Nondual awakening meditation - letting go, acceptance, surrender

Nondual awakening meditation - letting go, acceptance, surrender

Gary Weber

10 лет назад

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Ana Ta
Ana Ta - 08.04.2023 03:56

Trimah kasih

Christopher Langley
Christopher Langley - 30.12.2022 16:14

Thank you deeply 🙏🏽this came at a time of great turmoil. I will revisit as many times as is needed. Thank you for making these available, wishing you well and that I too will gradually steep myself in stillness.

Nirvana - 21.12.2022 14:24

Gary , can you do one for thoughts? i kept thinking throughout this meditation , i think i need to get a hold of my thoughts first because my constant overthinking does not let me meditate properly

Testa - 25.08.2022 21:03

Induced states are simply a form of self-hypnosis.

Michael McFarlane
Michael McFarlane - 19.07.2021 17:38

I was present to someone I am deeply in love with and cried when I tried to let go. I found saying yes to be helpful in releasing body tension but letting go of my lover will take more work. Very interesting meditation. Thank you.

Kerem - 16.07.2021 12:45

Hi Gary,I've been doing this kind of meditation for a while but didn't know it was "letting go" or acceptance.
I screen all of my body and release if there's any conflict etc.

I wonder if merely releasing muscles and tensions can be counted as letting go and does it work for awakening? I mean should "attachtments" come to the consciousness and I must be aware of them or just releasing muscles without this part works as well?


David Winters
David Winters - 17.04.2021 14:02

hope you are well, please let me know , this stuff is good, but 8 yrs old now,

Callisto Moon
Callisto Moon - 27.02.2021 23:06

Gary you are a wonderful teacher. Thank you so much!

Todd Weinberg
Todd Weinberg - 12.12.2020 06:40

Thank you 🙏🏽

Simply Cece
Simply Cece - 21.07.2020 12:54

What a blessing of presence. I love the essence of surrender. Once I experienced not as a desperation but rather freedom from all of me that had brought me to my knees..again..and again. What bliss to know I was not my false conditioned identification. Thank you

Vivek Oswal
Vivek Oswal - 12.07.2020 06:53

Thank you! There is a beautiful pull towards the music. What is it?

DEEJAY In The UK - 10.07.2020 05:26

Iv been listening tonthis for years, thank you 👍

Tim McDonald
Tim McDonald - 01.07.2020 16:30

Thank you Dr. Weber. I just discovered you (or did we discover each other?) and cannot wait to indulge myself in more. I was also wondering if there is a plan to bring more of your books to an electronic format and/or audio versions? Evolving Beyond Thought is an example of this. I can buy the paperback on Amazon but that is the only format. Thank you once again. Namaste! 🙏

some dude
some dude - 25.04.2020 13:16

This one and "where am I" are the ones that i usually do

Christina Guimond
Christina Guimond - 02.01.2020 03:13

Hi Gary,There was a clear seeing behind the veil about 6 months ago, that lasted about 24 hours. Could see how indescribably blissful it was to be utterly free of the sense of doer-ship. Realized that I had thought all along that I was a 'spiritual seeker', but that was only an appearance. The grace had been coming all along from the Oneness to provide the interest and drive. Could clearly see there never was a duality. Only the appearance of such. Since then, trying to figure out how to stabilize. There have been intermittent periods since where doer-ship again falls away. It feels like ' this is it', it's finished, but then after a few hours, the false sense of doer-ship returns.   Doing about 3 hours of practices, plus inquiry throughout the day, but it feels pretty joyous and effortless.   I noticed you said that surrender is a tactile process, so have been focusing in particular on this. A couple weeks ago, another sincere seeker said to me that the diaphragm is the last place the body holds onto old traumas, and also is the muscle of surrender, and I should focus on addressing this tension. Noticed in the last year that the diaphragm is in fact the only place in my body that I notice any tension whatsoever. On my own, I had started to suspect there was a relationship between the diaphragm and the ego.  Do you have any thoughts about this ( diaphragm + ego) relationship? In the meantime doing some pranayama work on this and noticing improvement regarding tension - and consciously letting it go. Otherwise life has never been better!Many thanks,Chris

Terry Lightfoot
Terry Lightfoot - 12.06.2019 17:07

Hello Gary, thank you for the meditation! Just one question: what are the words you chant at the end?

Louie Atkins-Turkish
Louie Atkins-Turkish - 16.04.2018 03:20

that was beautiful, thank you

somethingness - 17.03.2018 22:33

Thank you. Again.

Ravilochana Dasa
Ravilochana Dasa - 05.03.2018 06:41

Wow! I can feel this meditation helping me in real time.

Amir Giles
Amir Giles - 27.12.2017 11:18

Thank you so much for this, I just did it three times in sequence and found it deeper each time. Gratitude.

Donnell Allan
Donnell Allan - 03.10.2017 06:54

This is extremely helpful for me as I heal from emotional abuse. Thank you very much for providing this.

Christina Guimond
Christina Guimond - 01.08.2017 04:22

Thanks for this meditation. It's been a challenging day, and this was incredibly helpful.

outofthegoldfishbowl etcetera
outofthegoldfishbowl etcetera - 02.03.2017 01:57

thank you very much

Workdove - 15.12.2016 06:12

I had a good cry, and a release. Thank you

Pranava-Miryam Leboffe
Pranava-Miryam Leboffe - 22.06.2016 13:46


Pranava-Miryam Leboffe
Pranava-Miryam Leboffe - 20.06.2016 17:28

Hello Gary thanks for your kind answer. I'm having a look at your work and website and it's all really inspiring and useful. I'm practicing some of your meditation on myself (I'm a Craniosacral Therapist) and I'm finding them useful for fascial release. Really amazing.

Pranava-Miryam Leboffe
Pranava-Miryam Leboffe - 19.06.2016 10:51

Thanks. It is really very helpful.

Dina Dayalan
Dina Dayalan - 27.03.2016 14:38

Your commentary for was excellent and profound sir

somethingness - 25.11.2015 21:59

Thank you for this meditation.

caroline gregory
caroline gregory - 20.09.2015 10:37

good morning Gary. i have downloaded your book and it's a delight, thank you so much! Is this chant in the book? Might you direct me to it? Namaste Gary.

caroline gregory
caroline gregory - 29.04.2015 11:36

Hi Gary, just want to thankyou again for this powerful meditation. I had a break from it, following some new teachings and felt a calling back to it as I embark on some deeper layers. It's just so simple and helpful! All the best to you..

Gary Weber
Gary Weber - 07.10.2013 22:09

Hi beachandbluesky1. The biggest proponent of the "I Am" approach was Nisargadatta, a 20th century nondual master. His "I Am That" is a popular and powerful nondual book. Focusing on "I Am" can displace other concepts and one may abide in that. However, i did not find it useful. Ramana's self-inquiry process directly deconstructs the "I", which IME is a deeper, clearer place. Nis's later teachings are confused on the difference and show there is still an "I" remaining, IMHO.

beachandbluesky1 - 07.10.2013 19:13

Hi Gary, again. Meant to include this question: Since "god" is everywhere, isn't god just as present in noise as in silence? Why is silence "better"? Just wondering.

beachandbluesky1 - 07.10.2013 19:01

Hi Gary. Thanks for your videos. I have a general question regarding traditions that instruct to always stay focused on the "I AM." This sounds self-centered to me. Can you clarify?

Gary Weber
Gary Weber - 04.10.2013 19:15

Hi 9senapati. Great that you found them useful. If you have any videos that you would like to see, meditationally, or otherwise, let me know. stillness.

Gary Weber
Gary Weber - 02.10.2013 16:44

Hi truthadept. IME, past lives, astral bodies, life after death, etc. are not useful in awakening; they are a great distraction. my sense is that what is left of "me' will just dissolve back into Universal Consciousness like a wave into the ocean to form other waves later, or not. Yes, IME, there is definitely consciousness independent of the body. The important "I am not this body" practices lead to a clear recognition of this. See blogpost "Working w/ 'I am not this body'". URL in "About".
