Yep. They are attractive. I own a Sting. It's not my daily carry. All I can suggest is paracord. Good luck.
Hello from San Diego California.
Is clinch pick risky because it does not have a guard?
ОтветитьThank you for the tip.
ОтветитьI have a 7.5" tanto blade Ka-Bar...with serrations. Not for EDC, but it does go with me on camping trips.
ОтветитьExcellent video. I naturally gravitated to knives that have finger grooves for a better grip. But never under estimate the lethality of even simple folder if one needs to defend with an EDC. A number a years ago in Portland OR, a crazy guy kilt two others on a rail station and cut up another pretty bad as they fought with him. Saw only the first part of the video where he is getting out of his seat to confront the guys. I could see he had a folder on him. Easily a 3+ inch blade from the size of it.
ОтветитьHaving worked in Corrections , and doing Self-defense ( actually Self Preservation ) for a number of years , I'll have to slightly disagree. Working in the Prisons and from personal experience , I've seen professionally and non professionally made blades w out guards work effectively w out self inflicted injuries.
ОтветитьBuck auto 112 finger groves and 110 my EDC buck best warranty usa.. and HRC Smith & Wesson double edged great value too .
ОтветитьOponell knife, to me it was just a fancy kitchen knife, gave it away. it i was not a solid knife, you had to flip it open, :-))) Aah, well, you try sometimes, something, you know? LOL
ОтветитьGreat advice man. I’ve carried firearms for many years. Always carried a folder and debated recently on a fixed blade. Double edged knives are legal where I am. Was thinking about getting a fixed push dagger like the benchmade version with the ring. Any thoughts?
ОтветитьThank you for making this. So many people are caught on the "shiny treasure" vibe instead of genuine functionality of the blade itself. Most knifes just look stupid and goofy and cheap now... In my country most knives are banned and anything considered "hidden" which includes folding knifes is illegal -.- absolute baby state
ОтветитьI have the SWHRT9B. Its a 5" blade. Little over $50 CDN. Got the hole for a loop of strong rope. Put the loop over your wrist and it's harder for somebody to take it from you. Saw it on a movie lol.
Ответитьgreat piont !
ОтветитьI agree these all suck for defense. Much moreso for utility
ОтветитьKnife laws... Over 50% of the states in the U.S. now are Constitutional Carry.
Speak up loudly to your elected representatives... The Second Amendment is, "The Right to keep and bear Arms..."
It's all arms, folks, not just firearms.
Daggers are illegal here in Ohio, I had to check that out. Outside of my karambits,none are like those 3.
ОтветитьSgian dhu and pukko are two classic self defense knives that lack handguards.
ОтветитьMy sting has leg straps with sheath more of a boot knive
Ответитьwhat would u recomend to mount on a tactical vest as a "oh shit" back up?
ОтветитьYes, a fighting knife has more options for using advanced grips. And l agree with you. I prefer a small to medium double guard on my fighting knife.
But some collectors prefer No or very limeted guard because of more concealment options ,guards can get hung up when presenting/drawing and when using.
Yes a guard less knife is an accident waiting to happen ,but some feel the benefits outweigh the risk of damaging your hand or even worse cutting your trigger finger.
I used to love the tough look of a sub hilt till one day l realized using a sub hilt is a good way to damage your trigger finger. A single fingergroove style sub hilt will save your finger from damage. The ones that extend down from the handle are a trap for your index finger.
I play a little guitar and have quick middle finger action with vibrato.🖕get it😃. Good advice on the double guard fighting knife. My preference also.👍🗽🇺🇸
I agree, i don't buy a survival/Utility knife unless it has at least a guard on the front part. On the back it doest matter to me, if it has a full cross guard fine, if it only has the guard in front like the SRK, that's fine too. That S&W and Cold Steel Counter Tac was a perfect example of a good cross guard for your hand, plus that Counter Tac blade shape leaves a gnarly Big puncture. Bigger than most of that size. There's videos on it. Good topic. 🙏🗡💥
ОтветитьLong ago I "used" a military Puukko and a Buck 110 . As with any tool you have to know what you are doing.
Today for legal reasons I Edc a Spyderco UKPK slip joint. I train with an old one. I don't feel "under knifed".
as to your question, what knife that I got worries me, is the cold steel espada xl, a really big folding knife.
It has a lot looking for it, but it seems to me that one little mistake deploying this knife and you can easily cut your fingers off.
SOG pentagon fx Covert is like one of the best out there that i could find. I actually looked closely at the leatherneck before i found the sog.
ОтветитьGod bless you, today, my GOOD “big brother”!! 🙏❤️✝️🇺🇸(🇮🇱)⚔️….🥰
ОтветитьReal talk!!! Benchmade fact . Not safe brother. Great content.
ОтветитьFinally, somebody said it these knives are dangerous and I might have a couple laying around. I prefer I hand guard a double hand guard you are absolutely correct and thank you for saying it.
ОтветитьCarried a sting , for years as a throwing dart. Always Carried a combat knife, still do. Don't know the statute in my state, don't care. Better judged by twelve than carried by 6.😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI just ordered a couple of blades from BudK, I will give you an update.
Ответитьi have butcher and kitchen knives for slicing and daggers for well poking things only and a axe or hawk for battoning or splitting wood
ОтветитьPlease talk about Bucks 440C
ОтветитьSound advice
ОтветитьA knife without a guard is for camping with ,not for self protection,the moment you have to stab you’ll realise this
ОтветитьAgreed. I have that very same Smith you showed, as well as a Gerber MK II.
Both are combat (tactical) blades, the Smith is very good, the MKII is one of the BEST I’ve ever seen!
Good PSA my man. Very pragmatic
ОтветитьMy father's bible was kepharts book. He was a buschcrafter before they coined the term. When I was a kid i bought a Cold Steel tanto. He took one look at it and in his mind it became "his". Took it in camping trips, if i wanted to use it i had to get it out of his backpack 😂. Finally i asked him why he loved 😍 it so much? He answered right away. The blade shape is "perfect". Perfect for scraping the frying pan 🍳, getting under the bacon 🥓 and eggs like a spatula. He never gave that knife up, years and years that was his ideal camping knife.
ОтветитьI have a otf knife and if doesn't have a guard also. Maybe it's not good for selfdefense.
ОтветитьI think the one on the left is more of a throwing knife.
ОтветитьYou're holding the Sting wrong.
ОтветитьJim Bowie himself may never have used a knife with a guard . He may have only have used a knife with the exception of the sandbar fight for common purpose .
ОтветитьGreat advice. A guard is one of the first things I look for on a combat knife. The blade is important, of course, but do not ignore the importance of the guard, grip handle, and sheath that you deploy the knife from. In my truck I keep a TOPS Operator 7 and a TOPS Sky Marshall Tanto. Both fixed blades that vary in size and ability to conceal. Both are chunky monkeys that deliver impact. It's also good to keep pepper spray and a strong flashlight so you can blind your adversary.
ОтветитьSmart! Good to see safety addresses safety so explicitly
ОтветитьNgl I was really wanting to get the shrill prior to this video. But if I were to get it it certainly wouldn't be my go to self defense blade.
ОтветитьThe Glock field knife is a cheap alternative for self defence 😊
ОтветитьEvery knife I have empt my KBar & my 2 boot knives.. if it comes down to it. And all have is folding pocket knife. Any knife is better then no knife at all..
ОтветитьI like the looks of a lot of the “Japanese” style knives, or at least they have Japanese names ( : , but many have no hand protection of any kind, even though they are obviously made for defense. A few CRKT’s come to mind. Love the look, but they stay in the drawer. We get cut sometimes when we’re just fiddling with or sharpening knives. Imagine using a forward thrust with the force necessary to save your life. On a different note, I am a leathercrafter and I hate to make sheaths for knives with guards! So many more options if there is no guard in the way haha. If I get a new knife for myself with a guard, it stays in the kydex ( :
ОтветитьGood video most people who use a knife get cut by their own knife because their hand slipped up the knife as they were using it no hand guard good video also you can cut yourself just using a knife if your hand is that sweaty & no hand guard
ОтветитьThat Smith and Wesson HRT is what I carry in my boot...I'm happy that you approve. How do you feel about the KaBar made "Spartan Harsey Fighter"...? The Buck Tops Nighthawk 650 and the 655..?
ОтветитьHonestly, a knife is the wrong tool for self defense to begin with...doesnt immidiately stop the attacker (therefore they are still a threat to you) and if they happen to be unarmed and die from your "self defense" stabbing, you now have a malice murder charge on your hands
ОтветитьThe argument I was giving was 1. Samurai’s didn’t have guards on their small daggers. 2. They have a special technique to rest the handle on the palm and stab. ( try this and feel how unsecured the knife is someone could litterally slap it out of your hand lol. The 3. Reason was deep finger Choils and guards get stuck on clothing. I have a blade with a big ol guard I put it iwb, in the pocket, scout in ever position I could think of with my normal clothing never got caught once ever 😂
ОтветитьAmazing I just got kicked out of a online form for suggesting finger protection