How To Get Into Medical School In NZ: The Ultimate Guide

How To Get Into Medical School In NZ: The Ultimate Guide

Eunice Chou

2 года назад

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@georgiacooper3672 - 01.10.2024 01:22

i didnt take chemistry or physics in high school would health sciences be hard?

@RajeshKumar-fy2tk - 29.08.2024 01:16

Does overall gpa of 8/10 in 12th grade and 10/10 cgpa in grade 10th grade is enough or not?

@mathewKareesseril - 02.08.2024 07:36

Hi Eunice which (calculus or stats) one would be perfect for medicine? I was confused because in the otago university website it says u need to take level 3 calculus and others say u need to take stats. It would be really helpful if u tell me which one to choose. Im really confused and I don’t know what to take

@eatshitandie - 19.03.2024 07:14

Hi eunice, i really want to take biomed first year at auckland. i passed level 2 witn no endorsment but if i were to get good grades overall + excellence endorsement this year, will they accept me? they are only looking at the rank score for level 3 right? thank you... :)

@keevie5717 - 09.02.2024 10:44

Hiii I’m currently a year 12 doing only 1 science (bio) as well as stats, health and English. I was wondering if I still need to do summer school after year 13 for physics and chemistry even if i take those classes next year?

@kingcrazy3715 - 01.01.2024 03:59

Hi I’m 16 and going into yr 12 and I’ve chosen bio chem physics and stats but I’ve heard for the health science first year for Otago you also need to have some university credits is this true and how much do you need?

@ishitasehrawat984 - 24.12.2023 19:14

Hii .. how to get into medical school in New Zealand as an international student .
Do we have to take 1 yr course of health science and then change our course

@mrcrab6081 - 25.11.2023 16:26

Hi, i was just wondering how does level 2 play a role and what effect do endorsements have eg: if you get merit endorsed in lv 2 but get excellence endorsed in lv 3 do you still have a chance.

If you do mid in level 2 and pick up the pace in lv 3 do you still have a chance.


@journiex - 05.11.2023 09:29

Im a senior undergraduate in the US at the University of Florida (born and raised in FL unfortunately ) and decided that NZ is where i wanna live and practice and ultimately die and Otago medical school is my ultimate dream but I have absolute no clue how to stannd out and what they’re actually looking for especially when it comes to the interview and prior courses ive taken during my undergraduate and if i need to take more courses and go to grad school to strengthen my resume or if that would be unnecessary and i should just work in a hospital and gain experience and get a certification sorry that was alot id do literally anything to for your advice

@lavanyasahu4708 - 11.10.2023 04:09

Hiii… Thanks for the informative video! ❤️ I had a question regrading about the Rank Score for Auckland University. The Rank Score of 250 do you know the estimate amount of Merit & Excellence credits you should be aiming at Level 3 to gain this rank score…Thank you 🙂

@eleanorthomasmoore3238 - 05.10.2023 22:48

Hi 💕 I was wondering how important it is to take statistics instead of calculus? I have kind of gone down the calculus pathway but if I try I could do stats instead... just wondering how important it is! Thanks so much, this video is so helpful!!

@Theinvisibleg - 20.09.2023 13:58

You look beautiful today ❤😮‍💨👌🫶

@eskimosonthemoon - 04.09.2023 04:38

hi eunice, I was wondering, would it be better if i took cambridge instead of NCEA? I go to a high school which has allows a cambridge curriculum alongside a NCEA one. Thanks

@DrawingTechTamil - 31.05.2023 06:13

Hii im from india how do i join with 100 percent scholarship

@vaidehikarol - 23.05.2023 08:24

Thank you…

@isoiso438 - 17.05.2023 20:43

Hi ,I hope your doing well
I want to ask about medical residency in New Zealand for foreign students , what are the requirements I will be so pleased if you let me know.🙏🏻

@newels6498 - 24.03.2023 04:26

Hi Eunice, This is really helpful, I just want to know if the 140 is NCEA lv 1, 2, 3 combined?

@hahahahdry - 26.02.2023 04:18

hi there, the 140 for otago is this rank score like the entry requirements for this degree at otago or is it something else like how does the point system work there? 😅

@farzanamohammadiforough6446 - 06.02.2023 10:32

Hello, Dr. Eunice Thank you so much for the useful information about medical school. I'm curious if we have to take three sciences to get into AUK or Otago University. If we take just biology and chemistry, what will happen?
thank u :)

@gurindervij9739 - 24.12.2022 16:43

i am doing casual security there sometimes and. wanna be doctor 🧑‍⚕️

@nasywaamaliya4654 - 20.08.2022 16:16

I’m only in yr 13 but this was highly informative !! I’ve been very scared thinking about doing healthsci next yr and I appreciate you making it sound less intimidating to get into<33
Though 40 lectures a week sounds very scary.
