Hyperthyroid Cats and Alternative Treatments

Hyperthyroid Cats and Alternative Treatments

Hyperthyroid Cats

5 лет назад

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@pattibellak1156 - 02.04.2019 04:26


@mizsterious - 02.04.2019 04:40

Thank You for the information🌺🐾

@laszlodomaruk9945 - 02.04.2019 15:25

great presentation to clarify ...

@dianemtuttle2107 - 24.08.2019 07:32

Hyper Thyroid Cats is great group for me and Doc. Learned more than my vet could tell me.

@traymitt - 27.03.2020 16:43

Actually the traditional medicine - methymazole only treats symptoms without addressing the cause too.

@66jaws - 20.05.2020 07:47

My cat is Very old so if natural controls symptoms and she's comfortable til it's her time then that's better.

@MsOliveLeaf - 31.10.2020 01:15

Hyperthyroid Cats: My cat is only 7 years old. His t 4 levels were slightly elevated. How would I know if he has a tumor? I am seriously considering Radioactive Iodine Treatment. Do you think it's a good idea?

@lpi1 - 09.01.2021 17:15

My cat was not hyperthyroid until she was vaccinated then she came down with being hyper.... she did great on the ear gel but her vet left the office and the owner vet of that office won't give her the prescription.... she had the blood test and it showed just how good she's doing but I don't want her having another episode of something else being a problem so I won't vaccinate again!

@donaldswift - 13.12.2021 00:36

What is the homepathic that was used in the study?

@williamevans5242 - 04.02.2022 08:16

i know this is an older video, but is there a recipie for home made cat food instead of the hills diet? i just can't afford the special diet.

@deedbraak2580 - 14.04.2022 06:07

So thyroid gold is NOT a recommended treatment, correct?

@louisewatson3129 - 14.06.2022 13:47

My vet took my cats half her thyroid out, and said it will make her levels more stable well it didn't and can never get the levels stabled, put up with this disease for almost six years. 15m g of the meds daily. Cant afford to keep going to vet for blood tests. She is 17.5 years of age, and I am not sure if it is time for her to be put down or not. I dont know if she is in pain. She still runs a bit outside and goes outside but not much, sleeps most of the time or wants food....her levels are not right I know and they never could get right even with the blood tests and constant vet visits. constant changes of the medicine to 10mg to 15mgs...She goes through stages during the week, won't eat much, wants to each a lot, fussy, then will eat anything, it is never the same. She has a raw diet now. Her breathing is rapid. Always has been. Her back part of body is so skinny. I am not sure what to do and I need to move house and its a long long long way from where I am now and not sure she can cope with the new move. I dont know what to do!

@dawnmariejudell4207 - 29.08.2022 16:33

My cat is being sick again with her medicine last time I stopped for three days started eating again...they upped her medicine to felimazole 2.5 mg half a pill twice a day...but now sick again it seems never ending

@Redridininyohood - 12.12.2022 20:10

Good to find this. My beans are all seniors at 14 and 15 now. I am hopeful the group will help me help my furrbabies.

@lindawolffkashmir2768 - 25.05.2023 23:14

I can see why people might try to find an alternative. The pill is so bitter cats will spit it out, and may even fight you not to take that pill. Hiding it in a pill pouch might work for a while, but after a few times, the cat catches on. If you can talk your vet into giving you the transdermal medication, that’s probably the best way to go if you have a medication resistant cat.

@Zoe-dz1dl - 04.06.2023 07:44

He suggests you join his Facebook so he can con you and ask for money. Guy is a con artist passing off this info as his own but it is not.

@catladycabaret - 02.10.2023 04:48

My kitties have done very well on the Felimazole, so glad. Easy to give it to them crushed up in some spring water solution. I love your pretty calico kitty walking across the desk! <3

@Alice-ov3rd - 04.10.2023 03:12

I just wish there was something that could sort of hold my cat over until she gets her Methimazole again. We have a shortage of the gel pens at my vet and my cat has to wait for almost a month. I was ordering two for a while but then we were only allowed one so I would order ahead of time. Now it takes much longer to get. It’s a pain and my cat starts getting sick after the long wait. Thank you for being honest. There’s a lot of quackery out there.

@exotischexot3991 - 17.12.2023 06:41

What about potassium iodate + Propranolol? Had 1.25 mg BID for a borderline case (now realize we should have waited and re-tested but fear it's back, awaiting BW results) and had strong side effects. Alternatively, can one take a non-thyroid med for the BP and a herbal or something else for hormone? I did hear you say that the herbals are for symptoms only but some have reported that the herbals did make the levels normal.

@zkristeenify - 12.01.2024 06:16

Hyperthyroidism is caused by low selenium and zinc (remember the zinc/copper axis when giving zinc). Denmark and China concluded this research findings and it is a shame that doctors don't keep up with research today.

@leesadoe2440 - 10.04.2024 08:15

we tested our cat at the vet , senior panel I think her liver was fine.. Thats when they found out she was hyperthyroid. they gave me methimazole and were shocked after 2 weeks to see the medicine injured her liver and she was dying. So I stopped the methimazole and started denamarin and some force feeding since she lost her appetite from the methimazole. Her appetite was ravenous prior the new medicine. so she amde it through and is acting like she is alive now after stopping the methimazole. Then the vet says well, lets try transdermal methimazole which I have researched makes no difference ib the incidence oof hepatotoxicity. so why start her back on the drug that caused liver injury and failure? what else can I do? is"ipodate" available or a good alternative? thank you for reading and any advice would be appreciated.

@DrDanMD - 11.08.2024 03:40

Get copper containers for your water and drink it as well as give it to your cats.

@michellelyman7092 - 02.09.2024 02:30

I hate my fucking cat, the bitch loves me but I hate having to pill her twice a day and all these blood tests and she has to have shots every month for her arthritis now too - she just turned 11. I can't stand her now, she won't shut up and follows me around bitching about being hungry and she's lost a bunch of work but is pissy about eating. Vet indicated it isn't a tumor most of the time but you're saying it is? so you're telling me that even if I have to give her pills every day she's still going to get worse? her number wasn't supposed to be over 4 and it's 8 something
