We Don't Want Children. - Childfree Marriage

We Don't Want Children. - Childfree Marriage

Vanessa and Xander Marin

3 года назад

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@jacquelinewood5023 - 20.11.2023 21:38

I just found this video and it has given me such a sense of relief that I have been desperate to find. The way that the two of you explain your reasons for not wanting children as far as to simply say, you lack the desire to have a baby, has supported every feeling that I have in a loving, understanding, and empathetic way. I have struggled with this feeling of needing to have a solid decision, but feeling conflicted, because even though I feel I do not want children, I am terrified and saddened by the decision, which therefore makes me question the choice I’ve made for myself. Thank you both so much for putting this in such an empathetic and enlightening way! You have done so much for me in this 17 minute video compared to the sessions I’ve had in counseling trying to figure this out.

@gregoryames - 28.09.2023 06:46

I have long ago made the decision that I do not want kids I just could not take the responsibility of being a father and ime not interested in having kids they do not excite me or make me happy if I one day find true love I have made the decision to be in a childless relationship

@666jaybird666 - 19.08.2023 05:18

I am a proud familly man with two children. A childless married woman at my office bragged about how her and her husband have time to watch the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy................Is that freedom?

@nessparadis6948 - 30.07.2023 06:14

This was a fantastic and thorough video! I enjoyed it.

@passivelyasking4825 - 25.07.2023 18:47

Kids would severly cut into the 3 most important aspects of my life. My time, my money, and my physical appearance. Call it selfish or superficial I don't particularly care. Im living my best life cause I only get one.

@ClearBlueSky1 - 18.07.2023 09:20

Very very recently decided to be CF and so relieved to see such amazing videos talking about it !
Thank you so much for sharing something that makes you guys feel vulnerable but definitely needs to be said !
Much love to you guys ❤

@beautyintheskies - 12.07.2023 19:49

We had the opposite experience. Neither of us wanted kids and it was a major reason we got married. We are now trying to conceive. Go figure.

@noneofyourbusiness808 - 28.04.2023 18:48

I know this vid is a few years old now but not many videos touch on the negatives of this decision. I feel bad that my parents wont become grandparents (from me) and that my only sibling, younger brother, has also expressed no desire for marriage or kids. My dad in particular would be a great grandparent and my mom has been begging for grandkids since I've been married (13 years and counting).

Also now that we're in our mid-thirties, the last few friend-couples of ours are starting to get married and/or have kids of their own. My best friend just got engaged and her husband-to-be loves kids, so I expect to hear that announcement eventually. My husband and I are fortunate to be introverted homebodies so the loneliness aspect doesn't affect us much, but I have definitely felt that I don't fit in and that people question my decision. My husband has never been pressured for not having kids, but people look at me funny.

I just have no desire to be a parent myself and I truly see children as end to my carefree life and freedom. My husband also likes the idea of parenthood less than I do and we're happy with how things are. We can actually retire early if we want, we regularly go on vacations and random day and roadtrips because we're not tied down by kids, we can splurge on ourselves, we have time and space and money to explore new hobbies or indulge in whatever activities strike our fancy. My husband has a budding guitar collection (this is the extent of his materialistic wants) and I have a million books, documentaries and podcasts I get to enjoy.

@anavaleria8443 - 18.04.2023 04:08

Thank you so much for sharing this. I find myself nodding and agreeing with everything tha was being said. Especily loved the part where you guys share all the things you'are gonna be missing out. Really vulnerable and sweet ❤

@Deep18885 - 01.04.2023 15:30

People like to invade in other privacy..

@IWANTTOEATYOURPANCREAS-md2nm - 11.03.2023 08:18

Child-free couples are BEST !

@kjellfrode - 05.03.2023 02:55

I have the impression that it is easier to choose a life without children if you are European like me, if you are American then the pressure is much higher from family and friends that you have to get married and have children.

@peacehappyb237 - 01.03.2023 20:32

I enjoy babies but not so much kids.

@el-hp1lj - 26.02.2023 03:01

People need to stop feeling pressured to have children if deep down you do not desire having them. don't have children! stop worrying about what other people think and live YOUR life YOUR way.

@chriswftdj - 28.01.2023 17:08

So refreshing

@maechellequindo6849 - 17.01.2023 06:43

I know that I would love to have my own little one but Ive seen how TTC has break women's hearts. It broke mine too.
Im someone who believes in God and realizes that it's up to Him to decide if He shall give us our own child.
I shall decide to see the bright side of being childfree and the examples you've mentioned were my own thoughts too.
I just want to let go of the desperation of having one. Whatever will be, will be.

@finncollins5696 - 09.01.2023 07:44

you use abortion, right???? to kill your babies. okay. got it.........

@finncollins5696 - 09.01.2023 07:43

your marriage is just of lust and sex. not true value or love.
lmao. what is the use of marriage without kids.
lmao. this is another proof that western society is falling. poor westerners.
"If you dont want to have kids, that's awesome"??????
how crazy this man is? you child murderers.
lmao. calling dogs "kids", but killing human babies........

@finncollins5696 - 09.01.2023 07:37

killing babies through abortion. you murderers..

@AP-mz5tb - 21.09.2022 21:53

You’ll always have doubts, even during the pregnancy and when kids are growing up, but plusses are bigger than minuses

@AP-mz5tb - 21.09.2022 20:45

Aww you guys are missing out :/ you might regret later when it’s too late

@ashley_brown6106 - 07.09.2022 18:03

For me the main reason for not wanting kids is I already love my future (possible) kids too much to bring them into this (less than perfect) world. And i know this sounds counter intuitive but I just can't bring myself to birth my babies into a cruel, harsh world where 9 out of 10 people will not have good intentions. I suffered so much from people that took advantage of me and almost ruined my life, even though my parents did their ABSOLUTE BEST to protect me. The truth is, this world is a jungle and no matter how much you try to protect your kid someone could harass them, rape them, gaslight them, bully them, beat them up or even kill them. I'm not gonna birth "new meat" for the predators of this world to feast on. I just can't risk it. I love my angels too much to see them suffer, I know it would drive me insane if anything happened to them. And let's face it, most people are not happy, they're actually miserable. What are the chances MY kids will be the exception? Life is just too hard and too cruel. Bringing an innocent soul into this world is just so irresponsible and selfish imo...

@igorbuttos9044 - 24.08.2022 15:12

The guy seems kind of beta, and gay, and the lady is clearly a domineering extrovert.

@igorbuttos9044 - 24.08.2022 14:56

Wow, white liberals, obsessed with sex, who DONT WANT KIDS! What a shock.

@rosiemackenzie5976 - 16.08.2022 01:20

In the west the child population, births is actually decreasing. Not saying this is a reason to have children just want you to be aware of that. I have no children and I would say the number one reason now is, who wants to bring children into this F up world? There are many reasons why I decided to not have children. It is amazing how people will think you are quiet normal until they realise you don't have children and they they try and convince you of all the reasons you should have children. I can't help wondering if some of them are quietly jealous of the time, resources and energy and life my husband and I enjoy without children.

@SteveB2175 - 15.08.2022 00:00

I grew up in an abusive home and my childhood was terrible. I don't want to have anything to do with having a child. I can't imagine a happy childhood. I don't want to be reminded of my early years, and I don't want the responsibility of bringing a life into this world.

@frankpasini4304 - 13.08.2022 16:21

Suppose an accident happened and you got pregnant? I am sure an abortion would be out of the question. How would the both of you feel about being parents?

@cak8132 - 12.08.2022 18:54

It’s none of anybody’s business if you have kids or not. That’s totally up to the couple. I’d much rather see people make a conscious decision not to have kids than to cave in and have children because they think it’s “expected” of them. I knew in my early 20s I didn’t want kids. I’m much older than that now and I’ve never regretted that decision.

@chinuainvayi - 12.08.2022 05:47

You can always adopt when you feel that you want to have a kid! Love how understanding you guys are

@andreavarano7297 - 12.08.2022 00:15

Thank you for being vulnerable to share.

@jeanmontinat1681 - 11.08.2022 22:09

Kids will bankrupt you don't do it !!!

@PatelinPERTH - 10.08.2022 19:34

💯 Agree. TBH it is hard to find the woman who don’t want kids!!

@HungerSTR1KE - 05.08.2022 22:05

I don't judge you. How you lead your life is your business, not mine! My husband and I don't have kids either. I find it the height of arrogance that some people take issue with those who are child-free by choice. It's about as useful as discriminating against someone born with red hair vs. brown hair. Some people want kids. Some don't. Get over it. Nobody ever walked up to a person with red hair and gang-pressed them to dye their hair brown. That's about what it feels like to me. Forced compliance with a cultural norm doesn't help anyone in society, least of all kids that grow up unwanted.

@Nina-oi1qk - 03.08.2022 21:02

Most people with kids are too busy to care that you don't have kids ...so don't worry about judgement. Live and let live.

@oceania4681 - 02.08.2022 14:40

It’s not your main purpose in life to get educated and then give it all up to raise a kid

@oceania4681 - 22.07.2022 07:06

Good choice! Godspeed

@christianfournier6356 - 21.07.2022 23:15

I know a man who has a job he’s not fully satisfied with, a hostile home life and no real direction. And now he’s expecting an unplanned child. I would call that far more immature than choosing a child free life.

@thiswomancan820 - 21.07.2022 10:38

Appreciate u guys

@lonniestephens6254 - 01.07.2022 07:35

There had a certain number of married husbands & wives without children.

@jonathann5205 - 29.06.2022 15:02

Much respect! Having children has nothing to do with not being lonely or taken care of later in life. I really admire people who are authentically psychologically independent.

@MosesShabalala - 20.06.2022 03:02

I know an old lady that chose to be child free with her husband, she's is about 85 maybe but she said her husband died 4 years ago. I was so sad seeing her alone 😔 frail and old, no kids no grandchildren.

@taylorreneeyt - 01.06.2022 17:14

You hit it on the head with “every child deserves to be deeply wanted.” My boyfriend has a daughter and we don’t want any more children! You wouldn’t believe how many people try to convince me I will want some “of my own”. It seems weird to people that I just simply don’t have the desire! But that’s really the only reason I need.

@phumimthimkhulu8330 - 28.05.2022 08:15

Hi, I'm a single woman and I chose not to have kids in africa, were by the society / tradition expect you to have a child. I'm grateful for your video. Thank you

@andreeadutzu3857 - 26.05.2022 11:03

I respect the maturity and inteligence you have to realize what you want, your otonomy and courage to say it out loud 👍 the same time interesting how the reason for not are so logical and on the other hand why you could do it reasons are out of logic 🤦🏻‍♀️

@fatihanusrat5584 - 14.05.2022 17:28

This is incredibly beautiful. Thanks for sharing it!

@freespirithippie6857 - 10.05.2022 16:08

Looking back, I am soooooo glad I didn't bring a child into this world. I've found better things with my time.
