5 Steps To Become A JUNGLE DIFF GOD In Season 14!

5 Steps To Become A JUNGLE DIFF GOD In Season 14!


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@skbg8351 - 20.01.2024 14:20

your mic is so shit man

@omaribrahim4058 - 20.01.2024 02:50

That clip of Yi dieing in the starting video is offensive me as a Yi main I condemn that 😂

@madchal - 20.01.2024 01:48

"In most elos, if you ping your laners will follow". I've literally never experienced this. Where are these mythical teammates that follow pings. I'm in emerald and my games are highlighted by me punching all the objectives absolutely alone until i'm collapsed on because their lanes abadoned prio to kill me and my alners really just wanted to cs under enemy tower.

@JorgeGarcia-xg8iv - 19.01.2024 19:13

"in most elos you ping and your teammates will come" lmfaooooooooo

@VendettaDaZippo - 19.01.2024 19:08

In season 14, Is it a bad idea with khazix to invade at lvl 3 and try to kill the other junglee at his next buff camp? Wondering how much they really want junglers farming vs invading one another

@omerkarahan2482 - 19.01.2024 15:26

1. Cutting map: I try what Viryaku saying. What happens is: Enemy laners rotate even though they don't have prio. Enemy jungler gets 2 kills in the bottom. I use flash to escape. Bot lane complaining about jungle diff but they actually were pushing tower without warding.

@archonofvoid - 19.01.2024 15:08

I dont know if you realize the amount of contradictions in your videos going from one to the other in the span of weeks. Not saying i would do better than you im just an avg master, but realize you don't have an as coherent method as you maybe make it seem.

@Slayn- - 19.01.2024 00:30

Every time I watch one of these educational videos from virkayu I learn nothing of value but here we go again let’s give it another shot

@MrRed424 - 18.01.2024 22:45

The season just started god damn can’t even learn and make mistakes. Riot didn’t give us a preseason 😂.

@gen.tucker6024 - 18.01.2024 22:38

The fundamentals of jungle are fairly similar in an of itself but has nevertheless changed because the fundamentals of lanes are a bit different. Because all damage is completely insane this season, even the slightest of lead will likely result in an unstoppable snowball. So farming jungle is not a good strategy right now because if one of your lanes messes up before you can gank, it's going to be next to impossible to fix that lane as the enemy could likely 1v2 you now.
So I'm not at all surprised to see a 4 CS per minute in Challenger. Would have been extremely surprised to see a jungler win with that in Season 13 though, but now it is possible.

@opmules2574 - 18.01.2024 20:25

Honestly playing jungle just tests my patience. You get blamed for everything and then flamed if you secure a kill. I always thought of League as a team game, yet most players in ranked care more about becoming the carry and winning lane. Less about he role they should play in the team and plan of attack. Playing the game is such an awkward experience when the enemy team clearly shows coordinated plays and cooperation. Yet your own team just seems to have their head in the ground and giant egos.
And if any objectives go wrong, you get flamed for it.

@DaherHrr - 18.01.2024 15:46

Keep giving up huge leads in the midgame but relaxing as well. Need a video on advice of when to actually push the map and how to do so probably. So many new concepts this season it feels like 🥲

@yegorcherniavski1090 - 18.01.2024 13:38

What should i do, if i snowball early game in 90%, but im totally lost at mid game, idk what to do, if my team fights non-stop, with or without R's (gold elo)?

@Jeff-pt8sw - 18.01.2024 13:16

ur showing so much clips in one frame, its confusing

@user-yx1ip2xq8j - 18.01.2024 10:21

If you ping laners come and you have a numbers advantage.... Mate have you been in bronze silver gold lately ???

@isaac2986 - 18.01.2024 09:54

I've actually did the stuff being said in this video before seeing this video, tho I struggle with that when either behind or losing draft 😅

@Yokai_Yuri - 18.01.2024 08:21

Same steps as always.

1. Ignore the moaning and btching of the ADC.

2. Get objectives and always buy wards since your support won't bother warding dragon or anything at all.

3. Try to kill the easier champs and invalidate them from the game.

4. If no one is doing anything and the enemy team knows you are the only threat and decide to ignore you to kill everyone else and get objectives. Turn yourself in a split-pusher.

5. If everything else fails, report everyone at the end of the game, even the enemy, and checkmark everything in the report. In the blanks put: My team mates are trash, just ban them mfs.

Works for me, almost diamond now.

@Guitarplayer22222 - 18.01.2024 08:18

It's incredible hearing someone say the same 3 sentences for 15 minutes.

@efdavis - 18.01.2024 07:39

I went from gold last season to emerald this season by spamming yi and some teemo jg.

I think the only things I'm doing diff are... prio my own jg camps (full clears, almost always farmin), often ignore teams pings cause they are usually dumb (better to get guaranteed xp n gold from camps), only gank if I know 100% i got it even if teammate basically does nothing, realizing that doing nothing is often the best play, also often building fairly tanky yi, stopped taking risks (counter jg when I not totally sure bout vision / locations etc). Oo and if a teammate flames me I let them know they sound malnourished, mute them and call them a vegan.

@joesemaanjoesemaam1296 - 18.01.2024 07:21

Thanks very much man for this video but i started to fail at the start of the season

@PetarMalenica - 18.01.2024 07:03

what do you all think about evelynn this season? is she good to start learn more in-depth about jg? before her i was playing diana

@stonibaloni22 - 18.01.2024 06:53

Btw junglers if you press tab it will show if they have taken 1 or 2 grubbies before global ping at 3 no vision needed

@reaper8263 - 18.01.2024 06:12

TLDR everything you've taught us is still relevant and is more impactful this season since there is more to contest and snowball off of

@PineappleKev - 18.01.2024 05:16

Kinda ironic a league coach said go out into the world LMAOO

@katsu698 - 18.01.2024 04:12

please make a video about tank volibear

@mikir1741 - 18.01.2024 03:51

I played mid instead won 1 game in jg switched to mid couldn't end on a loss, winstreak ain't stopping

@scooter9537 - 18.01.2024 03:49

is 3 camping still a real path this season?

@prolific5627 - 18.01.2024 03:42

I struggle with the concept of counter jungling

@robbeuhvandersmissen7663 - 18.01.2024 02:57

How do you know what level your camps are?

@ronng95 - 18.01.2024 02:19


@glosna_mikrofala - 18.01.2024 02:17

could be useful to finally learn jg

@shebe8038 - 18.01.2024 02:16

That's what I've been waiting for baby!!
