I think he was killed

@yakkybots - 21.01.2024 17:25

I think theo was looking to continue his night of fun otherwise why would he go in the opposite direction to his hostel??or maybe one of his friends from the bar or hostel rang or texted him saying to meet them at a certain location so they could party on he did that and then maybe they bailed on him or were too drunk ...i think he was eirher being pursued by someone or he sensed danger so he started walking or running fast into the brush so he couldn't be found...i also think his hat was knocked off his head deliberately by someone either as part of an attempted mugging or attack....his phone was taken at some point by mugger and they were texting his family and sending texts mucking around for their own amusement pretending to be theo...also going thru his phone to see what was on there...i feel that theo was kidnapped and met with foul play at a remote location...either for money or because they hated backpackers....these are all just my theories and heart goes out to his family...i wiish theo to be found safe and well back to his family

@TravellinDrunk - 10.01.2024 11:24

Living proof (thankfully) that this can only happen to you when you're super drunk or high (or mislead by someone)
Happened to me couple of times. Walk from the beach to the main road took me 2 hours, only 2 hours cos I always stumble onto someone in the middle of no where and middle of the night and ask them for the correct path. Point is. It only takes literally 30 seconds from the main beach to the main road if you're sober even at night - if u take the right path. But whenever I'm drunk, I always end up walking god knows where.

@kidgforce1 - 08.01.2024 18:23

Going to the bad part of the city, buy some drugs and then go to the beach after being kicked out of a bar would have been my plan too at that age

@MaMa-sc2zv - 04.01.2024 06:07

He stay there with another name... this is what i think... somewhere around... why he asked for an other city on this evening!?
Something is wrong... i think he is alive.

@ngaourapahoe - 27.10.2023 17:21

The best analysis ever.

@plsavage - 12.10.2023 22:16

What if he wasn't the one sending messages from his phone? Something could have happened during/right after the bar incident and they threw the scent off of themselves by using his phone and showing distance & communication. I feel so badly for his family...and that he lost his life at such a young age

@melen6917 - 23.09.2023 13:18

I think someone local and more familiar with the area guided him down there and then left. He couldn’t find his way back through the bush in the dark, so he decided to climb up to the lighthouse which is right by the road. He fell, and his phone landed somewhere other than his body, which fell in the ocean. The suspicious part is that that person never came forward, which could just be out of fear of being accused, or perhaps they are into illegal activities. I agree with the number placements of all 4 theories.

@Jesusismine6511 - 30.08.2023 03:41

Remembering when my sons were teenagers, it is not unreasonable that they would have done something daring or adventurous like climbing up to a lighthouse at night to watch the sun rise. I think someone either met him at the bush secretly, or followed someone that promised to take him to the lighthouse maybe a shortcut. Someone knows something that could bring clarity to what Theo was doing out there. If Theo dropped his phone on the cliff, then it would have been found, possibly. Why would he have turned off his location?

@lazyfrogonalog - 09.08.2023 13:02

I don't find it odd that Theo was kicked out of the club. His behavior may have just concerned a bouncer and they kicked him out just in case he was drunk, to protect their license. He was probably happy but alone and wanted to keep partying. He wandered toward the beach for a pleasant walk home. I doubt he was buying drugs, I think it is more likely he got talking to a homeless itinerant who probably told him about the parties that sometimes happen at the other beach. They may have taken him down there but when they got to the beach, there was no party. Theo probably decided to stay down there and lost his life in an accident. He had turned the tracking off his mobile phone to save battery life and if he had fallen the phone either went in the water or the battery died and was never found due to the terrain. All the talk about people harming him is unlikely and I just feel so sorry for the family who are thinking foul play happened to their loved one.

@benAustralian - 20.07.2023 13:38

He may have argued with some bad people at the tennis courts and they forced him to go down to beach. Then they could of been waiting for a boat to pick them up. They must be smart told him to reply messages as normal then got him to turn off phone They may have killed him dumped him at sea. How else is there no body? Either something like this or he didn't want to go home he wanted to stay in Australia and the whole family is in on it.

@venderstrat - 23.05.2023 13:43

The Bay is full of weirdos.

@lcampbell9837 - 05.04.2023 17:01

MarkMike has removed his comment where he shouted at me "YOU have a theory as to who the murderer is. You've been watching too many real life crime shows". Funny how MarkMike shouted at me via this forum to begin with and secondly why was he trying to discredit me.

@louise2467 - 24.03.2023 21:59

Cute girl, drugs, death… brainier.

@vampoftrance - 27.02.2023 07:35

I hope you find the answer to this mystery. One clue I picked up on, his mother warned him not to " fall off a cliff" or " " climb on high cliffs they are too dangerous " she says in the 60 Minutes interview. He wanted to see the lighthouse before the end of his trip and the locals gave him directions. It was important for him to climb cliffs in a show of masculine power.

@petermcmahon8278 - 21.02.2023 06:48

Why nobody is following the phone tracking map just amazes me, everybody even the courts did not include the time his phone tracking does show his phone go to a house or hostel opposite the playing fields for 6 pings being 12 minutes, then back out onto the playing fields for 6 minutes then up into the back streets. Why nobody is interested in the corner house only suggests that the Police and courts know about that house. But why nobody including Police checked that house, why. With all the sand dunes being hit by King Tides could suggest he is under the sand of one of the last sand dunes near the cliffs, i have not been there but on Google Earth there does seem to be an area of open ground if one was climbing the hill to the Light House, could Theo have miss took the area he was climbing and did fall from that cliff, but if he did he would have ended up on the rocks below and did NOT get washed out to sea, meaning that he is still in the rocks there, but that area was search, some say he did not climb the hill but sat on the sand dunes, now we do know that during April May 2019 Byron Bay's beaches was being torn apart by King Tides, could a large wave have washed up onto the sand dunes breaking a section off and Theo falling down 3 meters and being covered in sand, nobody knows as that entire area has not been sand sonar scanned. Because nothing has been found of Theo or his phone, then it might suggest he is buried under the now beach sands. Also was Theo's old phone and watch ever found in his belongings at the Hostel, also why buy a surf board if he was only there for 3 days as he could have hired a surf board if he wanted to. Who was Theo with when he bought his board, why was there no CCTV footage of Theo buying the board, also why did Theo have to buy a new OPPO phone and watch. Again where his old ones in his belongings, at his hostel. So many questions yet nobody including the Police can answer any of them. I also heard that a few of the BB Police have been transferred to other towns in NSW, but why if none of them have anything to hide. 6 Police beat young man nearly to death with their batons for fun, 2 were dismissed from the Police Force and had to compensate the 16 year old boy, but they refused, so the Courts or the people compensated the boys. The others just got a slap on the wrists, which means the Police in BB are more powerful than the Laws or the Courts, when corruption is involved. Why nobody can see that there is 25 minutes missing from the time he leaves the cricket pitches to walking up the streets, why has the Courts and Police over looked that 25 minutes as he cross's the oval to the corner house or hostel. What happened to the JUDGE club, still to today only the Police that took it, know were it is. Like the OPPO phone found on the beach it was picked up by a women a few days after Theo vanished i heard, yet another women who said she lost her OPPO phone in the same area that Theo's vanished in. Yet she said she lost hers in August 2019, 2 months after Theo vanished. Yet she picked up the phone in late June 2019. Does nobody see what i'm seeing in this case. This is the problem with small towns most people know each other and some times will protect others in fear of being bashed them selves by those responsible for all the rapes and murders in BB over the years, Even Jackson was murdered by some people, this in its self only suggests that the Police killed Jackson, as everybody was in COVID Lock Down when he was killed and the only ones on the road during the Lock Down were the Police. A women on FB actually took a photo of Jackson the day before he was killed in the Main Beach car park as he sat eating his lunch and 2 days later when Jackson was found, the photo was deleted. Who was that women nobody knows, but she could have passed on that photo to the Police and they then dealt with him, like they have done with other backpackers and tourists for fun,
over the years gone by..

@ignatius1681 - 21.02.2023 02:52

What I don't get about this: as he was actually buying wine earlier in the evening and having a "session" with the other backpackers before they went into town, he might have had a bit more than two beers. And from I know: if you arrive as a group, the others would be leaving too if he was wrongfully shown out. That is group dynamic. So this indicates that he might have been quite drunk.

@eblita3698 - 21.02.2023 01:13

I gather it is long time ago since this Dr. was 18 years old......... Or maybe he wasn't a 18-year-old like most are :) They had a party at their place before they went into town. And normally you might get thrown out if they think you look like if you've had enough.

@cathal4921 - 21.02.2023 00:17

I think this is a strange analysis. The young man had bought a bottle of wine at a quarter to eight and back at the hostel they had a start up party before going into town. I guess the others also had spirits they had shared too. So if you're already somewhat drunk from wine and whatever and then drink two beers on top...bad mix. It is hard to see anything from that cctv. I don't think he was looking for drugs. He wanted to go home leaving for Sydney the next day. He might have stopped for the seven minutes to vomit and recover. He is disoriented in the darkness and comes to a place where he suddenly hears the waves from the sea. He sets course towards it walking faster. From there he would know his way home, he thinks. Reaching the water he walks to the left up the beach as he would have done on the other beach, not knowing that he is further down the coast. As he reaches the rocks he searches a way around them away from the water. Comes to a dead end and goes back down onto the beach again. He then takes a seat to decide if he really wants to wade all the way back or if he can't just climb a bit around the rocks to the water side. At that point, it has been a while since he threw up and he has been trotting and getting fresh air, so he is more clear headed. He communicates over the phone and rests a bit by watching his favorite series before he heads off. I think he chose to climb the rocks rather than have to walk all the way back again. I think he unhappily lost his grip and ended up in the water and was carried away by the strong current at that place. No drugs, no evil persons, no conspiracies. I feel so sorry for his family and his Godfather+wife. If it happened this way, what I think, it is a sad accident where noone is to blame. He behaved and reacted like most young people would have done.

@thjonez - 20.02.2023 23:21

by separating the young from the herd the bouncers indirectly killed him..

@noreenr4922 - 20.02.2023 23:10

But why turn off your GPS at the beach and not along the route there? It's almost as if he wanted people to know he'd gone this way, but not the answer to where or what happened after that.

@cheanarchist2381 - 19.02.2023 13:35

Things keep aligning , I just found out last wkend when I ran into old friends I haven’t seen in 10 years, I tell them about visions I had years back , & I might no exactly who the individual responsible is. then my ol mate told me that person I named was camping right behind the wreck fields when it happened and hastily moved camp the following few days . They said after they told me,the blood drained from my face,.He’s a predator. I had one experience with him maybe 14 years ago l
,long story short , he grabbed me by the arm , and I had a visions he was capable of rape killing & many horrible visions in that moment
I grabbed my bag of the ground & speedwalk ran across the market field. I don’t scare easily iv travelling all around Oz. Grew up around famous crue crazy crue gangsters,, mad people but when this tall stringy dude grabbed my arm . & told me I wasn’t going anywhere. I felt his life ,he’s a living demon. I inherited it from my Nanna , i’ve just always had paranormal experiences, prophecy

@kimwhatmatters4085 - 17.02.2023 11:29

Of someone guided him to the beach they would have come forward to help. Why not even if you do drugs if you truly didn’t do anything why not even if you called a hotline anonymous and told the story up until splitting from him so they can have a clearer timeline & possibly something you know may seem unimportant but solve everything. Like oh he got something on his foot and the thing was sooo slippery it caused a fall. Or you padded my a plant and he seemed to have an allergic reaction. A name he said or place he referenced is actually we’re he ran off to. Idk but the fact no one’s come forward they killed him or they were killed with him.

@kimwhatmatters4085 - 17.02.2023 11:16

He might have been walking like he knew where he was going because looking lost makes you look vulnerable or a Mark to onlookers

@maybecriminal - 31.01.2023 08:49

Sorry Dr he was murdered.

@hinterlandobserver8648 - 10.01.2023 04:52

Local here.
It’s not likely Theo knew the area near the cricket nets at the REC grounds was a “bad part of town” (really it’s just a central patch of scrub where some of the parkies camp and local kids hang out and huff nangs). Likely he was cutting through there on his way back to the hostel before being meeting an opportunistic individual who coerced him to join them to go to cosy corner.
His phone usage shows he only used his torch once, while stationary for a few minutes before travelling through the bush (where he lost his hat) to the beach. I’ve walked through there and 100% believe he lost his hat because he didn’t see the drop in terrain when he was trying to catch up to people ahead of him.
Heaps of people do go missing here but most are found. Some do believe there’s a serial killer but in all honesty there just lots of bad people who do bad things. The local police write most of the strange cases of people who are found deceased as suicide so they don’t have to follow it up or get bad media about how lax they are.
Theo just crossed paths with the wrong person and whether intentionally or not, probably died because of them.

@brendashenda4249 - 06.01.2023 20:09

Why can't anyone even entertain the notion that he wasn't the one with the phone after the fields?

@jacquetracy3194 - 06.01.2023 17:48

So many humans go missing everyday! There is neither hide nor hair of them. It's hard on their family and friends to never know. What happened to their loved one ! How heart wrenching it must be!!!! Thank you doctor Grande !

@ivandiddens1335 - 02.01.2023 04:17

Laat dit verhaal eindelijk resulteren in resultaat , ik volg dit al lang en geloof nog steeds in een goede uitkomst voor iedereen.

Australia is a lovely country !

@christinebrown7934 - 08.12.2022 07:10

Brilliant! Great analysis. Sad situation and my heart goes out to his family.

@annewebster3535 - 04.12.2022 06:12

In Australia on occassions one can find certain Bouncers on 'Power Trips'
for eg. if you ever dare question THEIR behaviour inside the night spot one can be asked to leave immediately and also the Discrimination on many levels towards both women & men at entery into Night Spots is very much practiced in the States of New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria

@marywenzel3199 - 30.11.2022 03:18

I’ve just discovered this sad story, watching the heartbreaking 60 Minutes Australia piece. The inquest was only concluded last month so it is once again in the news. The events of Theo’s last night alive are inexplicable by the standards of the “mature, responsible” person his mother insisted he was.. She says he promised her not to do anything reckless like “climb Cliffs”, which is a slightly bizarre and very specific area of concern— And then afterwards, Must seem like the most terrible irony. Young adults on vacation are prone to making choices which they might not make at home. Someone who was too mature and responsible to dabble in drug culture, excessive drinking or physical risk taking would probably not choose an extended holiday as a backpacker. Based on his photos,Theo looked like a pretty clean cut kid. Yet out of a large group of similarly high spirited young men coming to the bar to drink, he gets singled out after a couple of drinks and asked to leave? Either he had partaken of something in his room prior to going to the bar, Or he obtained some thing while at the club… Ecstasy? Did someone slip something into one of his drinks To make him malleable to suggestion? Instead of heading home to his room at the hostel, He heads in the opposite direction to a known rough area… What is that code for if not as a place to score drugs or potentially a homosexual hook up? He’d only been in town For a couple of days, so the only way he could’ve come by this information is if he made some contact at the bar Who told him where to go. If he had agreed to meet someone at the cricket courts, that would explain why he deviated from the route back to the hostel and waited there for seven minutes. He was obviously in the company of a guide through the dark Bushland to the beach because there’s no way he could’ve found it by himself. His hat probably got knocked off by some branches but he had to leave it because it was a black hat and he couldn’t find it in the pitch darkness. Having been promised a party possibly by his companion and arriving to find no party, he wanders about for a bit and then settles down on the big rock to send texts and watch a little TV. That seems like perfectly relaxed behavior But it’s now past 1 AM and he’s out in the wilderness with a person or persons he’s only just met or at most known for a couple of days if it’s someone from the hostel. Did he get anxious at some point and try to climb the Headland as a shortcut home? In the dark and unfamiliar territory would it even have seemed possible? Was it a flight response from danger, as in he was trying to get away from somebody? Or did he recklessly decide to go for a swim while under the influence, leaving his phone behind which is why I continue to ping for 12 hours? If someone lured him with a motive of robbery how much money was he likely to have on him, With all of his possessions and his documents back at the hostel? Was he targeted due to his nationality and assumed to be wealthy? I am convinced that he did not go to the headland alone. Someone brought him there. Whether that person or persons was with him when he died or caused his death, it doesn’t look like we’ll ever know. If he had gotten separated from his guide… Maybe The person who brought him said wait here, I’ll go get us some beers or something and failed to return, he could’ve waited there until daylight and called for help getting home. Either his judgment was so impaired that he tried to make it back on his own, or someone threw him in the ocean. What was the motive for that? Have other young foreign backpackers mysteriously disappeared in the area? A mystifying end to a young man with a brilliant future and his family left to pick up the pieces.

@Joshua-dw8wu - 28.11.2022 20:33

The spiked drink theory could be possible, different from alcohol intoxication, then he was followed and lead to the beach and robbed and assaulted. Bars are frightening I definitely do not think they are safe. The bouncers separated him from his friends in the 60 minutes special and he was left alone and vulnerable.

@Warrior-ep4rw - 27.11.2022 23:58

This case is very complex as there is not much evidence at all. When it comes to assumptions, we can assume anything. Apparently Theo appeared to be involved in some kind of drugs according to me, but his family says that he didn't use to drug alot. Well, I think whether whatever way he got lost, whether he was accompanied by someone, or was looking for adventure, I think that at that time of the night, in such a dark place, with so many bushes and stuff, and sitting on a cliff, THEO LOST HIS LIFE, BY FELLING IN THE WATER. Now coming to how or why the body hasn't been found, nobody knows. Maybe the searches were just missing that part where Theo's body was. Whatever the case was, my personal opinion is that Theo is most probably dead, whether accidental death, sucide or murder.

But the weird thing is that why was Theo sitting on that cliff at that time of the night, why did he not pick up his baseball hat , though he loved wearing it. Was he under the effect of drugs? Or was he just being so careless to be at such a place all alone, just for the sake of adventure.

This whole things is very complicated , and with this little evidence it is really hard to solve his mystery.
Now God knows where he is at. But I wish and pray that whether he is alive or dead, the mystery can finally be solved, putting an end and closing this case.

We still hope for finding Theo's body, or him alive ( that's really hard )

@mrsminnatk3992 - 27.11.2022 19:48

As a very young and probably a naive boy I think he fell off to the sea. He had been drinking. He was looking for fun time with someone. I agree with Dr.

@lcampbell9837 - 25.11.2022 01:24

Just found out Theo's bank accounts were not accessed after the event. So why would someone murder him then unless the murderer was psychotic but then I highly doubt that person would have been able to necessarily find their way to Cosy corner and keep control of Theo at the same time. But there again a dangerous psychopath may have manipulated him and led him down to the beach. Maybe a potential murderer got some sort of emotional high out of doing it and they didn't need money hence they didn't steal Theo's bank card. Maybe there has been an assumption that Theo only had one or two bank cards, but he has had one more and he's started a new life. Thinking more about the theory re. his taking drugs or drinking more alcohol before going into Cheeky Monkey's sounds plausible, however if he was really drugged up how would he have got to Cosy Corner without someone else's help. Wondering if people go down to Cosy Corner on every Friday night, or if they use to and if so, why nobody has spoken up.

@oldschoolhawking8191 - 24.11.2022 17:11

Aliens took him.👽

@klippies1011 - 24.11.2022 03:27

Its actually normal practice in Australia to kick drunk people out of bars . We have strict alcohol safety laws

@StaceyEldridge - 21.11.2022 16:17

I wonder if he was on LSD or some other hallucinogenic drug and was on it at the bar and fell off the cliff by accident? Byron Bay is Australia's biggest hippie town so LSD is probably more popular there, than anywhere else in Australia, if he had taken drugs that night.
