Love is Blind Season 2 Reunion | Shake Claims Love Is Blurry | Netflix

Love is Blind Season 2 Reunion | Shake Claims Love Is Blurry | Netflix


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@scoobygang911 - 30.01.2024 01:37

Sorry I have to say this: As an Indian-origin man, we hear all the time that no other race want to date us. They say all sorts of horrible stuff about us. And shake did such a disservice to the community by behaving like that.

@healthy5636 - 24.01.2024 21:43

Go and watch in the mirror shake, you're a piece of sh*t

@monolith9832 - 20.11.2023 14:22

Shake only said what everyone else was doing. Much respect for the guy.

@jasonpaz - 07.11.2023 07:39

I love Shake. He is hilarious

@blueshoes915 - 01.11.2023 17:27

Nick’s response is the best! “No, you treat animals.” 😂

@angiebenedek7039 - 28.10.2023 07:30

There is no way this man is a 2.5/10 hitting on another man's wife.👎ICK..

@davidredden2033 - 21.10.2023 03:51

Everyone bashing Shake, answer this… would Nick Lachay have married Vanessa if she was 400lbs when they met? Nope! We all have personal preferences, and he didn’t disrespect her throughout the show, if he did, quote it. They’re all hypocrites 🤷🏻‍♂️

@aillanolatari6329 - 17.10.2023 21:23

I'm sorry but I don't understand why everyone hates Shake so much and I say that as a woman. I think that he is actually the most honest, because he says openly what he thinks, not what is good to listen to. The slogans that love is blind are beautiful, but in practice it is the case that even if we meet the most wonderful person in the world, if there is no chemistry, all the advantages mean nothing, unfortunately. Me and my fiancé are completely average to most people, but to each other, we are the best in every way - both appearance and character, but it has to go hand in hand. I don't like Deepti either. She has a beautiful figure, but her face is not pretty to ME. However, for a million other people it will be the most beautiful face in the world. Everyone has a different taste. No one will please everyone, ever. So it's good that Shake was honest. I know a lot of rude men and I really don't think that saying "she looks like my aunt" is rude at all. Sure, it's not nice to hear something like that, but it's still not rude. Shake is a narcissist, but he spoke openly about how he felt. It would be much worse if he pretended that everything was fine and then came up with some nonsense. Unfortunately, people today have a problem with such people. They prefer untruly nice people who say nice things to make themselves look good. Personally, I prefer people who say directly what they feel. I knew guys who didn't like me, they told me so and the world didn't collapse. I finally met a man for whom I am the world. And that's all it's about. To me, Shane's behavior is definitely more disturbing and a guy like that would worry me more.

@abhaisawkar7163 - 16.10.2023 00:49

Shake is such an embarrassing creature.

@davidredden2033 - 09.10.2023 06:55

People can say Shake handled that wrong, and he could have used better wording, but he wasn’t wrong. Nick Lachay would have never given Vanessa the light of day if when he first saw her she was 500lbs. Shaina was good with Kyle until she saw him. You could easily see at the reveal she wasn’t wanting to touch him. This whole show is based on looks after the reveal and the show knows that. Otherwise, keep them in pods separated and send them straight to the alter for the reveal 🤷🏻‍♂️

@s.elizabeth1753 - 28.09.2023 23:04

Shaina is so full of crap I'm mad that no one called her out. I think.shes even worse than shake

@zakariaennijm2751 - 28.09.2023 13:45

Someone give this man his own show that was hilarious

@zakariaennijm2751 - 28.09.2023 13:44


@bascal133 - 15.05.2023 22:55

He has a lot of internalized self hatred and inferiority that he needs to work on. He should have just apologized for not being brake enough to tell Deep that he wasn't physically into her and stringing her along and then went direct to therapy. Acting like having such a specific criteria of blonde, blue eyes and white and talking a about it constantly is not pathologic is cope.

@voiceinthedesert153 - 26.04.2023 21:39

That’s my boy Shake! 😂

@lucasmurphy740 - 14.04.2023 02:17

These narcissists dressed in designer clothes sniffing their own farts. Of course people need to be attracted to each other

@sofiab2920 - 13.04.2023 02:38

Shake is disgusting. But I wish the hosts would’ve held Shaina accountable too. She was absolutely horrible. She kept gaslighting and blamed her not wanting to be with Kyle on religion, when it was OBVIOUS she just wanted Shayne. She really made my blood boil.

@_vikie09 - 10.04.2023 05:30

shake is what did show needed. lmao. he is hilarious. what a troll.

@lenaestacks934 - 08.04.2023 05:14

Y'all blew deepti head up 😂 then Kyle had the SAME ISSUE WITH BEING ATTRACTED TO HER SEXUALLY. This was for the fans - shake hit the nail on the head , the host explosive reaction was comical. Deepti really sat back and let that stage go in on him because her heart was broken. Girl adjust - if he didn't like you he didn't like you. Danielle's ass is flat as a pancake and her husband has serious as issues that came from his mom. Iyanna toile herself to serious, Jarrett could have chilled out on the partying but I think he was escaping her parenting personality at home. She complained a LOT- never happy and very childish. She had some changing that we never heard about. Natalie said something that distroyed Shane! He completely couldn't even look at her. He needed some love - she picked at him and on the beach he spoke on it- it hurt his feelings - reason he wanted constant compliments. He's sensitive. Sal is a devil he did all of that for payback to leave her at the alter. It's an more advance level of petty- the girl he rebound with looked like shit compared to molly please know he felt rejected and he paid Molly back. Shayna needs to lay off the lip fillers- she's annoying and I don't doubt for a second she dirty Macked to break up Shane and Natalie but once she moved on...Natalie was still stuck in it. Shake was prob the most realest - and Jarrett like it or hate it

@syfmys8766 - 07.04.2023 19:52

Cast full of simps

@CullenPrincessa - 06.04.2023 17:45

This dude is terrible. And stupid. He himself is below average regarding looks...

@user-ri9kn5ns4t - 02.04.2023 21:05

This indo boy is so.freaking disgusting..depti made great choice ever.

@samiam5434 - 24.03.2023 01:55

He said ants to be physically attached to the person he is emotionally connected to. Not one or the other. I think he is being super truthful and he is not terrible for not feeling physical attraction to her. I tried to feel physical attraction to a guy I dated for 2/3 months but the physical lacked. I ended up hurting him and dragging him along because he told me he loved me and that’s when I bounced because I had to let this poor guy go. Physical attraction is important but it’s not the only thing. He wants both and that’s what I seek too. Too often guys I meet are awesome and perfect personality wise but the physical was not there

@samiam5434 - 22.03.2023 20:45

He is disgusting. The nerve…..this guy is a solid 2/10 . They both need self love though because the fact that they both only date white says a lot. But she definitely gave it a shot and opened up and I give her credit. Fact is he isn’t all that to her either and even though there’s bitterness there, she isn’t crazy hurt by at all because he is not her type and towards the lower end on anybody’s radar. She at least had enough self love to say no to him.

@rajgohil4985 - 24.02.2023 21:04

Loved Shake when he said - Happy to Facilitate ! man i just died laughing when he said that, he is entertaining character for sure

@charlesbeloved7951 - 24.02.2023 07:20

He’s speaking the truth though… y’all just mad cuz my bro is spitting facts

@inframatic - 16.02.2023 16:19

lol nick and vanessa, a couple who chose each other based on looks and nick's fame, are denying that looks have anything to do with love and attraction. Delusional hosts.

Hey Nick, your two wives happen to look like super models. You choose women on personality so that must just be a mighty coincidence that you married two 10/10 super model girls? Delusional, mate. Delusional.

@inframatic - 16.02.2023 15:57

When Jarette called out Shake for being fake and Shake ripped him apart, it was just so satifisfying. Jarette, even when clips of him trying to get with Mal are shoved in his face, still, like a fake person, says 'durrr it was a joke'. Then he has the audacity to call Shake fake.

Jarette, enjoy your plan B- oh wait, you both broke up LOL

@candylicious3024 - 11.02.2023 04:30

Honestly, I couldn’t stand Shake and his arrogance. I was so glad that Deepti told his butt No at the Altar. She deserves so much better and she knew that!

@Nigol66 - 01.02.2023 02:47

Wow... So much to unwind here - firstly, I think Shake is right! and if he had his own show it would be so entertaining! He made far more sense than anyone else on that stage including the dumb and dumber Nick and Vanessa. Nick and Vanessa ask the simplest and most obvious questions. Obviously not trained in therapy or marriage counseling. Now Shake - what he said was 'real' and 'honest' yet the other participants and even hosts bashed him for it. Let's take a step back. Humans for thousands of years have been mating/dating by 'seeing' their mate and forming relationships. This show closes off the sight for a week or so, if there is an engagement, then there is a wedding in 3 weeks! As Shake said, that's not in our nature, that isn't realistic. I agree. It's a game show, they tried and none of them got married or stayed married! It's just entertainment. We can not simply switch off human nature because we signed a contract to participate in a show. We are not machines. Everything Shake said might have sounded selfish, harsh, rude etc but he was accurate! and when he mentioned 'buying' something, and wanting some assurances before he made a commitment, that was a great example yet the group turned on him! Have you bought a house without an inspection? have you bought a used car without a mechanic taking a look? These are big purchases and big commitments yet marriage is the biggest of them all - so why wouldn't anyone want as much detail as possible before marriage. He was spot on! As for Nick and Vanessa, they judged him and then shared that they dated 5 years before they got married! LMAO And they've never been through what these contestants have, so how can they give advice? This situation is totally unnatural, plus Nick and Vanessa have been divorced! Oh, FYI Jarrette and Iyanna and Nick and Danielle are all now divorced! LMAO so much for them bashing Shake! So love isn't blind - it doesn't work (99.99% of the time) and there's nothing wrong with that. (PS - if you're on a dating app - try chatting with someone with no photo, don't meet them, and then say you love them and propose! Good luck! LOL

@poejavelski148 - 31.01.2023 21:08

As much as Shake comes off as an A-hole, his points were mostly correct in this reunion. Looks do matter, there is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure before marrying someone. When Vanessa said “if I get fat” in the same sentence as becoming handicapped is a stupid argument, you can control your weight, leaving your partner because they let themselves go is valid. These hosts are C-list at best.

@BowmanBlake - 29.01.2023 06:26

Although Shake was disrespectful to Deepti, he is absolutely correct about, among other things, humans having an animal nature (being but one of earths animal species) and moreover, he was the only person on that show to verbally not pretend to lack a lustful human nature. Love is Blind, really? Well, then, lets see the experiment completed with not just attractive young men and women in their 20s and 30s, but them combined with people who are missing limbs, have major birth defects, are morbidly obese, have down-syndrome or Angelman syndrome or some other physical syndrome, are missing teeth or have unkempt hygiene, and people who are middle-aged or geriatric, etc. Until then, Shake is correct that love, at worst, sight is blurry. Some people out there have your back, Shake (albeit, we may still think Deepti was disrespected by you).

@siskavard - 03.01.2023 05:56

Man that was hard to watch. What a goober

@zelzeleh5900 - 01.01.2023 01:30

The funny fact is you guys take extreme side of some people, Shaina obviously didn't like the look of the guy and she talked to Shane behind natalia's back but you didn't even show that in the reunion so everyone can focus on hating shake,not that he's not an idiot but still. from season 1 and 2 the most disrespectful person was shaina but you guys totally ignored that which shaina came off as a religion hero which is totally bs, you can't change people's minds like that, shame on you

@NYC1234FIVE - 31.12.2022 01:38

Ill get attacked for this, but shake was the nost normal person on this show. This whole idea is completely wacked out. Looks matter

@gabaheyy - 28.12.2022 18:39

deepti is gorgeous inside and out, wtf

@AlwaysAlicia2991 - 22.12.2022 14:16

Shake is a veterinarian and he thinks he's an animal

@Supersexywexy1 - 06.12.2022 07:05

Internalized racism Shake has to love his own self and race before he can love anyone

@shay1kay - 30.11.2022 10:01

Everyone looks uncomfortable in this reunion😂😂 near the ending

@MrAlexGolovin - 18.11.2022 08:52

He wasn't attracted to her at all and he's getting attacked for that. Unbelievable.

@user-lj6jp8qp7z - 17.11.2022 07:18

Hahahaha fast forward 9 months later after the reunion, Shake is the only person from season 2 who is now actually married while everyone else in the reunion (Apart from Vanessa and Her Husband) who hated Him for speaking facts about the show and how fake it is are now either divorced or separated. You really couldn't make this up. 😂😂

Moral of the story, people who speak the truth and call out bs are going to be the most hated people. Well played Shake.

@NeverEnough1 - 13.11.2022 16:05

I watched season 3 before season 2. Because I felt on the same page with so many people for season 3, I came on fully prepared to dislike certain people like Shake.

However, I feel like people are dragging Shake a bit more than is necessary. A lot of us struggle with certain things in a relationship. I feel like Shake showed a lot of self-awareness and honesty. I feel like he gave the relationship his best shot. He didn't feel the connection he wanted. That is not a crime. That's not wrong. Deepti knew that she deserved someone who was 100 percent certain about her. Good for her for recognizing her value. She deserves that. Shake was respectful to her throughout the show after he decided to stop inappropriately questioning women about their body size. Deepti made the right choice to walk away, but I feel like she does not need to be so bitter about it. Nancy from season 3 is the one who needs to be carrying on the way Deepti is carrying on. I thought Shake was some kind of monster. He's actually okay.

Also, what he said about Shaina wanting to stay on the show longer? I felt the same way. She seemed to feel so strongly about Shayne that I feel she wanted an opportunity to try to connect with him again when the couple met. I feel like the producers did everything in their power to make sure they came into contact again because...drama. You guys saw how Vanessa quickly swerved around the question when Kyle asked how that meeting even happened in the first place.

@TeddyD4 - 06.11.2022 06:02

Deepti is so beautiful and smart and kind. She deserves someone way way way better.

@nyg974ever29 - 06.11.2022 01:25

He's right you know

@swatirawat3131 - 03.11.2022 15:38

So sad that he is representing Indian men on the international platform as assholes

@iyannas.932 - 27.10.2022 08:06

Shake should be glad that no one punched him

@kva5751 - 25.10.2022 23:20

I actually think Shake is the only true real one on the show. Nothing wrong with having a preference, and he did try with Deepti. He knew she was Indian even before he saw her, and still tried to test it out. She is just butt hurt because he just couldn't find her sexually attractive. I also hated when they were all ganging up on him as if they all didn't have some problem of their own. Like Jarett AND shayne. Literally laughed when Shake told them how he didn't find Deepti attractive and then they want to be fake and act like he was wrong for that as if they didn't find it funny. Jarett is fake af and so is Nick. Nick was the biggest problem starter of all and I don't think he realizes he is gay. The only real ones were Kyle, Mal, Sal, Shake, and Nat. F the rest.

@tristanhoffmann7128 - 21.10.2022 20:29

Deepti wast enough I agree with skake

@fatguyonalittlebike3336 - 18.10.2022 07:09

Unpopular opinion I think shake was the only one being real af

@Whatever12342 - 17.10.2022 08:24

Shane and shaina bonked ! He wants to crawl under a rock and she lies!
