Joe Rogan: Comedy, Controversy, Aliens, UFOs, Putin, CIA, and Freedom | Lex Fridman Podcast #300

Joe Rogan: Comedy, Controversy, Aliens, UFOs, Putin, CIA, and Freedom | Lex Fridman Podcast #300

Lex Fridman

1 год назад

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@robertjackson1390 - 09.01.2024 11:40


@timothykring4772 - 08.01.2024 00:17

Heartbroken drug users.... No Joe, that isn't a path to comic success.

@justinbailey3284 - 07.01.2024 17:18

Lex...You have an awesome Podcast brother. I truly enjoy your questions. Knowledge is a gift. Keep pressing because I vision you at the top.

@nicee_guys - 07.01.2024 13:09

Joe Rogan should be a congressman ! VOTE FOR JOE

@barbarabain4303 - 07.01.2024 10:26

is he ok? look at joe's face, thats the puffy haggard face of a big meat eater.....

@indigosky8623 - 05.01.2024 21:35

Why do people like Rogan? He's so derivative and pointless

@VIP-ry6vv - 05.01.2024 19:55

I found JRE during the smear campaign against him for some of his guests during 2020. Misinformation is wild and it's nice to hear all sides of the stories.

@mikefink8350 - 04.01.2024 08:36

This is about my 10th-12th Lex Podcast that I have enjoyed. THIS podast Show how Lex becomes the person Required to Make the LONG DISCUSSION . .. Most Effective. I'm (guessing) Lex is not a Cusser. When Lex joined in, it only made the Discussion MOST Effective. NICE!

@mikefink8350 - 04.01.2024 08:31

Knew about, but haven't followed Joe, but started with Fear Factor (Lame for Joe. Made $, Great). Listening to Lex Podcast makes me think Joe KNEW Montessori Methods WITHOUT being Escorted. He Did HIS OWN Montessori, pursuing what was Interesting, what he LOVED. Kept PURSUING . . . to make a . . . DIfference. Make a MARK. Life Goes On (ANY Age). Joe MASTERS, Discerns, and Finds NEXT! People Follow . .. with Interest.

@Legal_Savant - 02.01.2024 21:19

Bragging about gaining 2 million subscribers, 99% of which were white during this "controversy" is wild, lmaoo. Doubling down and playing everyone else for your choices is certainly a choice. Just goes to show that being racist in America is profitable.

@stevemace1725 - 02.01.2024 01:06

Putins not a dictator his people love him , now biden cheated in the last 8 states to win, that's the incompetent dictator. Now I'm not on putins side, but everyone calls him a dictator, while we have one?

@conradjones635 - 01.01.2024 10:33


@Commercial_Might_950 - 31.12.2023 08:46

Basically, everything is an art. 😅

@Artists_wrld - 30.12.2023 19:49

What an episode, this is the epitome of a podcast, truly discussed every topic I find moldy interesting to being very passionate about

@user-xe4zq2bb9l - 30.12.2023 05:45

Great podcast ❤

@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq - 29.12.2023 21:25

Sohu: Китай разволновался, узнав с кем Путин встречался ночью в Санкт-Петербурге

@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq - 29.12.2023 21:20

Так что тема серьезная про НЛО

@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq - 29.12.2023 21:18

Китайское «Искусственное Солнце» стоимостью 1 трлн долларов горит в пять раз ярче настоящего

14 янв. 2022 г. Китай может быть на один шаг ближе к достижению безграничной чистой энергии с помощью экспериментального «искусственного Солнца», которое светило в пять раз ярче, чем настоящее небесное тело в прорывном испытании.я и так свободен ,не свободен только три года

@richardlebussy9885 - 29.12.2023 19:09

Man here I am looking him up turns out he is actually Russian and 40 years old, crazy

@jfx5054 - 28.12.2023 08:19


@jfx5054 - 28.12.2023 08:19

The two of you make a nice couple

@SakUdomFF - 25.12.2023 07:16

❤❤🎉 good job good video thanks you for sharing

@ivolzkmjr6173 - 23.12.2023 14:42

Two Masters of conversation

@apelsinuke - 23.12.2023 10:03

excuse me? stal¡n harmed my ancestors just for being educated, and you're saying he wanted the best for the soviets? how many other educated people he "dissapeared"?
stal¡n was a mentally ill paranoid guy. look how he treated his own family and you'll see he also had a personality disorder.
and h¡tler lost his mind during the war? so his r@cist antis3mitic policies prior to the war are ok with you? esp given your own roots, which btw i do not have, but i still think h¡tler, just like stal¡n, was a truly evil, deranged, sick man.

you don't need to defend pootin either, but oh wait you do if you want to be able to travel to ruzzia - therefore i'd say there is a big bias. tho most people have biases, but this one's so obvious.
it's pootin who has lost his mind. h¡tler and stal¡n never had "their minds" in a condition that wasn't lost to begin with.

@Kingman65 - 22.12.2023 20:23

He looks funny on the right side of the table

@diana0620 - 21.12.2023 16:41

Lex, I wish I was younger ❤ Joe you're awesome

@randomme0no - 20.12.2023 02:53

That’s the kindest sentiment I have heard for a country. Thank you.

@addynaruto1221 - 19.12.2023 17:26


@STAHANOVEC - 19.12.2023 11:32

Касательно России и Путина и того, что хороший лидер будет упорно трудиться делать лучшее для народа:
Вы бы пожили лет 5 в России и, я вас уверяю, это невозможно. Одно ворьё кругом. Посмотрите на Украину: там министр оборону своровал днюеняг ВО ВРЕМЯ ВОЙНЫ ЕГО НАРОДА. В России тоже самое, кругом одно ворьë, начиная от мелкогг служащего, заканчивая большими начальниками- у всех цель что нибудь своровать, как нибудь нажиться. Абсолютно честный человек в России (да и в Украине) умирëт бесследно и незамеино в бедности. Более того, у нас буквально построена экономика на коррупции, смешно, но без коррупции экономика просто остановится, такая вот Россия. Никакая деятельность, экономическая активность не запустится без взяток, откатов, коррупционных схем. Не знаю как у вас там в сша, в России всё именно так. Хотя автору канала это должно быть известно на 100%. Так что любой лидер, даже самый лучший, обречён управлять огромной страной путём её выживания)))) у Путина в какой-то мере получилось даже пойти по кромке процветания и это потому что он смог многие рычаги управления держать крепко в руках.

@northwestcoast - 19.12.2023 10:51

Laydee Shadderly’s Lover?

@MrAlex8086 - 18.12.2023 01:50

Great interview 😮

@dickievtvdk - 17.12.2023 12:56

My stamina couldn't tolerate more than 15 minutes of this. Digitally Joe Rogan always sounded like a good guy to me, but his performance in this podcast . . ? Sorry. Ignore me, next time better ! ;-)

@sonofdaw1008 - 16.12.2023 23:19

Lex. You are a gem 💎 man! Keep doing you! your impact is large and great.

@Mackcolak-xf5bk - 16.12.2023 17:38

Here are some key takeaways:

1. Comedy is an art form that can be difficult to master, requiring perseverance through failure, evolving life experience and perspective, and finding one's unique comedic voice. Great comedians are rare, unique, and tap into fundamental truths about the human condition.

2. Discipline and passion are central to achieving excellence and personal growth in any endeavor. Pursuing challenges builds mental strength applicable beyond the specific domain. Physical pursuits also confer mental benefits often overlooked by solely intellectual people.

3. Surrounding yourself with positive, generous people who share your values and inspire you to grow is tremendously valuable. Cultivating such a "tribe" enhances wellbeing and achievement.

4. In relationships, seek someone who is genuinely kind, shares your work ethic and values, and with whom you can grow together. Looks alone don't suffice for true compatibility and fulfillment.

5. When facing personal attacks, ignore them rather than absorb negativity. Stay focused on your purpose while recognizing the experience provides opportunity for self-examination and growth in handling pressure.

6. For youth in difficult situations, find a passion and work tirelessly to excel at it. Success builds confidence and agency to chart one's own path. Ignore naysayers and push limits of perceived potential.

@ashpjangde - 16.12.2023 10:53

In India Podcaster like BeerBiceps are pleasing politicians. Asking stupid questions and making people fool.They dont have a spirit of a podcaster.

@MattyLiam333 - 16.12.2023 00:24

Hi Joe! Hi Lex! Lovely episode. Slight correction. It's not the body that craves movement. It's the brain. The brain is what controls anxiety. The brain's main function is physical movement. No physical movement equals a fucked up brain. So being sedentary causing anxiety is correct. But the body doesn't require movement to be happy. The brain requires giving that order. The body is just along for the ride. I can say this as someone who has been on xanax for 10 years. I went on Keto in June, lost 40 lbs from 180 to 140 lbs. Keeping it off by continuing on Keto and walking 15k steps a day and working out in my room 3 times a week. Used to take 3 xanax a day. Now I just take a half one in the morning most mornings, and plenty of potassium, Vitamin D4, magnesium, and salt, and bingo, no more anxiety.

@racheleaggleston6410 - 15.12.2023 07:55

Social media is literally the public forum and iin orderto filter the spam comments that invade thru chronic negative messages, charging a nominal fee to post could combine like minded podcasts in order to sponsor a cleaner objective audience response.

@Justaride-Snowboard-Channel - 15.12.2023 01:23

Greatness! Lex, been listening to you here for a while. You're a remarkable human! Keep it up! 💜✌🙌

@SwitchFBproductions - 12.12.2023 09:17

Joe Rogan is a perfect example of how when you cross a certain line of extreme manliness and masculinity you inevitably become a mom.

@barryrimmer2103 - 12.12.2023 02:27

The two guys walk in to a bar joke isn’t funny until Bono and The Edge walk in to a bar and the Barman looks up and says, ‘Uhhhh, not you two again’. 🙄

@jefflaitila9799 - 11.12.2023 15:42

Rogan has a bad case of TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

@jefflaitila9799 - 11.12.2023 15:39

Rogan needs to learn how to properly pronounce "Sauna".

It's not "sawna", it's "Sowna".

@user-zq2gd8hu9v - 09.12.2023 13:48

TR3B YES U MO~W~RON IT IS A SMOKESCREEN NO. off world life, guns, Craft s

@user-zq2gd8hu9v - 09.12.2023 13:42

pOTUS obuma destroyed DNA records of elite from Epstein's island rapist in 2016 with sen Shaheen's assistance With a last minute bills name change we with subsection added no one voted on~!

@aharonshitrit2217 - 09.12.2023 04:54


@ev446 - 09.12.2023 00:48

Joe Rogan comparing music to stand up is ridiculous. They're both subjective art. Can a person learn the guitar and play songs? Sure can. But that doesn't mean that person can write music.

@michaeltravis3562 - 09.12.2023 00:01

I love this introduction the most. Lex, I know it has already been said, but welcome to America. You are the reason the system exists. You're more American than many people born here.

@michaelziesmann7045 - 08.12.2023 18:35

Everyone here did not come from somewhere else. Some where already here and many with roots from other places where born here.

@serenevoice4765 - 08.12.2023 06:38

For a few minutes I thought this two were going to recreate the fight about Godzilla and King Kong. LMAO!
