How ICA works | AI ML tutorials by a Data Scientist | Thinking Neuron

How ICA works | AI ML tutorials by a Data Scientist | Thinking Neuron

Thinking Neuron

2 года назад

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@yubrajpandey5048 - 21.03.2024 03:59

You described perfectly. Thank you for making this video. Appreciate it.

@cravitybros7954 - 08.01.2024 13:16

great video, thank you

@ionut.666 - 29.03.2022 13:24

The title of the video is "how ICA works", but you spent most of the time explaining PCA. The ICA explanation takes less than 5 minutes and I believe it does not provide meaningful information since the wikipedia page would take less than 16 minutes to find out how ICA works, including formulas.
