Yautja Predator Physiology and Evolution Explored | The Only species to hunt Arnold Schwarzenegger

Yautja Predator Physiology and Evolution Explored | The Only species to hunt Arnold Schwarzenegger

Roanoke Gaming

4 года назад

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@charlottewalnut3118 - 10.05.2024 04:32

Just as a note, vampire bats can also see in the infrared spectrum or at the very least they can sense heat much more than humans can

@MaskedRiderChris - 09.05.2024 08:01

That part when the Yautja starts laughing madly at him especially is chilling because they are mimics more than actual speaking creatures. Which begs the question of where/from who did it pick up that sound from? A classic movie, one of the best of the 80's! I saw it in summer of '87 (the year I graduated high school!) for dirt cheap at a matinee--it rocked then and it rocks now!

@IrishmanSober - 08.05.2024 10:17

You should do a follow up on the Yautja with the introduction of other subspecies. Including the Feral predator that has multiple traits of evolving under different environmental pressures. Eg the presence of molars that such Osteophagy.

Edit: nevermind I just saw you already did that lol

@Asura_productions - 26.04.2024 22:12

Do the titajs from final space

@BlackReshiram - 14.04.2024 23:55

id like to postulate that the mandibles that the yautja have that seem to be "unnecessary" could also just be a sexually selected trait that evolved bc its considered attractive to them??? idk i know next to nothing abt the predator franchise, but i DO know that many traits animals have that at first glance seem "useless/unnecessary" either have a use that isnt immediatly apparent, or are a sexually selective trait

@Zamun - 27.02.2024 22:42

Thanks for the predatory content.

@Sparlan08 - 27.02.2024 20:48

Carl weathers, rip, hope they don't have you pushing pencils wherever you are.

@CountDracusVanWolfen - 24.02.2024 22:36

They are from another planet. They were never from Earth. The comic series is cannon to the film series. They even have a planet called Yautja Prime. They were genetically manipulated by an insectoid slaver race to be brute slaves. They rose up and wiped out that species stealing its technology but keeping their own tribal beliefs and system of hierarchy. In order to fully understand them you will have to do a full deep dive into the lore before making an analysis of where they are from and what they eat. That being said I have watched a lot of your videos and enjoy them very much. I just wanted to help from a lore perspective so you know they were never from Earth. They just happened upon while looking for new hunting grounds.

@Zeus11Nova13 - 11.02.2024 22:22

Could be their home planet has higher gravity then that of earth making them able to jump higher on earth

@titolino73 - 05.12.2023 21:48

A croc couldn't be spotted by the alien...right!?

@NoOne-fo1di - 17.11.2023 07:13

Your Arnold was MUCH better than the person who tried doing it in the book Eyes of the demon

@Quintos. - 15.11.2023 06:02

One of the best movies of all time in my opinion

@EatMe420 - 14.11.2023 13:40

Oxygen is not what fuels muscles to contract. Glycogen.

@wesker500 - 26.09.2023 23:33

Check out the Amengi

@Trillone - 16.09.2023 21:08

Evolution at the beginning of this show is so cringe

@pennywise9098 - 06.09.2023 15:40

Xenomorph when

@RedFail1-1 - 04.09.2023 09:47

Wow... even 3 years ago you were just doing the Ending Explained crap... I really have not watched in that long? It must have been 5 years or more since I last watched. Because you weren't doing this crap when you first started.

@Romeo_of_Romelution - 29.08.2023 13:22

I know this is an old video and an answer might not come out from this but...

If the predators can't see anything beyond infrared vision, how does it creat armour and weapon.

@jacklynsmith9264 - 27.08.2023 19:41

I think the yautja are hot

@melanisticmandalorian8909 - 27.08.2023 05:53

The Yautja can't be cold-blooded since there is a movie that takes place in Antarctica, and they don't go into hibernation.

@Hellspawner06 - 09.08.2023 14:19

Is there a xenomorph video?

@jmhaugen4757 - 02.07.2023 15:02

On idea of the Predators originating on Earth...

In HP Lovecraft's stories, there's a few references to "serpent men" who dominated the world millions of years before humans evolved. Moreover, several of Lovecraft's stories deal with hyper advanced alien races settling on Earth in the prehistoric past. One of these are the Elder Things, a scientifically minded race who created the shoggoths to help build their civilization and fight against Cthulhu and his minions.

A viable crossover would have the Yautja evolve on Earth, and eventually be forcibly conscripted by the Elder Things to fight their war. Over time the war begins to go south when the shoggoths start rebelling, and the Yautja, seeing an opportunity, make their own escape from Earth and resettle on Yautja Prime. Eventually, they come back to Earth after the Elder Things, shoggoths, and Cthulhu have all left the playing field, and the Yautja take up dominance of the world, building their own cities. But with the dinosaurs being extinct, the Yautja need a need challenge. So, they engineer a new species using their own DNA. A creature that should eventually prove a worthy challenge, if left to evolve on its own. The Yautja leave the world again, periodically returning to hunt or dominate their creations.

Unfortunately for us humans, the Yautja also find the xenomorphs, and instead of just hunting humans, we get sacrificed to make murderous slimy space monsters. Cthulhu laughs at our plight in his dead city.

@nicholaspiscitelli7685 - 06.06.2023 10:25

We know we seen it

@user-my4fu3ub7y - 05.06.2023 18:23

left a like just for the Arnold impersonation

@GusCraft460 - 05.06.2023 02:33

Copper based blood is typically blue, not green.

@randomnessx3597 - 03.06.2023 15:59

me when i push too many pencils

@wither5673 - 25.05.2023 13:54

i like the fact that the Yautja hunt humans not because we are physical equals or anything, if they want physically stronger targets they can go find what ever, they hunt humans because of how creative and tenacious we are. and they respect that greatly and consider humans as one of the top hunting targets of all time.

@zollof6699 - 21.05.2023 21:22

Btw, how've you not done xenomorphs yet! I look foreward to that one!

@zollof6699 - 21.05.2023 21:17

Im just now realizing that Sang'heli are heavily inspired by the Predator. 😅

@ekardmada6244 - 10.05.2023 12:27

We need a Roanoke video exploring "The Deer Human".

Roanoke: Okay, so as always we're starting with the fee-
Roanoke: You know what, I just can't!
*Video Ends*

@jeanromelus7403 - 06.05.2023 07:54

😂😂 your Dutch voice was on point

@fangchick93 - 03.05.2023 08:25

The funny thing, imo, about humans jump from mid tier predators to apex is that our behavior is still indicative of us being mid tier predators. The fact were omnivores, our extremely social natures and how we react to fear stimulus. Flight or fight is solely a reaction of mid tier predators and lower on the food chain, whereas apex have strictly a "fight to flight" reaction. So we may be the most numerous predator, which along with our ingenuity and technology keeps us as the top of the food chain, biologically, without these things we'd still be at the level of our other primate cousins, possibly lower as we don't have claws, fangs, fur or the heightened senses. It's just something I've always found interesting. Humans are an anomaly since, at this point, no other animal has really made such a drastic leap in the food chain. The closest would be the clouded leopards becoming the apex predators of the Sumatran jungle after the extinction of the Sumatran tiger's, but even then, it's nowhere near the sheer scale humans have lept

@pingamalinga - 27.04.2023 20:16

Anyone else read Predator Cold War? That one should have a film adaptation.

I enjoyed that one more than Concrete Jungle or the one with the Navajo young man in the American Desert.

@JuzTroublez - 21.04.2023 09:32

Yautja kinda sounds like Yout Kyar in Burmese language (which means Man)

@kennethsatria6607 - 15.04.2023 22:25

Ever think about doing Aliens maybe just from the movies so to not make it too big for now?

@sharkchaos5160 - 30.03.2023 00:49

Great video.

@barbatos7233 - 10.03.2023 09:38

Still waiting for a movie to portray a predator realistically. Just one would absolutely shreck us. In their lore they’re absolutely BUSTED.

@chromicapop4595 - 28.02.2023 08:18

funnily enough there's a yautja female based slur you should never say to one whose a chic, lest her wrath owns you hard

@choshow86 - 23.02.2023 08:44

Did you not realize in the movie that the infrared vision is the technology of their mask?yautja don't see in infrared

@tanneraustin9071 - 19.02.2023 09:39

I always thought the heat vision was part of the helmet

@TheFruitNewt - 10.02.2023 05:17

i think that the amengi took the early yautja, put them on yautja prime for a few million years, then when the amengi died, the yautja took their tech and killed creatures. its I mix of the amengi 'lore' and the earth 'lore' that I made into a coherent story.

@ricgillingham8056 - 05.02.2023 22:34

Yes the predator is from a different planet lol its been firmly established

@scpj049 - 01.02.2023 23:48

Their homeworld is like earth except all rainforest.

@NavyHelicopterGuy - 09.01.2023 05:35

i see helicopter = i like video.

@ImADeity - 08.01.2023 05:14

Ate a Denver omelet watching this.
Gross 10/10

@darthpraetus8364 - 05.01.2023 07:25

Methane. The Yautja breathe mostly methane, not oxygen/nitrogen. Sorry, but that bothered me watching the vid. They can breathe our atmosphere for a short time, but need their own to survive. That's also why the yautja in the second movie started using a rebreather after taking the bio mask off.

@complex314i - 19.12.2022 01:49

Assuming Yautja are and older intelligent & technological species from Earth, (this is know as the Silurian Hypothesis by the way) they could only be hundreds of millions of years old at most, not billions. The earliest multicellular life arose in or very slightly before an event known as the Avalon explosion less than 650 million years ago. The dominant animal phyla: Chordata, Arthropoda, & Mollusca, containing the ancestral organisms from which humans, and hypothetically Yautja, evolved from would not arise until the Cambrian explosion which occured only 540 million years ago.
