Dark Web: How Pedophiles use the Dark Web to build a Community

Dark Web: How Pedophiles use the Dark Web to build a Community

DW Shift

3 года назад

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RASAAH 𐤓𐤎𐤀 - 09.06.2022 10:47

It’s not just children being stalked and targeted it’s women as well. I believe there is a community of men who share private images of women along work their contact information.

House Of Oddity
House Of Oddity - 03.06.2022 00:35

The stats for this are horrifying. These people are wretched and evil!

Nehemiah Roe
Nehemiah Roe - 24.05.2022 08:44

This is so sad man not only are you torturing a child but you are traumatizing them and being molested at a young age like that can cause a child to grow up and think that it’s ok to do the same thing and just creates more. I’ve never understood what child pornography was until just now. My mind has always saw it as a couple of teenagers having sex or something but I did not know it was a sick and dark as this. Even just commenting on this makes me feel weird. I was sexually assaulted at a young age by my own family member for I think weeks I don’t know how long it went on but it has developed a mean and nasty curiosity for things. Not like this but insest (I hope I spelled that right) and rape. Not on minors but just take in general. If you ask me what all I’ve looked up oh buddy it’s like reading a bible. But I have never in my life thought about hurting a child like that nor ever developed a sexual sense for them. If I were traumatize a child and ruin their life like how mine was. I wouldn’t even let the cops touch to take me to jail I would put a bullet in the side of my head. Now before you guys judge I want to introduce myself to everyone. Hello my name is Nehemiah Roe I am a 19 year old kid from Jackson Ohio, I like to play guitar and sing and enjoy being around my family. That’s all for now I’ll talk about myself more later. But here’s where I’m get tying at. Me being a 19 year old kid with a dark sense of humor and trauma from from sexual assault I developed a curiosity to see what child porn was. Now I know what you’re thinking. I’m some sort of monster but no. That is not the case at all. I mean I have looked up some weird videos on pornhub but that is legal. Even being this weird about it I’ve been trying to get help on healing from this disgusting behavior. I’ve never once had a sexual list towards a child nor will I ever. However I did look up child pornography but not because I’m interested in it and I would never ever ever go to the dark web for some shit like this. The only reason I had a curiosity to look it up is because, and keep in mind I would never to anything like that to a child ever, like that shit makes me wanna throw up and it’s so sad and I hope the cops bust every single one of them. But the only reason I even thought to look it up is because I’ve heard my friends joke about child pornography and me being well I was 18 at the time but still legally an adult, but me being the curios bird I am I looked it up because I didn’t know what I would come across I expected to be two teenagers around my age at the above the age of consent having sex or something, or half naked pictures around school girls in their bras and underwear or something. I never would’ve imagined this is the dark shit that goes on or I would’ve never even looked it up. Even if it was just out of curiosity I never even would’ve looked it up. But all I did was search it. It’s hard to get that stuff and I am never going out of my way to look at a poor innocent child that has been tortured because why dude? Why do they have to go through this? It’s so heartbreaking. (Sorry this is a long comment guys lol here’s some popcorn 🍿) even tho I want nothing to do with sexual child abuse nor would I ever kill an innocent kids childhood like that, I still searched it. And now it makes me feel like such a monster and I will never be able to forgive myself for it and side note, I only looked it up because I didn’t have any friends where I lived because I was new to the state so I looked up a lot of random stuff I couldn’t even tell you what all I’ve looked up. I have not at all viewed anything like that and at the age of 18 I didn’t even get myself into any relationships or anything with people at the age of consent. Now that I’m 19 I’ve grew a little more strict about it. Now I don’t date anyone under the age of 18. But this what is going on in this video is just flat the fuck out disgusting. They deserve prison for life for this. And like I said earlier I would never put my hands on not only a child but not on anyone in that sort of manner. However I did have a really disturbing sex drive with insest and rape but obviously I’ve never felt that way about my own family but even if I did that would be legal as long as you’re over the age of 18. And I also said early I’m trying to find help for it because I don’t want it to go any further and ever since I’ve moved back from the town I was at in Carlsbad New Mexico I really feel like I’ve been getting better because in New Mexico first of all I had just turned 18 if I was even 18 I actually can’t remember how old I was but I’m pretty sure it was 18 but I was also bored all the time and had a phone in my hand and a PlayStation beside me so it was google and games for the win lol. But ever since I came back I’ve been so busy to even have enough time to watch porn at all and it has really helped me settle down with it and I can already feel like I’m getting better. I still want to revive treatment for all of it no matter what genre of porn I looked up because I don’t wanna be addicted to porn at all like in general. I hope they catch every single one of these monsters and I hope I revive the right treatment I need. This is really hard for me to talk about to the public but I just put my opinion out there even tho it don’t matter. You guys can follow me on tik tok if you’d like (Sir.Mr.Guy) I’ll follow back. But if you read this all I am terribly sorry and I hope you have a good day!!!!

Brad Sutherland
Brad Sutherland - 21.05.2022 15:34

Is there any way to catch them on the dark net? I know how the whole onion router works going through 6 servers or what ever. But is there any way to track them? Or do you have to bait them etc?

Anshu - 15.05.2022 23:12

Dislikes? Wtf!?

Jessica Moore
Jessica Moore - 02.05.2022 23:57

All I can say is that there is a special place in hell for those people


Death penalty for all these degens

SlimeWrld - 30.04.2022 11:15

I always wonder where the bots on my Snapchat be getting the Cp they be trying to sell me💀😭

LiteraryAlias - 29.04.2022 05:18

What is he looking at the whole time, this is weird.

EyFmS - 09.04.2022 08:51

I'm sorry but..people like this should be publicly executed.

Dio - 24.03.2022 05:50

Me and my friends wanted to see some scary stuff during a sleep over and saw this and couldn’t go to bed after

juicy niggalips
juicy niggalips - 23.03.2022 23:36

dear my fbi agent im just curious dont come after me

שלומי וינר
שלומי וינר - 25.02.2022 04:47

Wtf. Thats is horrofing.
Why is no one stopping them

Kacram - 24.02.2022 11:52

The porn isn’t the main issue, the children getting raped and tortured should be the main focus. I’d gladly give up the privacy of my search history to the police it that meant they could get these babies to safety. I couldn’t imagine this happening to my child. I hate to think that this does happen to thousands of other children. My heart truly breaks for them. How does God let this happen and how are we not supposed to question that when it is literally the worst thing I can possibly imagine?!

goober - 22.02.2022 16:12

Bro There are tons of sites on Google that post content like this and none of them are shutting down. Google is very reckless

ezyreap - 20.02.2022 18:39

pretty sick monsters

Alma Madrigal
Alma Madrigal - 17.02.2022 08:28

I love these kind of video from onion.

FIGHTFANNERD - 03.02.2022 12:17

what is wrong with these people

do they feel no shame?

abdul malik
abdul malik - 24.01.2022 23:16

What about sites that links to other sites? It’s on google and doesn’t really qualify as darknet or deepweb, it has like 50 links that bring it back to the same website.

Subodh - 09.01.2022 22:21

500 TB of data only of child porn, oh man humans can really become monster 😭

thomas - 08.12.2021 00:19

death sentence for pedophiles

Dhiman Sarkar
Dhiman Sarkar - 28.11.2021 12:49

From Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩

Phil Marotta
Phil Marotta - 26.11.2021 15:01

Lets start paying hackers to take down these disgusting individuals. Ugh horrific.

Phil Marotta
Phil Marotta - 26.11.2021 14:55

This is indescribably frightening

Völker wanderung
Völker wanderung - 19.11.2021 10:06

Hope these fuckers get a good kicking in jail

Fakey - 12.11.2021 06:18

This was fucked up

Cat Clelland
Cat Clelland - 10.11.2021 09:18

So…not everyone that’s into child sexual abuse can be an IT expert. How do all these sick twisted ppl figure out how to navigate the dark web?

Shivasurya G
Shivasurya G - 05.11.2021 09:25

America's waste.......
Google company waste.......
America Could not be prevented

Tulang Naga
Tulang Naga - 30.10.2021 11:53

so many ordinary in browser zoofilia videos and it's not bothered, what's up?

Singh Bhai
Singh Bhai - 28.10.2021 21:13

Thanos Is Actually Hero

gabrielgreenboy57 - 13.10.2021 02:22


Go Aa
Go Aa - 12.10.2021 01:52


Dwayne Wilkins
Dwayne Wilkins - 05.10.2021 04:03

This is a shitty world we live in smh

AK Bollywood Mashup
AK Bollywood Mashup - 03.10.2021 19:58

How can we watch this type of video?

narrow road traveler
narrow road traveler - 01.10.2021 14:04

There gross ugh

BradSoonToBeChad - 23.09.2021 01:23

You don’t even need to be on the dark web to see some real horrible stuff happen to kids there are these links I wouldn’t trust them but went on the site before it’s not normal

Sylvester Suping
Sylvester Suping - 22.09.2021 22:52

This workd is sick!!

Astrix3 - 18.09.2021 18:36

As soon as you go on the deep web you are getting into something stripping back to the dark web you have someone looking for you and it doesn’t matter who it is that’s why if you have a webcam I’d cover it if your browsing it’s just a proxy chain it crashes and vpns are false senses of security it’s the internet your never safe even on google

Pavel Kolesnik
Pavel Kolesnik - 12.09.2021 11:20

I am not a child, but I am scared

peepee poopoo
peepee poopoo - 04.09.2021 04:21

500 terabytes...... divided by jpegs. mostly around lets say 1mb - 5 mb . over 100 - 500 MILION jpegs. this made me tear up and i feel horrible

Zillifer - 24.08.2021 05:34

This is disgusting

bboystream3 - 23.08.2021 20:29

Damn that’s crazy.

Akh MunRaa
Akh MunRaa - 27.07.2021 14:44

Having rights as a human Being, is definitely the ideology of democracy, but, it's getting darker day by day, because they abused their rights.
Eg: The Mass shooting epidemic in America is not going to stop, anytime soon. You agree with mr i hope.
Shotguns are the ideal weapon to defend against Home Invasion
At some point, we need a little bit of China, Russia & N.Korea.
I stated china, russia, n.korea (btw these 3 are Regarding Donald as "the useful idiot")because , Americans have enjoyed freedom for so long that, they even took ivermectin to counter the virus, saying, i have a total control of what i feed my body. LOL

yeah, ok
yeah, ok - 22.07.2021 22:25

Removing privacy laws will add more problems to the already existing problem

Angel morales
Angel morales - 13.07.2021 02:43

People who watch this is messed up and should go to hell

Hmm yanis
Hmm yanis - 09.07.2021 17:19


cvwwe123 - 30.06.2021 09:58

This is sick(disgusting)

tecrubio - 28.06.2021 15:59

Please let me fight some of this children abusers in unarmed single combat
