I want the replay of that galio part. was to good.
Ответить0:35 rofl. 5 man gank vs 1 at mid bot lane without tower
Ответитьwhen im gone - wiz
ОтветитьGalio only survived because Singed was blocking Shyvana the whole time
ОтветитьGreat vid man, keep it up.
ОтветитьMm seems to me like 10 people (dislikers) are HoN players. OR have the hots for justin bieber
Ответить@Williamchan123 this ^ :D
Ответить@PLACEmediaHD I love how you made the colors change to make it look as emotions in the match.
ОтветитьAnyone else think that music is completely inappropriate?
ОтветитьThat riven could've easily interrupted the nunu ult ._.
Ответитьreal bad fizz play
Ответитьthe clips sort of lack, if you want it to be like game breaking inspiering , it should be with the best of the best clips
Ответитьmy game? is montage with dubstep and nice moments 2 :P
Ответить@derotta1 im sure dubstep will see a montage in the near future :P
Ответить@mwochaka ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐
Ответитьall your videos are awesome... :) epic gameplay,epic quality... Like from me!!!
Ответитьi wish lol was like that.Its only fun when you play with a premade team otherwise its full or ragers,leavers and feeders
Ответитьthumbs up if you hear that galio will be nerfs this patch
Ответитьnice :D
Ответитьif this is a second account of redmercy, just wanna say i really like your stuff and it inspired me a lot to even bother trying :D