Если бы у Ношада была такая же поддержка с трибун, он стал бы номером 1 на ближайшие 5 лет)
ОтветитьВ Иране есть своя китайская стена - Noshad
ОтветитьIran is becoming a big ping nation.
ОтветитьAlhamdulillah Permainan yang sangat bagus.
ОтветитьIf noshad would improve his forehand topspin and smashes too, he will be the world number 1 for sure.
ОтветитьTable Tennis is a very sensitive, game, a little destruction and you are psychologically out of the game. He lost the game when his point was disallowed and he wasn't happy with it.
ОтветитьShingdong is the most sturdy player. Wang seems to loose morale especially when losing
ОтветитьУ иранца потрясающий контроль меча.
ОтветитьЗрители должны проходить тест на iq прежде чем будут допущены до игр. Люди должны учиться дисциплине.
ОтветитьBoth left hand? Wow
Ответитьnoshad is legend
ОтветитьIranian player is a nightmare for WC...🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьTen irański zawodnik jest chlubą dla swojego kraju.
ОтветитьThe serving in this match was a disgrace. Why do the officials let it slide? If this kind of thing is allowed to continue, then stand by for an epidemic of "ball shielding" and cheap service points. Some may think it's skilful and that may be so, but it's still contravening the rules of service. Receivers have little to no chance of reading the spin and have to guess at the characteristics of the incoming ball. This affords the "ball shielding" server a huge advantage (even if the ball is returned). It won't be good for the game if it's not stamped out.
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왕추친은 지옥문앞에서 돌아왔군요😅
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The most spinny serve in the world belongs to Noshad
ОтветитьOne of the very best matches. 🎉🎉🎉 What a performance, especially from the Iranian underdog/player... 🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьThe audience made terrible noise.