【English Sub】A Little Reunion (2019) - Ep 26 小欢喜 | School, Youth, Family Drama

【English Sub】A Little Reunion (2019) - Ep 26 小欢喜 | School, Youth, Family Drama

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@lizzyvette1529 - 14.03.2023 02:14

What I think is funny is everyone's willing to help other people's children follow their dreams but yet with their own children they have a problem honestly I really hope the mom find someone that single mother I thought maybe she was going to get with the other lady's brother because honestly her ex-husband he doesn't know what the hell he wants because honestly he doesn't make you really wanted to be a new father again or that he's not really engaged to that woman and him using his daughter as an excuse like yeah he must feel bad for you no abandoning them because even though you get divorced you don't have to stay away from your child is because he chose to stay away all those years and now he's coming back and I kind of understand for the practice I helped my parents raise my knee nice and whenever my sister would want she would come back into her daughter's life but then when she would meet a new guy or be interested in something else all of a sudden she would take off and leave my niece with a feeling of am I not good enough or am I not enough for her and it's hard for the person that has to watch that you know what I mean or they say oh yeah we're going to spend time with thunder on the phone the whole time instead of interacting or they you know make them feel like oh you know I really wanted to be there but I had something to do. You don't mind right and it's like okay it was a kid really going to say yeah I do mine but so I understand where that mother is coming from because the thing is kids want to have fun yes Ander stand and you want them to have fun because when they get older there is responsibility but to you can't just give them everything and let them think okay there's no responsibility was no consequences because once they get into the real world then they're not going to know how to handle it because let's just say God forbid something happens to the mother she would be in an ax accident or she would die and that girl had to just depend on her dad and realistically that woman wants her own family yeah she can tolerate his daughter for a while but come on to say I'm not interfering in your guys this time to spend together is like oh yeah you are you guys are in the bedroom and you're trying to make out with him knowing that the daughters not staying the night so it's like you guys have spent other days together but the thing is she's trying to get in there because she keeps telling everyone she's a fiance I don't see a ring on her finger so I think she's kind of forcing it but him too he's playing games because look at it right away he's there calling her because whatever I guess he wants to have sex but the thing is it's like you can't play games with people's feelings I kind of want him to feel his own medicine I hope that she's with him and then let's see if she doesn't take that money and mess with him or mess with someone else and that's what these guys don't realize it's like not to be mean but you're not that attracted like you know you're not attractive you have money and honestly do you have anything really in common I cuz I don't see him at the gym I don't see him doing yoga with her or sharing any of her interest so then what is it that brings her to towards him it's his money so if he would lose his money from here tomorrow which you really stick it out with him

@baldboi7628 - 13.08.2022 00:02

i feel bad for xiao meng. she didn't do anything wrong. the mom is unreasonable. wei dong looks like he doesn't even live his girlfriend. he treats her like shit. idek why he's with her if he doesn't like her presence and is always tryna push her away. she should leave him. i don't blame xiao meng for saying that to ying zi's mom but i don't blame ying zi for getting mad at her either.

@Rin-dr5gh - 14.05.2022 12:11

I feel bad for that girlfriend she hasn’t done anything wrong it’s that toxic household

@CoolDrip-G77 - 21.12.2021 21:53

Omg i find todoriki

@Yuki-nj2df - 21.09.2021 07:32


@isuruthiwanka9448 - 27.03.2021 18:07

Lovvvvvve this..this show how real life be like..how family be like ....

@tiff2615 - 18.01.2021 15:12

Whens theres only 3 comments 👁️👄👁️

@nini916 - 17.12.2020 18:12

its not their first time being parents wheres there daughther????

@okaybuddy6027 - 13.04.2020 10:04

