How East Asian Beauty Standards Are Different To The West | Beauty Culture

How East Asian Beauty Standards Are Different To The West | Beauty Culture

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@thinkwa-1414 - 29.11.2023 06:45

bro didnt even point at the double eyelids, he pointed below the eye💀

@rural_girl555 - 10.10.2023 19:36

yea obviously black women will always be ugliest out of everyone else not surprised.

@jackstone4825 - 21.09.2023 23:39

Booty is in aye of behoduh. Buh, hoo is beholduh? LMFAO Jokes aside, Asian women are the ultimate gold digger! Plain and simple. In South-east Asia, money is GOD! Everyone obeys this god. You as a Western male are seen as a portable ATM for her, her family and her friends. That's all you are, and all you ever will be. She'll perform "her duties" frigidly. You'll have a sandbag in your bed, and a terrible housewife. But, at the end of the month, you're gonna have to provide. You'll need to cover ALL the costs of her family's needs and her personal whims. Because that's your purpose. Your purpose is to work so hard, that by the age of 50, you'll have made enough money for her and her family not to have to work another day in their lives, and to conveniently DIE, so she can inherit everything and live to a ripe old age with a house maid playing mahjong with her female friends whose husbands are also dead. The end!

P.S. Interesting how your voice became sterile when talking about Chinese beauty standards.... Lemme guess, you're either a Japanese or Korean....

@YoRHa_02 - 20.09.2023 22:00

the current western standard looked kinda weird with that sausage lips. I'll blame the Kardashians and kylie jenner for that bratz dolls looks.

@pandadumplingsgirl - 07.08.2023 08:12

I am beautiful. Watching this just made me insecure as I have been dealing with being white and Asian. Asian women are obsessed with whiteness. I am not ugly people are so superficial. Beauty is BS, it's all about money in the end with plastic surgeons and make up. I don't do either and think I am pleasant. Don't give into this nonsense, people constantly try to compare

@annpringle8219 - 22.07.2023 19:30

I remember when people didn't want Big lips and big butts! Now the White people want Black people's Big lips and Butts! Im proud of my Black Lips!!

@MesiasMark - 20.07.2023 16:54

If youre an 8 in Western standards, then you're a 5 at East Asian standards for men. Thats how absurd the Korean shit has gotten.

@yuegonghuamei6685 - 10.05.2023 16:14

Too much big words hard to understand n not show detail.

@BullyMaguire387 - 30.04.2023 18:11

The only reason why many people preferred Western beauty is because they have bigger box at everything from chest, thighs, butts, height, muscles. LMAO

@Uhhhbbggggffvbbbhjj - 28.04.2023 22:37

Race with the moost feminine and youthful face = East asian, Race with most masculine and strong looking face= Black american.

@iyttffgel507 - 23.04.2023 03:44

East Asian 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Eastern European 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

@blablaheaven - 03.04.2023 05:12

Can you people stop with the clownery of "east asian standards" vs "west". Everyone except east asia like similar attractive features, because we are HUMAN. It could be due to what the europeans push but at the end of the day they have better taste for a reason. Many traits that europeans like are not common in europe but they are HUMAN traits, which also show health and ability etc. They dont pick beauty just because its "western".
People are naturally drawn to beauty for many reasons, inherently and culturally. This new "east asian" standard is a joke and they are just mocking themselves. They have had many beauties in the past like Gong li, Zhiyi etc. Whatever standard they have now - is not human, no jaw at all with their rounded face (asians are known for very high cheekbones, kate moss is a common face in asia), unnatural rounded eyes with fake eyelids (many asians especially in the south of east asia have double eyelids naturally). They admire high nose bridges which is not common at all in east asia, yet have the audacity to say "thats western beauty standard" to everything else thats healthy. East asia will do anything other than support their own real beauties because they are so easily bullied by the rest of the world (minorities compared to asian population) because of "monolids". They come off as bad, cheap, alien, insecure and fake- taste for beauty. Many people in the west also like fake features and probably cant even tell if the person has had lip injections (even though its very obvious), but at least that is a human trait. Cute asian look is nice yes but it will never be the most striking beauty, which many asians have, but sadly not appreciated by their own people. For example, nothing about sui he is "western" her face is very flat on profile, her jaw is HUMAN not "western" etc, her eyelids on the other hand, look weird like many other asians, it doesnt look natural.
Everyone knows a real beauty when they see one and no one likes the current east asian standard other than east Asia - for a good reason.

@lee-kikmomg - 28.03.2023 07:52


@louis3328 - 21.03.2023 10:13

When you say west, you mean the us, and more particularly California, and more particularly the Kardashians right? There is absolutely no homogenous looks in such a wide area such as the "west" as you call it. In France, women barely wear makeup and have a very pragmatic approach to beauty, based on clean skin and natural look. But even here, women approach beauty with their own style.

@XiaoLing-pu9st - 16.02.2023 21:50

asian beauty standards are to look caucasian, korean and thailand surgeries are based on white people

@andrewchong616 - 12.02.2023 12:38

The funny thing is that no one here even knows East Asian beauty standard promotes light skin all the time. It does nothing with western.
One more interesting thing is over the few decades some East Asian women mainly Asian American women prefer tanned skin that is truly under influence of western beauty.

@spongebob5422 - 30.01.2023 02:47

why would u make a video on ea beauty and not include chinese??

@notalexander4106 - 11.01.2023 16:37

So western female beauty standards basically just try your best to looks like bratz dolls with inflated lips?

@birdtj82 - 10.01.2023 06:21

most Classic ❤CHINESE ❤thing 😅! Lol. I think Korean n Japanese eat that too. In China this is like “Fries “ we eat that all d time ! lol 😝

@anikatasnimsaba - 07.01.2023 09:59

Gonna be honest with you
- if you're a female with big breaths and curvy hips, overall slim but fit and toned
- have bright glowing skin
- beautiful shiny hair
Then american beauty standards is the best for you.

@Sfaegbe - 06.01.2023 04:00

Asian is better

@Artaxerxes. - 01.01.2023 18:15

ngl the kpop idols look ugly. Its literally a character slider gone wrong. Wrong nose on the wrong face. Wrong mouth with wrong eyes. What a disaster. Its inevitable when they get so much work done. They can't transplant a new face entirely and so the features look off all the time

@nomoresunforever3695 - 27.12.2022 19:40

The porcelain doll look picture has the wrong lip shape.

@catholicfemininity2126 - 19.12.2022 03:03

Admit it, because of our fallness, we care about appearances and uncociously can shape how we see a person. The more attractive you are, the better you're treated.

@phobos1826 - 26.11.2022 08:29

I think you forgot to mention the idolization of white skin there.

@jizzervirusreptikonski8756 - 22.11.2022 15:21

Beauty standards are still white though

@Italsik - 14.11.2022 19:17

I know it's sort of bad but but hey at least the japanese had their standard straight. 😂

@crisantinapangilinan8375 - 04.11.2022 00:06

East asian and west asian

@ivyvillanueva9412 - 19.10.2022 13:58

I fcking hate my faceee

@ddahstan6876 - 14.10.2022 04:39

It's this simple: Everyone's unique, so the sooner you accept who you are, the faster you solve your insecurities problems.
Just be happy and embrace with what you have because there are Always people who are less fortunate looking than you are, like, no lips to smile, no eyes to see, less brain to live.

@weronikas1307 - 19.09.2022 00:05

Eastern European beauty would be interesting

@robloxarsenal8047 - 17.09.2022 04:20

Why be one when you can have all the features

@peterkavanagh64 - 03.09.2022 10:00

The plastic mind. Try suggest evolved daptation

@refreshyourpage._.0 - 25.08.2022 19:03

I think with the development of global aesthetics, there is no Western and Eastern aesthetics anymore. Everyone has a set of aesthetics. Unless it involves clothing and accessories, the whole world is white aesthetics.

@mannyespinola9228 - 11.08.2022 13:37

Different FROM, not different TO

@angeliquewu8318 - 05.08.2022 11:43

Speaking of selection bias, as a Chinese, I must say that Shanghai is a city infamous for being kind of Western, international, and as such, western idolizing.
It was the city that was colonized by the West and as such had the most Western influence, and the stereotype of the city is kind of like the prodigal son that was raised abroad.
Shanghai has kind of a bad rep for somewhat idolizing the west in certain circles, and while the circles are small and decreasing by the year as the "national style" 国风 trend has been taking over China, they still do kind of exist.
China and Chinese society change quite quickly by the year, so I wouldn't be surprised if the study you cited on reasons to get plastic surgery has already become outdated, especially with the marked increase in self-confidence and patriotism in 2019 and afterwards.

Nowadays, if you ask people why they got surgery, it's more likely that they'll cite a Chinese celebrity than not.

@concernedcitizen1644 - 25.07.2022 20:38

Whenever westerners say 'Asians', most of the things you refer is only Koreans and Chinese people. The rest of Asia dont even know what those beauty standards are

@thisunimidara1490 - 30.06.2022 08:47

I'm kinda happy becuz in my country we don't have specific standards but we appreciate personal beauty

@asterisque9252 - 25.06.2022 20:03

I've got all features that aren't wanted either of these

@-S.9 - 24.06.2022 19:13

There’s legit a saying in Chinese (一白遮百丑)which legit means that once ur pale or white then a hundred imperfections will be covered.

Being pale was popular since the ancient times because it was sign of wealth and status and could better bring out the darkness of our hair and the redness of our lips which were signs of beauty.

Also when Asians tan they don’t go golden bronze like most white people do, we get more of a yellowish hue to our skin that makes us look a bit sick and was often associated with farm life and the poor.

This is just from what I’ve noticed

@zeroty9563 - 24.06.2022 13:02

I see taeyeon i click

@secretshaman189 - 24.06.2022 06:24

You don't mention anything about Phi, which is how the human perceives beauty in nature and it's pretty universal. There are cultural details to consider of course, but it is more about proportions and symmetry. You also don't mention anything about fertility signals, which is huge. Beauty proportions are universal, irregardless of the culture or race and it really isn't about features. Many plastic surgeons had to study the Greek discovery of these proportions (golden section/ratio) because if they didn't, their surgical results would be less than desirable, the patient could actually end up uglier -- and the doctors didn't understand why.

@Perctrick - 23.06.2022 23:21

Asians want to look white asians want to look white asians want to look white
