Inheritance issues with siblings | family dispute over property

Inheritance issues with siblings | family dispute over property

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@RaulGarcia-tq2ll - 19.11.2023 21:19

My adult neice has power of attorney over my ederlymom! Sold my mom's home and moved her into her home. And convinced my mom no long after to dishierted all her adult kids and leave $285,000 dollars to her on their joint bank account leaving my greedy neice as beneficiary! (Mrs Garcia) wife of Raul it can get really stressful and expensive to challenge a will?

@claudeyaz - 12.11.2023 03:12

Seems like a lot of people are employed by these types of conflicts, why would we ever fix the cultural flaw that is at the root of these issues in family relationships, if these rifts in a family, are so profitable?

@brettlee6325 - 02.11.2023 18:00

Sadly we live in a day in which elder abuse and manipulation of old people is common. .love bombing to gain inheritance is sadly a common tactic used by some. Others use fear tactics such as "everyone else will put you in a home and get rid of your things" as a way to scaring elderly into giving them control of finances etc.

So sad! Consciences are too easily seared for financial gain

@joannthomases9304 - 14.10.2023 08:27

There should have been the a satisfaction listed at the you all know anything of that ? It's usually worth quite a looooot !!! Add that to your all's list of full disclosures on securities..accumulated !!! They would have been quite amazed !!! Hope you all get up on that for Many never are told a thing !!!!

@sinaradebe1988 - 13.10.2023 09:51

Thank you for the video my late husband was divorced and had 4 children in that marriage and I had 1 and before marriage he had also 1 child now the ex has passed on before their divorce distribution of their merital home of which the 4 children are staying now since my husband has also passed on and there was no will the 4children dont want to share the house with the other 2 children and they dont want to buy them out the total novof children is 6 amd I have also a share of the 50% of my late husband in that house

@user-vj4xz8hf4e - 27.09.2023 01:06

Cute how the sister didnt make a peep until the dad died

@HydrogenAgent129 - 19.09.2023 16:49

I really need help please.

@user-ue3rh6hv8l - 14.09.2023 21:44

What happens if a sibling got ownership of the house but the father put in the will if the sibling that got the house ever sells it the other sibling is to get half if the house was sold. How does the non owner get his half of the money. It was stated in the Will in good faith the owner pays half to the other sibling. Thanks any info will help

@jcamellion - 07.09.2023 16:27

A passed away first before B. Real property owned as joint tenancy in CA. No Affidavit of death was submitted to remove A from title when B was alive. No wills. Before starting the probate for B do I need to first submit the Affidavit of death for A to clear the title to have only B on the title? Or is Affidavit of death even necessary at this point to probate?

@johnjackson8899 - 02.09.2023 22:58

Happened in my family after my father's death. My sister got mad because I wanted current property price assessments done to determine value, my sister wanted to use old ones , and she fot mad at me when that meant she had to pay me much more money. She even unfriended me on Facebook and a year later didn't invite me to my niece's wedding. Sad but that was her issue.

@AlanJas-ut6ym - 27.08.2023 03:33

Excellent & informative video

@kittykat1124 - 22.08.2023 20:44

What happens when Mom makes it clear not to sell the house and left explicit instructions with no Will.
I took care of my Mom throughout her illness. The other siblings who all have their own home are trying to make me sell the house ( which has been put in me and my sisters name by power of attorney ) neither of us owned a house) instead of followimg her request to sell land property and deed it to them. (She told me if they give me any problems to sell the land and divide it between them (4)
It is unbelievable how greedy and selfish they are being.
They wanted to sell the property while she was in the hospital. Sad shame. One of my siblings wanted to sell the house with her living in the house.

@fishon1380 - 13.08.2023 16:47

My dads house was in both mine and my sister,we took our name off so he could refinance,my sister and her bf killed my dad and just before he died she had my dad quick deed it to her. He didnt die poor or broke. But all I was left was 50 1 dollar bill ,a belt buckle that says chris. And 3 bottles of sample cologne left on the freezer in garage. Je died 3 months ago i dont even know cause of death but my sister and her bf need to be investigated cause just how everything happened to fast to not be suspicious,help me! He died in utah ,i live in az.

@danawalker4540 - 05.08.2023 22:31

I am the executive of the will and the only getting the property, but my siblings who was not in the will sold her non existing share. How was this possible and i have to get a lawyer.

@Brickboy2Pacbbc223 - 26.07.2023 05:30

I think my family stole money from me a inheritance or will can somebody send me information about it if you know

@venusjones6783 - 12.07.2023 22:06

my first cousin passed away i took care of him did everything . His kids didn't come see him and one son left him in the street with no wheres to go. So i took him took care of him. He passed away left insurance policy for me and his kids executor of nothing cause he had nothing. But when i requested a letter to release medical record because that's what the insurance company asked for they won't give it to me and now its over a year now that i haven't been able to get the benefits because they won't give me what i need.

@Alan-io2ew - 11.07.2023 22:42

When my wife passed away her brother who never contacted her sister for years, even though she tried to keep in touch, phones me up and tells me we need to come to an amicable agreement over the assets. Not one word of condolence for my loss, and he ended up getting half, even though he had a copy of a will she had made,, and never let on about it.(I didn't have a copy) leaving him 50k and the rest to me.He lied that there was no will, and I had to sell the house to pay him off, He now lives in a foreign country in a luxury villa, where I can't do anything about it,and I'm struggling to make ends meet,since I got stuck with lots of back taxes and expenses on my wife;s properties.

@yoelquilates - 30.06.2023 01:56

thanks Kim!

@geraldthomas6274 - 27.06.2023 04:02

My advice it to try solving it between yourselves as it will get bad for both parties, the Solicitors or Attorneys always win, both side the cost can be very high both parties can lose everything if case goes 50/50

@ButcherBird-FW190D - 05.06.2023 07:09

"Mom" pretty much put what little she had in my brother's name (let's call him "Prodigal"). No will, and not everything was in his name, there were a few odds and ends that I could have argued for. Yeah... Decade after decade of jacking around, smoking pot, laughing his way through life. So Mom pretty much knew I would be fine, so everything went to Prodigal. And that's fine, he wasted it all anyway. Then wound up literally crawling on his knees, crying, and begging for me to cover his way through life. All I could do was say "Stand up and at least try to act like a man." But, yep. "I don't want a thing, you keep it all." Greatest thing I ever said and did. As an aside, haven't spoken with my brother in four years now. Once Mom passed, I wanted nothing to do with him.

@MrSam500 - 04.06.2023 02:21

Have a sister who in 1992 was the executrix of our older sister's will but she refused to show the family the will. In 2011 our mother passed, and it turns out same sister was trustee of Mom's revocable living trust, but it took me writing her a letter requesting a copy of will (reason? past behavior with will) and cc'ing said letter to other siblings to get her to reveal that mom in fact had a trust and sis was trustee, but who, in a separate, personal response to me, stated she was under no obligation to show anybody a copy of the trust. Turns out sis had previously acquired power of attorney from Mom. We can pick our friends, we can't pick our family.

@pennyusa8514 - 01.06.2023 13:53

So my Mom passed away 14 years ago all that's left is a car well my sister is greedy and wants all the money from the car even though in my Moms will the car should have been sold and trust funds were supposed to be set up for the grandchildren.
My sister had the car in her garage because she wouldn't let my brother or I to store it she is going for storage fees and claims insurance money which i dont know she did that with no title.
Her lawyer is a personal friend we are going in front of the judge today.
My sister has told me many times my brother's kids are getting nothing like that's her decision im sick to my stomach. We agree the car should have been sold just not by her.
Any advice is Welcomed

@warriorwaymusic6966 - 08.03.2023 23:32

sibling who was living in mothers house when she passed refuses to leave, they havent paid for anything and they are one of four of us.... there are debts that need settled and the house will probably only pay a portion of her debts... do you have a video on this kind of issue?

@MyTechniqueWorks - 01.03.2023 22:18

This has happened with me but back in India. I lost my inheritance by my own siblings by fraud tried to go to court but couldn't prove it. So I decided to get up on my own feet and show them that I can earn more then them. I got a very good paying job (engineer) a business which is running good, house paid off, nice car and I pray to God whoever is going through this may it come to ease with you. I know it is very difficult.

@sweetness1992 - 22.02.2023 23:45

When families don't get along there is a will involved 🥰 hope this helps. My family took me off an I never felt so free 🥰

@frogwiz9055 - 16.02.2023 18:47

After reading these comments, it makes me so glad that my parents don't own a house and will literally have nothing to leave their 4 kids. Problem solved 😂.

It baffles me how two people working so hard to make a good life is the very thing that will end up potentially dividing their offspring. Maybe not reproducing is the answer 😂.

My wife is one of 5, and her parents will be leaving behind lots of things of value. Can't wait to see how that turns out! I'll be taking a one way ticket to the Bahamas waiting for it to pan out lmao. The level of entitlement that people can have is seriously disturbing.

@charlesfoster7693 - 13.02.2023 17:00

Kim. my mom married her husband who had inheritance in land with many of his family members left by the grandad. is my mom entitled to any heir in the property? she has been living on the land since marriage for 40 years. the location is in NC.

@blacklizzywith56and9 - 09.02.2023 17:48

Why is it in Missouri nobody does cares about the inheritance laws or probate laws or retirement lost they stole everything was fraud and the silent treatment nothing was reported to me on the oldest are a single man who had three Ex-Wives and two of them was involved and one of them demanded money but she was related to my brother and he was the one bad trusted and then he told me in the end the last conversation he didn't trust him because he found out that he could not trust my sister and my sister and him they were driving him to Illinois for a state bloodline Mall laws that Missouri didn't have his dad was inherited money in Illinois but he lived in Missouri this are left out in the dark horse the song titles my brother said he was doing his own probate there's a probate listing to where the judge in a small town in Savannah Missouri makes it look like it's been closed ProVet whatever done now what about this or very large estate and many people and authorities have put their hands in it London pockets preachers two of them one being a prosecutor but the other one laundered money and picklesthey'll did this out of spite and hate my mother be in the heart of it the first ex-wife didn't want me to have a feeling she has been a hater of me on my life I'm the oldest daughter she is my bloodline but I don't know why she hates me she's still back stabbed me I'm 64 years old she's the one that wanted them to do that since you've manipulated along with my sister Pamela who stole from me and possibly some of the other siblings with their friendship to mister Stevenson being 20 years then why have not the state can't do something because authority figures were involved that's what I was told by the attorney general who was supposed to do for baked recovery

@Nepthu - 03.02.2023 07:23

In my extended family, people recently learned that my elderly aunt plans to leave her home to her younger brother. It's in her will. The two have shared a duplex for nearly two decades. However, my aunt's other siblings keep hinting how unfair this decision is and want to see the property sold with all four remaining siblings getting an equal share. My uncle feels he deserves the home as he has paid his sister rent for years, and the aunt in question has said their other siblings own their own properties, so they won't need a place to live anyway. However, family comments about him "not deserving" the home have started a rift. My uncle is especially upset because his elder sister who owns the house is still living, so this shouldn't be discussed. Any advice?

@Dorothylittlefield - 27.01.2023 09:38

I know law may differ but I have a home my mother gave me all heirs know she gave it to me 1 of my siblings will not sign
I went to court and all other heir except sibling defaulted
I paid the delinquite taxes with a grant
Had house re appraised and want sibling to sale or sign
I was my mother's care giver 5 years prior and had to quit my job ( bo regrets) to take care of her
How can I get greedy sister out of the picture
I am on tax paper but not on the deed

@chadbailey189 - 15.01.2023 16:32

have a very suspicious case, my wife father passed away not long ago, his will was changed 3 weeks before his passing , his girlfriend of 4 years clams lion share of his money almost 400k. my wife get nothing!! but kids get a really good amount in a trust but not much combined, , not to be used until age 25. can I see old will with a probate lawyer and compare !? fight it!?what should we do !? dose this happen alot!? of that 3 weeks after will signed, he was in hospital at leat a week and bed bound at home in pain

@strongcrosby - 07.01.2023 19:58

I realized when I was young that people are petty and stupid when a family member dies. My mom's older brother convinced my grandma to remove all his other siblings from her will. They got everything, bought an RV and moved to Arizona. Hopefully they get what they deserve.

@dianedomina1069 - 04.01.2023 01:06

My sister and I are co-trustees of my father's estate. Regarding his primary residence, I wanted to sell it and split the proceeds but my sister has several son's that struggle financially so she said she was going to allow one of them to reside in the property. I wasn't too happy but I allowed it. A year later I wanted my inheritance but my sister refused to buy me out and says she will sell the property on her time line. I hired a real estate attorney and he wrote up a settlement agreement, sent it to her and she rejected it saying the estate owed her for the 15 months of living expenses that she paid while her son lived in the property (mortgage, taxes, utilities). A mediator has reached out several times and she has not responded. We are at a stalemate. How do I get her to either sell or buy me out?

@lumberpilot - 03.01.2023 15:42

Five siblings just won a legal dispute with one sibling who is obviously being used by her husband who is much younger. Now we, the winners have been appointed a "commissioner" to sell the property to be divided equally among all siblings. The husband wanted a full half. However, the whole reason we went to court was to NOT sell the property and to keep it in the family. Going to meet the "commissioner" in 2 days and not sure what are the options?

@RickR-er5kq - 15.12.2022 21:55

How can you locate a will if your sibling is hiding it from you ??

@vidyashautecuisine720 - 08.12.2022 05:46

My dad expired 10 years ago and my unmarried brother made both us sisters to sign a will that we both dont have share in the property (a house and a factory worth 5 crores). He said that he would sell the peoperty and invest in some business and make 4 incomes (my mom, sis, me and himself). It has been 10 years now and he has not given me a single penny out of that income (he has let out the factory on rent). Now he is trying to sell the property and asking for our signatures stating that we dont have any share in the property . He says that he will give us 25 lakhs each when the property is sold, but first we have to sign the will, in which this share of 25 lakhs is not mentioned. should i sign the will or not.

@mirez27 - 19.11.2022 20:26

out of 7 siblings, my dad is the only sibling in his family that did not receive land inheritance. the worst thing is his siblings kept it from him. he did not have any idea that his siblings divided the land and did not give him his share. I talk to an attorney friend about and the told me that it was mandatory that my dad gets a share of the land and the fact that his sibling were able to execute the transaction meant that his signature has been falsified to make it look like the transaction was legal

@karynbanksley7110 - 15.11.2022 06:45

My mom is 80 years old and me and my 52 year old brother are her only two kids. My brother lives out of state, but I live 15 minutes from her. She has a living trust and put me down as the executrix and my brother is listed secondary & would take over that duty if I passed away. Now he is trying to convince Mom to remove me and put him as the executor. Something in my spirit is churning about that. Why? Because he only comes to see her once a year for no more than 3–4 days and usually 2 of those days are partially consumed by him driving in, and then driving home. Lots of that time, he is gone catching up with his friends and does not spend much of that time with her. He has plenty of time to come see her more than once a year, and for a longer period of time than just a few days, especially if he’s going to be gone much of that time catching up with his friends. I say this because he only has to work part time, and money & free time is no problem for him because he has no spouse (never married,) no pets, & no kids, & is frequently traveling all over the US and out of the country for pleasure. And many of his pleasure trips last for a week or more. The 7 hour drive to see her, is not an excuse because he does long drives out of state for his pleasure trips. She has not seen him on Thanksgiving, her birthday, or Mother’s Day for decades, so it seems to me that he only comes to see her at Christmas & only for a few days as an obligation, rather than out of a true desire to spend time with her. His lifestyle/morals are opposite mine and hers which is another concern. These are the reasons that I have great difficulty trusting that he would have her best interest at heart in how he handled her money, her healthcare, & her quality of life. My gut instinct is that this would turn out badly for her if I was given no say so at all in the trust duties, & in how her financial matters were handled while she’s living.
Does anyone know if it would work out with him and me being in different states if she were to have her living trust rewritten to have us listed as co-executors to where we both had equal say so in her financial matters and healthcare? I would feel much more comfortable doing it that way, rather than him being given total control, because I do not see him as having a close relationship with her to have her best interest at heart. He is good with finances, but he’s never taken care of anyone except himself, not even a pet!
I welcome input, especially from anyone who has gone through a similar situation with a similar type of sibling.

@DrGonzo-dr1dw - 02.11.2022 11:49

So I'm enrolling in school and it's assuming I have an 1065 or k1 or something, only thing I can think is my GMA passed and left her estate etc to my aunt and my mother, unfortunately my mother passed shortly after so idk what happened to her share, if it went to my sis and she cut me out but I'm confused and dont know how to proceed.

@nidasalvador3996 - 28.10.2022 09:30

Thanks to say like that

@MsFLsunshine813 - 27.10.2022 19:36

Hi Kim! I was given 50% of my Aunt's home along with my uncle. My other Aunt and uncle(50% owner) have hired a Probate attorney and have not disclosed any of the contact information or details of their conversations. I feel they are trying to exclude me! What advice can you give me so that I'm not taken advantage of?

@CocoPink44 - 07.10.2022 04:35

I have a situation where there are 4 siblings. I am one of them. My parents house is paid for and worth 450,000. My brother is living in it and won't move out. He is 62 and doesn't work. He drinks hard liquor daily. He sold a lot of things and pocketed the money including a car and all jewelry that was suppose to be given to a piece to me and one to my other sister. They are gone and we will never get them back. One of my sisters is trying to talk to him to get the home sold and approcahs him kindly and he starts calling her names. I feel like there is literally nothing we can do and he is very combative and the name calling is off the charts. We just want to get the home sold and split it 4 ways. Its listed in all 4 our names at the county. I don't even have a key to the home but my other sister does. I don't even feel its safe for me to go over to the home. I would like to get my portion for the benefit of myself and my family and that is what my sister wants too.

@juanitablanco2198 - 05.10.2022 01:35

Can you please help me to resolve the problem I do have my boyfriend's passway leaving as the beneficiary on fidelity but I am not able to get a dead certificate his family will not let me have one?
Fidelity is not providing a letter to prove that I am the beneficiary.
No lawyers want to take my case.

What should I do?

@mrsaimeeturner6649 - 15.09.2022 18:54

Quick update...thought things were on track with my aunt. Then received notification that she and the probate attorney parted ways. She says it was because they were forcing her to use them to sell my grandfather's home and demanded she not use the real estate agent she had hired. She informed me that she hired a new attorney but the court says they have no filings with new council. Ladt night she had the Estate sale and apparently stated she was giving my grandfather's 4wheeler to her grandsons. Can she do that? I am back to feeling really suspicious, esp with no lawyer now?

@Somuchfalsehistory - 07.09.2022 17:17

My brother lied to my elderly Mother told her that putting house title half in his name was for escrow and save money when she passes away. So at this time I don't think she even realized he is really 1/2 owner what can I do my other brother doesn't know what was done and I found out 6 months ago just don't know what to do the brother 1/2 owner has a wife that drug my mother all over during pandemic and after she had gotten out of the hospital from us almost loosing my my mom the sister in-law even lied and said she was her daughter.
Any advice?

@lindanorris2455 - 29.08.2022 04:54


@cloud8315 - 21.08.2022 06:00

My parents do not have a will. I am the oldest child and I am their life insurance beneficiary. I do not speak to my 3 youngest siblings. I do not want to deal with them when my parents pass so I'm strongly considering asking my parents to remove me as a beneficiary. I did not help build what my parents have so I don't feel entitled to any of it. I'd rather let them fight over it than drag me into that fight. I wish you ALL well as you deal with your own messes✌🏼

@JasonWockenfuss - 21.08.2022 01:50

I rather give them nothing

@saimaanisshaikh7487 - 14.08.2022 18:02

I live in Toronto, Ontario. Canada. I think some of the general laws are the same in U.S.A and Canada.
