Electric Planes: They Have Arrived

Electric Planes: They Have Arrived

Electric Future

3 года назад

2,539,777 Просмотров

The Current State of Electric Aircraft Technology, a research backed investigation.

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It’s no surprise NASA is developing an electric aircraft. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is absolutely convinced we’ll be flying in long distance electric passenger planes in the future. Companies like Rolls-Royce, Boeing, and Airbus are all exploring aircraft electrification. So what does the future hold?

We collaborated with aerospace engineers, NASA scientists, and veteran pilots to sort through the current electric aircraft research and evaluate the most promising new technologies based on performance, practicality, and economics.

We’ll provide a comprehensive overview of electric airplane technology, discuss the benefits and challenges, and then rank the most revolutionary electric planes. We discuss battery electric aircraft, hybrid aircraft, hydrogen aircraft and everything in between.

This piece primarily focuses on the state of the art in fixed wing electric aircraft for long distance passenger travel. EVTOL’s will be covered separately, as part of our ongoing series exploring the future of electric aviation.

Gentle Kisses on Both Cheeks European Style:
LEMMiNO - Infinity https://soundcloud.com/lemmino/lemmino-infinityaloft
Brad Clarkson https://behance.net/BradClarkson
Pslavi https://youtube.com/user/pslavi
René Rosentraeger https://youtube.com/channel/UCj6O_mJ5G0JiGLTJUemIO_A
Rodrigo Magro Mañas https://instagram.com/rmagro/
NASA Armstrong http://nasa.gov
Tecnam https://tecnam.com
Airbus https//airbus.com
EPSII https://epsii.com
Faradair https://faradair.com
Joby Aviation https://jobyaviation.com
Tesla https://tesla.com/
SpaceX https://spacex.com/
Boeing https://www.boeing.com/
Wright Electric https://weflywright.com/
Zero Avia https://www.zeroavia.com/
Universal Hydrogen https://www.hydrogen.aero/
De Havilland https://dehavilland.com/
Harbour Air https://www.harbourair.com/
magniX http://magnix.aero
Pipistrel http://pipistrel.com
Emrax http://emrax.com
Rolls-Royce http://rollsroyce.com
Eviation https://eviation.co
Solar Impulse Foundation https://solarimpulse.com
Air Race E: http://airracee.com/

Article Format: https://www.electricfuture.com/electric-planes-the-current-state-of-electric-aircraft/


#electric_plane #electric_aircraft #electric_airplane #nasa #pipistrel #rolls-royce #boeing #airbus #hybrid_plane #hydrogen_plane #hybrid_aircraft #hydrogen_aircraft #vtol_jet #tesla_plane #eviation_alice #tesla_airplane #elon_musk #tesla #spacex
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Electric Future
Electric Future - 02.09.2022 04:59

The FAA recently contacted me and requested permission to use this video in official training materials on powertrain electrification. So if you’re here from the FAA, sorry for the bad jokes.

Kim Libera
Kim Libera - 24.08.2023 16:10

Too heavy for jets.

OswaldOriginal - 08.08.2023 23:13

Haloo, what is the reason why the upper body of the plane can be infused with solar cells so it can add solar energy when flying during the day??

God is Alpha
God is Alpha - 02.08.2023 22:52

I wish the U.S. Government would just release the Alien antigravity technology they (we) have, just a random thought 💭

Steve Lawrie
Steve Lawrie - 22.07.2023 02:57

I think they're coming and I'm looking forward to it.

Regas Regas003
Regas Regas003 - 15.07.2023 23:46

Plus full all wifi class economic

Paul Germana
Paul Germana - 13.07.2023 00:43

They can make the props recharge the batteries, during downwind and never run out of power. They'd merely conserve and regenerate power in coasts, throughout flight.

Ken Ellwanger
Ken Ellwanger - 08.07.2023 23:29

You know its not telling you how much fossil fuel is burned to charge those dangerous lithium batteries, that have been known to spontaneously combust with no warning, and dose extreme amount of damage before it can be put out. Also, even thought the batteries have thought to be put out, can re-combust days later. If a fire happens in the air, everyone on the plane would be gone way before the plane lands, because it just keeps getting hotter and hotter ass it burns.

Jim Mork
Jim Mork - 26.06.2023 03:52

I think the flight plan could be different in interesting ways. Draining the charge from a plane battery should change the landing weight that much. The definition of emergency should change. Choosing diversion places will still be necessary. But maybe air traffic control has to get these guys on the ground before there's zero charge left. Not sure how passengers or freight get aboard. Tesla has charging stations everywhere you go. Instead of dragging out liquid fuel hoses, you drag out an electric cord? The GA version may pioneer use and identify issues, since GA always has numerous issues with lower skill levels.

Felonious Floyd
Felonious Floyd - 20.06.2023 21:39

I know how to make a practical electric passenger plane, but I’m not telling, haha.

Jarda doing DIY
Jarda doing DIY - 19.06.2023 23:06

Good video, I expected it to be just another Science video spam, but it is legit.

clip Tracer
clip Tracer - 23.05.2023 03:33

Can’t carbon Latis hold hydrogen atoms? Graphine or graphite? Diamond?

Ronald Calderone
Ronald Calderone - 13.05.2023 16:17

NASA studied how much we can be controlled by a limited range. Limited by time and space. Thanks. But all your so call benefits do not out weigh the one major benefit which is freedom. Electric grids can’t handle the charging. Unless your China producing two new coal plants a month. At least. So happy coal coughs as you electrically power your way in your 15 min village. Thanks but no

Mario Gallardo
Mario Gallardo - 12.05.2023 02:13


Martino Lopez
Martino Lopez - 09.05.2023 08:06

Omg, too many puns. I couldn't watch it.

Paul Self
Paul Self - 03.05.2023 18:36

Solve the take off energy consumption and the power requirements will drop. Catapult assist and an up-sloped runway (ala aircraft carrier) comes to mind. A railgun also comes to mind. Once velocity is developed, energy consumption plateaus.

Ron Rendina
Ron Rendina - 30.04.2023 21:48

It sounds like bidens got to you if we had real money the oil selling countrys would love to sell us oil and we wouldnt have to fly batterys around crazy

Don’t_Pay_For_Fury_v_Ngannou - 25.04.2023 13:29

If a motor fails on the x57 during cruise then it would be more catastrophic than if a motor failed on a single motor aircraft! Such a design flaw is unacceptable for commercial flight.

Petra44YT Nein!
Petra44YT Nein! - 28.03.2023 21:45

I really, really hate the idea of electric flights! I want the calming sound of the engines, and NOT every little noise all of the other passengers are making!

Karl Fischer
Karl Fischer - 17.03.2023 00:12

Um 50 Passagiere über den Atlantik zufliegen bräuchte man eine Maschine groß wie ein A380 nur um all die Akkus mit zu nehmen. Was für stuß😂🤣 schwachsinn

Christian Losser
Christian Losser - 16.03.2023 23:47

Bla bla bla

𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖔 - 14.03.2023 16:10

un ultraligero no es un avion electrico 1º punto negativo para un dislike.

Brian Clark
Brian Clark - 14.03.2023 13:00

Oops, I didn't watch the entire video before posting my previous comment.

Brian Clark
Brian Clark - 14.03.2023 12:55

I know this may seem totally nieve and against the spirit of this video, but wouldn't a hybrid airplane be more realistic. A small fossil fuel generator in the body of the aircraft suppling electricity to power the engines?

Walter Hildahl
Walter Hildahl - 14.03.2023 02:30

Where are you going to find a charging station over the ocean?

utkua - 13.03.2023 18:44

Airplanes are the most efficient vehicles, they carry many people very fast, very far. Cars on the other hand are the least efficient. Trying to go after airplanes to convert them into electric is a bad idea, energy density of batteries are ridiculously low compared to hydrocarbons. This effort only can be explained as another cash grab from under educated wealthy investors.

roblox man
roblox man - 12.03.2023 16:49

never been in a plane

Hosma Shumake
Hosma Shumake - 11.03.2023 23:15

Not a concern for me. Ain't flying period. Glue / plastic / composite - fine for models / RV's / sport watercraft.
NOT fine for 40000 ft , y'all fly all U want. I'll foot, horse , drive , train , boat (prefer drive) take any where I want.

Tony Lam
Tony Lam - 07.03.2023 15:36

Another video for the dreamers. The whole world are waiting for one or more tech breakthrough in energy storage, for many applications. That is one reason why wind and solar power fell flat on their faces. Even if we get such break through next week, it will be another 2 decades before the infrastructures can be build. (3 decades for Calif.) Judging from the problems with electric cars, I do not expect to see an electric airliner in my lifetime. Right now, electric cars are most suitable for the very rich, to make a public statement on conservation.

Dungeons&furries - 07.03.2023 09:53

Anything to do with the word efficient and electric planes is the most false mix of words to exist. Batteries themselves the size of tesla batteries create more waste that a single care would make in its entire lifetime. And planes need more than that to last the amount of time for engine powered planes can in their flight.

LG Gaming
LG Gaming - 07.03.2023 09:35

Now could they build a prop that once powered by a electric motor, could you turn that motion back into power, to add charge back into the battery?
Like you build and alternator inside as part of the motor, where you could could have a self powering system after you put in a say half charged battery?

LG Gaming
LG Gaming - 07.03.2023 09:26

“If they say 'It's impossible', remember it's impossible for them not for you.” - unsure.

Christine Jackson
Christine Jackson - 06.03.2023 02:59

No. Never

CaptainSkelebones - 06.03.2023 00:09

planes work well when they have a large surface area for lift. solar pannels work well when they have a large surface area for light.

P Harger
P Harger - 05.03.2023 22:37

Other than press releases, the wright aviation site has no news since November 2021... almost certainly no one will ever see an aircraft in operation from them... Their site reeks of vapor ware stock fraud...

My Railroad Channel
My Railroad Channel - 05.03.2023 21:05

Electric trains?
(Not battery trains, trains with catenary wires)

Jowanoofy_ZO5800 - 05.03.2023 07:40

Lightbulb powered by solar panel + solar panel = infinite power

Clark Rumsey
Clark Rumsey - 01.03.2023 15:59

Holy crap - can we just get to the point? I don't need a history of airplanes or how they've connected my world. I KNOW this. I wasn't born yesterday. I don't need a sales job on why airplanes are important or how beautiful they are. I really don't. Just get to the point of why I clicked on this thing. Please

RDULD RDLU - 28.02.2023 03:23

OK ok

I_Answer_Your_Internet_Question Good
I_Answer_Your_Internet_Question Good - 28.02.2023 02:59

We need to outlaw all private ICE planes, NOW. Those things are 1000 times worse then gas-powered leaf blowers.

harsh durga
harsh durga - 27.02.2023 12:10

Million times salute 👏🏾 🙏🏽 🙌

RoseCitytid16 - 26.02.2023 09:07

At this point I feel like if elon mentions something it is instantly set back by anywhere from a few years to decades. No longer as hopeful for electric planes.

jmy - 24.02.2023 22:53

Electric is NO good, I almost got ran over by some idiot on an electric bicycle.

Joe Van Seeters
Joe Van Seeters - 24.02.2023 21:57

That Rolls Royce EXCEL is one of the most beautiful aircraft ever created. Can't wait to maybe see one of those in the sky at some point in the future. If money were no object, that EXCEL would be the first thing on my list!

George Suckalottaphallus
George Suckalottaphallus - 24.02.2023 20:51

I'm trying to remember. Something about batteries on airplanes. Oh well, I forget. Wheeeee!

bruce nassar
bruce nassar - 23.02.2023 18:05

850.00 to fly from boston to ny

Spezzanodesign - 23.02.2023 10:14

Different fuel for rockets , airplanes and research vassel , yatch in oceanography studies and oceanic exploration and colonize planets with domes studing vulnerability and seismic engineering .

Spezzanodesign - 23.02.2023 10:13

Great engineering in NASA research for airplanes and flight , interesting two airplanes .
