Joe Rogan | Kratom Gets You High!!

Joe Rogan | Kratom Gets You High!!

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@dylanbanocy7729 - 02.01.2024 01:02

What Mg are we talking?

@williamflinchum-qo6ch - 30.12.2023 08:49

I do two to three grams a day/ It work great/ no residual effects! Its a diuretic, please drink plenty water!😊😊

@matthew9417 - 29.12.2023 10:20

Joe List is awful

@fuchsiasfusions - 29.12.2023 03:33

Yeah, that's an insane amount. I only take 750 to 1500 mg a day/once or twice a week, and with a cup of black tea, it's awesome for productivity, creativity, and wakefulness. I have insomnia and when I just can't get enough sleep, it's a life saver for those days too. People on Reddit take that shit at such high doses DAILY, I just don't get it. Like Phenibut and other legal drugs, moderation IS ALWAYS key.

@donniegreathouse72 - 28.12.2023 22:33

Hey I was hooked on meth for a long min then I went to Suboxone which is just government controlled heroin. The ONLY thing that got me off that demon shit was kratom. It literally saved me. No u don't get high yes u get energy depending on what strain u get. Relaxing part is red strain. My favorite is white vein. Get shit done. I agree if u have a addictive personality then yeah u kinda get hooked but it's just a leaf off of a tree.

@jaymes-wc5yp - 27.12.2023 01:32

Kratom' is addictive a.f. the alkiliods do bind w/our opiod recepters no matter what the pro poison peeeps wll tell you. Withdrawal happens after prolonged use if you decide to stop you ARE FUCKED

@sidewaysrain7609 - 21.12.2023 18:04

There are dozens of Kratom. It helps immensely with my physical pain. I no longer need prescribed opioids!
Some strains have calming effects.

@headcut18 - 21.12.2023 16:51

Saya asli indonesia tanaman ini bahkan tumbuh liar di belakang rumah saya saya memetik dan mengeringkan lalu menggilingnya higgah jdi remahan dan ketika ingin ujian di sekolah pagi sebelumya aku minum secangkir kratom yg di campur gula dan eveknya aku merasa percaya diri dan lebih rileks saat mengerjakan soal 😂

@prschuster - 21.12.2023 03:02

It just makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. I don't feel stoned or confused.

@thechuck141 - 17.12.2023 01:30

Kratom is from the same family as coffee anyone that says it gets you high is dead wrong its the same feeling you get with your cup of coffee he shoukdnt comment until he actuallly soes the rsearch it all depends which vein color you take.

@pete4901 - 15.12.2023 21:01

The guest is an idiot.

@buckethead486 - 12.12.2023 09:05

That thing was a psychedelic for me

@taylorbee4010 - 12.12.2023 08:03

You generally drink it not pills

@darinroberts - 07.12.2023 22:55

He’s entitled to his opinion.. but his opinion is wrong.

@michaelrhodes6730 - 02.12.2023 16:48

I take it daily, it's like the least noticeable drug effect that's somewhere between a redbull, nicotine,.and a mild opiate. Joe's exaggerating big time

@Steelerfanskates - 29.11.2023 00:22

If he did more research he would know their is different strains and each have different affects. I take green meang da and i take 5 grams before i clock on and 5 again half way through my shift and all it does is give me energy and focus. If you think you can compare kratom too any other drug besides weed your dumb. I sleep better i eat better and i focus better. I dont have to waste money on adhd medications or anti depressants. Its just a way better natural way for humans to get a decent boost. Also has healing properties. Yall just work with big pharmaceutical so you wanna shut this industry down but you cant because for every one person with a negative perception on it their is a thousand who enjoy it daily.

@joeyw8270 - 28.11.2023 14:32

10 kratom pills day 1 , 15 pills day 2, 25 pills day 3, needless to say…. It’s a vicious circle… somebody that is taking this needs to be honest about the insane kratom poops, and the anxiety when you quit 💯

@Gwh21319 - 22.11.2023 21:16

Kratom is a wonder drug

@jasonbachelor604 - 17.11.2023 06:16

You are describing nearly every high

@prototek100 - 17.11.2023 05:20

Obviously Joe has never done opioids before (Describes the feeling as a novelty) because the effects are almost identical, just not quite as intense as taking something like oxy. The only real difference I felt between Kratom and other opioids is that my extremities would get this strange yet pleasant tingly feeling and for some reason Kratom made me more prone to dizzy and nauseous feelings in higher doses and I definitely hurled on it a few times lol, but yea you can get very high on the stuff for sure. At one point I did it consistently for about 9 months straight. Coming off of it was uncomfortable but definitely not horrible or overwhelming compared to most drugs out there.

@kr1221E - 16.11.2023 01:49

I wish I had never touched kratom, I am tapering off it, I never had this trouble with even speed. It's illegal here in England, and while I am against probition, I am glad it's not legal.

@madskillzdc - 14.11.2023 17:32

He doesn’t even understand what he’s talking about lol

@UPsideDOWNworld321 - 07.11.2023 01:46

Kratom is very good plant its the same as coffee, but saying your high is full of shit.. its nothing like THC so saying it gives you a high is NOT CORRECT

@mikec5400 - 06.11.2023 09:28

10 kratom pills is only like 5 grams thats in the recommended dose range for alot of brands

@ellamaeloftus3493 - 30.10.2023 11:02

Joe, what else were you on when you took Kratom? Been taking Kratom for years, (7-10 pills per dose) never been high.

@morganophelia5963 - 25.10.2023 04:52

kratom does not get you high quit lying . it helps people get off of opiates and alcohol nobody takes kratom to get high. they take it feel normal

@TheTechNiShan - 23.10.2023 20:11

Sure doesnt get me high anymore

@supersaiyanzero386 - 21.10.2023 04:10

Well now i know the starting dose haha.

I just grabbed 150G. Might try for pain and such at some point.

Weigh it by grams and measure out multiple doses and start with a low dose and work up to where you wanna be.

Wash and toss ideally

@justinbowen1183 - 20.10.2023 12:13

Sadly, if i dont have it in the morning right when i wake up to take my morning piss my entire day is ruined. When i dont have it my whole body feels like i got slammed into by a bus, I cant sleep at all which eventually turns into my brain not wanting to do shit. When I do have it my whole body feels amazing and im in a damn good mood im 100% totally functional and physically daunting tasks are no big deal at all I happily accept them as challenges but when i dont have it, oh lord i simply cant function. As far as im concerned I will be on it the rest of my life. The longest i went without it was 3 weeks and i saw no sign of relief anytime soon. I hadnt slept for 4 days, my whole body felt defeated, i could barely stay awake, I couldnt eat, couldnt sleep, work was a mother fucker to the point I contemplated whether to take emergency time off for 2 weeks for medical purposes.

@jamessalter485 - 13.10.2023 20:51

Kratom actually is a horrible drug! I have been clean off it for over two years! It was absolutely the hardest drug I have ever kicked! Withdraw were worst the h

@chrioschvez - 12.10.2023 18:58

Umm I took 8 and felt good. No head change no euphoria etc. I’m gonna try 10 and see what happens.

@whocares4464 - 01.10.2023 05:32

Kratom hits the opiate receptors but it's not an opiate though

@biohazard2treepercs - 30.09.2023 00:29

What a light weight lol 8 pills got him ripped? Bro lol 10 pills is 5 grams you ain’t getting blasted off 5 grams of kratom 8+ yes but 5 no lol that’s just pain relief

@formattmusic1359 - 29.09.2023 22:52

Fun fact, Kratom releases Alkaloids in the bloodstream, those alkaloids attach to opiate receptors and it gives you the feeling of a narcotic. Okay, some take it for highness, some take it for pain, some take it for withdrawals. But the cool thing is that cancer is known to thrive in acidic environments. So these alkaloids which are alkaline in nature. They counteract the affect of acid in the body. As a side effect of taking this stuff for lower back pain, I started to notice that it helped my acid reflux and I can't say it reduces cancer, but I can say that its causing your body to be more alkaline, which reduces the chances of getting cancer or for that cancer to spread.

@Damien-Lugnut - 29.09.2023 05:24

Kratom doesn’t get me high it just gets me feeling right

@calebdowns9492 - 27.09.2023 03:34

Use it responsibly cmon man

@CliffRacerr - 27.09.2023 03:09

I've tried kratom for a month and it definitely worked and wasn't bad when it did just not my preferred feeling. felt too lethargic, slow, and just gross if I ever felt anything. it was either don't feel anything or feel sick most of the time even with the same low dose. the effects are also very fragile in that too many factors can dampen or completely ruin the dose such as eating, stress, nicotine, too much coffee, not enough sleep, etc etc. Just too much hassle and not enough pay off, would rather do any other relatively safe substance instead of downing phat cups of green sludge and thinking "oh boy I wonder whats going to happen this time! Am I going to be sick, feel like I took too much melatonin, or feel like I took half a percocet?"

@phattyspliff420 - 26.09.2023 17:23

If you take 6 grams of Kratom in the morning you're still probably more sober than the average office worker on their way to work.

@Notsotopofthefoodchain - 24.09.2023 14:04

Kratom has helped me stop being an idiot and have somewhat of a normal life. I spent my entire 20s struggling with a raging opioid addiction. I have had open heart surgery, due to a birth defect and kidney surgery, Kratom has helped me not take bullshit pain pills. If your looking for a quality vendor super speciosa is top flight security of the world 👀. I can go to fight training without all the fatigue and pain, and for this I am grateful.

@RealTalk-mq2ug - 22.09.2023 08:31


My soul is raped.
I am submerged in darkness.
Suicidal despair. Nothing to live for.

I am desperately painfully suicidal.
I can no longer bear the grief.
I only pray to die.
Every moment,
every breath,
I pray with excruciating agony,
just to die.


he didn't give a fuck about me...
And he replaced me.
In an instant; just like that.
On a soul level: he raped me.
He raped my soul.

I can't breathe
through the grief.
I simply cannot.

The grief and the rage
consume every fiber of me.

I am raped. On the inside.
On a soul level; I am raped.

I'm desperate to die.
I'm in anguished agony.


I've been discarded like garbage.
Betrayed and abandoned.


Been suicidal almost all my life.

I have debilitating paralyzing daily panic attacks.

He used me while he needed me
and then he discarded me like garbage.

And I'm learning the most juicy alchemical magical lessons because of it...


- Nope, he didn't really actually truly discard me.
THAT'S A LIE! The devil is a fucking liar!!
What he actually did is set me free.
Only fear and the enemy/the devil,
would have me see it as being "discarded".

- No such thing as good or bad.
Both are just judgements.
Look for the gold!
Find the gold!

- I manifested his leaving. In two parts.
Part one: my lower-self (fearful-self) was always scared
that I wasn't good enough for him.
Part two: my higher-self (God-Self) knew/knows
I deserve, and am worthy of,
SO MUCH MORE than the breadcrumbs he offered me.
I am worthy and deserving. I am royalty:
daughter of the most high; king of kings!

- Smother all of it: with love.
The PTSD. The grief. The unbearable darkness.
I rebuke it by smothering all of it: with love!
I have DIVINIE AUTHORITY over all of it!
I am royalty. I am an alchemist. I am a healer.
This is MY transmutation/purification process.
My shamanic initiation.
I am the Gold going through the fire,
having all impurities burned away...

- His coming was a gift.
His leaving is a gift.
All a gift.

- Spend intimate deliberate intentional daily time with Jesus.
A candle/light with a framed photo of him, at night...
* Help me to see/experience it all, through your eyes
* Thank you for the clarity
* I love you
* Thank you
* I invite you
* I need you
* I welcome you
* Holy spirit, flood every cell of my being with your presence
* How can I serve you?
* Let me serve you
* Let me serve your name
* Let me serve your Holy Kingdom
* Cleanse me
* Purify me
* Sanctify me
* Heal me

- Our thoughts/feelings create reality!

- Fuck manifesting *THINGS*.
Manifest peace/love.
And watch the miracles unfold!

- In every memory,
in every moment,
look for, and find:
the love and the gift.
Those are the only things
that are actually really real.

- Self love is EVERYTHING!

✨I am free to express my truth
✨I deserve to be heard
✨I express myself with clarity and radical honesty

@ryanbrooke9270 - 18.09.2023 07:15

Its the same high as if you take Norco same effect for me which is able to function and for anyone who wants to get off them these are a comparable substitute.

@Dicktorr - 18.09.2023 01:41

Bro I take so many kratom pills a day it’s probably unhealthy. 10 pills? Lol

@odinforce86 - 14.09.2023 00:09

I take 20 to 30 each time feels like oxycodone I use to be on 20mg of oxycodone 4 times a day 80mg oxycodone a day and 120 pills a month. They took me of do to others drugs in my system from a birthday I went to had an appointment for pain management the next day had to give urine and cocain shows up in my urine I'm like how TF they didn't believe me I didn't intentionally ingest cocain it must of bin from a tequila shot long story short I try Kratom kept taking it until I got the feeling of taking 3 20mg of oxycodone and it worked for 6 hours and more I was up to 20 pills a day and on some days 30 .

@NakeWake - 13.09.2023 21:13

Kratom is just the safest and least invasive way to self medicate from the disease of modern technocratic society. It makes me tolerate bullshit bureaucracy and man made procedure that is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. It makes it so when I’m busting my knuckles for a dollar, I can enjoy the music in my earbuds while doing it and take my mjnd off of the absolute soulless existence I was forced into.

@danielstone8388 - 06.09.2023 15:23

If you call that high, you haven’t been high. Lol

@justinsams9120 - 05.09.2023 20:07

I used it to quit drinking

@keithcorcoran9515 - 04.09.2023 06:36

ToplineKratom has some of the best tasting products I've tried.

@GreasyWop - 02.09.2023 18:25

Kratom is absolutely a miracle plant and a great tool, but it can absolutely be abused like anything else. No shade on the compound, its just self destructive behavior that causes problems.

@zaneshaver7985 - 31.08.2023 22:12

Idk how Joe can advocate for weed as much as he does and then call out kratom like this lol weed puts me to sleep, no matter the strain. I stutter, can't get my words right. But with kratom I'm clear minded, focused and have energy and motivation to do shit. Plus it definitely helps my nerve pain in my back.
