Pure gold ❤
ОтветитьDankjewel Gert
ОтветитьPure ❤
ОтветитьThat is awesome ❤❤❤
ОтветитьI watched the entire video. It has valuable information from beginning to end. Thanks so much!!! This is awesome information. Thank you both for sharing🫶💙🌊
ОтветитьA wonderful seminar and a great work. Congratulations, Gert, on this success, and thanks to Stig Severinsen for his deep and precise explanations.
ОтветитьWow. Lucky me to come across this gem. Thank you for this amazing, and informative interview
ОтветитьThese are great tips and they are important. Realizing that it is a matter not to stress the nervous system and take it easy. Tak til Stig :)
ОтветитьI’ve been until the end and checked out Stig Severinson’s curriculum. I did not know his background. He is a great champion (better than Wim 😂).., Anyway. Gert, Stig and I are the same generation. I was born November 18th 1972. I am special educator by training. I worked with child abused in a therapeutic setting in the French health system, first at Paris and suburbs(psychiatry). I worked at ARMENTIERES close to the border with BELGIUM : I had a position in a school for kids with ADHD. I worked with Autistic kids in French Guyana. Unfortunately the health care system in France is very close minded and not ready to implement alternative medicine such as Yoga, mindfulness meditation, Snoozelen therapy from Holland (some places but not that much), etc…. If you GERT or Stig you have experience with patients, please give us your feedback!!! For the general public, people are very far away from Freediving championships. It’s for Elite people! When I shown to people the video of my last dive with scuba surrounded by Bull Sharks and my last Freediving session in the Caribbean they thought it’s not for them: too dangerous, too extreme. They admire us because we are brave enough to go underwater with predators !!! I love Freediving, I love the ocean… But I am always looking for solutions for daily life and normal people. Not super humans!!! Lot of people here in Panama City where I live now do not know how to swim!!! My purpose is to help people with bodywork and physical education. I have many certifications in Yoga, Pilates, fitness, different countries. I am a massage therapist trained at Toronto, Canada. I teach fitness and yoga classes. I combine breathwork at the end of a workout. I noticed the benefits for my clients because they already hyperventilated during the squats/abs/upper body exercises. Then, stretching (asanas) to calm down and finally breathwork laydown on the mat. So far I have a very positive feedback because people in the gym are not interested by Yoga (too slow, they want to move). I didn’t complete a PhD because I did not find the program going toward my research. I had a dive at the Bat Islands in Costa Rica few weeks ago with a woman doing research at Stanford University California. She works on sleeping desorders. We talked about MODAFINIL and other molecules (very helpful for mental focus and clarity) but she only drives herself up on caffeine! I traveled all across North and South Americas to look after the Natives ancestral medicine such as Ayahuasca : DMT experiences. Ayahuasca and other forms of DMT are the remedy for cocaine addiction. DMT is the last frontier. When you understand that your spiritual being is unlimited and your soul is eternal, then the fear of death disappears. Holding your breath longer to go beyond the limitations of the mind is one way. They are many. What your guest is talking about, this blissful experience when time vanish and the mind stop, in India it’s called NIRVANA (Buddhist) or SAMADHI (Indhu). The end of suffering. This is what we need as a human species. I had the chance to experience Samadhi in Brazil, Peru, India… More and more people have access to it and it’s beautiful!!! We can do better to help humanity to raise from the suffering and mental slavery we are living in on Earth. Freediving is basically YOGA. We have now all the tools and knowledge to cure addiction, depression, end wars based on materialism l, greed and jealousy because there is enough for everyone on Earth. Find peace and harmony in this world, this is the end game. United, together, respecting Mother Nature, loving ocean, loving the Universe, free in every breath!❤
ОтветитьSo precious information!! Thanks for the video!!I am wondering what he would recommend when beeing pregnant. Not to hold the breath at all or to do a short breath hold frequently while training Pranayama would be fine.
ОтветитьWhat a great conversation, it's factual, inspirational - and breathwork gold! Thank you Gert & Stig for bringing this transformational work alive! 🫁
Ответитьthanks for the video it was amazing
ОтветитьHolding your breath as long as you think you can (!), then INcreasing the breathholdtime and at the same time DEcrease the recoverytime. 😂 This is probably the hardest table i have ever heard of! Later in the Video he advices not to be so hard to yourself and not burn yourself out. ??????????
Same thing with safety. First squatting on FRC with the viewer on screen and AFTERWARDS saying you shouldn't do it on hard underground or not at all. Safety first please!
He says the divereflex is inherent in every human being. At the same time he talks about superhuman abilities and pushing your limits. ??????
By the way if you think that it's about being superhuman or doing anything spectacular, then you are on the best way to a hypoxic event! In this video Stig himself described the sambas where his approach lead to.
If you feel entertained by Stig try out his book. He talks much about what HE can do and supports this with epic sounding yogic wisdom. Not much of it is safe or scientific or works.
Practice many recreational dives in the buddy system, with high volume, moderat intensity and ignoren the numbers.
Read page 15 in Eric Fattahs book 'Holistic Freediving'. He did a small casestudy on that.
The ebook is for free.
Gert has also great content about this topic here on his channel: no-contraction tables for example or light o2 tables with some contractions.
I agree with Stigs advice on positive mindset during the breathhold and entering a flow state.
Kind regards and dive safe ;)
Hi Gerd, I’d like to comment on something that may be relevant for beginners. At 50min you mentioned that beginners are not going to blackout because of the high level of CO2. This statement is not true for a few reasons. Beginners often hyperventilate, which can increase the risk of blacking out by up to 50%. Additionally, if they are determined to impress their audience (such as teenagers) and push themselves too hard by swimming underwater too fast or too far, they are at risk of blacking out. It’s important to note that even though there may be a strong urge to breathe, some individuals might be mentally strong enough to push themselves too far, leading to a blackout.
Just wanted to point this out to ensure a clearer understanding of the risks involved.
Fantastic!! Thank's!!!
ОтветитьThank you for such a wealth of useful information!❤
ОтветитьMy thoughts: CO2 helps us with oxygen distribution and so we want to avoid hyperventilation to maintain certain level of CO2 during dives as it extends the dive time. But with higher level of CO2 we have to go through more and stronger contractions during the dive. I already experienced small lung squeeze as a consequence of having contractions too deep - during very deep hangs (contractions became major contributor to lung squeeze in such situation). Therefore my idea was to find a "professional level" of mild hyperventilation which would not have big negative impact on dive length, but would delay contractions, reducing involvement of this contributor to squeeze and consequently the risk of squeeze itself (for example having contractions the last 40m instead of the last 70m of 80 deep dive). So all that "We wanna dive with higher level of CO2" world makes sense, but not when someone is prone to squeeze, trying to avoid CO2 contractions at depth.... Any thoughts on that?
ОтветитьInteresting that at 20 min in he did not mention that the extended breath hold builds up you co2 again and increases your c02 tolerance , I wake up with a 43-44 Bolt score and do not practice Oxygen advantage stye , but the exact opposite .
ОтветитьOh thank you so much for this video. it helped me a lot. than you again.
Ответить23rd minute: the Bohr effect becomes poor, the oxygen is stuck in hemoglobin, the H+ ions don't trigger the 02 departing into the tissue, therefore partial Oxygen pressure in the tissue drops and so does in the brain and bham-you black-out.
ОтветитьTo sum up what I understood: you would suggest to focus more one mental strategies, a good breath up and getting into the zone rather than doing co2 tables?
ОтветитьThis was enlightening
ОтветитьWhat could be possible things that make me get contractions on way down after 10 meteres🥲
ОтветитьI'm trying this to maybe get to where eating doesn't leave me short of breath. My lungs are compromised and they can't be fixed but if I can learn to tolerate more CO2 that will both improve my oxygenation and my quality of life. Hopefully. I really don't have anything to lose by trying.
ОтветитьWhen I get to the air hunger portion and start the contraction phase there is soooo much fear. Does this get easier? Mantras, Visualization, Meditation helpful?