Richard Wolff: Third Wave Socialism & Communism

Richard Wolff: Third Wave Socialism & Communism

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@mikearmstrong9873 - 11.12.2020 19:28

Communism is the worst case scenario for minorities especially the LGBT.

@DarkAssassin525 - 19.12.2020 13:27

I really like the amateurish style. I’ve only watched this interview and Eric Weinstein interview

@dandiacal - 21.12.2020 16:29

I love this channel and the interviews that are conducted therein, especially the generosity of time and density of the discussion. I have to say that I completely agree with Wolff st the end regarding the social analysis of employment and being employed and markets. I don't say that Marxists and socialists are right about everything - far from it - but Wolff is right on that particular issue and he also exposes the fatal ethical flaw in the pro-capitalist entrepreneurial mindset if I can frame it that way. Now there is much good and good intentions in those possessed of such a mindset (and I must emphasize that I am NOT accusing either of the two other interlocutors of having any particular mindset, I am merely pointing out the one flaw in capitalism vis a vis justification for that system), for one thing it interested in vision and having a sense of the future. But Marx's critiques stands: what are the life conditions of the people getting paid?

@fiikfiik - 28.12.2020 16:46

Professor Wolff is extremely interesting and articulate, but these interviewers were extremely rude and obnoxious at points. Everyone has their own style, but if it aggravated me, you can be sure Professor Wolff wasn't appreciative.

@tonymccann1978 - 05.01.2021 03:17

I like your videos, they’re enjoyable, but please sharpen up your interview technique with regards to framing questions and how you interrupt the guest

@need-to-know- - 05.01.2021 23:57

I guess you heard that! At the end.

@joeruf6526 - 06.01.2021 14:33

Ridiculous. They didn't read Marx because we had just fought a war and were in a cold war with a communist country. We don't read fascist thinkers or monarchist either. Likewise, the irony, is Marx's racism ad anti semitism will keep him out of the bastard Marxists of today. He also is just wrong and unhealthy for students (which isn't to deny some of his insights) as he presents his econ as a science. He likewise allows no questioning of his project. No more thinking. Marxist man is told to act and assume Marx is right which is against our cherished western tradition of enquiry.

@jhlfsc - 10.01.2021 09:58

Totally Boss ending!!!👏

@declanmurray - 12.01.2021 17:54

Wolff has obviously spent a lot of time talking in front of highly sympathetic audiences - I've never heard him address any criticism offered him with anything more than the intellectual equivalent of an eye roll.

@ineffige - 20.01.2021 20:33

Praising French revolution? Yeah, tell this to all the people that were murdered then. Lunacy.

@kath1017 - 29.01.2021 14:35

Professor Wolf's obfuscating and gaslighting to avoid answering the question is pretty disturbing to witness. I'm extremely disappointed with his response or lack of. This is why socialist movements will remain overwhelming white.

@kevincarrigan6348 - 01.02.2021 14:05

Hey Gerald Bowman, what makes you say Dr. Rick is racist. Is It because he ran w/ an advantage he was un- aware of, from childhood ? Because Blacks & Latinos are held back, he is responsible for all that evil, & if he was truly sorry for institutional racism, he would not have made anything of his life, in protest ! What is wrong w/ your BS detector, or do you ust excuse yourself trom examination, because you're perfect, & being sinless, you can cast all the stones you want ? U may not know this but, the proletariat (the 99%) for whom Marxists fight, is highly populated by people of color. Do sth constructive w/ your resentment, please !!! P.S. them interviewers had some rude tudes, & I see I'm not alone in that observation.....

@ramasking31 - 27.02.2021 11:12


@meenki347 - 12.03.2021 13:50

Dictatorship of the black proletariat ⚒

@juanjaliff9749 - 18.03.2021 16:33

I would have question the notion that the employer just sits and watchs. He organize the production of the goods, and thats work too.

@kd6613 - 22.03.2021 01:30

I think his answer is a practical but ultimately contradictory cop-out. At one point, he says “defunding” the police without fundamentally changing the economic system that reproduces it is kind of strange, although he supports it. So he has himself made a priority assessment regarding different policies directly appealing to either issue (race vs class).

@indirectlc5545 - 09.04.2021 17:53

The more I listen to him the more I can see this happening. I still disagree in a fundamental level. I like rule by the 1. Democracy is bad and I am glad companies aren't democratic but I am in the minority. Good interview I will listening to Wolf. Hopefully he gets what he wants in another country or I am going to have to move.

@ComradeLavender - 11.04.2021 10:13

Wolff has a lot of amazing knowledge to share but his lack of commentary on social issues over the years made me suspicious, and this, unfortunately, confirms that he has class reductionist tendencies. Really disappointing. Completely oblivious to the white supremacy present in reducing it to "we're all workers so my whiteness doesn't matter."

@runemartinguldberg9056 - 18.04.2021 05:47

Richard Wolff. You will end up as a corrupt paranoid tyrant taking all the good looking girls for you only. While sending those who oppose you to prison camp. Richard. Make your own small kibbutz with some 100 people and see if you can make it go around.

@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 - 06.06.2021 19:14

Wolf isnt white he's jewish. their distinction, not mine

@xoutofstep - 25.06.2021 09:56

loved it. again plz!

@shellback971able - 15.07.2021 02:17

Maybe everyone here fawning over this crackpot should make a visit to Cuba and live there for a while. How does anyone with half a brain still consider this broken tired ideology still a viable option? Government breeds corruption, period. Get it through your thick heads already.

@ronwilson5906 - 07.08.2021 05:49

The BLM movement may have started out as a idea to bring people together to fight against Injustice however in just a short amount of time look what has happened to their leaders they have bought themselves million-dollar homes got big fat bank accounts hire personal security guards while everybody else is running around in the streets getting shot at and arrested like it or not it's the truth

@Ashdad99 - 22.08.2021 05:06

Great ending! Love when proff Wolff gets fired up.

@michaelvance1118 - 24.09.2021 14:38

Fuck black lives matter!!

@craftycri - 30.09.2021 22:20

what is Mr Wolff gonna do when automation displaces all need for human labor? This reality, in less than 100 years, will validate and justify the expectation that wealth is located in and created by Management and the masses' labor is merely a line item in a budget, which Mr Wolff is hastening and incentivizing its elimination. The added bonus of automation is, Machines don't violently threaten to steal your stuff.

Moreover, I find it curious that Mr Wolff overtly affirms "might makes right", which is at the center of every marxian experiment, of all time, killing roughly 200 MILLION people.

@joshlemke735 - 01.10.2021 22:09

United States in not perfect by any means, we live in a sinful world. But I don't understand how people come to the conclusion of systemic inequality and systemic racism. Social contracts are evil.

@R0GUER0CK - 04.10.2021 04:01

Racism, politics, Religion are all part of the "Divide and Conquer" game being played because together we can change things but separated we can easily be manipulated. So anyone hating another race = "those are people you cant work with" thus limiting your power to network. We enrich ourselves by learning from other cultures. you are poor spiritually if you can only work with a certain folk. Sad.

@ruthjones3838 - 19.10.2021 18:09

Professor Wolff is wonderful and should be required listening/reading by all! He is so human and heartfelt as well as exceptionally intelligent. He is a ray of hope and a refreshing presence. Thank you all.

@jrshield7793 - 25.10.2021 20:13

Don't bring on one of the leading  academics in the study of Marx and Marxism and ask open ended questions about topics like socialism, communism, capitalism, e5c. Allow him to answer uninterrupted. Your audience is able to follow along and it isn't necessary to  Keep interrupting for clarification. World is a world renowned lecturer he knows how to complete a thought and present information.  You know that which is why you have him on as a guest.

These are complex topics and need to bear in mind that this is going out to the world and you have one of the leading professionals answering open ended questions;  Wolf has to be thorough  Not only because his professional integrity demands it, but also because  If he is incomplete, leaves out a detail, even small or minute detail,  someone  someday down the road, will no doubt  try and use it against him in a discussion or a debate type situation.

@jrshield7793 - 25.10.2021 20:15

I feel for you Dr.

@waindayoungthain2147 - 27.10.2021 08:28

🙏🏻, it’s everyday life is matters with identical life. When I going outside how’s my appreciation for enough living and poor living beings . How’s the elite living in comfy and not thinking about how’s different life prosperity. If’s you have more than you keep why’d you giving for the poor family . It’s community made of different ways, how’s to support and giving back to their life as well as giving back to your homeland😺.

@dirtygrease - 30.10.2021 04:24

While very well spoken overall, Wolff's assertions on Labor Theory are inaccurate, exaggerate reality and are characteristic of a lack of real world experience in these matters - it also ignores the inverse scenario and lacks a fundamental understanding of several laws of physics (yes they apply to our social and political structures).

You cannot force a system of control on a system destined for entropy. The proof is in front of you.

@jlaroche0 - 13.11.2021 22:45

Why is the Yugoslav model always treated as if it never existed in these conversations? Professor Wolf should know this: The cooperatization of the economy was a huge focus in Yugoslavia. We're talking about workers councils voting on decisions at the micro-level of the economy (i.e. factories, and other cites of production).

@dmike3507 - 14.11.2021 23:41

Curt must be using a very different definition of "left" than I am understanding. I thought "left" has always meant being in favor of democracy & human rights and such, thus what sense does it say that the "left" can go "too far?" How can you be too strongly in favor of human rights? It's like saying we should allow some oppression in society, because no oppression would be worse lol! What kind of sense does this make? Maybe we could say that sometimes the tactics of the left can be too authoritarian or something, but at that point they're right-wingers not lefties as far as I'm concerned. This goes against the historical notion of what "left" has always meant. But this is why political labels are so problematic, everyone has their own idiosyncratic definition of what they think it means while I just try to go by the original or historical understanding of the term. Most people have no knowledge of that history though.

I would in no way regard the Democratic Party as "left," they are part of the political establishment that has oppressed workers & minorities all throughout its history. The same is true even for a lot of so-called "socialist" parties in Europe. They work with the ruling classes of their respective societies, not against them, which makes them kind of center-right or moderate at best in my opinion. Then we have groups like Antifa or the Black Panthers who have been associated with the left, but employing violence & intimidation as a tactic as they did/do is right-wing in my mind; I would argue they are "left-wing" in ideology but "right-wing" in tactics and I do not agree with this, I certainly don't want to be associated with those kinds of groups. I think their tactics undermine their ideology, it seems very hypocritical and self-defeating to me.

@muscularintelligence - 19.03.2022 18:10

He needs to run a business because he has no idea of what’s actually happening from the inside out.

@owretchedman - 15.08.2022 20:52

I'm old enough remember when Maggie Thatcher said that society doesn't exist. In Maggie's opinion only individuals exist. This is absurd ,obviously. To be a socialist is to know that nobody lives alone. It has nothing to do with appropriating property from the middle-class or making everyone work in a soap factory. I used to be a leftist but I discovered that leftists are just as nasty and as angry as rightists. I'm now a centrist because I see that a healthy government and society needs both conservatives and liberals and, most of all, centrists.

@hanshazlitt4535 - 03.09.2022 06:44

I don't see how anyone could agree with these terrible takes

@TheGerogero - 28.01.2023 23:22

Please reach out to Robert P. Murphy for an episode on Austrian economics.

@silentwitness9255 - 27.05.2023 15:58

Red pills should come with warning labels

@dejavue3013 - 16.06.2023 21:33

Good to see Prof Wolff, one of my favourite thinkers., here too.

@myshkakozlovski802 - 14.09.2023 13:37

Anti-Marxists insist that the universities are all Marxist.

Marxists insist that the universities are all anti-Marxist.

@myshkakozlovski802 - 14.09.2023 14:35

These conversations push me further and further to the right.

@geejaybee1970 - 18.09.2020 19:49

Yes, Mr. Wolf. You are more white than you are an employee. This is a prime example of white privilege and subtle racism and sexism from the left. it is also why Black and Latino people are very suspicious of white liberals.
