Why Are There No Good Non-Google Search Engines?

Why Are There No Good Non-Google Search Engines?

The Linux Cast

3 года назад

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@TheLinuxCast - 13.05.2021 14:44

I'm honestly quite shocked at how many people think DDG is great. I must be holding it wrong or something.

Two examples of why I disagree.

First, searching for the solution to an error I was getting in Xmonad. Using the exact text of the error. No usable result on 2 pages of DDG. First result of Google was the solution.

Second. Searching for a story I had read ages ago. Same search query, no result at DDG, was on the first page of Google.

These are just two of many examples of DDG failing me. So idk why it works for everyone else. Maybe y'all are just .more willing to over look when the results are bad.

@Joanyan - 22.10.2023 03:58

why is it so difficult for me to use a search engine that indexes websites for my actual search query

@blynkers1411 - 25.06.2023 14:49

"Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other." - Al Bundy

@picollojr9009 - 28.02.2023 14:12

Duckduckgo became exactly like google. Internet is not so free as it used to be, it seems.

@briellehunter7233 - 15.02.2023 02:12

They all suck especially Google

@JacobthePoshPotato - 10.12.2022 06:31

Google is shit now.

@lukechert6418 - 17.08.2022 19:02

Google stopped being a "search engine" a very long time ago. As soon as they gathered enough data about users it was no longer necessary to deploy the resources necessary to maintain such a thing. It is much more profitable to create the illusion of World-Wide-Web than try to build out and maintain such a colossus. Most people are happy with the results they get from Google because THIS is what they aim at. This is obvious with a quick test by attempting identical searches, with and without your digital identity attached to the search. The typical user is frustrated with the results of an actual search because they have grown so accustomed to the result-matching activity which has been using a lifetime of their personal data to deliver entertainment instead of information.

@unagisama5476 - 17.02.2022 22:51

Geez DDG sucks, it really sucks and gotten worse compared to back then when it started as a decent search engine doing it's job. Now their ONLY selling point is the illusion of 'privacy'. Since they've scammed their way for mainstream attention, they're behaving as bad as Google.. bunch of hypocrites. Utter useless search engine..Only handful of bias hits, search filters don't work, and too few image results, often no image results at all.. horrible .. and they only focus on expanding product line .. what utter nonsense. This behavior is why we hate Google in the first place.. it's like the same sensitive hipster crowd now work at DDG. Let's hope for another alternative to hypocrite DDG.

@heroe1486 - 16.10.2021 23:16

DDG doesn't even show you the last updated time of a given page, which makes unusable for certain things where date matters

@nowheretosit - 04.07.2021 11:13

Any list of alternative search engines should include Result Hunter. I use it almost exclusively.

@nonetaken7873 - 02.07.2021 08:53

Talking about "privacy" as the problem with Google is almost misdirection. The real problem is censorship. Without censorship the privacy problem goes away by itself.

@aarvin1 - 25.05.2021 05:33

Google sucks balls ... If with all the data in the world it gives us results filled with stupid blogs filled affiliate links then they are retarded.

Today itself I wanted to buy a song and I spent more than 30 minutes to search and couldn't find 1 place to get it. 👎👎

@willieiso118 - 15.05.2021 07:00

Qwant, Startpage are two more that I like.... i have never really fallen in with the USA based NSA trolled sites like google, ddg or bing...

@AliensInc. - 13.05.2021 20:43

I moved from google to duck about a year ago, never back to google.
I find my datasheets that I need in duck so....

@AnalyticMinded - 13.05.2021 17:24

I've been using DDG for a few years now, and I think it does a fine job. I agree that some searches yield poor results (e.g. some obscure Linux-related error), and in such rare cases I do switch to Google... but I feel dirty doing it! For the most part, though, I feel the interface is cleaner and the search results more "organic" and less bloated with ads (although, to be honest, I use uBlock). But even if DDG is not quite "there", we will never take Google down if we expect perfection!

@russellrussell5495 - 13.05.2021 17:07

I loathe Google. But every other search engine is rubbish. Gmail is awesome. I can live without Google maps and Google calendar. And I do.

@LaPage - 13.05.2021 14:53

Stop submitting to Google. Just use other services. The more you use any the better they get. This willing enslavement to tech is ridiculous.

@alphabennyrosy5068 - 13.05.2021 13:41

I like ddg and I am happy for the most part with the search results😁.

@rjfossilsauce5387 - 13.05.2021 11:52

I use Ecosia. The results are from Bing... but I might as well help plant trees whilst not using Google.

@TheRealFrankWizza - 13.05.2021 10:49

I have been using duck duck go for about a year now. The reason google search is so good is because over time, you trained yourself to use it. The trick with duck duck go, is to change the way you query.

Duck duck go will offer you more accurate news results. Google uses all their data to manipulate the news results, and push companies that pay them to the top.

@voidspawn2351 - 13.05.2021 10:23

DDG is great, if you learn what to search with ("words"), Google look at what you type in and try to find a context for the search and match that with a context that they build with a AI,
Google is not a Search engine any more as we know them, and the way they made the group of contexts, (lak of better words) , is by grouping people with the same backgrounds,
and group the sites to together with tags/context, and because they spy on us all, they got all the stuff needed,

just think about what they get from reading all your mail in Gmail...

the way forward for DDG is server power, they need to Index not only the sites and the content, but also what are the site for, cooking, html devs, fishing, etc, and rank them as what is must useful for the users, Google get this data, by redirect the links by google them self before to the site you click.(and they use JS in some cases without the redirect)

so what can we do, if DDG made a program that we can run to help them, then we all can be the "server power" they need, and this will help with the ranking, they can do the redirect too but as opt-in ??, they can make a browser ext. that can be used to "like" or "dislike" the current page, maybe with the option to add tags for the page, maybe some way we can review the tags that other add to validate, of course without names or any thing like that.

there is a lot more that can be done, i don't got the time to help build any of this, but i hope someone do.

@mntmnt3108 - 13.05.2021 10:10

are we using the same ddg?

@mvcvalli237 - 13.05.2021 09:49

“DuckDuckGo sucks” I strongly disagree.

@themroc8231 - 13.05.2021 07:19

I disagree. Also Google block most warez search results, while DDG doesn' t. Arguably because they don' t have he technical means to.

@reesericdotci - 13.05.2021 06:48

Startpage? Also, I like DDG because I've gotten really good at specific keyword searching so DDG gives me better results most of the time.

@RandyHanley - 13.05.2021 06:44

Very good points. Google does have all the data. It really terrifies me.
