In season 9, American Ninja Warrior follows hundreds of competitors as they test their skills on new obstacles in an attempt to join Isaac Caldiero as just the second person ever to win the $1 million grand prize.
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The action-packed series follows competitors as they tackle a series of challenging obstacle courses in both city qualifying and city finals rounds across the country. Those that successfully complete the finals course in their designated region move on to the national finals round in Las Vegas, where they face a stunning four-stage course modeled after the famed Mt. Midoriyama course in Japan. The winner takes home a grand prize of $1 million. American Ninja Warrior enjoyed an unbelievable seventh season, which saw its first ever $1 million grand prize winner when Isaac Caldiero conquered Stage 4 of Mt. Midoriyama in 26.14 seconds.
Joe Moravsky at the Las Vegas National Finals: Stage 2 - American Ninja Warrior 2017