3 Minute Kayn Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

3 Minute Kayn Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

3 Minute League of Legends

1 год назад

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@PHATFISHH - 26.10.2023 21:03

Is this still pretty viable? Ive been wanting to be good with kayn for the longest time i even try him top lane to escape jgl, but from what i hear i can never tell when kayn is in a good or bad state.
With item changes as well i have no clue 😅

@drdreegzer - 28.08.2023 00:12

Lethality red form is surprisingly useful

@Orhansimsekk - 16.08.2023 22:06

I main Kayn and you actually don't need "2 item power spike", as long as you are going for red Kayn, (have had decent ganks) have Goredrinker you are already pretty strong. Also for blue Kayn 'First strike' is okay but I feel like it doesn't give you the value 'Dark Harvest' does. Just wanted to say, love your videos man, keep it up!

@MubarackOsama - 05.08.2023 21:44

Radical larry.

@Velistraee - 04.08.2023 05:20

To be honest, im finding Kayn is Overshadowing Aatrox. As red kayn, he can lifesteal in damage a bit less damage than Aatrox but even to the late game, Kayn has a lot more sustainability if he gets his damage off, and deals a constantly more Damage in both burst and sustained than Aatrox, especially when Aatrox falls off in the mid to late game. I wish Aatrox got either reworked in some ways or was given something more unique than pure lifesteal with no damage.

@BMaheleshM - 01.08.2023 17:21

red kayn is just soraka+aatrox+whatever champ heals themselves

@winemonopoly - 18.07.2023 21:36

Thanks. This deserves way more attention. Simple, straight to the point and well done

@kamilsowka4363 - 07.07.2023 00:36

One of the best blind picks in the game

@darthvader6588 - 12.06.2023 13:34

I learnt something called FFO and its how u prio different stuff:
F - Farm
F - Form
O - Objectoves

@mahiruchan6424 - 24.05.2023 03:48

riot failed to fix tis hero, i jus saw twitch stream red kayn jus kill a 8khp sion with jus lethality build . it jus unbalanced tbh. his ulti jus recover full back hp like wut

@justastefke45 - 18.04.2023 21:36

Watching this and remembering kayn actually being viable (you deal 0 damage before form now)

@ThePitMan69 - 03.02.2023 20:46

Pov: me 3 min before my first ranked Kayn game...

@albeck8523 - 01.12.2022 22:33


@madmustu8391 - 19.11.2022 12:09

Been playing kayn lately appreciate the guide

@cypher991 - 19.11.2022 01:16

Vlad next pls

@Ivoireee - 19.11.2022 00:02

Ayeee! Kayn guide! ❤️ Thanksss
I especially needed some guidance on how to play Rhaast, and this video helped me a lot!

@ponkers963 - 18.11.2022 17:37

Eclipse is good on red kayn as well also on the blue kayn go 3 points in q and then max w

@hugopolstam5301 - 18.11.2022 17:29

Like the new pfp 👍

@AxxxelGR - 18.11.2022 17:14

I like the new logo! Great video! Also I would be happy if Kayn's E would cost LP instead of mana, every time I chase him 😄

@chrisyoung1576 - 18.11.2022 17:13

oh wow He's just released in wild rift

@geeemm135 - 18.11.2022 17:03

are you also going to include the new items into the builds if they are useful?
and as for kayn, i feel like after the red kayn nerf he kinda fell off a good bit, compared to other junglers.. i wonder if he becomes more viable with the new jungle mechanics

toplane playlist:

gragas, singed, nasus, sejuani, aatrox, jax, tahm kench, shen, gnar, malphite, camille, olaf, yone, cho'gath, quinn, sett, wukong, mordekaiser, urgot, tryndamere, graves, renekton, darius, teemo, garen, dr mundo, illaoi, lillia, kled, ornn, vayne, k'sante, sion

midlane playlist:
viktor, annie, zed, veigar, orianna, lissandra, ziggs, ahri, heimerdinger, anivia, vex, malzahar, twisted fate, kassadin, syndra

botlane playlist:
miss fortune, jinx, tristana, nilah, caitlyn, jhin, ezreal, varus

jungle playlist:
volibear, fiddlesticks, pantheon, nocturne, ekko, vi, master yi, shyvana, amumu, hecarim, lee sin, jarvan iv, zac, rek'sai, kha'zix, rammus, trundle, karthus, nunu, kindred, bel'veth, diana, udyr, kayn

support playlist:
zilean, alistar, karma, nami, taric, lulu, ashe, senna, pyke, seraphine, brand, nautlius, rakan, vel'koz, sona, leona, morgana, lux, janna, blitzcrank, thresh, xerath, soraka, swain, rell

@francisfalgui9292 - 18.11.2022 16:56

My fave jungler. I don't pick him but that trick with Smite during R is something I never knew about.

@timothyallen5501 - 18.11.2022 16:33

Great video as always. Few points of clarification - where you said if you don't get the form you want you can change it in 4 minutes, does that mean you have to stay the unevolved base form for 4 minutes?
Also what companion would you recommend? Presumably red?
