6 Pack Abs Workout | 3 Weeks Challenge

6 Pack Abs Workout | 3 Weeks Challenge

Chloe Ting

3 года назад

19,582,495 Просмотров

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CAROL GORE - 29.08.2023 23:50

This is a great workout! I used 3 and 5 lb. dumbbells. These workouts are challenging but doable and Chloe is so sweet.

Piroshok Bangtan
Piroshok Bangtan - 29.08.2023 19:53

my abs on fire, thanks

Lupita Martinez
Lupita Martinez - 22.08.2023 20:15

Moved from5 lb dumbbells to 8. I definitely feel it! ❤❤❤❤

Viktoriq Juvanova
Viktoriq Juvanova - 12.08.2023 00:43

If I don't feel tension on my stomach that means that I'm not doing the work out correct 😅😢😂

لورين - 08.08.2023 00:36

اليوم الاول

Ashley Mitchell
Ashley Mitchell - 28.07.2023 07:23

everything is easier after a week… EXCEPT THE ROLL UPS 😭

Noa Lavigne
Noa Lavigne - 20.07.2023 19:59

loved it!

Kek Sick
Kek Sick - 18.07.2023 23:17

my favourite abs workout!

Alissa Love
Alissa Love - 04.07.2023 20:19

These workouts are gold where were you?! I’m already seeing results only on day 3

Deborah Phiri
Deborah Phiri - 04.07.2023 06:47

My hands are shaking 😂. The last exercise was no joke but I did it💪

Me doing this again and yet it was an optional workout 😮.

Today was a mentally challenging day for me. Woke up crying and feeling unmotivated but I pushed myself to do this workout and I feel so much better than I did when I woke up. I will definitely win this depression I will win 😊

Manuela V
Manuela V - 03.07.2023 17:47

Thank you Chloe

بين - 27.06.2023 00:28

احزن شي لما حتى نسخة ال low impact م اعرف اسويها

Farwa Awan
Farwa Awan - 26.06.2023 19:15

at one point i felt like i was training to be superman

A J - 23.06.2023 02:10

Guys I need advice and help
I have been doing chloes workouts for 2 months and i have been significantly reducing the amount i eat, especially sweets. But i am not managing to lose weight, not even a kg per month
Please help 😢

Lythriac - 21.06.2023 18:36

This is insanely fun to do, it became my fav abs workout. Thank you chloe!💖

Vrunda Mundhra
Vrunda Mundhra - 20.06.2023 06:56

The best!!!!!!

Purplelilly - 11.06.2023 22:37

Yes love her free workout videos! I always come back to her workout videos! Love her 10 minutes standing abs and all her floor abs workouts!!

Sue S
Sue S - 05.06.2023 20:09

Thanks for another great workout, these short workouts are maybe the only thing that keeps me working out!

Ievhenii Ierokhin
Ievhenii Ierokhin - 16.05.2023 15:26

super set, liked it a lot, thanks 👍

Ina Silaaa
Ina Silaaa - 13.05.2023 10:51

For only 5 weeks i lost 5 pounds but don't have abs and i'll don't give up!

Gaychen - 12.05.2023 09:15

Hi Chloe, Everytime I do the russian twists my lower back hurts a lot. I've been very careful with my form and I make sure to keep a neutral back always. I also use my core and breathe into the pain, so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Any solutions?

Tasneem - 11.05.2023 18:34

Last video for the last day 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈
10.5.23 💪

MANSI BISCUITWALA - 09.05.2023 11:35

Chloe- Best Workout Buddy Ever ❤

Retaj - 06.05.2023 23:22

I can't believe , this is the third day , and i can see the results ,

eileen :: 💓
eileen :: 💓 - 04.05.2023 01:27

I love how all the programs are free

Since When
Since When - 29.04.2023 00:48

AHHHHHHHH challenge myself to do 30 days (without weights):

Day 1- felt very sloppy. Rushing to learn how to do exercises. Half did a few exercises. Proud of myself for showing up tho

Red Chilly
Red Chilly - 28.04.2023 14:15

Thank you soo much

Nazgul Koilubaeva
Nazgul Koilubaeva - 22.04.2023 13:22

Almost done with get fit challenge 2020, excited for hot gorl summer 🎉

Jana Carina
Jana Carina - 13.04.2023 18:51

Please more ab workouts with weights! 🎉

алиса - 10.04.2023 19:13

у меня от этой тренировки болит все кроме пресса, не понимаю как выполнять упражнения на пресс с больной поясницей(

Faiz - 09.04.2023 09:31

Even using 3lb dumbbells makes such a difference!

Autumn - 04.04.2023 22:33

My phone feels so light after using weights

Hana - 30.03.2023 17:09

Does using weights make your waist wider?

Faiz - 29.03.2023 07:25

thank you for your free workouts! <3

LA - 27.03.2023 13:32

This workout is insane.
Keep going gurl, ❤

owl rap
owl rap - 26.03.2023 01:23

Amazing ❤🥰

Nour Nn
Nour Nn - 25.03.2023 13:33

day 1: was def hard but DAMN it feels so good to have done it ! see ya tomorrow

Michelle Price
Michelle Price - 24.03.2023 02:30

This is my favorite ab video! I've done it too many times to count and I feel like I get a tiny bit better every time. Ok, I'm going to stop procrastinating by commenting, and actually start the video now 🤪Thank you, Chloe! ❤️

D - 23.03.2023 07:40

how many pounds are her dumbbells she uses?

Jennifer Manalese
Jennifer Manalese - 23.03.2023 05:24

OMG! So hard but I did it!!!!

Vasu Jain
Vasu Jain - 21.03.2023 23:51

Is this workout suitable for beginners?

Voi - 20.03.2023 19:44

Get Fit Challenge (posted in July 2020)
- Day 1 (20.03.2023): After the first video I really didn't think I would be able to do this but I was! I'm so proud of myself! I didn't do all exercises in perfect form (for example I definitely did the thing where you poke up your butt a little so it gets easier) but well enough and I only didn't use the dumbbell (2,2 kg) in the second to last exercise.
- Day 2 (22.03.2023): I had a slight muscle ache yesterday so I decided to take a rest day. But I didn't spend the whole day without movement, I visited a friend in a village near the city I live so I drove my bike two times for about twenty minutes, and I went for a walk with her.
Today I could do this workout in better form, I also used the dumbbell in the second to last exercise. But man, it burnt way more! And that can't just be because my form was better. Anyway, more burns, more gains!
- Day 4 (24.03. + 03.04.2023): I gave up the first time during this workout day, you can read about it at the arm workout. Anyway, this was good! Actually some exercises were really fun! Still burns a lot but I'm kinda enjoying it now. Other exercises are still really hard and no fun at all, like the normal planks. The side planks I love, don't ask me why. But the normal planks are a torture and I move way to much to the side with every arm change. Gotta improve that. Actually I think I should put my feet on the carpet behind my mat for those, then it's less slippery.
- Day 7 (15.04.2023): No, I didn't get sick or lost motivation, I just did other sports like climbing, mountainbiking and table tennis, that's why day 4 und day 7 are so wide apart.
Went well today! I have fun almost the whole workout, I even had the capacity to willingly engage my core. Just the last three exercises I don't like, although both planks went better than last time, not so much shifting, I would even say during the high plank my form was good. The low plank was particularly hard today because my shoulders were so exhausted from the arm workout so I needed a mini break to motivate myself but after that I could do it with okay form.
- Day 8 (16.04.2023): I tried to do it but my abs are too sore from yesterday. Well, it was optional anyway. Maybe I'll add it another day.
- Day 10 (20.04.2023): This went surprisingly well considering the murderous other ab workout I had to do beforehand. I really had to focuse on using my core muscles, not the muscles on the front of my neck (is that expressed right? English is not my first language - anyway, you most probably know what I mean) and I definitely didn't succeed all the time. But apart from that I did the exercises in good form (they were just harder than usual) - until the famous last three. My form was bad during the high plank and for the last two I did the low impact versions. Anyway, I did it, I'm proud of myself.
- Day 12 (16.05.2023): I don't suppose that anyone has read all my comments under Chloe's videos but if some of you conindicentally did, then you know that I can't get through a Chloe Ting challenge without getting a really ugly cold which rips apart my progress. So here was that cold. But i seems it didn't destroy all my progress. The low plank really wasn't good but the high plank was pretty fine and the last exercise gets an "okay". I think I'm at least at the level I had at day 7 and that was the second to last time I did it. So maybe I did only like one step back? That would be great!
- Day 13 (30.05.2023): This was the only day were I could repeat the optional take from day 11 so I did it. It went pretty well apart from the low plank, my form's still shitty there. If that's not better next time, I'll take a little break, I mean it's better to take a break and do an exercise in good form than taking no breaks and doing it in bad form.
- Day 15 (05.06.2023): Didn't take the little break, I don't know, I want to see if I can do it now every time. And in the beginning of the exercise my form really was better, it just went bad again after a few repeats. My high plank wasn't that great as well. Okay, but this workout is coming a few times more. I'll take a break before the last three exercises next time and the time after that I'll do it without break again.
- Day 17 (22.06.2023): Took the little break. My form was really good during high plank and a little better during the low plank but not good. (Why do I say little break, I'm sure the break is longer than the regular breaks in this workout.)
- Day 19 (27.06.2023): Didn't take the extra break. Was managable. My form's still not great during the low plank but I think it's okay most of the time. Could focus more on my side abs (obliques? I think those are the obliques) during russian twists.
- Day 21 (31.07.2023): Didn't continue the challenge for a while and I'm moving soon and won't have the dumbbells of my family anymore so I needed to finish the challenge now doing day 20 and 21 today. Considering that, this last workout went well! I found it hard to really use my core muscles instead of my neck muscles. Did two longer breaks before/between the last three exercises, still my form was bad (the worst during the low plank, as always).
Anyway, I finished the challenge, I'm really proud of myself and I am so looking forward to doing the next one and doing sports more regularly again! (My plan is to go climbing to times a weak and do Chloe's workouts two other times.)
It took me over four months to finish this three weak challenge. I didn't want to finish in time because I also do other sports like climbing and mountain biking but that wasn't all. I got ill, I broke up with my boyfriend (easy sports helped with my feelings but I couldn't do the hard workouts), I went on vacation. And quite a few times I just couldn't motivate myself.
But I finished nevertheless and I feel really good about it. Also I feel ready to do one of Chloe's normal challenges again, because I actually I just started this one because I felt so unfit and couldn't imagine to do all this jumping and whole body moving really fast things.
So: It's absolutely okay if you need more time to finish one of Chloe's challenges. It still has an effect, it's still worth it and you can still be really proud of yourself!

Nata - 20.03.2023 08:24

Благодарю!15 день💪🏻

‏𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒉 - 17.03.2023 10:30

2.5 kg is enough weight ?

Noemi Fadia
Noemi Fadia - 16.03.2023 20:13


Nata - 10.03.2023 12:18

Благодарю 💐

Kim Jong Un 3mk
Kim Jong Un 3mk - 03.03.2023 22:32

Sis I really really love you!!!
I can't find a way to pay you back except sending you results and making you proud❤❤❤❤
Again, all my love!!!

Taniya♥️ - 28.02.2023 09:34

At this point I started hallucinating the last three second timer
