The Trowel - Necessary or Nonsense?

The Trowel - Necessary or Nonsense?

Darwin onthetrail

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baze - 11.08.2023 02:16

It's one of those things that you don't actually need but if it can serve also some other purpose, like as you say, to double as a tent stake I say why not. Though the question is, why not just use one of your tent stakes.

D - 24.07.2023 15:16

It depends on the terrain.

danny nimmo
danny nimmo - 27.01.2023 22:07

I think Darwin got too much crap, lol for not carrying one of those. Hey Darwin, I understand, I know you weren't doing anything wrong. There are just so many bitter people in the world that just need something to bellyache about. Your video's, by far, have been more beneficial and have promoted good hiker ethic. The shovel subject is purely based on opinion and no matter what you say, someone who's gonna leave their crap on the ground, If they are that discussing and inconsiderate, those type of people are just going to be who they are regardless of an opinion or suggestion of what might work for you on the trail. You never influenced anyone to be a piece of crap. Its another liberal bellyaching about some democrat that left a turd on the ground and they want to blame you, you must be conservative... I'll stop I've had a couple drinks my jokes aren't funny. My point is heartfelt though, you have only been helpful, and I do believe mostly liberals always play the blame game, You can do no right by them. Most of us here like you

Glen Roberts
Glen Roberts - 07.01.2023 18:21

If your sent deep beyond enemy lines there's no way you would take a troul when we join forces with the leprechauns and banshee the woodland folk armed with fairy dust the bogarts mostly toes and sasquach potion behing our only chance against the shape shifting lizard cabal of intergalactic terrorist groups

Scott Gibson
Scott Gibson - 14.09.2022 15:37

I have carried one but to be honest never used it. I live in New England and digging with a stick or hiking pole has always served me well. Plus there are a lot of privy’s in the Whites and Long Trail in Vermont. I plan on hiking the Colorado trail next year and I am sure I will use it. No I am not carrying out my TP.

totoroben - 11.09.2022 16:02

The boy scout motto is "be prepared" and if you're not carrying a trowel, you're not prepared.

Pete - 04.09.2022 14:47

What's goofy about the plastic orange one? The fact that is cheap?

olumsezbey - 01.09.2022 22:26

A multi use like the “dig dig” in my opinion is best.

Vonzell Charlton
Vonzell Charlton - 29.08.2022 17:23

Just picked up that exact trowel at a store that just dumps return/overstock items to sort through. New stuff on Monday @ $8/item each day goes down to Friday @ $3. I picked it up new for $3. I don't think anyone knew what it was or how much it cost

JazzFan74 - 23.08.2022 07:13


P F - 23.08.2022 00:47

I just got one and yes the Deuce is the best to carry for me. I thank you for teaching others, the proper way of covering their poop.

W Y - 01.08.2022 06:56

Definitely useful and piece of convenience with these modern Ti trowels.

I Don't Know
I Don't Know - 19.07.2022 06:59

In my neck of the woods, you're not going to be able to dig a six inch hole with a trekking pole or a stick.

Love gun
Love gun - 08.04.2022 10:08

I thought you were a professional Darwin

Darwin Lee Whitman
Darwin Lee Whitman - 04.04.2022 17:14

Thank you, Darwin (by the way, my name is Darwin also). One of the benefits of the trowel is to know you are digging deep enough (I believe the one you showed is 8 inches tall, which is definitely within range). Probably most people don't dig deep enough, when guessing, and this tool will help visualize the actual depth needed. Keep up the good work.

TheRealPontificator - 06.03.2022 17:57

It's damn near inconceivable to me that anyone with the motivation to get out and thru-hike would crap on the ground and walk off...that there would be almost uniform respect for the environment. Then again, I'm a boomer so what do I know? I know not to do that.

Tiddybearkush - 30.01.2022 17:44

This channel should set this comment at top for everyone that ask the same question for everyone to see.

The reason you should bury your poop and toeltpaper is because the decompose workers that is microbial organisms in the soil can't get to your waste if it's on the ground just covers with leafs, sticks or stone.
Human waste left on the ground will stay there for over a year while if you bury it it will be gone in two weeks.

Mark Fletcher
Mark Fletcher - 30.01.2022 03:28

Trowel - Necessary. I don’t want to use my trekking poles or a stick.

Bruno Berroche
Bruno Berroche - 19.01.2022 13:23

Very good to show people how important it is to leave no trace. And why not skipping toilet paper altogether like i always did in Africa

ColumbiaRiver PussyCat
ColumbiaRiver PussyCat - 16.01.2022 00:11

I've been pooping right in the middle of the trail on the PCT since 1982. No one's ever caught the PCT pooper! Try and catch me this season!

Jon Riordan
Jon Riordan - 09.01.2022 17:45

I intended to carve digging sticks whenever I had to go on the A.T. in 17'. I'm so happy my brother forced a trowel on me before heading out, there was no way I'd have time to make a tool to dig the hole before nature called.

Travis Tramps Continental Divide Trail
Travis Tramps Continental Divide Trail - 09.12.2021 05:58

I have a d of spades trowel. BUT the only way I found to consistently dig a proper hole was when one day in a hurry I grabbed my ice axe and ran off into the woods at a fast rate of speed. AND i found that that ice axe was fabulous for digging cat holes. So much so that I hung onto it to the end of the hike though I had previously planned on sending it home. Now I am planning a start of the CDT and have been thinking of taking an ice axe from day one. I can just see what this will cause! Haw haw! Maybe there is a small pick … of titanium ??…..!!??? 🤓 I was just looking and there are hatchets that weigh only 16.1 oz. Cost is reasonable. Oh well, I’ll join in the crusade but I feel as long as people are poopers this problem will be around.

Last point I’ll make-I admit when I waited too long to dig a cathole and found the ground like “iron” where my little titanium trowel would not, could not dent I ended up piling a rock(s) on top. As I said earlier, the axe took care of business.

Giffy - 05.12.2021 01:16

I like it as a tool to encourage leave no trace. I just hiked part of the AT and was very pleased to see almost no trash. People are definitely doing their part. I'll wield my trowel with pride.

Daniel Reed
Daniel Reed - 26.11.2021 04:00

"only 20 bucks"

Johnny Lane Gibson
Johnny Lane Gibson - 09.10.2021 01:24

...or just use a stick.

Péter Zebot
Péter Zebot - 07.10.2021 19:42

What happens when the ground is frozen? Is that pissy little trowel gonna cut it?

J B - 23.09.2021 02:38

I try to go beyond Leave no Trace and Stealth Camp whenever possible. Also, other than the aforementioned pooped possibilities, I also carry a trash bag and try to fill it up with trail trash as I hike. And Yes, I carry a trowel when backpacking, and a shovel when car camping...

Eman - 05.09.2021 09:29

Not necessary but if you don't use it signal hole that's all that matters.

Granite-Head Gold
Granite-Head Gold - 04.09.2021 21:40

As I was watching this video the mailman delivered my new QiWiz Big Dig... I'm "diggin" it so far!
I'm seriously not joking, despite the pun.

DeLaGrimm - 30.08.2021 06:44

Going on my first backpacking trip soon. I'll be sure to bring one of these. Thanks!

Jezebelle Little
Jezebelle Little - 25.08.2021 02:59

I would rather carry .6oz of trowel, and be able to dig a proper hole quickly & efficiently, than have to search for a sturdy stick or use a trekking pole in a feeble attempt to dig a big enough/deep enough hole. There is no way you can tell me hunting for a stick or using a trekking pole is the easier way to poop. Some y’all ultralight edgelords need a poop reality check.

Romererun A mErika
Romererun A mErika - 22.08.2021 17:16

duece 1 and small bidet (on amazon) problem solved no toilet paper needed saves weight

Kelly Davis
Kelly Davis - 17.08.2021 04:55

I can dig my hole six inches down
I can bury my deuce in the ground
I can pack my wipes back into town
I can be a good steward for all around

Diane Walker
Diane Walker - 09.08.2021 11:48

I think the effort of packing and carrying a poop trowel instills the leave no trace philosophy. Most humans are disgusting, lazy creatures, who have no qualms about leaving nature as a toxic waste dump for others.

Dennis McKee
Dennis McKee - 20.07.2021 00:22

It is also useful for digging a Dakota Fire Hole, or burying coals from a small fire.

Jake Walters
Jake Walters - 15.07.2021 23:39

I’m done with trowels, they don’t work well on tough ground and when you gotta, you gotta go.. we started using an MSR stake hammer to dig our holes quickly. It’s heavy but have never looked back at wilderness poops.

Függ Öff
Függ Öff - 12.07.2021 20:10

Place the stones close together in a locking pattern. Once the base is in place, add the second layer of stones. Place the layer so the edges of the stones are staggered with the stones of the first layer, similar to building a wall with staggered bricks. This general pattern will make your rock cairn more stable.15.02.2021

Kenny Monty
Kenny Monty - 30.05.2021 06:27

You definitely make good points. I'm on board with leave no trace, of course. And apparently it's maybe even necessary to go a little overboard on the subject so we don't all end up with toilet paper stuck to our shoes.

John Vogel
John Vogel - 25.05.2021 19:11

I think the real solution is that hikers just need to stop pooping.

Benjamin David
Benjamin David - 18.05.2021 16:24

There is a constant ratio of people that will not follow rules. As more people begin the hike more people join the ratio.

Timothy Johansson
Timothy Johansson - 18.05.2021 03:49

Pretty old video by now, but here's my $.02. I've carried a trowel for years for dog and me. Rocky Mountain soil can be some hard digging. You get either rotten packed granite, sunbaked clay, or loam full of aspen and pine roots. A trowel makes the job fast and easy while swiping at mosquitoes. Done and moving again is the way to go

Barbara Roberts
Barbara Roberts - 07.05.2021 20:37

Trowels have other uses. Digging up stuck tent stakes ,,, raking away rocks when setting up a tent ... helping to put out a camp fires or other accidental stove fires. All things that boots used to help with, but trail runners don't do nearly as well.

Mark Alan
Mark Alan - 11.04.2021 23:38

Or make one....

DakotaCovers - 30.03.2021 14:16

Never hiked without one in my life. Most places I have been, the ground was almost too difficult to dig a hole even with a trowel! Love your videos as always.

four-x-trading - 28.03.2021 21:09

It's not just for crap it's also good if your a woman on your period or you want to build a dakota fire pit ...

Brandoify - 12.03.2021 17:41

So those aren’t space aged fish spatulas?

Avery Caudill
Avery Caudill - 12.03.2021 01:13

check out the rei snow stake- 3$ and one ounce, plus it can double as an extra tent stake :)

Kimberly Morales
Kimberly Morales - 11.03.2021 03:35

Yeah, my dog rolled in people poop cause someone did not bury their waste!

TheBodhiknight - 10.03.2021 10:20

Overpriced snow stake? Oh yeah!
but I get it... LNT.
I use sticks. But on frozen ground during winter/early spring I go with a snow stake.
Ground too hard for a hole? I go 150' from camp upwind and cover, pack out TP in Opsack
And What!
I'm the LNT Boss!
